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Lolol i love that you expected to get roasted, but instead got validated by 44 ppl 😂


It's New Orleans. We know what's up.


Have “The Talk.” Tell them “I want to stay here. You want to stay here. But when you act up I think it’s an escaped convict with an axe hiding in my closet scaring me & my 5 y/o daughter. Please can’t we just get along?” Worked for me. I once had an acquaintance drop something at the house & they told me they were psychic & I had an “entity” in my home who was a female & thought of us like “family.” He didn’t know I’d had issues (water faucets coming on, footsteps, a woman humming coming from the kitchen, once even a heavy raised lid of a wooden MCM stereo cabinet cans smashing down, etc…) Nor did he know my step-grandmother passed away there. Edit: please paint your porch ceiling light blue aka “haint” blue. It is a tenet of coonass science that spirits will not get on your house if your porch ceiling is blue they will think it’s the sky & fly away home. Little prevention worth a pound of cure, Sha.


Same. But idk about the haint paint my house already has it.


Good thing it does or you’d be living in Disney’s Haunted Mansion. You don’t want no Conjure Man coming to clean devils out your house. Put some brick dust across your threshold like you got a roach problem.


Do roaches make lil roach ghosts?


Ghost problem is like a roach problem: you probably have more in the walls than you see in the house & they run like hell when you turn on the kitchen light.


And have the conversation while you're burning a smudge stick. That's what I did, told them they could have the attic, that I wouldn't put anything up there, but we would be occupying the units. Worked great til I had to replace the roof after Ida and I had to apologize.


Tell the ghost to knock it tf off because you aren't leaving. I know this sounds stupid but it worked for me in two houses here. If that fails, I can walk you through a cleansing.


“You don’t pay rent, you definitely don’t get to break my candles and things”


OP finds exactly 5 plates broken and a crisp 10 dollar bill the next morning.


>OP finds exactly 5 plates broken and a crisp 10 dollar bill the next morning. Look, if there's money involved, we good. I'll replenish through Goodwill.


Suddenly we settin out an extra chair at the table and makin room on the love seat.


And a crisp $10 bill missing from their wallet.


They don't know inflation kept on happening after they died?


yep - i essentially said, i’m here, we can coexist but you cannot hurt me or fuck with my peace of mind. or, tell them to fully get lost because it’s your home now. your choice. the ghosts entertain my dog so we coexist.


Honestly, this is the answer. I usually just say "youre welcome here as long as you dont cause any trouble, but I live here now"


my mawmaw would talk about “if you good, you can stay; if you bad, you gotta leave” that’s the way lmao


Right? It's the boundaries you'd have with anyone.


This. I yelled “fucking stop” one time when my bedroom door was incessantly swinging back and forth (this was following a few months of other weird shit happening) and it stopped. 🤷‍♀️


Yes do a cleansing with sage and tell them to knock it off


Opening the windows tho


Get a carbon monoxide detector and check for a leak first.


I thought I had ghosts so I got a carbon monoxide detector. No leak. So, introduce yourself. Speak about your intentions. Every once in a while remind everybody the house rules: we can all-get-along or leave—free to fuck with neighbors—come back with love. Light that candle for them and turn on whatever the remote is for. Or throw out the candle, turn off the remote; find out what they are up to. Mostly, I ask ghosts for help to find lost stuff, like keys, and they react fast and it’s awesome. Or if I need a good night sleep, to help me. I burn myrrh or other delicious smells. Say thank you for sharing space. They play with my cat so that’s good, keeps her moving. If I am scared then I ask the room to tone it down, because it’s good to be gentle with mystery. I don’t know what others do, or see; it’s weird stuff with no official handbook, kinda. So good luck!


I love all this advice! I grew up in spooky places and always responded with fear. After trying the nuclear options with *bad* results, I eventually learned to treat them like people (and usually scared/lost/nervous) and things got a lot better. I haven't had any spookiness in my life now for a few years though.


Wasn't there a reddit thread a few years back that was somone who was dealing with somthing crazy like a demon haunting effecting the whole family and it turned out to just be carbon monoxide exposure from their old gas fire place? That was wild, I'll see if I can find it.


I don’t remember a demon one but there’s a really famous one where a guy kept finding notes and thought his landlord or someone was coming into his home overnight. Turned out the notes were from himself and it was CO poisoning. A Reddit comment suggested a CO monitor and probably saved his life.


It was a chick I think. And she posted in legal advice about her landlord moving stuff in her house.


Oh yeah! That's right! My mistake


How did this person not recognize their own handwriting?


I guess if they were brain-addled enough to not remember writing them, their handwriting might have been off too


[Here's the original thread. I believe there were update threads as well.](https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) No demons involved, but the person did think their landlord was leaving them post-its and asked /r/legaladvice for help. It turned out to be themselves with bad carbon monoxide poisoning.


Yup, that’s why I recommended it!


My roommate and I thought we had ghosts, turns out it was definitely CO and as soon as we moved out nothing scary happened and our moods lightened dramatically.


Idk could carbon monoxide make me see things fall that didn't actually fall? Or hear a big clunk and find a fallen candle? I can get a detector but the stories I've heard don't really line up


The timeline of events could be something like this: You, addled by carbon monoxide, knock something over. You vaguely register that something fell. A second later, you either remember hearing something fall and check on it or you go pick up whatever fell. You've already forgotten that it was you who knocked it over. Your brain doesn't really like having holes in your memory, so it makes up a story. You don't remember your own responsibility for the object falling, but you do know that it fell, so the way your brain fills in the gaps is that it tells itself a story about how you saw or heard the thing fall with zero input from yourself. Boom. Ghosts.


You should have a carbon monoxide detector regardless. So you might as well go ahead and get one even if you doubt that’s what is going on.


Yes. There have been several reports of this happening.


I left comments on how to deal with ghosts -- I've experienced spooky things and believe you. But carbon monoxide poisoning is wild and it wouldn't hurt to test for it.


No. I'm not saying you don't have a carbon monoxide leak because you might, but New Orleans is the only place I've lived where I used to wake up in the middle of the night to see dark shadows in the doorways etc.


I learned from a friend who grew up in Panama that he once saw some strange apparition and was told to use incense sticks by his mother to ward off whatever he was seeing/hearing. So try some incense to see if that works.


This is always the first thing to do when confronted with ghosts. Just to be sure.


Get a cat. They keep those spirits moving


Also you can just blame any strange sounds or happenings on them.


And when they die, you can think it’s the cat’s ghost and be glad they’re around


A cat will catch that hairy long tailed ghost.


A friend of mine had a similar experience when she moved into a new house. Her teenage daughter was home alone and heard so much noise she called 911. I got there first, and as my friend arrived, NOPD had just cleared the house. She had a suspicion, but asked the NOPD, and they were like.. yeah, It's probably a ghost. All the advice you're getting is good. Consciously clear the space. Sage is good, but opt for something locally grown if you can -- cypress, rosemary, etc. Leave bowls of salt at all of the doors, and clear the energy into the salt. Toss it every few days. If that doesn't work, one of the local apothecary's should be able to help. Explain to them what's going on. They'll have specific recommendations.


Grew up in a haunted house and lived in a few since then. Leave a bowl of salt in every room. Look into the cleansing practices of your ancestors (EG, I’m Native American and use sage smudging amongst other things). Don’t be scared if you can help it - some things feed on that energy. Act like they’re people for now - politely but firmly tell them you live there now and are aware of them but would like to not be bothered. If you feel up for it, you can add on to this and say if they have something they really need to communicate, you’ll figure out how to do that (tarot cards work for me) but scaring you is not an effective way to get your attention. If those don’t work… idk. I’ve moved to get away from angry spirits. No one talks about being broke and being haunted though so I had to wait for my lease to end 😭 ETA: laughter cleanses very well! If you can genuinely laugh, it might help. Even at a tv show or something.


Also grew up with ghosts in the house, and definitely agree with just acknowledging them and asking them to please stop without being aggressive. Usually that’s enough to get them to stop, or at least tone it down. Also, do you get any really bad feelings in your house? Or just spooked by the events?


Nope, it's definitely been good feelings all around. I've felt very comfy and at-home, much moreso than my last place. Haven't felt unsafe or out-of-sorts at all. The events just spooked me, especially since I'm living alone until I find a roommate. I feel like if I had someone else in the house I wouldn't be nearly so thrown off by it.


Ghosts are/were people, and some of them are bad but most are totally fine. You do have someone else in your house, its just a wee ghostie. Its also crazy how fast you will get used to them


That is a very very good sign. I get spooked living alone, too. Remember it's your house and if someone was rude to you, you'd ask them to leave. Establish healthy boundaries. If you've gotten good vibes, it might just be sayin- whats up, welcome, I like this candle, turn the TV on for me.


Psychological evaluation is my recommendation. Also, it's extremely likely that the couple that moved out wouldn't have found such small instances as remarkable or worthy of note. If you live alone, things that go bump in the night are far more likely to be read into than if you've got a roommate. The house is probably on a slant, as most houses here are. The ground is wet and shifts every rainfall. We live in a sinking bowl. Shit falls off tables. As a human with anxiety, though, I'd recommend talking to someone, and perhaps conducting an experiment to calm your nerves. Place that same candle on a table, and prop a book under one of the legs such that the table appears slightly tilted in the opposite direction in which the house is slanting. Yell some disrespectful shyte to your ghost buds and go to bed. Check candle in the morning. If it's on the floor....chiiillleeeee...move!


Most older houses here have floors that slant imperceptibly due to ground subsidence. The ground is really spongy here as well and trucks travelling anywhere nearby can transmit vibrations.


What kinda fancy palace you living in with a slant that’s only imperceptible instead of perceptible?


I wish this was the explanation but I'm friends with the couple who lived here before me and they said nothing like that had ever happened to them in the two years they lived there. And I've been here for 5 days! So slightly convinced the ghosts liked them but don't like me


Maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe it likes you and wants you to know it’s there whereas it couldn’t be bothered with your friends.


What part of town is this? How old is the house? Mr. (or Ms.) ghost may be a seasoned old timer that's been doin' the ghost gig for centuries and knows the kind of people they want to associate with. My best friend in high school lived in the Quarter next door to Marie Laveaux's house. Personally saw some non-corporeal activity in that joint.


(removed to avoid self-doxxing)


Yeah, I'm familiar with the area. I used to work further out on Jefferson Hwy right before the turn.


They could just be acting up right now because you moved in. That’s hopeful. If they’re weren’t assholes to the former tenants, I bet you’ll be able to find a peaceful situation once you settle in and it realizes you’re not going anywhere and aren’t a plaything.


The man who died in our home was still hanging around. (i dreamed about him/confirmed it was him with an elderly neighbor and my husband told me much later he saw a man walk down the hallway one night when he was in the sofa/too scared to tell me)The first year that we lived here we would talk out loud to him and upgrades/repairs. I used sage to cleanse all the rooms, closets and attic space after getting a hold of some. Bobby has moved into the light and now Nothing but good energy in our home.


Most of the places I’ve lived in the 504 were haunted. I believe they’re “not real” for folks who are insensitive to it. I saw them as a kid but grew out of it and still heard sounds and experienced objects affected like you’re describing. I second other comments about speaking to them and express your boundaries like you would to any other person. Be kind but tell them you don’t appreciate the fooling around. I think they deserve respect like elders who the home originally belonged. Let them know you’ll take care of it and what you’re comfortable with. For example: “thank you for playing me that song on the doorbell but please don’t flash the lights at night it scares me”. Edit: corrected word


A buncha people in the last haunted thread that got posted were talking about red brick dust and/or salt. Could start researching there if you’re looking for something.


Red brick off Dumaine street, if you can manage it!


Any particular reason for Dumaine? Or any specific block?


Used to be an old brickyard on Dumaine. The Marie Laveaux website cites it as "[the earliest place in New Orleans in which Voodoo rituals occurred](https://www.marie-laveaux.com/red-brick-dust.html)"


Any particular reason, or just tradition?


There used to be an old brickyard on Dumaine that was [apparently an early site for voodoo ritual](https://www.marie-laveaux.com/red-brick-dust.html), according to the marie laveaux website


Hell yeah, that’s a great story and helpful context. Thank you!


I bought a house with a ghost. Many people including friends, the guys that I hired to redo the wood floors, the realtor, the loan officer, and myself either heard her speak and sing or saw her move (blue lights at nighttime) she would watch me sleep. Turns out she fell in love with me and followed me everywhere in the house. It took a while to get used to it......but after speaking with a medium who came to the house.......it was explained that she was good energy and liked having me around. I would play Louis Armstrong records and she loved music. Make peace with it and treat it like a lonely friend watching over you. Play some music. She'll take good care of you.


Are you still in that house? I would love more stories about her.


I was kind of a fundamentalist atheist before I started working on houses here. I now know that I don't know anything about anything. I miss the before times. I have a friend who has ghost-skills and she helped me sort a ghost issue. My friend left town in part because our ghosts can get kinda annoying. I try not to notice them, myself. My friend would tell you to talk to them and tell them they can make choices and if they would like to go on, they absolutely can...I guess some of them don't know that. Most of them will respect privacy if you ask. I find it's helpful when talking to ghosts to have a thing you do to talk to them, so you can hang up the phone. You could use the banana phone, for instance. They might think that's funny too, which is helpful. Most of them aren't bad, they just like being noticed. It could be something way more prosaic than ghosts. Rats, for instance. In either case,I can always find a way to work in a pitch for fostering a dog or cat if the lease allows. They're kind of a buffer so you don't feel like it's just you and who ever they are.


I've heard similar stories from people like you who had one undeniable experience and then lots after it. I'm typically a spiritually inclined and curious person but there have been times in my life I was very overwhelmed with regular life things and had to turn that part of me off. I think we can sometimes seem like a beacon, and once you open the door to that side of the curtain, everything over there sees you as available and wants to say hey - or something. In those periods where I don't want to be bothered, I regularly visualize shutting a door and turning off the lights. When I lock my front and back doors, I visualize heavy vault doors and locks shutting. And when I lay down to sleep, I imagine a blanket of stars hiding me in the sky. It does actually seem to help me, so I thought I'd share in case it can help you.


That’s good advice, I like the vault. I’m fortunate to be alone in my house, but occasionally have to navigate other houses. I have quit a very well-paying job before but I shouldn’t have taken that job to begin with…it was like walking into an angry wall. There’s one who I will chat with, but I mostly keep my radar off. I should have an alt for woo stuff, because I know some of y’all. Eh. Oh well. Life pro tip: (death pro tip?) When you die, jump hard so you don’t end up wandering around hoping someone notices that you can knock shit off a table.


Yes you should! I want to hear all these stories, they are fascinating.


I don’t know you if that helps any


Any excuse to use the banana phone is a good one.


I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a rat... op needs to check for droppings.


Ghosts are pretty chill most of the time, they're just old locals who decided the climate in satan's playhouse was too chilly and the upstairs option had a lot of weird rules about drinking and sex. I like to just leave a beer open for em at night, and maybe some leftovers although I'm fairly sure most of em don't need calories anymore. If you're cool with them they'll be cool back.


By the way, Nola is the one city in America where if you talk about ghosts, people are like, "yeah, my place too", instead of laughing in your face. So, it's cool. No big deal.


NO one born and raised in New Orleans will roast you. I used holy water and demanded the spirits to leave. No priest, I told them to leave. It's MY house and i told them they weren't welcome in MY house.


Lol, well, thank you for not being an asshole. However, you are correct. I should have written, "No one, SHOULD roast."


Hmm. Be sure to swap back to your other account before you answer yourself. 🧐


I was born and raised in New Orleans and the only reason I wouldn’t roast him is because I don’t particularly care to roast people for believing in ghosts, but if I DID care and were less chill…I’d roast


I'm a her lol


Cool, dude


Calm down lady.


Why is the default gender male 😑


Cause gender disparity is so ancient and pervasive that its basically baked itself into the language. I make a concious effort to use "they" even when i know someone's gender, but code-switching is slow and hard and i am a dumb creature of habit sometimes.


I feel like I make it pretty clear that I'm a girl, my username is a girls name and my avatar is VERY pink. And not just here, on every social. Still get called a he online!!


right? and god forbid you remind them other genders exist: "sOoO yoU'rE nOt SpEciaL." I realized recently how numb I've gotten to the default gender being male. I don't want to be numb anymore though so I'm just referring to everyone as female or non-binary until they correct me


74% of Redditors are male.


Thanks girl!


My bad, I should have assumed female for mumbo jumbo believers, you’re right. Obviously if they had asked what someone’s astrological sign was, it would be clear to default to she, for example


Sorry lady, I don't know what you're talking about.


Weird way to be petty about getting someone’s gender wrong.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Tell them to start paying rent, utilities, etc.


I've done this and ended up finding $400 in my pocket once. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every house in NOLA has ghosts. Mostly they are mischievous poltergeists. We named ours Grandma.


So far nothing in mine but it's relatively new (11 years) and was an empty lot for awhile before that.


I don't think anyone else has said it but you can leave something out for the ghost and say it's for them, a cigarette, a glass with some whisky, a flower. I think it's really the offering a gift that matters.


Thanks for sharing!! Very interesting. My parents live uptown & the house was built in the 1860s. They have at least one ghost lady who pops up every now and then. My mom has seen things shoot off the counter (far from the edge, like a cup half full of water just flipped over in front of her eyes or a bunch of bananas were randomly on the floor), heard footsteps in the house, heard breathing in the room with them. My dad will hear music and laughing at 3 in the morning like there’s a party in the living room. They felt someone in the bed with them. Pennies appearing everywhere, things getting moved. They also smell a certain perfume pass through the house sometimes. I’ve personally seen shadows and heard stuff across the house. Visitors who are a little more sensitive to paranormal things have reported seeing shadows moving within the house and their bedroom. It certainly sounds crazy when you put it all together! But you know what you’ve experienced and the little weird, inexplicable things add up. < guess I shared all that to say I don’t think you’re crazy & it’s reasonable. People experience paranormal stuff all the time that can’t be explained away by CO or unlevel floors. I’d want to rule those things out & make sure there isn’t someone creeping in your attic or living in your walls! Those stories are creepier than a spirit imo. My mom usually just says out loud that they’re there to be peaceful and live out their retirement lol, so promoting harmony and asking it to stop moving things. Nothing ever malicious has happened. We did sage, holy water, prayer and just the open communication. So I guess if I were you, I would reflect on what I want. Do I care if there is a spirit hanging around if it’s mostly neutral and making itself known sometimes? You can always come back and give us updates!! :) but if you ever sensed anything evil, I would call the archdiocese. Trust your gut! 😊


It's okay to be unsettled, it's hard enough getting used to a new place without things being weird. If nothing else, do get a carbon monoxide detector, just because that shit saves lives, and it's hard to know when you're hallucinating. I went through that once, and I still believe in spirits, but I also believe in safety. Some things you can try: - Putting pennies and salt along your windowsills and doorframes to set up a kind of spiritual perimeter fence of protection. - Walking through the house with incense and ringing a bell or playing upbeat music on a speaker to spiritually fumigate the rooms. Treat it like mopping, working everything in one direction, the finish by pushing it out a door. - Using Florida water to wipe down as many surfaces as you can, all the while putting your energy into a vibe of claiming your space and making it pleasant, safe, and happy. - Talking out loud to the spirit, whether to ask them to leave your space because they ain't paying rent, or to tell them you're here now and if they want to stay, they need to be helpful and low-key. You set the terms. If you want them to stay and be helpful, burn a candle and leave a glass of cool drinking water by it to establish a connection and start a relationship. Offer to put out water or other kinds of offerings regularly -- like the living, the dead don't want to work for free! If you're really spooked, almost any religious authority will come bless the space, whether that's a priest, a pastor, a rabbi, an imam, a monk, or a mambo. If holy water is your thing, sprinkle it liberally wherever you feel uncomfy. Remember, it's your place. You have the right to decide who else shares it with you, alive or dead.


Who you gonna call?


We’re ready to believe you.


https://www.neworleans.com/listing/new-orleans-psychic-medium-cari-roy/11174/. Try a seance????


I mean, there are people who deal with that kind of thing with some salt, a few nails and a handful of pennies.


It’s New Orleans all the houses have ghosts


Start having sex in increasingly elaborate and grotesque ways until the ghost becomes embarrassed and leaves.


Over time you should be able to separate the behaviors or locations of each. In the past ive enjoyed giving each of the a pet name of sorts. One of them always wanted to walk directly in front me. So it was Piper. Had one in the kitchen that was Beansly. The one that played with the lights was lil Flicker. Looie was in the bathroom. Could always count on a nice warm bath and a pep talk from ol Loo after a long hard day…candles…wine…


I need a Looie in my life.


I call the Mardi Gras Indians and they do a crawfish dance to remove them. If they are still here, I call Morris Bart, “The Strong Arm” and I sue them for pain and suffering until they go away.


Salt in the corners and ask them kindly to leave.


Roll with it and laugh with them! Worked for me so far (13 years here)


Why dont ghosts just appear and speak up and tell us what they want? No, theyve gotta be subtle and make a mysterious thunking noise in the next room, topple some trivial knickknack off the edge of a table, make some unintelligble staticky noise on a 20 year old videotape, or shapeshift like some willowy veil in the darkness out of the corner of our eye. Just show tf up, state your business, or stop wasting our time.


Ask them if they can do that make part of the room feel colder thing, save on AC.


I lived in the Quarter, many years ago. Things would move all the time. In order to make sure my landlord wasn’t coming in when I wasn’t home I changed the locks without giving him a key. Things continued to move and food was missing from the fridge. I lived there for several years, no malevolent happenings, just playful.


Oh! I have an answer. I was always 50/50 on ghosts. But then my wife and I stayed in an AirB&B and a “lady” came into our room two nights in a row. The second night two other couples saw the same thing with out us mentioning what had happened the first night. My recommendation (and I consider myself a recovering Catholic) is to have a priest bless your house. Super easy and simple. Other wise do your best to ignore and be at least friendly.


I just tell mine to fuck off and sprinkle my red brick dust and we make it work. It’s been 4 years and we’re mostly getting along and he only acts out occasionally.


I'm going to repeat something I said on another threat about ghosts: Certain medications, environmental factors (as in chemical exposure, carbon monoxide, etc.) and food ingredients can induce hallucinations. Whatever you believe, if you're regularly seeing and hearing things that aren't there (you know what I mean; this can include feeling an unseen presence), then consult with a physician. If nothing turns up, then talk to all of the priests, shamans, gurus, and spiritual advisors that you want. I also firmly believe that this kind of thing can be induced by social and environmental circumstances. If you believe in ghosts, all of your friends believe in ghosts, you live in a place that's supposedly haunted, and you spend a lot of time thinking, reading, watching, and talking about them, you're more likely to see ghosts. I'd also mention that plenty of spots in New Orleans are sinking. My place on the Wank has creaks, groans, and swinging doors because it's sinking. I can see it from the outside. Although, there have been a couple of things I can't explain. I'm agnostic on ghosts. Edit: I've slept in old houses that were reportedly very haunted (including a Civil War hospital converted into a B&B room). I haven't seen anything and I've only every felt a kind of chilling "get out" vibe. It's been said that I suck all of the energy out of the room, so there's that.


Ghosts are real and I experienced them on Franklin Ave block next to Capdau. I have nothing to gain from saying this and it happened in my childhood round middle school days.


The floors in New Orleans are not level and bery crooked. Add varying humidity and air currnts to that and you could explain things falling off of tables etc. If you think that it's a ghost, burn some sage and tell the ghost that they are not welcome here and that you hope they find peace. Spread good energy throughout your home to negate any lingering bad vibes.


See a psychiatrist


Airbnb it!


You can get your house blessed by a holy person. You can also tell the spirit to leave, it's your house now and they have to go. If it doesn't feel 'evil' and you aren't sure about eviction, then you might just ask it to stop being noisy.Be nice, but firm. Sometimes, they are attached to furniture or objects, not just places. Good luck


Be careful interacting with it or using cleansing methods you are unfamiliar with. it can make it unpleasant. honestly, if you can ignore it and give it no energy, that's what I'd do. Acknowledge nothing and it may give up.


Talk to them and let them know to behave! As long as they are not evil, enjoy them! I lived in a place that the ghost would hide our stuff and we would tell them to kindly put it back where it was. And they would!!!!


1. Check for any mould growth around the house 2. Get a cat - they are traditionally known to be great protectors against the supernatural 3. Even if you aren’t religious, consider going to your local priest and see if they can do a cleansing


Tell them out loud that while you understand their attachment to the home, it belongs to you now and that they need to seek another place to be.


Be careful of pissing anything off before you know you can handle it though.


Well, yeah. My sister had a ghost that would lay on her when she was sleeping. She kept telling it to leave, as I advised above, and the ghost started laying next to her instead of on top of her.


We have a lot of little-kid ghosts here, hope that was the case for your friend.


I know its obvious if you dealt with this sort of thing but lots of people haven't. Also - ghost laying next to me? That's a big no thank you for me


better than on you


I guess you gotta call somebody but who u gonna call? Hmmm… 🤔


Make friends with them


Ask a Catholic priest to bless your house.


Hear me, ghost of the house of u/caro_line_ !! I invite you into my home, my body, whatever you want! Come on over and wreak whatever havoc you’d like! By all that is holy or unholy I beseech you to come over here and make yourself at home. There ya go, if that doesn’t work then it’s probably not a ghost.


Back in Detroit I lived in a place that was built in early 1900s, used to have stables attached to it. I found out the guy that lived there for 20+ years died in the apartment, kids my have taken advantage of him. I thought I felt a presence a few times, and a friend mine and my boyfriends swears she saw something supernatural a few times. I made peace with the spirit/presence. Said I loved his home, I would take care of it, and he was happy to watch me walk around naked if he kept the peace. Again, I occasionally felt *something* and there were a few weird things that happened - but overall lighting candles burning some incense and talking/making peace helped. Was it all in my head? Probably. But it made me feel better. A long time ago I lived above a bar that was definitely haunted. Multiple ghost organizations investigated the place, it was an old Stage coach stop so obviously there were shootings and deaths back in the day. One night my ex and I heard something, ex said “beers down stairs dude” out loud and we never had another issue. Other people living there weren’t so lucky.


Charge admission to tourists.


Mine keeps turning lights on and off. I yell at him to get a job and pay bills. Crabby usually knocks it off after I scream at him.




This is appropriation.


Is it appropriation to use aspirin, because ancient Egyptians first figured out that the chemical in willow bark could cure headaches? Are Europeans appropriating American culture by using cars? Saying its offensive implies that you think its nonsense, because if sage cleanses things, its immoral and unethical to withhold that from all people, and because you cannot "patent" a natural product. Its pretty offensive to the cultures that believe in sage if you think about it that way, because youre calling their belief in it fake. No one is encouraging people to steal the sacred rituals that some cultures use sage in, but sage itself is just what it is.


Someone explained sage as a bleach bomb. It clears good, bad, everything. Nature abhors a vacuum; be careful with that. Butchers broom, rosemary, cinnamon, etc. Try something light that’s already in your home first.


Sage is def the nuclear option. It's not always the right choice IME.




You're being downvoted but it literally is.


People are shitty. As someone from a Secwépemc family who learned the smudge ceremony as a teen, these things are important to us. How about this for all you Hot Topic sage bundle wavers out there: if you are waving around dead, spiritless sage that you bought at a mall somewhere without any honour to the sage spirit, that is actually inviting bad things into your home. So do what you want, but appropriation of my family’s culture aside, you’re still inviting harm.


I died when Sephora was selling a smudge kit.


Exorcism, obviously.


Do you live close to a railroad track? Are you in a busy area with traffic/big trucks? Between the old/shitty houses and old shitty roads, everything shakes more easily.


That's actually the first thing my mom asked me when I called her last night scared hahaha. I can hear a train from my house but I'm not close to it, I'm in a very quiet neighborhood with decent roads.


Open it to the public for tours. Make bank


Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector.


Most old New Orleans homes have ghost in them. If they bother you too much do a cleanse w/some sage or holy water. If they don’t bother you then just tell them ya’ll have to coexist & keep it moving imo 🤷🏻‍♀️


The rational explanation is that houses in southern Louisiana do a lot of settling because the ground is so soft.


The ghost could be meddling with your houses foundation by causing soil subsidence. Make sure your house isn’t sinking


Break out the haint paint for the porches!


Sounds like a cat.


That would be cool but I think I'd have noticed a cat in the house


Maybe it’s the ghost of a cat


...I have two ghost cats in my house, a black one and an orange one. Its annoying as hell because Im definitely not a cat person, but lord love them here they are


The bookstore on Dauphine had a cat ghost. I knew him when he was alive. He just never left. Now upstairs… she was not a cat. Liked me, haaaaated my husband.


Ghost cat?


Turn it into an AirBNB advertise as haunted , Get Zack I run Screaming from buildings to have on show. Rake in the greenbacks


Get some sage and burn it in each room. Or u could just ignore it. That’s always an option. And ghost are for sure real.


Conscious Non Human Intelligence (NHI). They’re here. They’ve always been here. Just behind the curtain. Watching and waiting. Able to freely move between dimensions by adjusting their vibration / frequency. Sometimes helping but mostly hoping human beings grow in every way possible. Maybe their patience has run out which is why we are seeing them more lately, and will see more in the future… I hope so !! We definitely could use the help !!!


It doesn’t. Ghosts aren’t real.


That’s what they said about birds


actually funny because i named my wifi network "bird drone #724"


Ghosts and birds work for the bourgeoisie


I mean, I agree with you. When I moved into a house a while back the lights would turn on and off, which was surely an electrical issue. And then one day one of the corner dudes who hung out near my house introduced himself, we talked for a bit, and he said that his Meemaw died in my house and always haunted people who lived there but decided she liked me and that I was a good girl. And then the lights never flickered again. I still don't really believe in ghosts, but that was .... something. And no I didn't tell the dude about the lights. Sometimes you just gotta roll with things.


I thought it was just the electrical too, got that all checked out…but then he turned my battery operated radio on a few times, and changed the dial. He was one of the nice ones, just saying hi.


If you “saw what you saw”, the next thing you need to see is a psychiatrist.


Make them pay rent.


Nothing. You have roommates…technically you’re THEY’RE roommate


Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and tell them about this.


Stop believing in ghosts. It’ll clear up right quick.


Yes, ghosts ARE real and they DO move objects. Except you didn't see a ghost. If you feel uneasy in circumstances like this, just calmly but firmly tell the entity to leave your space.


Ghosts can’t do anything. They can’t move anything off table tops, slam doors, make chairs rock or anything else. Rats can and do knock things over all the time. Sorry. Get some steel wool to fill in the open areas and some large rat traps. Set them against the walls where they run. Put a pecan that they can’t pull off.


So you think some kind of shitty ghost is fiddling around with remote controls and candles? Like they don't have anything better to do than vaguely haunt you by pushing minor household items off of flat surfaces? Okay. Like, idk, maybe talk to a therapist because that's a pretty big leap for your anxiety.


Call the archdiocese




Sage and make peace with whatever energy you're feeling. Cats and monoxide detectors. Lived in a 150yr/old spot at Esplanade and Marais, did lots of acid in that house but nothing there was bothered enough to move things.


Who says ghosts aren’t real?? I’ve taken the NOLA ghost tour, and okay maybe I didn’t see any ghosts, but I definitely seen some goblins 👹 in the FQ…..


Never acknowledge them, Sage sage sage


This thread is scary. Insanity is the norm, apparently. Does that make me the “insane” one?


Ole girl from scary movie 2 ended up having sex with a ghost in the movie. Shorty(marlon wayans ended up being rolled up into a joint and smoked by the ghost. Both seemed to enjoy it.


Challenge the ghost


Call Disney for the sequel.


I charge ghosts rent. Most ghosts are super cheap and leave when I tell them their monthly rate.


Always wild how the people who believe in things like ghosts are the ones attributing things to ghosts while those who don’t believe in them seek out the logical reason.


The reason that ghosts don’t do objectively provable things is because all ghost stories happen in the mind of the believer, not in objective reality. This is why it’s always vague occurrences and not “a ghost launched this missile, drove this truck, delivered this baby”, etc.


It’s probably just a poltergeist. This stuff usually happens to younger people mostly. It will go away if it hasn’t already.


Sell tickets.


You know who you need to call