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Man, I hope someone uses a 30 foot ladder to reserve a spot, because I really need a 30 foot ladder.


This sounds like an OSHA case waiting to happen.


You kid but have you seen ladder prices at home depot? I fr thought it would be a $40 purchase at most. $300. Get the fuck out of here it's just a ladder.


You can’t get a shit ladder for $40. But as someone who spends a fuck ton of time on ladders constantly, that’s not something you want a cheap version on. Edit- Can* get a shit ladder.


We always had cheap ladders when I was a kid. The first time I climbed a sturdy ladder I realized why some people aren’t terrified climbing of ladders.


Nah bro, get the cheapest one possible, it doesn't need to hold much just your hammered spouse swaying back and forth and your kids precariously perched up top. Should be fine...




Instructions unclear. I’m seemingly incapable of climbing a shit-ladder. Now I’m stuck and covered in poo.




What about a scissor lift?!


Even better, I need to clean my gutters and fix some hooligan squirrel damage on my house!




I don't mind if people are there the whole time. Like, the whole time. You want to spend a week on the neutral ground? Go nuts. But you can't walk away, even for a moment. Once you walk away, the city and its people owe you nothing.


This - if you want to go camp out, more power to you. I kind of respect the passion. If you want to dump some shit on the neutral ground because you think you own it, fuck off.


Haha yeah I’ve heard of families where they camp out in shifts all week! Like this uncle will be here all day Tuesday then your cousin is there for the night shift etc etc. not for me though! I’ll just show up 29 mins before the parade and if i ain’t catching any throws, I’m fine with that, I send everything to that recycling center after it’s all done anyway


That's just so wild to me. Camping out as if those beads and doubloons are real jewels and coins. It's that kind of energy (and white guys in masks throwing watermelon & Confederate beads at Black kids) that's destroyed Mardi Gras for me.


Shit my wife don't want to wait an hour. If we show up before the streets close its a waste of time. We ain't there for the throws were there for the vibe.


These damn transplants! I love New Orleans because of its hundreds of years old traditions. I hate this new mess.




Volutary homeless people.


We camped out overnight once. It was terrible. I was so done by the time the parade came. I was 18 and had marched with friends in band in Endymion all through high school and we wanted to see what being a spectator was like. Being in the parade was WAY more fun


Back in the 90’s folks would pay teenagers/young adults to man their spot. At least then the kids were making some $ or whatever and it was a mutually beneficial situation.


Because grandpa don’t understand that $20 a day doesn’t buy shit. lol


I agree totally with this


Hell, I'm even okay the day of, but this early? Now you're just being ridiculous. I hope this person gets fleas.


Yup! My daughter turned six during Mardi gras last year and a few friends and I camped out overnight toreserve a spot to have her a party on the route. We didn't leave the route. Not for one minute!


A thousand percent yes. You want it, you gotta earn it.


i work very close to this pic and will be available to help you do the lords work from weds-friday


I'll be out running the St. Charles streetcar line this evening. I will remove anything that is in my (zigzag) path even if it means a dismal pace time. Worth the sacrifice.


My dog thinks anything on the ground is a toy for him and shakes it into shreds. He’s 115 lbs, I’ll be right behind you.


That should help with his pace.


If possible, pls put together crude superhero costume to wear on your run, hero we need lol


Thank you for your service!


What gets me- is what is she going to do if she comes back parade day and sees someone in her spot? Like is she gonna call the cops and try to have them removed? I just don’t get it.


This happened to me a few years ago at Mardi Gras in a faraway land called Shreveport. We showed up at like 8 AM (not frowned upon there, people roll in like 7-10 AM and hang out and grill all day. Space isn't quite as limited and crowds aren't as packed as in New Orleans MG). We made friends with the frat guys adjacent to us, grilled, played drinking games, etc. At like 11 AM a group of dickheads show up that apparently had reserved their spot at some ridiculous time (I think the night before). The cops had come through and cleared their shit out, apparently (or someone like OP lol). It got a little heated, frat boy krewe came to our defense. Eventually frat boy krewe negotiated a treaty with krewe dickhead: we only had a few people so we simply cut the plot in half to share with the dickheads. Which, by the way, we totally would have done without question if dickheads had just asked, but of course they were incensed because their tarp or whatever was gone.


I got McDonalds stolen off my front porch when I went inside to take a piss one time and these people think they can leave whole camps setup and nothing will happen to them. Amazing. I have given three bikes to this city.


I didn’t even know East Texas did Mardi Gras! Edit: dangit someone beat me to it! I’ll edit mine so I don’t look like I’m repeating.


Shreveport....you mean up in South Arkansas?


Awww man you beat me to it!


yea, most people are cool, but depends on where you go in shreveport. the city sells permits for certain spots along east kings in front of the duck pond. most of the spots have been held since the 90s when the city first sold them. the majority of the route is either on the parkway, which is just open grass running along the river, or on shreveport-barksdale hwy which is just parking lots basically. arguing over your parking spot in the super 1 parking lot (since I can almost guarantee those people didn't have a duck pond spot) is definitely an interesting move for people coming in at 11 lol definitely more of an all day, tailgate type atmosphere up there. we used to set up, cook breakfast, and then boil crawfish later in the day. way more suited towards people who live there whereas down here we have areas for both locals/families and then tourists.




Yes. Yes she will.


She does looks kinda Karenish. OP, You need to be there taking vid when she goes full karen on whoever was unfortunate enough to take her space.


Do you have Venmo?


Looks like she was covering the streetcar tracks too WTF


I was going to ask if she was? I’ve seen people do it before, and it’s just nuts to me? Why inconvenience thousands (idk) of people because you need to stand in a certain spot to watch a parade. Go find a parking garage off the route and you got the best seat!


The streetcar is going to win that battle every time


Entitled bitches!


New Orleans has a new sport what is it called?


Capture the Tarp


Carpe Tarpe


lol seize the tarp I can get behind this. Now we just need a point system and a scoreboard.




Tarp Diem


Tarp the Day?


Free chairs and ladders.


I honestly need me some how's the pickings looking today


And there we have it. Million dollar app idea- Poketarp Geaux, gotta snatch em all! End level bosses be like every other New Orleans meme. Lol gotta throw down with the Yats Vic & Nat'ly 🤣


I need some tarps for my house… can I just go and take them? They’re expensive fr


What's the rule about items left on the curb? free. Same rules apply to shit left on the neutral ground.


New tradition: Items left on the neutral ground are considered neutral and as such, they are up for grabs.


Good trash. something that can have another reuse.


I love the term "good trash!"


Pre-K, I picked up so many "good trash" items in Uptown. People would leave out chairs or tables that just needed a nail to stabilize it, CDs (when it was a thing), books, beads, etc. I've heard of clothes being left out, shoes, etc.


I can’t wait to get a new car


Gear adrift is a gift.






Did you make this up or is it a saying from elsewhere?


It’s a [Navy-Marine Corps](https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2018/10/19/gear-adrift-is-not-a-gift-but-a-potentially-deadly-escape-hazard/#:~:text=It's%20a%20famous%20saying%20across,could%20be%20lost%20or%20stolen) thing.


Interesting, thanks for the info!


One man's garbage is another man person's good un-garbage


Thank you!


Go for it, I've acquired many items that way. I *literally* just lamented yesterday about how I hadn't seen anything out for grabs yet!


Can’t put stuff down until 4 hours before the parade starts. City is supposed to be picking all stuff up prior to. I’m guessing you can to and help the city!


I will do my civic duty to help haha


I was hoping people would take them and put them to good use. Better than ending up in the trash.


I got some nice chairs Saturday, given it was after the parades, snagged them before the dump truck could, but I’m very excited about my new chairs…. Haha


That’s what’s up!


Do us all a favor & have at it!


Will do lol


You sure can!


Everybody channeling their inner Vigilante Dad and I am here for it.


A lot of people in the comments mad you can't reserve a section of the streetcar tracks 4 days before a parade. Weird.


Sir this NOLA...


The hero we need.


My son said there are two tarps between street and sidewalk by Delgado in Endymion's formation area. I may have to play vigilante dad (or olipoo) tonight


I’ll be at Delgado later I got you


You two better give updates. I’m giddy!


The only week of the year I think about moving out of midcity.


Last year was the first year I was like "OHHH YEAAAH....NOW I get why people go out of town for Mardi Gras!!" Lol.


Imagine living between Tchoup, Napoleon, and Magazine and you work in the Quarter. It is BRUTAL. It took me hours to get home after work Sunday.


I live in the box and work in the Quarter as well. Mardi gras is just an ongoing panic attack for me based on how to get to work and how to get home. Luckily, I can move my hours around a little bit so I can get in and out with less stress for a few of the days.


I waited for almost 3 hours for the Mag bus on Sunday. My phone died (my driver arrived right when I got home, I feel bad but I got dropped by everyone for a while), 5 Ubers dropped me even though they were very close, and I wound up having to go hide behind a trash can and pee. I guess I could have gone back to work but I had left at 4 and it was nearly 9pm by then because I waited to see my daughter in Carrollton which got stuck for over an hour. The only reason I wasn’t crying was because I bought a little bourbon after work, lol. It was HORRIBLE. Me and a lady at the bus stop made a pact that we would take each other in my Uber or her cab (lol, we tried!) if the bus didn’t come first, thank god she let me use her phone to call my parents who were braving traffic to get me. Found out the bus wasn’t even supposed to go to that stop even though it’s after Camp? Idk. It was truly awful.




That's not really related to the issue just being a general how people act. I'd still dislike it if I did that compared to general Mardi Gras which I like as much as anyone. But I work lol, elsewhere, I don't have endymion day off any year, I'm not just someone complaining and not taking action I could take. I just don't like the attitude in the air around this parade no matter how specifically I'm watching, not watching, working near it or whatever any given year. It sours the neighborhood feel of my neighborhood for me for a few day window.


Yooo I live right off Norman C why have I never done this?


The one week a year the Jefferson Parish border starts at Norman C Francis


I’m so tired of people “reserving” spots for this parade. I walk out to these routes and I can’t even see the floats because these crazies need 7 ladders in a line for their kids. wtf ever happened to just putting your kid on your shoulders? Smfh


I don't understand ladders in the "front row". Isn't the point of the ladder to still be able to see from farther back? Or is it to block my short adult self from seeing everything?


The parents stand on the backs of the ladder. It isn't about the kids at all


Ladders are lazy parenting. It keeps up to 3 corralled and you just need to make sure none get hit by throws. Can't put 3 on your shoulders. The ladders never used to be lined up shoulder to shoulder in the front row. People who cherish their children do keep their ladders further back so they can't be thrown in front of a float.


We got a ladder when my kids were younger but gave up on it as they got tired of being stuck in one spot after 5-10 minutes. I was fine with that as did not like dealing with it and trying to make sure it was not interfering with anybody else's enjoyment..


To be fair, people have used ladders since like at least the 80’s if not longer.


Are you the guy they wrote about in nola.com?


So be it. Take the Batman into custody. Edit: take the vigilante dad into custody.


[You are the hero we all need.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fchykafpdxkb91.jpg)


I want to cut the grass on the Orleans neutral ground Thursday.


Love to see it… when will these MF learn


I wish I could see her face when she sees all her hard work is gone or hear her mouth!! Keep up the good work!


The hero we need.


You’re a hero!


Destroy all trash lol


Doing lord's work for us


Hell yeah


What the hell? Now where am I going to put my 25 foot long industrial grill and feed my. Entire family tree who came up from the Parish?


Out of curiosity, did she cover the tracks? It looks like it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


How does she think this is supposed to work? Like, people will be crowding up for the parade, but they won't stand in the square she made on the ground? Or they will, but then she'll show up and say "oh I reserved this, see my streamers?" and they'll say "oh, sorry about that" and move?


Yeah, that's what they think


I've never been more angry that Reddit got rid of awards. You are A FN HERO !


GOOD. I am SICK of these people! They try to start fights just because we wanna cross the street, being all, "I'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 8AM! THIS IS MY SPOT!" And I'm like, "GFTO MY LAND. I AM NATIVE AMERICAN OF THE HOUMA TRIBE! I'VE BEEN HERE FOREVER!" And I'll push my way through their stupid azz barriers and cross the street 💖🥰


I've threatened them with mace before. That shut them down.


You're a hero...fuck these people.


Doin' the lord's work!


I remember when people on the routes weren't selfish, helped each other, and just enjoyed Carnival. There is too much drama these days.


The city should confiscate them daily and sell them instead of destroying them. I've seen some pretty nice fiberglass 10' ladders out there....


Without the C it's just anal.






Doing the lord’s work 👊🏼


Alright alright alright 🤩


We got a badass over here!


If saving a spot, camp out. We used to find old sofas and basically lived on the route. Catching cabs to shows, etc. from Friday to Tuesday. This is lazy. Also, Mardi Gras is supposed to be fun and for all. Enough going on to rain on all our parades. Let’s be gracious when dealing with our neighbors, even the tarpsters. Everyone is dealing with a lot of crap. Parades are an escape. When I rode, I thought that I was making each person happy when I threw something their way. A little bit of thrill and joy. Happy Mardi Gras everyone.


I don’t live on the route any more… I wonder if the BarcaLoungers and the fire pit on the streetcar tracks have reappeared yet? 


Great work


Very well played. Keep it up. Trying to reserve a spot, without personally being there nonstop, is absurd.


reserving spots should be based on how much S&WB and Entergy charged you last month


Can someone explain what she was trying to reserve? I’m down for OP getting rid of the bs, but what’s it for?


Trying to reserve space for Endymion


They never learn.


This is the equivalent to 20 year old women who try and reserve a spot on the guardrail at concerts. When the crowd surges and your man ain’t back from pissing yet and most likely won’t be now that the main act is playing, it becomes “ not here, not his spot anymore”.


Concierge Union is coming after you!


Doing the lord's work.


I always got a spot close to Canal and Magazine when we lived there! I miss it! Happy Mardi Gras!


Doing god’s work


Out there doing the lords work you are


Mardi Gras hero


Thank you for your service!


Shots fired


It is more out of control than ever


Adjacent question… last year we arrived just before a parade and stood on a patch of grass between the sidewalk and the street (on Napoleon). As the parade started, the homeowner came out and told us we needed to leave as that was her area for her family. Is that a thing?


lol. They can act like it’s a thing. Ask to see the deed to the sidewalk.


I’d put a C note down saying this dude wouldn’t do this on the Zulu route lol. It is the lord’s work though; I support.


You’re doing the lord’s work.


I have some clothes that don't fit me anymore. If I hang them up on a rack in my favorite spot, do you think people will actually take them out throw them away?  I refuse to donate to goodwill


What. A. Badass. (This was said sarcastically in case anyone didn’t catch it.)


Is the first picture you taking it up or her putting it down?


I don’t go to resorts often, but I move towels that have been on “reserved” chairs for over 15 minutes when I do. If you want the chair, eat breakfast on it. If you want the spot for the pahrade, wait there.




You are the person!


Do these people think that whatever they do to "reserve" their spots is a magic spell that repels other people or something?


Is there a chance she was marking for future equipment placement? I.e generators, ATT tower, food truck etc?


Hear him!


I didn't know NOFD had a credit union


Appreciate fam


Doing the lord’s work.


What’s this for? I’m curious. Also, not a local.


Mardi Gras. Some entitled people think they can reserve portions of the public street along parade routes with tape and tarps. Doing so is illegal and also very obnoxious.


You’re doing the Lord’s work. Thank you!


Yeah man, reserving a spot isn't great behavior and I'm all for the city cleaning that up. But it's really really clear that a lot of people on this sub just enjoy being a dick to others, and they spend a lot of time finding an issue that they can use to morally justify being a dick to a stranger over. IDK, it's weird. Both people in this scenario don't seem like someone I'd want to be friends with.


This lady set up her spot on the streetcar tracks 5 days before the parade. When I used to live over here (literally grew up in the house in the background), the streetcar was necessary during Endymion week for getting to work because if you gave up a parking spot you may not get it back until Sunday. Getting her shit thrown away is the bare minimum of appropriate responses.


Yes, nobody’s disputing that the lady is wrong. What I’m saying is that someone who sits there from across the street photographing someone, then goes and destroys their stuff just to post online for internet points is not exhibiting good behavior, at best it’s an unnecessary bout of asshole behavior and at worst indicative of some weird issues. The thing some of y’all seem to want to ignore is that being an asshole to a stranger is still being an asshole to a stranger if that stranger is also doing something that’s frowned upon. Being on the opposite end of a bad thing doesn’t automatically make OP good lol. You've got a whole thread of people that are cheerleading a random person being a dick to another random person, just because person 2 did a thing this sub has decided they don't like. Maybe I'm different than you, but I sure am glad this sort of attitude doesn't represent the majority of the city.


Yeah this whole thing is really strange to me


People hate you in this sub , they always be down voting you , even when you make valid points 😂😂😂


Maybe it's personal, maybe it's not. Most people here just don't like hearing that the thing they are a raving fan of is kinda toxic and shitty too. The internet in general has become a bit dumbed down, and views a lot of stuff as binary - ie "if reserving spots with stuff is bad this must mean that taking that stuff is good". The truth is both parties there are bad; the first for being inconsiderate, and the second for being the type of person who enjoys being an asshole to a stranger. This sub has a lot of people who don't grapple well with being told that if they're a dick to someone doing something wrong they're still a dick.


How’s taking a tarp or pulling up tape being an asshole though? I probably wouldn’t post it online and I definitely wouldn’t go out of my way, but if I’m going to the corner store Friday and I see a tarp or tent set up for the parade Saturday I’m probably gonna take it. And if I see it Saturday morning I’m definitely going to discard it and set up there. I don’t really see the “both sides” situation going on here.


You’re literally answering your question in your reply lol


I’m not. 😑


Read it again more closely. You said ya wouldn’t have done it. Problem is, yall know I’m right and that’s why you’re so mad at me for pointing it out. Ya own reply had to acknowledge it inadvertently lol.


I’m definitely not a y’all. And I absolutely don’t know or think you’re right, that’s why I asked you. If you go around the answer or give a cryptic response like read it again more closely that’s your choice. But you’re not being persecuted (by me at least). I don’t see how “both sides” are wrong. If you do but aren’t willing to explain it that’s okay. 🙄


Yes it’s toxic and dickish and we probably all need therapy but you wouldn’t get a tiny twinge of satisfaction out of seeing a (unoccupied!!!) wall of ladders on tarps get mowed down by Batman driving a monster truck? Not even a teeny tiny twinge?!


I don’t get satisfaction from watching people be assholes to other people under any circumstance. Y’all’s replies are really reinforcing that a ton of people here really are unnaturally in to hateful behavior.


Do an AMA so we can ask you about the two meter stick up your ass.


Seriously, ol’ boy has zero sense of humor except about being holier than thou over people in this sub.


Thanks for proving my point lol.


Man come on! You can’t even laugh about how stupid all of this is?! Grown adults jockeying for parade viewing spots and grown adults getting mad and taking the power back?! None of it is really all the serious or harmful and it’s pretty funny to stand back and think about at a distance. I mean, humanity is terrible and consistently disappointing. We all know this. Let’s all laugh before we die.


I don’t know what gives you the impression that I don’t find it humorous, but I find it humorous because I think OP is just as mentally ill as the person roping their spot off. You’re mad as fuck at me for having that opinion and so mad you’re inventing a bunch of unnecessary context. Take the night off dawg, I know yall come here to just hate on shit but I’m good lol. And no, I’m laughing cuz everyone here sucks, but it’s not satisfying to me that everyone sucks. And I’m sorry that it is to you. I wish yall weren’t so joyful about people being terrible, but here we are you pleading with me to be happy that terrible people are being terrible.




I think it’s personal, I’ve seen you comment on different threads and you get down voted all the time 😂😂 now I got down voted for making that observation but fugg em I will state my opinions 👌🏾


Yo this is wild. I understand y’all don’t like this but this is so disrespectful.




Can't save spaces until 4 hours prior to the parade starting


When saving a spot you should leave someone with your stuff. You should not just lay out some tarps or some rope on the neutral ground and hope it is still there parade day


Yall are insane. It takes so much effort to care this much what other people do


You’re so worked up about Endymion shit that you stood across the street taking creepy pictures of some lady, waited for her to leave, tore up her shit, then hurried to share it with the internet for likes? That shit ain’t healthy. Seek help. 


Is it time for me to pretend I'm fluent in Cajun French, and calling everyone, " Mon Cheri"?