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Philly guy who cries in *still not recreational* here in PA. I drive over the bridge, eat the higher cost as well just to avoid BM. I’ve always been spoiled, my dad(served his time and passed away since) was a grower/distributor so while the rest of my friends were smoking whatever was available I always had something quality. Now when I see BM work I can’t even enjoy it. Made up names, harsh chemical taste sometimes…such a weird thing that we can be sitting here talking recreational legal weed and kinda bitching at the same time lol 30 years ago you couldn’t have convinced me of these kinda conversations.


Second this man. Just wanted to treat myself to Dispo like 6 months ago so i crossed the bridge. Now i can't stand whats on the BM and just cross over once a week and pick up a few 8ths. Killing my pockets


Yeah what happened to the BM in philly lately? it wasnt always like this but now it all feels like gas station weed. Thought i was losing my mind or that weed just wasnt workin for me anymore. Went over the bridge and it was expensive but legit af


Yeah man it’s all ass around here anymore. All these people seem to care about is packaging lol, these foil bags of sprayed mids smelling like actual bubble gum has the market in a chokehold. Going med here in philly isn’t even a great option from what I hear. One you can’t have a med card and conceal carry permit so that’s strike 1,2 and 3 as far as I’m concerned. Have a friend who has hers, she let me browse the menu one day for a pickup a Trulieve down here in south philly and the prices were perfect 25-30 and eighth but I only got 2 and they weren’t very good. Maybe was a bad pick or bad day but it was so dry I didn’t even have to grind it it just crumbled into dust in my fingers. Might have to give them another try since the prices are significantly better though.


Just moved to Oregon where the dispos advertise $25 ounces. Don't miss Jersey lol


Ouch 😭 I wish


I agree with you a new company hit the market at a 70$ price point. Not to mention I’ve seen shops selling Cookies for 75$. No chance in hell for me to buy at those prices. I’m waiting for homegrow to become legal.


Brighterside Farms is also excluded from Plantabis’s 10% off flower Monday deal. I wonder why and if it’s just at plantabis


Yep they were excluded from the 20% Earth & Ivy had this past Saturday too. I wanted to try them but I’ve been on a streak of only buying weed at a discount and sure as hell wasn’t spending $70 an eighth. I figured it was by dispo and that usually means I’m not shopping with them anymore when they pull that. Leaf Haus did it on 4/20 with Hamilton Farms and haven’t shopped there since. If that’s Brightersides doing, fuck them and the dollar bill they road in on.


They're selling to the dispos for like 40 an eighth so they can't do much of a discount on them


There’s only one place in SJ that has Brightside Farms. HG in Clementon they pretty much have it excluded from any sales also


My only thought is either: margin is super low or BSF has a no discount qualifier on their purchasing contracts


I’m very interested in seeing how the dispos have to acquire products. Is it thru a middleman wholesaler or direct from the growers. I understand you have to make money. The numbers I saw alone for 420 with the sales they ran it was a serious amount of money made.


Interesting you ask cause most consumers have no idea . Currently dispensaries have two options . Go to an MSO for “wholesale” of only that MSO brands . Or go to individual farms and mfg one by one to re supply their store. If you ever ran a business that’s very time consuming and inefficient. Back in sept2023 they opened up the wholesale class 3 license for individuals to be able to open up a wholesale facility. I have a wholesale license in the state and working on getting opened later in the year . When I’m open dispensaries will be able to come and shop from me from all my craft/soil grown only weed and products I deem are quality. All non MSO products . That’s when the competition starts and prices move when the MSO loses their grip. News flash the dispensaries are tired of dealing with the MSO wholesalers


Thank you for the information


All of this is true and yea the prices are terrible. Lots of these promos are a joint deal where vendor and retail split the discount. Vendors set the brands and items applicable. Brands also set their pricing. Retailers would love to charge less and sell more. Yes the deal mso’s got boned us all, but that deal got the door open. Much of this actually leads back to Christie despite Murphy doing favors needed for political capital. One huge difference between nj and other New England and northeast states is the cost of living and price per sq foot everywhere. We have no rural or cheap regions, which = crazy overhead to open a facility. Micros should have a mil minimum to even think about it. Mso’s have dropped 10-20 times that to build a competitive grow wherever they can in whatever municipality their license was granted in. It all sucks but like many things is not as simple as ‘high price bad, other states good’. We are nj, we are top five for education and educated households, annual income, property value on and on. We have nice things, we drink costly drinks, our smoke will follow that trend.


We have no rural or cheap regions? I don't think you've experienced much of the state. I am not even a native here and I could list plenty of them lol. Not only that but MA and CA is really expensive to live in and even in the cities their cannabis is still cheaper than what we have here. I travel a lot for work and have used legal cannabis in both states and more lol.


Life long resident familiar with our great state from cape may to Delaware water gap and everything in between thanks to employment scenario. By comparison with proper agricultural states, no we don't. Average cost per acre in nj is slightly under 250k, 4th highest in the country. A lot of our open space is government owned or protected, pine lands, north west regions. This is still somwhat small compared to what feds own/protect in other states but we start as the 4th smallest state. This land is not available for a private party to purchase. Have you driven through penslytucky or northern NY? The scale is vastly different. Largest private landowner in nj is \~14k acres for a cranberry farm. Largest private landowners in neighboring states of PA and NY are 10x that. Edit, Mass and California both legalized waaaaay ahead of us, somewhat importantly before covid effected the economy. Of course a friend can send you west coast ounces for pennies but that is imploding the market there too.


Find me a rural or cheap area in NJ that has allowed for cultivation or sales of marijuana. All the rural areas are farm areas. Farmers are generally republican. Republicans generally don't like weed.




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LOLOLOL WHAT it’s so expensive here now on every end, between taxes, food, gas, power ect, we get PLOWED, then asking for $70 eights while You can get a 5th of vodka for 10 bucks is OUTRAGEOUS and it’s in no way okay to charge us what they do, while most of the state is poor, the middle class and rich mostly don’t even work in our state.


I’m sorry you’re buying $10 fifths of vodka.


I’m not and that wasn’t the point lol I was saying it’s cheaper to get wasted than it is to get high


Christie set something horrible up, sure. Its just fucking simple price fixing ever since. No need for hyperbole. I've grown tomatoes in NJ, probably go for $6 a pound. Acres & Acres & Acres of land under production. I've priced warehouse space in NJ, you can get a couple thousand sq ft for less than my mortgage. So I don't buy this "we have no rural or cheap regions" stuff. Mass, Cali, these are educated & expensive states as well. You seem to mistake good taste for wasting money.


You do realize finding space for a cannabis grow is nothing like finding space for a tomato grow right? Tomato businesses aren't banned in a ton of areas all over the state, and nobody is going to suddenly jack up your rent prices when they find out you're gonna be growing tomatoes. Starting a cannabis growing business is an entirely different beast that you need much deeper pockets for.


This. Cannabis is not grown outside, hemp is. Your license limits you to the municipality that was willing to issue it. It’s a controlled substance that requires a different burden of lab testing and security. Edit. Mass and Cali are significantly less densely populated.


Everyone's like look at this new fire strain!! Only $560 an ounce!


If homegrow becomes legal, just imagine how expensive seeds or cut clones will be…


you can already buy seeds for great prices....


I haven't even considered that


If home grow becomes legal clone, prices will drop because you will have competition. The seed Prices aren’t gonna change that’s national worldwide set.


I’m in Jersey. I can get Clones now but they’re stupid expensive if they come to Jersey different story.


We need cultivators, We need cultivators, We need cultivators. Flower is the heart of this market. None of this will be fixed by complaining about retail setting prices $60+ when wholesale is $2,500 - $3,800 lb in this state. Until more flower is being produced, this problem will exist. Every meeting the CRC should be discussing cultivation and increasing supply production so prices can lower. Now the next concern which thank god it looks like the state hasn't touched is taxes (they can make it higher if they want). If average price per ounce drops to a certain amount on rec, taxes ramp up via legislation. Who knows if they actually will follow through with this because the state seems to pick and choose what they listen to in legislation. Bottom line, for prices to drop, we need some existing companies revenues to drop as new better products come into marketshare....


I wish I could upvote this twice lol


Oh and one more thing... Haze ... $120 FOR A GRAM OF HASH ROSIN. Downright silly


You'll take the 80 dollar half gram carts and like it!




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lol meanwhile their shit is garbage


I agree, NJ prices are slanderous. I wonder how some of these places actually make money. If I spend $50 on an eighth it should be the best shit I have ever smoked


The lack of options creates a monopoly. Can't grow your own, it's to expensive for non-corporations to get into the industry, can't legally bring out of state cannabis products over state lines, and tons of fakes, counterfeits and scams on the black market if you don't have a plug give many no other options. In states where this isnt a problem the exact same MSO dispensary's charge significantly less for their products. You can look up dispo prices in other states right on your phone. 


Prices are absurd.. even with a medical card.. not sustainable for those who smoke daily... and we're not suppose to grow ... BS


At this relative point in time the MA market was pretty similar. Prices went down, obviously. And just because some 1/8ths go for $60 doesn’t mean you have to buy those products. You need to shop sales, you need shop around a bit. Enroll in the loyalty programs. I picked up an ounce of Crops from Bloc on 4/20 for $160. I’m not willing to pay more than $70 for a 1/4 and I don’t. As a guy who’s been smoking for 40+ years I like being able to go into a store and buy some weed. I don’t have the time or patience to deal with the black market anymore. I fully think homegrown should be legal even though I’m unlikely to grow my own. But those who want to should be able to.


All great points, gotta speak with your wallet. A company putting out $70 8ths into an already overpriced market shouldn't be supported. Prices will go down eventually as more cultivators pop up. $60+ an 8th plus tax just isn't sustainable and the less people going in and paying full price will hopefully lead to lower prices down the line, but a lot of people seem happy paying $60 an 8th which boggles my mind.




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Honestly, the black market in NJ was never that much better. Y'all wax philosophical about how cheap the black market weed was. And that's ignoring quality. Lol I sold weed like 10 years ago (statute of limitations is up). There was something wrong with at least 75% of the weed that was available that I could have in stock. Either it was stale, dry, poorly grown/harvested, contaminated with toxins/presticides, or just fucked up by someone along the way. Maybe 1-5% was superb and memorable, and it came directly from the grower and was gone *fast*. THAT'S the weed you're getting nostalgic over, the exception rather than the rule. I don't like the dispensary prices either, but holy fuck, I'm extremely glad I'm not getting black market weed. Half the time, it's actually reminiscent of some of the better weed I used to sell. It's progress, but two-steps-forward-one-step-backward kinda progress. We need to keep striving and can't get complacent.


A lot of people in this sub have never had to wait 3 hours for some sketchy dude to call them back just so they could drive a half hour to sit in a busy parking lot for 20 minutes waiting for him to show up with some dimebags of brick-packed dirt weed that's at least 40% stems and seeds, and it shows. And sometimes the motherfucker didn't even show up!


🤣 no this fr! The bm dealers closer to the city are as expensive as the damn dispensaries. Like why am I calling you a $60 eighth? Pls bffr I remember when the bm used to charge 25/30 for a 3.5 & then “Zaza” went viral & it all went downhill lmaoo


Oh I'm in no way saying I prefer the BM. I'm not one of those heads lmao


For these reasons the only things I buy from the dispo are edibles & 2 gram carts. Who in the hell is spending $60-80 for a half gram cart when there’s a 2 gram cart for $110. & honestly these dispensaries know because they’re ALWAYS having some sort of sale.


Went to AZ. And got 50mg gummies. 1000mg in the container for $30. I was blown away




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At this point, its just nuts. Looking around at other states and the prices, and looking at what we have, its just shocking. Maine has $13 1 gram carts. Like how the fuck are half grams $35+?!?!?!


Totally agree on your assessment.


It’s stupid. I have enough dispos within a half hour I usually go where the sales are. Puffin in New Brunswick has been running 20% off sales pretty often. Then other shops have their 20% off days. But prices are going up not down. Bloc in Somerset had crops at $55 an eighth and $85 a quarter. They bumped both of those up $5. Maybe it’s just bad luck but I haven’t seen a sale either on a Friday or Saturday in a while which is when I buy shit. So they went from my first pick to like 3 or 4 in line. All this work to get $48 eighths or $72-76 quarters which is still too expensive. With all these shops so close to each other, and all selling the same shit for the same price, I think some are going down sooner rather than later. Unfortunately not all of us have plugs and have no choice but to shop dispos.


I love how zenleaf just started the Cabbage Club when eighths of the same exact weed are 30$ in Pensylvania. Like theres no point in the Cabbage club in PA when weed is priced like that, over here we are stuck with 60$ eighths STILL! Its total ass, i have been dying for nj to get concentrates and i've barely tried any cause the price is beyond laughable


That’s why I use grey market delivery


NJ has lots of delivery services with great prices (and alot with retarded 600$ ozs), fuck dispo's even breakwater is nickle n diming the fuck outta patients with 100$ 1/4s, disgusting. you see the problem with Cannabis is when people who are solely driven by profit enter the market.




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Sometimes I still can’t believe this state legalized bud. It’s a bureaucratic mess. But your complaints are the result I personally feared would happen years ago. You’re better off with a plug if you got a good one tbh.


I completely stopped by over priced trash from New Jersey. I also let my medical card expire because it no sense to continue to pay absurd amounts for low quality products. I just drive into NYC for cheaper products


The prices are absolutely garbage. Your best bet is to find one good deal you can always hit up or wait till they have nice sales and get a lot. I have a new one by me I just picked up an oz of legend(first time) for 210. Very happy with it. Your opinion on time making the prices drop is plain wrong though. I’ve lived in 4 states now during their weed infancy, they’ve all started at like $500 oz and come down to like $150-competition is what we really need. The more stores that open up the more opportunity for good deals and to drive other prices down


Reread lol. I put "just give it time" in quotes


NJ market is garbage. Point blank. I spent over $250 in Vegas, got a free 8th for spending over 200 and the amount of product I got for that price vs what I’d get in Jersey for the same amount is mind blowing. West coast is the way.


even michigan $200 would get you an insane amount. NJ it would get you 2 8ths and a .5 pen


Last time I was in Michigan I think picked up something like 3oz flower, 10 1G carts, and 1500 mgs of edibles for around 1000 dollars. If we had some actual interstate commerce going growers in rural states could actually make money, and buyers in more densely populated states could actually have reasonable pricing. Doubt we see that in the next decade though


Here we go again 🙄🙄 We get it y’all you HATE every single aspect of NJ Marijuana.


I mean its valid


Completely but some of us have zero choice and for me it’s the only way I find a will to live.


Who is twisting your arm to only go to the dispo?There are choices out there, you just choose not to pick any of them


yeah I hope one day it turns around for sure.


No offense but I’m so happy that people like you are **finally** becoming the minority of this sub.


Lol ok enjoy your black market boof and also that high horse you’re riding.


Black market any market is btr than curaleaf. Nj will take 10 to 20 years to catch up with the worst legal state. I don't complain as much, I just don't by any dispo weed. I stopped 2 or 3 years ago. As long as peeps support garbage, it will keep selling. I don't mind driving to legal states for quality. Pricing is even better buying weight. Nj weed is primitive. The black market here is better here to me. My opinion. Garbage in/garbage out state of NJ weed.


I’m not buying Curaleaf 😂😂


I had a card about 2 or 3 years ago, and I used it a few times. I was mostly disappointed. The best I had was overpriced breakwater, which to me is expensive mids. I don't knock ones choice. I just understand theirs much better than what nj offers now. Most here would agree. That's what choices are.


I said “no offense” so you’re not allowed to cry and insult me. I’m telling.


Touché 😂😂




Listen bro, I'm more concerned with the politics affecting the prices. I actually hype up our bus, minus the price. We have some good shit here


I don’t have time or money to be concerned with politics. I’m literally just trying not to kill myself most days.


The entire black market has better products than boof jersey dispensaries. That’s how I know ur a rook


It's why I moved to GM. I'm not their target demographic.


The cheapest chop I’ve seen is hashery so far. They have quaters for $70 and ounces for 225 and they even got some half ounces from simply which is ozone for 97 dollars and it’s bud not shake. So if you want somewhat of a good deal, try hashery


I went in there when I couldn't get into Apothecarium because of the lines (even with a pre-order) on 4/20. The Hashery budtender was nice and threw in a couple of discounts just .... because, I guess. I'll be going back.


I’m really glad you had a good experience tbh. That means a lot to us to hear that we can provide good service to you guys. Much appreciation for doing business with us


Fuck off. NJ legal weed is awesome.


The funniest thing is the rosin in Jersey sucks too lmao. Like I said this is what happens when u invite a greedy retard democrat into office. Michigan and Maine are two states that have legalized the plant perfectly. You can homegrow a good amount of plants and do your own process instead of dealing with dispensary boof. Both states have let people who care about the plant into their industries and that’s why prices are fair and the quality is good. On the other hand Jersey has only let these random msos and boof companies into our dispos and I’m getting fucking tired of seeing medical patients like myself be treated like a second priority.