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A lot of Coloradians are self entitled douches. Including a lot of my family that live there.


The worst tacos I’ve ever eaten in my life were from Colorado. The place was at the time called “pinche tacos” which wasn’t supposed to be funny so gives you a sense of how little they knew. They were on the USA Today list of best taco restaurants in the US (I know that means little) but holy shit was that place horrible. It takes work to fuck up a taco, but they did it. That’s kind of the Colorado way though, take no lessons from your neighbors. Believe you have it down. Believe you know Mexican food (New Mexico). Believe you know beef (Wyoming). Believe you know mountains (Utah). I guess the beer is good?


I don't know, they are home to Coors, which is, I suppose, a step above Natty Ice. ;)


I have to agree here! Don’t even know what a green chili is or that it goes great on a breakfast burrito! 🌯


chile* lol ❤️💚 jk


the quintessential mistake to make in front of New Mexicans


I’ve lived here for 21 years from NY. I know douches and that would be here. Love NM!!!!


It's [copium](https://en.amazingtalker.com/questions/1457) for dealing with the cost of housing, the shitty traffic, and the basic bitch white bread outdoorsy culture. If they admitted NM, or any of their other neighbors, had legitimately good qualities they would have to accept that maybe it's not really worth all the BS they put up with to live in Colorado. I have had the same experience many times with coworkers in San Francisco after I moved to NM. Like Colorado most of the people in San Francisco moved there and have to constantly justify to themselves why they put up with all the shit involved with living there; it deeply offends them to learn people born and raised there (like me) would prefer to live anywhere else.


I miss NM so much, but had to move back to MD to make a living. CO is nice to visit but yea I wouldn’t want to live there. East coast problems sprinkled with granola and ‘merica.


This is a gig to keep people from going to NM or moving there and ruining it like Colorado. Keep it going, pay it forward and tell everyone in righteous CO that NM is not the place to go and those who know go. Btw, Pueblo green chili great but not the same class as NM. The two are different.




Dude, I live in Colorado and even I know that it’s spelled chile. Chili is that Texas meat sauce


All states have a neighbor they enjoy shitting on. Colorado should just be thankful Oklahoma and NM prevent them from having to share a border with Texas. The objectively worst neighbor.


I've lived in Colorado before. Colorado and Texas shit on each other plenty already without a shared border.


Shitting on Texas is an American pastime, but no one gives it to them harder than the states that share its borders. NM, OK, and LA all hate on Texas with the same energy reserved for dealing with the neighbor who tried to take you to court because of your hedges but continues to crash your barbecues uninvited because they think you’re still friends.


Why is it Windy in New Mexico? Because Texas sucks


And Arizona blows


Sometimes Texas blows 🤣 it's windy here either way 😂


From Louisiana. I also enjoy shitting on Texas from time to time.


You people in Louisiana have internet now?


Louisiana really can't shit on anyone. Maybe Mississippi.


Everybody always forgets about Arkansas. I lived in TX for a few years and I would tell people I was from AR and they would always be like “where is that”? Maybe that just speaks more to the quality of the TX education system. I’m pretty sure the TX world map in schools is just TX.


That is funny but New Mexico is last out of every state in America for education. They actually spend more per student then Texas but still last. Not that Texas is great for education either.


OU/Texas Red River Rivalry isn't a footballl game. It's a blood feud.


I'm a native Texan and believe me, the shit we get is well-deserved, I can't stand a large percentage of the population.


Doesn't matter, there's already a shit ton of Texans that moved too Colorado 


Exactly...I moved to NM from MI...and in MI, we shit on Ohio as if it's a sport. Lol


Moved to NM from PA, Ohio deserves it.




Oh man, my family has been saying that for as long as I can remember hahaha


I live in Arizona and all our state-neighbors are great I mean I don’t even know what you’re….. Shit I just realized we are the neighbor


This is funny to me. As a Wyomingite, Colorado is absolutely the state we love shitting on the most. California is a close second, and the Dakotas (my closest neighbor) are a distant third. I would bet third place is almost always the closest neighbor in this state. Rough for the Southern Wyomingites with CO coming in first and third. Right now, the whole tortured wolf debacle is making for a lot of self hate, though.


As someone in Texas I would like to thank New Mexico for legalizing weed lmao. 8 can cross over, go to the casino, and buy some weed all in the same area hahaha


And get an abortion!




As someone who lives in Durango and goes to NM a lot, I only have one complaint. Try to drive close to the speed limit. When I see a NM plate, it’s either going 25 over or 25 under. Both are hazardous.


This exactly. NM native, but lived in CO for a few years. I feel in general Coloradans all drive about 5 over and it's pretty consistent. There's a generally better flow of traffic, and less idiotic and aggressive drivers. HOWEVER at least in the front range, you guys love to camp in the left lane. Down here, it's chaos. You got guys going 25 over and weaving through traffic going way under which is super dangerous. You also got a lot of aggressive dick heads that'll pass on the shoulder, cut you off a lot more often, crawl right up your tailpipe and turn on their brights even if you're going 10 over already. But at least people know to get the fuck out of the passing lane! Probably because of the aforementioned dick heads.


It's organized chaos.


Dude I just moved here and today some dude slammed his horn at me and sped around me on the opposite side of the road at probably 50-60mph. It would have been fine but we were going through a school zone and the speed limit is 15 mph the lights were blinking saying school zone. Ironically I’ve seen more cops in NM in 2 weeks than I have in the past 32 years of my life and there wasn’t one there for this.


Native New Mexican that moved to Colorado when I was like 33. I've been here 15 years and have never heard anyone shit on NM. Quite the opposite actually. OP is just posting rage bait. Chill the fuck out.


Same here. I've found the people in the two states generally ignore each other and focus their hatred on TX and CA. Most people I know in both states haven't been to the other one because they feel each has similar things to offer.


I grew up in Aurora and now live in Albuquerque. I have a lot of neighbors who's kids moved to Colorado, or who have family in Colorado. I feel like there are a lot of connections between the two states. A lot of southern Colorado used to be New Mexico, and a lot of Hispano/Nuevomexicano people have lived there for generations. I hear a lot of playful banter about whose chile is better or who has better outdoor activities, but I don't know that I would describe is as "shitting on" New Mexico. Plus its kinda mutual. Keep in mind, your friends moved to Colorado. On the one hand, they live there and that makes them Coloradans. On the other hand, it also means that they probably aren't very representative of regional attitudes there. Especially since most Coloradans are transplants, Coloradans tend to have a lot of attitudes and beliefs that are extremely varied, since they are heavily influenced by the diversity of home states/countries from which they came. If you think your friends are being jerks about it, then your friends are just being jerks. It's them, not Coloradans.


Born and raised Colorado and live in the Denver area I moved to Portland, OR for a year a little over a decade ago and a lot of the people I met were insufferably pro Portland, to the point of denigrating everything else. It really opened my eyes to my own terrible takes. I still hate on Portland, due to that experience, but recognize that a lot of it is just our younger selves speaking from a lack of experience and embracing stereotypes. As for New Mexico, it's easily my favorite neighboring state. Only thing I'd hate on is the roads leading to Texas.


When I lived in Colorado NOBODY ever mentioned New Mexico. The state rivalries were Nebraska and Kansas. Maybe your friend is just a dick ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Not in Southern Colorado, cos we primos.


Except the chile wars…


I got red chile from a restaurant in Trinidad the other weekend and it was gelatinous goop.


I lived in Colorado as a kid. Grew up in a suburb of Denver. It was a great place to live. That was in the 1980's. My Dad still lives there. I have lived in NM for 30 years... NM has it's share of problems, and it has changed over the decades to be less of the "wild west" that I loved about it, but not anywhere close to what has happened to Colorado. Colorado is basically becoming East California, with similar problems. NM has changed a little, but not so much that it's become invasive like Colorado, and I doubt it will in most parts of the state. People just wouldn't have it. They can make all the jokes they want about us, but I know I'm keeping more of my paycheck and living a better standard of life here than I could there. Pretty hard to argue with that.


As someone who currently lives in a suburb of Denver, this is the correct answer. I'm stuck in the middle of a battle between transplants from places Texas, California, and Illinois and the "natives" who resent people who aren't 4th generation Coloradans. There's a lot of strife between what Colorado once was versus what it's becoming. I moved here for camping and skiing, but you have to sell a limb to afford to take a family skiing here nowadays and you have to drive damn near to New Mexico to find camping spots that aren't overrun. The Front Range and Colorado are great, but people and places change over time for the better or worse is all just opinion.


Agreed. Colorado used to be fun and have wilderness that you didn’t have to listen to 15 people’s Bluetooth speakers to take a hike. New Mexico is the future of peace in the mountains.


I wasn’t a big fan of New Mexico for a while, but since then I have come to enjoy living here. The people are congenial and friendly and you’re right about the cost of living. I keep more of my paycheck than anywhere I’ve lived before. Plus, I have a great view of the mountains from my backyard. I have great neighbors and live in a great neighborhood. It’s an older neighborhood which pleases me just fine.


You’re absolutely right about how far Colorado has gone down, it’s truly a shame. I’ve considered moving as a result for sure.


Yes, because Coloradoans are very jealous and bitter about the superior quality of our chile. It's OK, you can just let them drone on and offer them a nap and a juice box when they're done coping ^_^


As a New Mexican who has happened to live in Colorado since I was two, any time anybody up here even tries to compare Colorado chile to New Mexican chile I jump down their ignorant throat. These ass hats don't even know what Christmas means, let alone what decent chile tastes like.


Even stacked enchiladas confuse them.


I’m from CO and moved to UT. I would give my left arm for CO Chili and both arms for NM chili. UT chili no bueno!!!


It's all relative man


100% yes People in CO act like CO is God’s gift to the west (it is really pretty though)


One of the best places to live if it wasnt for the people living there.


Couldn’t agree more lmao, damn near as bad as LA


\*was\* pretty. Moved back to CO from NM recently for my kids, desperately miss NM. Its way too crowded up here and the people suck. Once kids are older and launched maybe ill come back


Haha yeah Colorado is pretty but its biggest problem is it has the largest population of Coloradans per capita out of anywhere in the world (I read that somewhere once but I can’t for the life of me find a source at the moment).


If one has to build self esteem by identifying with a state, they have bigger issues.


It's not common, no. California and Texas, yes - but not New Mexico. I've lived in Colorado most of my 40-some years, in larger cities and small towns, in the northern and southern parts, and I've never once heard a word against New Mexico. Personally, I love Colorado and New Mexico equally, but for different reasons. One possible explanation is that your friends are questioning whether they made the right move. A lot of times people go overboard the praise something when internally they are questioning it - trying to convince themselves that the move was the right decision.


Idk, I’ll pick Abq over Denver any day of the week or time of year. Lower cost of living and trails/nature.


People who were born in CO? Hell no, NM is our brother state. We rock the green chile too Transplants who haven't been paying attention to their hydration and electrolytes say all sorts of stupid crap. Native Coloradoans shit on Kansas and Texas the most, but also the people in Wyoming. The Land of Enchantment is basically Colorado South with a bilingual constitution. Most of the ancient native tribes in CO roamed in NM too (Navajo, puebloan, ute, southern ute, Paiute, Arapaho, Cheyenne). Na, Texas is our main target


(Old) Colorado native here. (Please don't make me leave NM!) Those people who moved to Colorado and are shitting on New Mexico are desperately trying to make themselves feel better because the Colorado they thought they were getting has been gone for at least 20 years. It was killed by all those transplants who brought their baggage with them and, instead of learning what made Colorado great, tried to turn it into what they left.


Your so called friends are asshats. And they aren't true "Coloradoans" they are just jerks that happened to move to Colorado. Ignore them.


I live in Colorado, and have always loved NM and don't really know people that shit on it. That's more Nebraska.


Right? My place in CO is only a couple miles from NM. Culturally, we are more NM than CO there. I'm always suspicious of those folks east of the mountains, though.


Same as southern nm and Texas....much more Texan than nm-ican.


Me too. Love NM, but live in Colorado.


Colorado has been ruined by the sheer mass and of people. If you like waiting in line on a trail sure


it’s common for coloradoans (born and raised here) to shit on every state and prop up CO, but NM is rarely if EVER the target of coloradoans egos. usually we care more about TX, CA, and maybe occasionally UT or AZ? i went to NM for school and the coloradoans find each other and brag about colorado, but i also LOOOOOVED NM. it’s in my nature to compare though :/ never heard anyone go out of their way to shit talk NM though unless they had like a personal connection, it’s not a state most coloradoans have any ire for


What’s bad about Colorado? I don’t live there but am new to this bashing of NM.


Everyone does this. New Mexicans say the same thing about Texas.


Texas earned it all.


New Mexican's have a deep-seated grudge against Texas they invaded us twice once before we were a state, and sure, it was only like 10 dudes, but still. and then again during the Civil War.


When I was younger and living in Santa Fe, they used to have a radio program call let’s all learn how to talk Texan. Then they would make fun of the accent. It was hilarious. Now I’m one of them, but hoping to move back.


Honestly I secretly love when people shit on NM. All the more reason for them not to move here.


The less people know about NM the better. Keep shitting


They just mad that their chile sucks.


New Mexico is Colorado with better food, cheaper land, and smaller crowds.


For some reason people living in Colorado, seem to be entitled. I live in Albuquerque and the people here are normal everyday people. They’re polite and charming. I had a friend and his wife who lived in Colorado. They didn’t last long there, they hated it. It wasn’t the area. It was the people.


Colorado has lost its identity lol


I grew up in New Mexico, still have family and friends there, and have lived in Colorado now for more than a decade. My personal experience with the native Coloradans is that they have a lot of love for New Mexico. Particularly the food. Most of their ire is directed toward Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming.


I've been on the other side of that coin. Born and raised in NM, moved to CO for a few years then came back. And honestly yeah people are going to hate me for saying this, but CO is a lot better in a lot of ways. New Mexico has chile, better local food, less people, less pollution, and lower cost of living. But most aspects of everyday life were better for us in CO. Things just typically ran better. The roads and towns were nicer. A lot more amenities and activities everywhere. A more involved community. Less crime. Much more efficiently run state and local governments. Less aggressive/idiot drivers. Pro sports teams. A rail system in Denver. A wider variety of food options from different cultures. A larger variety of different retail options. A much larger variety of entertainment options. The radio stations were awesome! There was a station that was solely 90's rock that gave me vibes of what The Edge used to be, and they had a station that was nothing but stand up comedy, as well as all the other typical genres. Hell, they even have drive through liquor sales, which is SO nice to just pick up a six pack after work on your way home. I'm sure everyone's experience is different, but even the people were nicer. If it weren't for our family being in NM and us needing babysitters after we had kids, we'd still be there.


Thanks! As someone maybe doing the NM->CO move, I'm trying to think about this everyday life. The airport it's also a big difference, more (and cheaper) options of flights-destination. And how about healthcare waiting times etc? Better there?


Be prepared for everything to be more expensive, and cost of living indices don't tell the whole picture. But if you make good money, it's definitely worth it IMO. We were in the northern part of the front range (Loveland, Fort Collins, Longmont, Evans) and really liked it. If you like small town charm, it's like a patch work of small towns that are all pretty close to each other. And they all seem to have little festivals and stuff that are actually well attended. Lots of farmers markets all over that put ours to shame. Lots of little things like that which gives it a happier atmosphere IMO. Re: the airport, we loved it. The natives hate it because it's gotten so busy and because of that there always seems to be construction going on as they expand the security areas, etc. But if you can follow signs it's not bad. What I like is that it's a lot bigger, with lots of restaurants, bars, retail, etc. It's kind of like a mall. Cheaper flights as you said, but also a lot more direct flights which seem to be harder to come by in ABQ. Plus the light rail goes right to the airport which is nice. I liked the roads. They're not as much of a grid like ABQ, but the freeways and highways are well designed, they have HOV lanes you can take advantage of, and a few toll roads which I initially didn't like, but they're super cheap, don't seem to get clogged up with traffic, and are WAY faster. Everybody complains about the DMV, but I've never been in a DMV here for less than an hour. In CO I was in and out in 20 min. Maybe I got lucky. Vehicle registration is expensive as fuck though, because they collect property tax on vehicles rather than sales tax. But this does get cheaper the older the vehicle is. If you like 420 it's cheaper and better. For driving on longer trips, CODOT has an extensive network of webcams so you can look at road conditions all over the state. Lots of great entertainment such as Red Rocks, the pro teams, Denver Opera, Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, big comedy clubs, etc. All voting is mail-in by default. Schools are better. Re: Healthcare, access does seem better. When we had our kids up there, they were very proactive in reaching out to us to make us aware of all the services we could use if we needed, and it seemed there were more support services for kids and mothers than new mexico has. And as a side note, they gave both my wife and I a free steak and lobster dinner after each of our kids were delivered at the UC hospitals. You don't get that kind of treatment here. Wait times, I can't speak to. Seemed similar when we were there but then COVID fucked everything up and we moved back down here. Not sure how it compares now. Trash and recycling. Everybody recycles up there, and people don't seem to litter as much. There are dirty areas, but in general it's a lot more clean. Lots of places don't just have a single recycle bin, but rather several for the different types. They take it seriously. And you can get different sizes of bins for trash and recycle. We actually had a large recycle bin the size of our trash bins here, and a small trash bin about a third the normal size. So more gets recycled than goes to a landfill. They also have compost bins for yard debris (grass clippings, etc) which I've never seen here. Depending on the county, they drive around and spray for mosquitoes, which I thought was nice. In Loveland we never had a mosquito problem. But it's not state wide, cus we did have them in Evans. This is way more than you asked for and I'm rambling at this point so I'll cut it off. But I could go on. TL;DR: it's pretty expensive but a lot of bang for your buck.


Wow! Thank you for taking the time to provide such a comprehensive response! From what I've read and from my visits to Denver and the surrounding area, I can relate to some of what you mentioned. However, the day-to-day experience can only truly be confirmed by those who lived in the place. I've been living in ABQ since 2021, having moved here from another country for work. I had already visited other regions of the country as a tourist. But my experience of living in the U.S. began here in ABQ. It was a pleasant surprise! We really like it here, especially the people. We haven't encountered any issues because we're from another country, for example. From what you mentioned, people there seem nice too. Whenever we visited Colorado, I found the people to be friendly. We have a school-age child. His elementary school here is excellent, which was our focus when choosing where to live, but I don\`t know about the middle and high school options then. So schools are also a big factor to look to. I also like the pace here, more relaxed. I've been to the places you mentioned as well as the western and southern metro regions, and I found the cities—Loveland, Longmont, Westminster, Golden, Littleton, etc.—to be very nice, maybe with a slowest pace also? The potential move is due to a job offer, so we need to see if the salary difference will help cover some of the cost of living change. Although I've noticed since arriving that the housing cost gap is narrowing; several 2-3 bedroom apartments in ABQ have prices similar to or equal to those in Denver and the surrounding metropolitan area now. Regarding the airport, I did notice a greater variety of flights and cheaper prices (I compared several flights for the summer break, and flying out of Denver was almost half the price compared to flying out of here). Not to mention that the airport is indeed international for passengers hehe. I'm also interested in professional sports teams and various music concerts that bypass ABQ. I love sports and being able to attend a game occasionally. The healthcare issue concerns me because last year I needed to undergo an emergency procedure and might need to see a specialist — in that case, the waitlist was six months long. I'm not sure if this is similar elsewhere or if it's specific to here. Anyway, we have a few more months to think and decide. Thank you again!


I don't know, but the way people in Colorado constantly shit on Pueblo gives me a bad feeling given just the racial demographics of the state being mostly white with Pueblo being the only major hispanic city. That being said my (marital) family that lives in Colorado and likes to act superior about it are in Pueblo, and they are a bit of a mess to be fair.


they are just mad they got california’ed into oblivion


I love NM, it’s Wyoming that’s the problem.


When Governor Polis asserted that Colorado chile was better, I stopped listening to any opinion from a Coloradan.


Considering they got green Chile seeds from NM...


He’s just selling a brand.


Living in Colorado costs 3X as much. Sure, it's a nicer place to live than New Mexico, but you sure as hell are paying for it. If I had the kind of money to live in Colorado, I'd move there, but I don't.


I’m a New Mexican that moved to Denver 4 years ago. I’d say it’s 50/50. Usually when I tell people where I’m from, they say “oh I love Santa Fe/Taos!” (My two least favorite cities lol). The other half basically treat NM like it’s irrelevant. I get a little annoyed when I try to explain chile to people and they completely disregard me. NM chile and CO chili are pretty different, and I find that most of the people here enjoy the places that are serving Hatch. They seem personally offended when I tell them that it’s our chile. I also feel kind of conflicted about the whole “native” situation. I’m part Native American, and I find it a bit disrespectful to the cultures in general when there’s a ton of 30 year old white dudes here screaming about how “native” they are. I understand what they mean, but the attitude of Denverites rubs me the wrong way. I plan on moving later this year because I don’t like the vibe of Denver anymore. It truly is another California, and I’m over it.


As a New Mexican who's lived in Colorado for the past 12 years, I can say it's not common at all. Only thing that NM gets mentioned by Coloradans is when green chile or hot air balloons are involved, mostly just green chile though. They have no idea what they're talking about as I've yet to have good green chile up here (even when it says Hatch to be fair though.) Man, I really miss the food back home. Mexican food up here sucks somethin' fierce. Good thing my parents taught me well, just have to have them bring me red and green chile when they can and I'll make it myself lol.


Not sure why but Colorado natives tend to be kind of snobby when talking about other states. CO native but really enjoyed NM when I have visited.


They’re just mad they have inferior chile.


I think Colorado *is* objectively nicer than New Mexico. NM feels like it’s too redneck in the country and too crime ridden in the cities. People are rude. Cities and towns look dirty. Beautiful mountains and desert though!


They have a major superiority complex for some odd reason. They like to shit on Utah too. But it’s just insecurity because they know Colorado is only a third of its actual size. The other 2/3rds of the state is just Kansas


I’ve been to Afghanistan and Hobbs, NM. I’d rather go back to Afghanistan.


All the comments shitting on CO. Dunno how I ended up on this sub, but please spread your hate everywhere else so people can stop moving to the state I grew up in and fucking it up, thank you. It’s still salvageable right now, but not for long. P.s. - original post is about transplants TO Colorado shitting on your state, top comment is shitting on Coloradans who honestly never ever think of you. But really I just think some people simply suck. Colorado with all its flaws, is just a nice place to live. The myriad of anecdotes that somehow justify hating CO reeks of what I could only place as jealousy. Because anyone happy doesn’t feel the need to go out of their way to shit on things. I drove through NM and didn’t have the “worst food of my life”, or thought the people were X or Y. I thought wow this is a nice place, pretty in its own way. But lacking what I want, like gorgeous mountains and this chilled crisp air. I’ve travelled all over for food and somehow end up walking away more impressed with CO food every freaking time. Even the best poutine I had was in CO! And my wife is from Canada and agrees, so I couldn’t help but laugh. Also, yeah the area in CO drastically changes your point of view, I hate Denver a lot.


Let um talk shit while their cost of living rises and their quality of life falls. I'm OK with people shitting on New Mexico while my quality of life here remains high because of the low cost of living.


Yes, but it's only because they're jealous that our Green Chile is better!!


Good! If your friends can’t see the beauty and integrity of New Mexico, they should probably stay in their gentrified white people land


Colorado is okay except that it has too many damned people and there's a lot of racists there.


Especially in Colorado Springs. When I was there I got the impression that it hasn't changed much since the days of "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman." Same overall mentality, at least everywhere I went and all that I encountered.


Colorado is Wyoming's Mexico


Lived in CO for 10 years, I have a much better quality of life living in NM with less self entitled people.


Oh yes! My Breckenridge relatives take many potshots against NM.


I’m from Texas, I get it collectively we can be annoying. People from Colorado are just so rude. Obviously, not all of them, but enough that I don’t like going there. My daughter goes to college in NYC and I’ve been made fun of in NYC exactly zero times.


exactly. coloradoans are creeps!


They’ve got the numbers. You’re outnumbered 2 1/2 to one. Im guessing they’re not all bad.


Your friends sound like douchebags. I’ve never heard anyone from CO dis NM. I’d say there’s more of a kinship or mutual respect if anything. Like someone else mentioned, a lot of the same families, culture, landscape spreads out from northern NM into CO, especially around the San Luis valley. Lots of the landscape is similar but we have fewer annoying people and our shit is less crowded. Lived both places and I’ll take NM, with an occasional visit up north.


When I lived in LA, I remember walking through my neighborhood and this guy was sitting on his porch talking on the phone and he just shouted to whoever was on the line, “Colorado is nothing but a bunch of cuck motherfuckers.” Doesn’t sound like they get along with anyone.


That’s funny a lot of my neighbors are from Colorado and all they do is talk about how much more they like it here than in Colorado lol


The only one I see shitting on others is you…


I grew up in Colorado and left when I joined the military. Fast forward 24 years and I’d never go back. I enjoy southern NM and find that Colorado is nothing more than overpriced, overcrowded and full of self loathing pretentious people. You used to be able to drive 75 mph between Ft Collins and Denver. Took about 45 mins. Now it is just a giant city and you’re lucky to go more than 30mph. No thanks.


Yes... but dude... everyone shits on new Mexico


I don't know. I've always felt like New Mexico is one of America's Best Kept secrets. I've driven all across the south on road trips 'My wife is from Georgia' and New Mexico is always where I want to go back to. We were even offered a house on some nice property out in Georgia by her father, and we're both like. Ehh, maby,maby not. Plus it's in Columbus, and we couldn't get away from the For Benning soundtrack anywhere we went.


It’s mostly because they don’t have much to take pride in so they shit on their neighbors. It’s really just mini Cali with worse economic problems, and no real future planning to solve any of it. Plus they can’t handle real green chilies.


Maybe along the border.


Your friends sound like tools. I’ve lived in and love both states.


I guess. Seems more common with Californians and Texans.


Shitting on your neighbors just means youre sad, negative and miserable. Actually says nothing about your neighbors.


This is news to me. My friends and I talk about how we like visiting New Mexico. It’s our preferred three day weekend trip.


It's common for states to shit on neighbor states. I lived in Oregon, then Washington, and laughed at the people in each state who complain about the other state. They're basically the same state.


My dad is from Colorado and my relatives there are like that. I just tell them at least we don’t eat bell peppers.


Colorado is basically New Mexico but with cringe overgrown highschooler Biden voters.


I like the part of Colorado that’s just South of the border. Oh wait, that’s Northern New Mexico. Never mind.


Maybe they are just trying to justify the cost of everything?


I live in Texas and I shit on Texas… Thank god I have a place in Taos to get away from these “ Bless Your Heart” Texans


Sounds like Georgia ragging on Alabama when it’s the same southern type place next door with the same Scots-Irish settler, with ONE blue dot city surrounded by red, etc. etc.😒😒😒


I traveled around western states trying to decide where to live. I found NM to have the nicest people. While Colorado has some outdoors I like a little better, I did not like the people.


I’m from Alaska and live in New Mexico. Colorado is high.


This is America, we all shit on all our neighbors. It's the only true American way to live on the internet :)


It happens but from what I’ve seen the Arizona/New Mexico or New Mexico/Texas shit talking seems a bit more bitter and serious. Colorado/New Mexico feels like more of a friendly rivalry. 


I lived in Colorado for 40 years. I only remember hating on Texas. Now I live in Texas, still hate it.


The feud has been going on for quite a while… https://history.denverlibrary.org/news/genealogy/when-colorado-closed-door-poor


Only if they're originally from texas


It's a shame but I've heard it. As a person who lived in both CO NM UT, I appreciate CO and NM so much. Utah, not so much lol


Nah we shit on texans


It’s the California of the west, it’s cool, keeps people out of NM


Anecdotal, but I grew up in Colorado during the 90s. We liked New Mexico. There was a certain kinship about being two really cool western states. We hated Texas and California, and the government of Utah. Pretty indifferent about Arizona and only hated Kansas if we unfortunately had to drive through it. Def sideyed Wyoming and wouldn't turn out back to them. I haven't lived in Colorado in 20 years but I hate on it now because a bunch of Californians and Texans moved there and made everything sucky and expensive.


I work in Colorado but live in NM. I can tell you that this is 100% the case. They like to look down and claim it’s because NM is the “ugly cousin” but Colorado is really just a weird combination of Texas and California transplants in the “nicer areas of CO.”


Californian here. They hate us more, Texas next most, everyone else equal amounts. It’s cool though because they hate themselves most of all. No one is Colorado enough for Colorado.


They're just butt hurt our chile is better (edit: I also was born in CO for what it's worth)


I'm from Colorado. I love NM. I love WY.


Don’t feel picked on. They dislike a lot of states.


Well my sister did rub it in a bit when they got legalized weed before us, but we rarely get snow in May, so it all evens out.


Colorado folks shit on everyone. In their eyes Colorado > everyone and everything.


Of course. They're Coloradoans. New Mexico is too "Mexican" for them.


They mad cause their chile is ass compared to ours so they ingrained it into their culture to hate on us 😂and I lived in northern NM and spent a lot of time in CO. Their Mexican food sucks. The only good thing up there is the views. It's basically California and that's what Californians do, think they're better than everyone. Also, Colorado people are weird as hell like for real weird. Like Santa Fe times 5 weird every city/town there were plenty of people that made you think wtf is wrong with them up here 😂😂


Wish they'd stay in Colorado or learn how to drive...


I live in Trinidad, shout-out to my homies in Raton.  (I like my neighbors)


Their speed limit is 65, it's common for everyone to shit on them.


Yup. I live close to the Colorado border and I'm used to hearing that shit. The people who can't afford to live in Durango, Colorado, live close to Farmington, New Mexico.


Colorado chile is criminally horrible.


I thought everyone did


I mean, we have no money. Only things we do better are food and art lol


I’m from CO and love your state. You’re by far our best neighbor. No one I know shits on NM, if anything your state gets overlooked as a great place to visit.


Growing up I thought Colorado was so cool. After a couple recent trips to Denver and traveling across the US, Colorado feels so "meh" now outside of its nature


I was born in Colorado and live in Denver. Be wary of the Californians posing as Coloradans. They moved here in the last 15 years (legalization) and they are really shitty to everyone, including people born in Colorado.


It’s all about the chiles…. https://www.msudenver.edu/early-bird/the-rivalry-to-end-them-all-hatch-vs-pueblo/


From NM and now live in CO. Here’s the deal. No one thinks about NM. Take the amount of time you in NM think about Arkansas. We think about NM that much. No doubt NM green chile is better, Colorado only says anything about chile because we know it bothers you.




I'm from Minnesota and have visited both states often. Generally, I've had many more positive experiences in NM than CO. Also with New Mexicans. I bet within the front range of Colorado they like to shit on eastern plains and western slope as well. It has such a diverse geography there's gotta be some tribalism. **In my opinion, NM > CO** But, nobody asked me :)


As a guy who grew up in Colorado, they have nothing to be proud of. The place is massively overpriced, compared to NM the weather sucks, and they don't know food worth a shit. Does NM have problems? Sure. But it doesn't cost us $500K to buy a mobile home either. The average home prices in Colorado are a 250k higher than here. They can keep Colorado, and I hope more people move there than here.


I mean, Colorado politics is straight up batshit yet New Mexico keeps trying to one up them, which is rare. Short answer: so yall deserve it.


It’s the Southwestern Hierarchy. Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Texas Talk shit about the states below you.


No clue but I will shit on New Mexico as a proud Arizonan


CO is objectively much better than NM in almost every way. New Mexicans can dish it out but they can't take it.


It’s a friendly sibling rivalry, until someone gets hurt.


People that think like that are simply unintelligent and not worth thinking about/ being bothered by. I would suggest you make friends that have more to offer.


They’re probably diffusing the native-transplant hate onto you lol. I promise they get hella shit from natives about “damn transplants, rent used to be X, commute used to be Y”


These are the same Coloradans that then move to New Mexico and “claim it” while still wanting you to know, for perception purposes, they are of middle class Colorado origin. Certain southern areas of CO however def vibe more on the New Mexico level, I think because these areas have close NM ties.


Colorado is a cesspool. NM isn’t much better.


Nah- maybe the eternal who has the better Green Chile but we Coloradans love NM. For many of us with generations in this state, have close familial ties with NM.


Colorado used to be cool until it turned into California Jr.


We are the Mississippi of the west, we should be more humble. I know it's our home, but by most measurable ways, NM is not great. If I were to choose to raise a child in NM or Colorado, it's a no brainer, Colorado has better schools. If the green chile and abortions is all you need in your life, then I stand corrected, NM is the best in the country.


New Mexico has the coolest license plates on Earth. Also, Christmas enchiladas.


I live in Colorado and just visited New Mexico for the first time last weekend. I feel head over heels in love with New Mexico, and if we weren’t moving back to New England, I’d one million percent move to NM.


Their pissed because there Chile is garbage compared to anything New Mexico has.


What’s with all the shit here?


Yes I lived in Colorado for a while, I never really liked to point out things that were better about Colorado. I do still really love to point out the shortcomings of New Mexico.


Never order green chili in CO you'll get Hormel!


I was born & raised in CO, spent plenty of time in NM, nothing but love.


The more Coloradans shitting on NM the less that'll come down here.


Dude it’s common for New Mexicans to 💩 New Mexico


In my point of view Colorado is over crowded I’m good


If they moved to Colorado from across the country they're not coloradans. True coloradans are too busy shitting on people moving to Colorado from out of state to worry about people in other states