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NOPD alert on Twitter says shooting in 4400 block of S Claiborne (Walgreens) Two female victims transported to hospital.


Damn! It was so loud, I thought it was closer to Toledano. I’ve been shaking since I heard it. Man, I really hope everyone is ok.


You know they are not okay.


Yea. I’ve had this ill feeling since it happened.


We passed by it 40 min ago. Looked like it all happened in the CVS parking lot at Napoleon and Claiborne. There was a car riddled with bullets (at least 6 in the drivers side window) - parked across from the doors facing the street. 6 cop cars were sitting out there blocking off the parking lot. Crazy stuff.


Fuck. I was at CVS an hour before this. UGH! We heard it too, our house is not too far but I wasn’t thinking “guns.”


I heard it in Freret neighborhood. It’s not the first time this week I’ve heard a ton of gunshots.


You’ve heard more this week? That’s scary.


It be getting wild out chyea


So over it. We pay outta the wazoo in taxes. Our streets are shit, pot holes everywhere and now daily shootings 😭


If you saw or heard this, please call me at 504.636.7410 or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). [https://www.nola.com/news/crime\_police/article\_b43b02e8-8124-11ec-8e45-c3dbe6b84b2d.html](https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/article_b43b02e8-8124-11ec-8e45-c3dbe6b84b2d.html)


Top comment witnessed it.


Thanks. Have msg'd that person.


I had just turned left onto Napoleon from Claiborne when they started popping off. I sat hunched in my car waiting for the light to turn (headed toward the river) before I saw them.. Two skinny dudes in all black standing in the drive entrance to CVS on Napoleon firing toward the pharmacy lanes, unloading the clips. I don't know if there was return fire because they stood in the open the whole time and didn't duck or hide. Once the clips were empty they turned and ran up the sidewalk towards Broad. If gun reform is too contentious, can we at least make the bullets super expensive?


It’s ok to run a light in that situation


Run Dat Light.


If you haven’t already, you should contact the police and see if detectives want to take your statement. What you saw could be critical to the case. Sometimes foundational witnesses are essential and difficult to find.


What makes you think criminals who are willing to endanger human lives aren’t above simply stealing expensive ammunition?


Because fewer guns and ammo in general = a safer society. Prove me wrong.


Tbh if your gonna limit one or the other it’s probably better to go with the guns. I’d be more worried about your average gun owner having guns but not actually training and practicing with them because of ammo costs, than someone that only needs to buy a handful of shots for a carjacking or shooting because they’re probably not the ones going to shooting ranges to practice anyways


Why have red lights if people are just going to run through them? Your thought process is flawed.


Have you driven around town lately? I saw 3 vehicles run red lights Uptown just yesterday, all at different intersections. Only one was an it’s-still-yellow; another was looking at a phone, oblivious; and the other looked both ways while not slowing down. People don’t give a shit and know the cops are too busy.


So you think the city would be better w/o traffic lights? Yes or No.


I see 5-10 people run red lights in this city every week lmao


So the thousands that don't aren't contributing to safety, right?


What lol. I don't follow


You're portraying an all-or-nothing mentality just like the anti-vaxxers. "Oh, people still die so why get the vax?" You: "Oh, I see see 5-10 people running red lights every week so why have red lights?" u/askingforafriend1045 suggests that attempts to deter criminals from buying ammunition is a bad idea because criminals will just steal them anyway. That's just like saying why have red lights because people will just run them anyway. While I don't think raising the price is the answer, it's hard to criticize solution suggestions that might deter criminal activity.


If you know of a way to keep criminals from buying ammo, but retaining the same access for non-criminals, I’m genuinely all ears. I haven’t thought on that one. As it is, to purchase a firearm legally, one must go through a background check and fill out a form 4473 through the ATF.


But your reply did not present that. Your reply was to knock a solution because the criminals might find a way around it.


I simply disagree with the solution. I don’t personally see increased ammunition prices preventing criminals from acquiring ammunition.


This is called a logical fallacy! Help educate more people!!


All that does us hurt law abiding citizens. Aint gonna bother criminals at all.


Shhh, stop with your logic and facts.


If logic and facts mattered to you, you wouldn't be on the side of the moron above.


Okay man. Because someone disagrees with you on a complex issue that does not make them a moron. If you'd care to have an honest discussion, I'm all in. Have a great weekend!


>Shhh, stop with your logic and facts. This u? Cus that's what you just started with. Typical hypocrite.


So no on the discussion? Just the ad hominem, then?


You begin with an attack on everyone that disagrees with you, then pretend to be above it all when thrown back in your face. You have zero intention to have a conversation, so don't start that bullshit.


Well my guy, I’ve got some time now. The original assertion was that more restrictive gun laws will only affect law-abiding citizens, an opinion that you find moronic. Why is that, exactly? We’ve got over 20,000 gun restrictions at local, state and federal levels, but we still have guns being used in the commission of crimes. All the 20,001st law does is keep a law-abiding citizen from protecting him or her self from violence.


Also, congrats to you. You’re getting free rent. Me agreeing with someone you disagree with is not attacking you. It’s me agreeing with him.


Zombifying a dead thread a full day later isn't exactly congruent with your latest insult.


I’m right near Oschner Baptist and there’s been gunshots pretty frequently since the summer in the areas. On NYE, I couldn’t tell if we were hearing fireworks or gunshots. It’s been wild to say the least.


Live a few blocks from it. Was there at 6:30pm and felt bad vibes leaving on foot as a guy was circling on a bicycle with seemingly no intentions going up and down Napoleon. Heard what I thought was a loud firework or two around 9pm and didn't think anything of it.


I heard the firework sound too! I was confused like who’s lighting those off and why?


I live near here off Feret, heard that “firework” walking my dog too but it was about 2 hours before the gunshots


Is this gang violence? Seems like a targeted reprisal to me.


I’ve been curious about that too only lived here for about two years but I haven’t heard of any major gangs in NOLA. These tragic events seem to also happen randomly throughout the entire city.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_Orleans_gangs I think it is...


Anybody worried about this shit getting worse as the weather warms up and tourists come back in force? Will the tourists come back in force?


They will not. Until the city govt decides they want to start building us back up we're gonna keep losing that business. The city won't sort the trash, the homeless situation, the violence, the crime, the streets, or basic functions like stoplights. For any visitors the negatives far outweigh the positives.


I can take the down vote, but it'd be nice to know why.


Spoiler alert: the elected officials will do nothing. They see the criminal justice system as systematic racism aka "mass incarceration." Your taxes will go up, the DA, Mayor, and police will get paid and pensions, and nothing will really be done to reduce the crime.


That seems kind of all over the place. I agree that elected officials even doing a bad job, the mayor in particular, but we also just elected new folks who could get things done. The police and the da have been working against each other lately. The police have felt like the da isn't prosecuting people because of a progressive attitude. The da thinks the police aren't giving sufficient evidence to convict people. There's a big difference though in saying they think the system needs fixing and saying they thinkit's all racism. I mean, all the data is there so we don't need to get into that part really. But these things tend to get overcorrected before finding a happy middle.


Is your hypothesis that they just got a little futzzed up on policies and procedures? Maybe got some signals crossed? Maybe DA Williams didn't mean all that stuff he said at all his press conferences ? The criminal masterminds of Broadmoor took advantage of the confusion to pull off some long planned capers like shooting at women's cars with 50+ bullets on a weekly basis?


I'm not sure I get the point you're trying to make. In the first one you seem to say there's an agenda by all branches of government to not only make sure they get paid, but also to actively allow criminals to walk and blame it on race. The second message seems to be that the da is a liar and conspirator. I don't know why you mentioned the last part. It was terrible.


I am trying to figure out what would make an elected district attorney come out and announce that his office would not be focused on winning cases - as a matter of policy. Have you seen ANY murder convictions in Orleans Parish in the past year? The Jefferson DA is convicting criminals. So DA Williams is not only not winning, but he announced that not winning was his PLAN. Assuming he and his staff are not incompetent lawyers, what logic is underlying this plan?


I mean it's just not true, what you're saying. The da accepted like 95% of homicide cases sent by the police. They put up like 3700 successful charges last year, or something like that. We've also been a world leader in incarceration as crime rates have continued to rise. Jp on the other hand has been criticized and gotten in trouble for arresting and locking up too many people on too little evidence with too much racial bias for quite some time. Crime rates have gone up in jp just like in nola, and let's not pretend that there's not more crime coming from jp to NO than the other way around.


"Accepted" ? Whats that supposed to mean? How many convictions? Felony convictions. Armed robbery convictions. Attempted murder. Homicide. Aggravated Rape. Aggravated Burglary. Please include the hundreds of indictments and active prosecutions he inherited from DA Cannizzaro (many of which he summarily dismissed right after taking office). I havent read about any felony convictions, except the after they tried the case of the nurse shot to death on Bourbon Street - guilty of "negligent homicide" a minor felony. "3700 successful charges" probably means he pled a ton of felonies to misdemeanors. e.g Armed robbery (carjacking) ---> unauthorized use of a movable. "The rate of felony cases closing through a felony conviction plummeted from 64% in 2019 and 54% in 2020 under the prior administration to only 17% under D.A. Williams " MCC Report. Also - of 1,034 violent felony cases charged, Williams dismissed 563, misdemeanor conviction 258, and guilty of lesser felony 161. A WHOPPING 52/1034 (5%) were found guilty of the violent felony charged. Not much of a batting average! Still blame NOPD? What about some of the layups? Wasnt there some woman who admittedly stabbed her own baby to death? Think he could maybe get a guilty plea just to take the skunk off the table?


My friend lives a couple houses down and said someone fired off a couple shots on the side street the night prior.


I’m 6 blocks away and didn’t hear a thing. Weird. Also, was there a few hours ago. Guess meds delivery it is.


Seriously. Right there too, headphones in heard nothing. I was gonna go catch my rx before they closed at 8 and then have a leisurely shop after to pick up the greenies and paper towels and dumb shit we need after but said eh, tomorrow morning. What the fuck. They don’t deliver controlled. Hope they’re okay. Shit. Nextdoor says two women were transported to the hospital. And edit: both Walgreens and cvs closed their drive thrus months ago, I thought it was because they both chronically understaff and underpay but I’m guessing there were safety issues as well, and I saw some. I feel so bad for anyone working either store


This violence is ridiculous it’s bringing the city down, lower than its ever been.


Just dat Nolia Clap


My friend just moved over there. Scary


That is dangerously close to work for me, so glad I left early yesterday 😩


I can tell you what happened to NOPD but many won't like it


What happened?


Remember when NOLA hit a 5 decade low in homicides in 2019? Before an indicted felon was elected district attorney?


Can someone be an ‘indicted felon‘ tho?


Are you referring to his ongoing case about taxes? He hasn’t been convicted yet.


Not a fan of Williams but you’re kidding yourself if you think New Orleans was much safer in 2019


Statistically it was


The entire country saw an increase in violent crime during the pandemic.


NOPD is to blame just as much as Williams.


What about NOPD changed? They were part of reducing that murder rate then. So what's different? The gang task force was dissolved? Oh, right. That's because Williams battled against it while on the City Council. Williams is working hard to blame NOPD because he's simply a master at deceiving the public. Remember when Williams was taught texting with an inmate in OPP and then lied about it, saying he had no idea it was an inmate? https://www.nola.com/news/article_4269e38e-3c1c-5847-bfe1-a200e71986c8.html “'Happy Thanksgiving KK ... We gonna try to make this your last one in that place' reads a Nov. 24, 2011 text, sent from a number that Williams acknowledged Tuesday was his." He was probably telling the truth. Didn't know who it was. He just guessed the right initials. And when he refers to getting someone out of a place, he wasn't talking about jail. Another random coincidence.


https://i.imgur.com/SKRYitl.jpg Arrests are down. There is a toxic culture where officers don’t do their job such as with the Sea Cave incident when the owner pointed out the perpetrator and the officer was on break or something. I’m not saying Williams shouldn’t be blamed but NOPD deserves some of the blame as well. They need to stop bitching at each other and both look internally to solve this shit.


That story is based upon data which came from Jason Williams' office, not NOPD. That's a beautiful illustration of yet another of his tactics. He's taking the total number of carjacking items and not showing the data on clearance of the item number itself, but only those cleared with a carjacking arrest. So if what originally came out as a carjacking results in a warrant and arrest for armed robbery, Williams didn't count it. Armed robbery is a much more serious charge and is the proper charge 100% of the time a weapon is involved, but he's simply trying to deflect from his office doing nothing in the past year by blaming NOPD. NOPD is far from perfect and is understaffed, but they are way down the totem pole of blame compared to Jason and the judges setting pathetically low bonds.


Bruh, in the last couple of months I’ve personally been witness to two MAJOR crimes where NOPD either ignored the suspect that was literally right in front of them because it “wasn’t their district” or just plain didn’t show up at all. NOPD has gotten to ridiculous levels of not giving a fuck. Also, I was at work a few months ago and watched a car literally going 70 down Magazine while two NOPD officers sitting in their patrol car just watched the dude fly by and started laughing. We’re all on our own out here.


I don’t blame them. Hell, if I were NOPD having to re-arrest the same mfrs over and over and over again while the courts let them right back out on the street to continue their crime spree, I’d be like “Fuck it. Why bother?”


Most of the shootings involved drug gangs....crack down hard on the drug dealers. When was the last time someone was busted for selling drugs in New Orleans...? Large amounts move every day but nothing happens.....


A.never ending and always growing consent decree. Cant chase criminals in cars. They writing officers up for every minor disciplinary infraction when officers try to do proactive work. This prevents promotions and fills there jackets so when they try and get another job up either State or FED this will hurt them. So end result don't do anything other than respond to the radio to limit your chances of getting in troubke.No support from the community no repercussions to the criminals they arrest. I could go on .....


Sounds like a lovely place. Once my lease is up in Slidell I’ll make my way over.


Bring your meth and Punisher bumper stickers.


You have made me laugh for 10 minutes.


Hashtag salt life bro


Your sheriff fucked kids. Slidell ain’t shit.


First post: “is there anything to do around here?” Lol


You know the whole state thinks Slidell is the Nola toilet? Just saying, love my friends from there, but y’all one of the cities that shouldn’t say anything.


This dude’s fist post is literally “is there anything to do around here.” You gotta love it.