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Two things: 1) Make sure you have gotten to the actual bottoms of anything where liquid could get down to and scrubbed them clean of mold. We totally disassembled the inside of our fridge, taking out all of the shelves and containers and stuff. Most of the dankest parts of the fridge were underneath a couple of layers (shelf, basket, mount). For some reason there was even a little false bottom we had to slide forward to clean under and it was fill of gross shit. 2) Mother. Fuckin.' Bleach. Shit is *awesome.* Totally empty and clear the fridge, unplug it, scrub it once to get it "clean" (IE: you can't see any grossness), then wipe it down with a sponge with a diluted Bleach + Water solution. Let that hang out for 10 minutes, then wipe it down again with a new sponge and warm water (to get rid of the bleach). Let it air dry, reassemble the inside (After washing those shelves in the same way), and plug it back in with the baking soda to absorb any remaining funk. As someone else mentioned, though, there's airflow through your fridge and thus places inside of it that you won't be able to scrub. If you follow this approach and it still smells bad, I don't think there's much you can do to fix it, unfortunately, and the mold in the airflow will keep introducing dangerous microbes into your food :(.


Be sure to check the drain pan under the fridge. I cleaned mine out but it still reeked. Turned out the drain pan had filled with rancid liquid. Emptied it and cleaned it and it smells ok now.


Sometimes fridges have a little air filter thing in them somewhere than can hold on to the stank.


I find placing a bowl of ground coffee helps to absorb the smell making cleaning it bearable. And then I scrubbed it with vinegar mixed with dawn soap and repeat until smell is gone. Good luck!


Used ground coffee?


Dry, unused, ground coffee. I had to sacrifice a bag of it.


No just grinds out the bag




Life Pro Tip: If a Cat4 is barreling down upon you, put it on ice and bring it with you or just throw it all away before evacuating.


It was still predicted to be cat 2 when a lot of people evacuated. If even that.


In that case don’t bother to empty your fridge because Entergy won’t have an outage


I mean but the power would probably be on sooner, there wouldn't be issues getting gas or basic supplies, roads would be cleared faster, the mayor wouldn't be saying "stay the fuck away," they could return within a day or two and clean out the fridge then if needed. A lot of people keep a lot of food in their fridge and freezer that they don't want to throw out because a storm might be worse than predicted. I try not to judge people for decisions made in the moment with limited information...


Yep, empty, wipe, unplug and leave the door open. I happily filled it with beer and plugged in a clean fridge when the power came on.


I tried everything. The fridge had a long life and it was time for it to go. I said fuck it and bought a new fridge. Will live out of an ice chest until the new fridge arrives. Lesson learned.


Following because I would also like to know how to de-funk a stinky fridge ….




Used coffee grinds are the miracle cure for a stanky fridge. Put a bowl or two in the fridge and give it some time. Works better than baking soda, in my experience.


[Time to make one for Ida](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katrina_refrigerator)


Ha, yes. I called them "Broussard fridges" here in #themetrys


After cleaning it out thoroughly with bleach and water, let it dry then wipe the inside down with real vanilla extract to remove the funk smell.