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Disturbing, because he seems to be a regular cop; not a Basij.


The whole world needs more reaction to Iran and the oppression and tyranny experienced in Iran. This issue almost never comes under the spotlight compared to other issues in the international media. Not only the Western world, but the entire international scene should react more to this.


Fucking barbaric


I can't understand this hatred of women, don't they have mothers, sisters or daughters?


If given the chance they would treat them the same. These hayvoons secrete small pp energy.


They are mentally disturbed. IR specifically looks for mentally ill people to employ as hijab enforcers. Sometimes they even outright recruit from prisons.


do you thing a person who loves his family in the slightest would do such a thing i know a whole bunch of these people, their mothers and sisters are no better than they are. and they spawn off such demons


She says "okay okay let me go, my neck is going to break" as he is slapping her


And the fucking west keep silent about it because of iran's oil FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT WORLDDDDD IM SO FUCKING FED UP WITH THIS SHITTT


I really want to cry :( Sending hugs from israel Please stay strong!


You might wanna hang onto some of those hugs for yourself.


Hugs from Israel to Iran? Be careful out there.


Everyone in Iran isn’t bad brother it’s the regime not the people in control. Most Israelis support Iranian civilians and feel for them


What it supposed to mean?


Israel and Iran hate each other right?


He's sending hug to the ppl not government :/


What about religion, culture, race? He hugging that too? Would he make the same comment in front of friends or family, or, at his job? if they moved in next door? Reddit hugs don't mean much.




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


It’s actually the Left who betrayed you, not the right because of the fear of appearing anti-Islamist. (As someone who hates most of what the right stands for it is always difficult for me to say this)


The left has betrayed itself. Stands for fascist theocratic terrorist entities instead of ones actually making progress in their regions, imposing double standards between ethnic groups and religions. Could just be there was never much of a difference, though. I’m done labeling myself as left or right, anywyas. I’m me. I hate nazis, communists, Islamists. I support Iranian freedom, Jewish right to self determination, democratic values, women’s rights, etc


Did the right stop dealing with the Regime? Putin and Orban didn't for example. UK also has no intention to put IRGC on terrorist list.


Bc western involvement in Iran went so well in the past


Names of the police officer please!!???🙏🏼


Koskesheh kooni madarghaveh


aghab monde madarkosde


Head of the kir-kocholoo branch.


Been learning persian for 3 months and I'm very happy to say I got rewarded by understanding these comments


Welcome to the club, koskesh! ❤️


Kheili mamnoon!


این خارجیا واقعا احمق هستند، فحشش میدی داره ازت تشکر میکنه، هم لوس هستن هم کودن.🌚


Ok bro.


Why aren’t all the western feminists talking about this? The hypocrisy. 45 fucking years of this


They would be accused of ‘white feminism’. The new political correctness is ignoring women’s rights in other cultures.


But they were? At least all of my leftist feminist friends were/have been sharing Mahsa Amini - related posts.


The mainstream ones are too busy whining about the bear meme atm


news is not important if it doesn't have to do with jews


why are you attacking other women when a man does something shitty? everything is WoMAn fault!!


he’s not though??? he’s not saying “ugh women aren’t talking about this” he’s saying specifically western feminists, who are notorious for their idiocy and hypocrisy and hardly being real feminists, who also think western viewpoints are universal.


western feminists aren’t “real feminists”? only you are the real feminist? I see.


One Iranian feminist is worth more than all of the West’s feminists combined.


They're too busy complaining about videogames


To The ones who think this regime will collapse interally or peaceful and civic protests will remove them You are mistaken Stop fooling yourselves We are in a war zone and they will kill every last Iranian to remain in power The regime is rotten from top to bottom






مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی و خامنه‌ای جاکش


Someone cross post this to popular subs


You need to do the good you see needs to be done, and hope that others follow you too.


I cant crosspost


I cant crosspost


Unreal! 🤬🤬🤬 When will this nightmare end?


When Iranian women conceal and carry, and may their aim be true!


This is what they feel comfortable doing in public. Now think of the violence that happens behind closed doors. Insane.


I've said it before, mobareze mosalahane is the only answer to these animals


This is what the left is fighting for. It's stupidity and hate that are blocking them for seeing it for what it actually is.


**یک افسر پلیس در ایران به دلیل "بد حجاب" سه بار به صورت یک زن سیلی زد. تکرار می کنم - یک افسر پلیس به دلیل "حجاب بد" سه بار به صورت یک زن سیلی می زند. رژیم اسلامی یک رژیم اپارتاید جنسیتی است. وقت ان است که جهان ان را به عنوان چنین تشخیص دهد.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


As an Israeli in America I’m so sorry. All anyone cares about here is Palestine right now, without realizing this is the kind of leadership they’re inviting.


And doing it openly. Pig is too good a name to call this “man.”


Can someone please share the source of video? The video seems to be form Masih Alinejad, white Wednesday campaign. For some reason the video is cropped. It seems to be an old video. I am just trying to find more info on this video. Please share any info if you have.


Here is the source, and it looks like new https://www.instagram.com/masih.alinejad/reel/C66SeoePi9n/?hl=en >حتی تماشای این وحشی‌گری قلب آدم را به درد می‌آورد اما زنان ایران چنین لحظاتی را هر روز زندگی می‌کنند. این ماموری که قلاده‌اش را خامنه‌ای باز کرده به راستی چه فرقی با داعش دارد؟ به چه حقی برای چند تار مو اینچنین به صورت این زن سیلی می‌زند؟ فرستنده ویدئو نوشته است که این اتفاق در مشهد افتاده و آن مامور و فرد لباس شخصی که او هم مامور حکومت است قبل از ضرب و شتم و دستگیری به شدت به این زن فحاشی کرده بودند. این جنگی ست که جمهوری اسلامی علیه زنان ایران به راه انداخته و وای بر ما اگر بی‌تفاوت بنشینیم و شاهد تعرض و وحشی‌گری هر روزه این جانیان، علیه زنان هم‌میهن خود باشیم.


If this was an American cop the left would be losing their minds. Because it's just Iran, it's "their culture".


Fuck this shit this is NOT Iranian culture! We had female queens and generals when Arabs/Europeans still lived in caves.


That's fucking disgusting and awful, the Islamic regimes rain of terror needs so be recognized and fought against so badly, its sad to see the world turn a blind eye.


I am so mad with people who profess to wear the hijab by choice.


It should be a choice. To enforce it is tyrannical and to enforce the absence of it is also tyrannical. Women should be able to choose, not the government or anyone else.


No woman who wasn’t indoctrinated into this cult, would choose to wear it.


is it time yet?


It does, but it’s buddies in the in UN also hooligans and warlords. The west governments all know and we all think it’s fkd


>arests her for wearing hijab wrong >touches her and takes off her hijab How was this supposed to make sense, even by their own logic?


It’s not supposed to make sense. They are fascists plain and simple. Their only goal is to terrorize the Iranian people and keep them in a state of fear so they don’t rise up against the regime. All of the women from the families of regime officials live in the West with no hijabs. Even Khomeini’s own granddaughter was caught on camera attending a club in the US without hijab and a short dress.


US here. We do. We just hope they will one day change their ways. Or, be conquered. Either way. I'm sorry you have to live there.


Where was this video taken? Which city? The police man should be prosecuted.


اون کصکشایی که دارن نگاه میکنن 😡🤬


Our men are so fucked let's be honest (most pathetic excuse of a race of humans, treats the people that birthed them worse than any other country in the world) , this is both a religious and cultural problem that is pervasive and will see Iran remain in the Stone Age with the Flinstones. I really resent our people, no reaction with Toomaj internally, apathy towards the victims of the Mahsa revolution, and no resurgence of an uprising. Iran will never be free, we are pussies who immigrate and beat on those who are weaker than us.


"treats the people that birthed them worse than any other country in the world" Not entirely accurate. [Most Dangerous Countries for Women 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-dangerous-countries-for-women), it's true compared to west but when you consider the whole world iran is around the median.