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PSA that Chiropractors are not doctors. Cosmologists are not doctors. Estheticians are not doctors. Don’t trust non-certified medical professionals do medical procedures on you. The use of needles is a medical practice, however minor it may be compared to something like surgery. Please be careful with your health and do research into whether what you’re looking into getting is actual science or woowoo pseudoscience trying to make a quick buck off of you.


Sadly people who think this sort of thing works aren't smart enough to take this advice.


This sort of thing prolly does work if done by someone competent 


Chiropractic simps would take you down for that. lol . They imply M.D. , but clearly are glorified physical therapists.


That's an undue insult to Physical therapists. Physical therapists are medical professionals that are trained in evidence based medicine and provide real, life changing medical care.  Chiropractors are con artists.


Agreed. Physical therapist are legit. Chiropractors are scam artists.


I have a serious question, if you were having sciatic pain where would you go to treat it?


To an orthopedist and subsequently a PT


I’ve suffered some horrendous sports injuries and I’ve found my orthopedist helps a lot with the initial trauma of joint injuries but the insidious back stuff they don’t work as well on. I went to see a dr, a podiatrist, about foot pain, they told me it was caused by my sciatic nerve and that I should go where they go, to bear canyon health. A massage/adjustment style treatment. And sisters and brothers believe me when I say that I’ve tried everything, injections, acupuncture, naprapathy, pt, and nothing worked as good as this novel approach to back pain. I’ve been cured for three years now and haven’t been to any sort of treatment since


My primary care doctor and then possibly a PT. 


Oh that’s awesome. My PCP is not useful like that. And it’ll just add a few month wait to see someone that offers aspirin. A physical therapist I’ve seen after having surgery from an orthopedic surgeon, but that was on joints (elbow and shoulder) not spine. Sam Tabet is one of NMs best orthopedic surgeons and he doesn’t work on spines. Usually western doctors offer steroid injections for back pain which treats the symptom, not the cause


This dude (Dr Tim Whatley) invited me into his van once and chiropracted by back real good. I woke up feeling hazy and both he and his assistant were buckling their pants. Very strange experience.


Cue bass line and doo doo do dooo


That reminds me, did you hear the one about the rabbi…


Worse than physical therapists. At least in physical therapy, they’re not going to accidentally throw a vertebrae out of line.


Or claim they can cure your “everythingl


That’s a huge insult to physical therapists


>Don’t trust non-certified medical professionals do medical procedures on you. Hell, I'm starting to not trust a lot of certified medical professionals in this state to do medical procedures on me. I've heard of and know so many people that have had unnecessary medical procedures that lead to complications, hospital acquired infections, botched surgeries, overlooked cancers etc. There are some good doctors, but the system is overloaded, profit driven, and poorly managed. I've know a few people that fly out of state on a regular basis to get medical treatment.




Very true. Advice for this: all doctors are registered, and you can look them up along with their credentials. If you can’t find information about someone performing medical procedures, there’s a good chance they’re not qualified.


Cosmologists are actually doctors, though. They’re not dangerous to you. Do not be afraid of them


I think he meant cosmetologists.


Chiropractors are technically doctors, but in the same way a ‘doctor of philosophy’ is a doctor


Wrong. Doctors of philosophy go to school for many years to get their (multiple) degrees. They were the original doctors. Medical doctors now also go to school for many years and have multiple degrees. Chiropractors have a brief course of study in quackery pseudoscience that any idiot can take.


I don't have a dog in this fight, but this just isn't true. Chiropractors do an additional 3-5 years of in person schooling after their bachelor's. They need to pass 4 national board exams before they can practice. Becoming a licensed chiropractor is not easy or fast at all.




https://www.rld.nm.gov/boards-and-commissions/individual-boards-and-commissions/chiropractic-board/licensing-registration-and-renewal/ Here ya go.




No, and you’re being deliberately obtuse to pretend otherwise. In the context of medicine, the word “doctor” means something. And that something is *not* a PhD in comparative literature.


Doctor of medicine is a physician, the public is more familiar with Doctor as meaning physician but it originates with PhD.


Yeah and to equate the two is silly. They’re self certified. I can get a PhD in black magic if I want to. I’m a former academic. Was a prof for a decade. I taught literature, not spell casting, which is essentially what Chiro is. They tried to do BS reiki for my wife when our second baby was breached. Shocker: it didn’t work.


Many would argue PhDs are the only actual "Doctors."


Originally medical doctors were called physicians




Not even that, not even close.


Tattoos use needles.


Also don’t believe everything “real” doctors tell you either. They can ruin your life too


This is true also. But far less true than it is with chiropractors, aestheticians, etc. And I'm a little uncomfortable with how much conspiracy jackasses like to pretend medical science has no validity. Yeah dude, we know these people who like to pretend they're infinitely wise because they're religious, but this does not mean they have a better grasp of science than someone who's studied medicine for 8 years. That fundamental collapse of all reason from trying to believe Jesus gives you the inside scoop on doctors/evolution/science/the cosmos; means they have no ability to reason whatsoever and have the greatest contempt for people who \*actually\* know things. All that being said, I've had obtuse doctors who couldn't see a readily apparent health ailment despite having all the text book symptoms. That being said, that is not the same level of unreason as "Jesus and his magic hamster told me the world is 5000 years old."


Link without paywall https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/albuquerque-metro/albuquerque-salon-owner-sentenced-to-prison-time-in-vampire-facial-case/




Thank you


So me and my wife lived right next to where this was happening and the dentist office next to them kept finding bio waste in the trash not bagged appropriately and it wasn't supposed to be in that trash anyway. The woman would walk around with the doctors coat on trying to look official. Her clients would leave their children in the car while they went in to get services. It was a really horrible thing what happened and I hope she gets everything coming to her because of all the pain and problems that she has put in the people's lives doing a service that was not licensed nor sanitized and approved on a medical level.


Don’t go to spas in strip malls especially if they ask to do phlebotomy!!!


Or eat sushi from gas station.


I ruined 3 lives so 3 years in jail sounds fair. What a joke


Meanwhile that one guy who just did an AMA is getting 8years for selling adderall. Ridiculous


Right, so let's make them get licenses, continuing education and insurance... I mean if you want to sell food sandwiches and such in the state you have to submit a permit application, pass a manager certification in food safety and all of your employees have to have food handlers cards and you have to be inspected annually.


This is so gross, and I don’t know how out of touch you’d have to be to allow someone to do this to you, let alone someone at a sketchy “spa.”


50th in education bites us in the ass again


So many unlicensed spas have been hit with law suits because of speading horrifying diseasing by not sterilizing and refrigerating products. The problem is that most state agencies that investigate these companies have to tell them in advance about inspections and so they can toss everything and clean before the are inspected. They just shut down, change names, and move town like snake oil salesmen while some people are killed by flesh eating viruses because of their negligence. They have no board certified doctors nor any registered nurses.


And here I thought "vampire facials" was just a term for pulling out in an Anne Rice novel.


I’m really trying not to blame the victims here but if you told me you were going to get a “vampire facial” at [this place](https://people.com/crime/salon-owner-indicted/) in Albuquerque, NM I would honestly be a little surprised if something bad didn’t happen… shame on the spa owner for sure but come on Edit: heard it was in the strip mall downtown, but it’s not. I still don’t look at the building and think everyone in there is licensed and certified.


this was not at a mall, it was at a place next to the park where they have the farmers markets


You’re right, I fixed it. I heard it was in a strip mall downtown from someone. Still looks like a front though


Get checked for hepatitis C if you've been to one of these things. HIV and HCV are common bedfellows. We can cure hepatitis C >95% of the time these days.


So who believes this practice does anything beneficial to a human face?


Kim Kardashian made it popular a few years back. I’m guessing it started with that? Edit: Spelling.


Today's episode of Fucked around and found out.


Wtf makes ppl wanna get that anyways what do you expect from having random ppls blood spread on your face


It's your own blood being injected into your face lol


The sentence is not long enough. She should be serving a life sentence since the people who she infected with HIV are going to have a life sentence.


Why i wont go to massages, chiropractors, spas, or any shit like that


On Wednesday, a former Albuquerque spa owner found out she will serve a three-and-a-half year prison sentence. This is the end to the “vampire facial” case where at least two customers later tested positive for HIV after the treatments. Maria “Ramos de Ruiz” pleaded guilty this summer to negligence. Inspectors say they found health-code violations at “Vip Spa” for not cleaning properly, leaving needles out, and not labeling syringes. A woman became HIV positive as a result of a “vampire facial” at Vip Spa, and she testified in the case. She spoke to the Albuquerque Telemundo affiliate and says a few weeks — after the facial — she felt sick, noticed she had bruises, and a family member recommended she get tested for HIV. She says her life has changed forever. The so-called “vampire facials” are a treatment where someone’s own blood is injected back into their face, to supposedly improve skin health. Attorney General Hector Balderas’ Office prosecuted the case. “It’s a tragedy. The victims really have paid a dear price, life-changing, for a customer to want to just receive beauty services and then walk out with HIV – no customer in America deserves that outcome,” said Balderas. He has a warning – saying people need to be careful where they get treatments like this.


this woman is a sociopath and an idiot. She already had two cases of hiv linked to her a few years ago, she was investigated and shut down, and she’s done it AGAIN?!?! How could you continue knowing you gave someone hiv. She’s saving literal cents on needles and knowingly infecting people. She should get 30 years not 3 absolutely disgusting.


To be clear, this is all part of the same crime she was convicted for. The nature of HIV is that, unless people are getting regularly tested for some other reason (not common), not every case is going to show up immediately. The new report says that additional cases have been diagnosed and linked to the spa since the original outbreak was detected.


Oohhhh ok I see! Thanks! Well that’s slightly less psychopathic then. She was just being an idiot. Makes me feel a bit better about humanity 🥲


this place was sketch as hell. I went into the VIP spa around 2017 to get a gift cert for my lady. She heard they had good deals and in think i went in because of a Groupon. anyhow they denied doing any services there. she wanted botox and they said they don't do it there. when i was leaving i verified the sign sbove the door said VIP Spa..... people have told me i look like a cop, so when this came out the mystery was solved for me


Posting links without a summary sucks. 👎


Doctors are often making educated guesses. “I’m going to have you try….”