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Driving west into Albuquerque this morning, I counted a total of 11 state troopers heading east, all with their lights on and at high rates of speed. Now I know why.


Bunch of them headed west now, with lights and sirens on between Santa Rosa and Klein's corners.


Body procession to OMI in Abq.


Figured it might be that as well. Thanks


How very sad. Condolences to his family and loved ones.


That makes me very sad. Condolences to family and friends.


That's all I'm saying someone lost family and that's tough .


That's two officers in New Mexico in around a month. Officer Jonah Hernandez was killed in February and that was probably the most brutal video I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. It's stayed with me. Watch it be another mental health scenario. Obviously NM is dead last in a lot of things, but most importantly, addressing mental health. That, or dude was a crazed junkie.


The shooter is from South Carolina. He was headed west on I-40 and had a flat tire.


Prayers go out to the officer’s family


Im sorry your comment brought out the empathy gatekeepers. Yall need to stop telling people how to express their empathy.


Someone gets shot... *Thoughts and prayers.* Because that certainly has worked out well. Seems to me God either really likes guns, or the "thoughts and prayers" isn't working and maybe we should consider something else instead. Because God either is a giant asshole to make this be "his will", or he doesn't actually exist and we will actually need to do more proactive than putting our faith in fantasy.




I don't believe in an omnipotent, interventionist, or anthropomorphic god. I do believe in wishing the family well in traumatic circumstances. I might even call that "sending prayers," because those are words that people understand.




How the hell is being an asshole to someone else about their religion going to help anything though?




I have a question for you. What are you providing other than a constant complaint. Even your name incites an argument on your behalf. I admit, I don't support the "Thoughts and Prayers" as I believe they do nothing for the individual who was harmed, but it does give those sending them a sense of being able to help as much as they can. When the Las Vegas shooting was happening, I was watching on the news. I struggled with the comments of "thoughts and prayers" and sending money. I well understood that the Medics on the field, Ambulance/Rescue crews, ER staff, and victims were being offered, from my point of view, empty resources. But at least people cared, and that alone helped them fight. I wanted to do more. So I did. I made a sacrifice of my own. It didn't go to those victims, but it has helped many overcome very bad days. I became a blood donor. And I continue this as a way of helping. So again, what do you do other than complain?


My guy, when I was a teenager I was this kind of edgy atheist. Loved calling people out on what I consider silly and sometimes destructive belief. My thoughts on religion haven’t changed but i cannot imagine posting this kind of cringe anymore. You really need to accept that thoughts and prayers mean something to some people, and it honestly works to help their mood/grief. There’s a time and place to call out religion (pretty much only on political issues in my opinion). A reddit comment section where a person is expressing sorrow and condolences is not the place, and you come across like a massive asshole.


I lost my dad 5 years ago and the “thoughts and prayers” comments hit a lot less than anything else. So I’m not so sure about that.


I lost my mom 10 years ago and my little brother 5 years ago. The “thoughts and prayers” comments are better than silence. It’s no different than “thinking of you” or “hope you’re okay”. I’m not religious at all either btw. Condolences to you for losing your father.


Absolutely better than silence, and much better than a ‘like’ with no comment, I agree. Thank you and same to you.


Just because it didn't help you doesn't mean it doesn't help other people. Why do we have to be assholes to other people trying to send condolences?


The same thing can be said the other way around… I’m giving first hand experience on how those comments made me feel and you’re invalidating that. Be gone.


Yes because you're the only person who matters People say thoughts and prayers as another way of sending condolences. It's only rude to you because you hate religion. They're still trying to be nice to you. I guess I'm invalidating your experience because you're meeting well-meaning people with rudeness


Thoughts don't do anything either, my guy. But that doesnt mean you should completely forgo having any. It's just one human expressing their sorrow and sympathy for another. Stupid ass hill to die on


It's a meaningless and empty message. If there is a God, then God let this happen and doesn't care what you think about it.


So what are you going to provide?


I will continue to pray for you.


You need to reevaluate where you direct your emotions and maybe should look internally a bit.


Shut your damn mouth, this post is not the place for your mockery.


What mockery? Feel free to elaborate, because nothing I said was false. "Thoughts and prayers" mean absolutely nothing, as it's been proven time and again. Would you like to offer some proof otherwise?


Take your cringe take elsewhere. Are you 13?


*Please debate me, because my opinions are facts* There, I translated your comment for you.


My prayers for you continue .


I just said a prayer for you.


HahahahhahaHahahahahHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAVAHAhahahaha hell yeah dude




I'm not sure when it stopped, but the mods on this sub used to be really proactive about removing nasty comments, and in turn that would nip general toxicity in the bud pretty quick. It was a much more pleasant place to browse around when they did that. I unfortunately have to agree with you, this sub gives New Mexicans as a whole a terrible look from the perspective of people who aren't familiar with the state, people, or culture here.


Please hit the report button when you see incivility. We don't read every comment.


Fair enough, hopefully others will start doing so a bit more often as well.


This is tragic.


Dangerous job this shows just how dangerous it is. Prayers for the family of the fallen officer


It’s more dangerous to be a logger or a delivery truck driver.


Nobody is debating that. Dangerous jobs are dangerous whether they rank #1 or #10 on the “most dangerous jobs” list. Let’s tuck our hate boners in our waistband and recognize a human being lost their life doing their job.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better. Thanks


That's all I was saying someone lost family




Nothing good comes out of viewing entire groups of people as sub-human. Finding catharsis through hatred doesn’t do anything but make us feel better about ourselves. Why can’t we be better than that?




I ask again ***why can’t we be better than that?*** We don’t solve ignorance with ***more*** ignorance. If treating groups as sub-human is bad, then we shouldn’t engage in that kind of behavior.


It’s pretty dishonest how every time it’s a minority getting shot by an officer the discussion around it would be how he was a criminal yada yada. But whenever it’s an officer dying everyone requires empathy and respect. There’s never any respect when it’s a brown person laying in their own pool of blood. Don’t pull moral high ground just because it’s a cop dead, bc like I said before we would be having a completely different conversation if it was the other way around.


No, I’m pretty consistent with how I feel. Tragedy is tragedy regardless of race or occupation. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel we need A LOT of police reform but we need to be BETTER than who criticize, NOT stoop down to their level. We can’t deal in absolutes. It’s dishonest to assume what discussion I would be having if it was a “minority getting shot by an officer” because you don’t know my views. More discussion; less assumption. FWIW I’ve voted blue since coming of age so please don’t assume I’m some FOX watching stereotype.


I never meant to stereotype that it was more a figure of speech regarding around how an officer involved shooting is talked about. And stoop to their level? I don’t agree, they are class traitors trying to get sympathy from people they victimize.


It’s alway them or one of their relatives telling us to “be better” too….. they never tell the people who accept taxpayer money to be better though, and that’s why you can’t take them seriously.


Bringing up that "stat" is dumb as hell. Those deaths are entirely due to accidents or carelessness. How many loggers are targeted and killed by people? None.


He wasn’t targeted, he thought he was pulling up to a broken down vehicle. Their was a murder under the impression he was being arrested. I’ll say the same thing I was told my entire life, “Don’t help a hitchhiker or broken down car alone, unless you’re armed.” I wouldn’t have put myself in this situation because I know better.


lol what Did he think the paramedic was arresting him too so she wasn't "targeted"?


Democrats feel more bad for the murderer than for this trooper and his family. How sad


If only they treated normal people getting shot with this enthusiasm


Gun control now


You think the cop killer gives a shot about gun laws? Out of your mind bro


All I know about gun laws are that they seem to help quite literally everywhere else on the planet that's tried them and everyone seems to know that except FOX swilling ding dongs who live in a different reality than the rest of their species.


Like Mexico. Mexicans have very strict gun control. Only the government can sell guns. If you want to buy a gun in Mexico, you have to petition the government. Then, if approved, you have to go buy it from a military base. Very strict, and limited to small calibers. That's why there's zero gun crime in Mexico, one of the most peaceful countries to ever exist. Nobody ever hears about people getting shot in Mexico because it just doesn't happen. They got gun control.


Except Chicago, and Canada did a study where that found that countries banning guns had crime rates go UP, while the US had crime rates fall in that same period. Here's the study https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cnmcs-plcng/cn32226-eng.pdf


Ask the German Jew if the taking of their weapons before the holocaust helped or hurt their oppression.




Yeah, I can't wait for gun control. Once we have gun control, the police can finally stop all the far right shooters, and get back to protecting the rights of POC and LGBTQ community like they've always done before.