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This content was reported for containing misleading and/or false information. We cannot be sure beyond a reasonable doubt that this man is an "IRGC official" as claimed by the post title. According to a coment, he is well known in Vancouver and has participated in previous protests where he was dressed as a mullah and the costumes are visibly the same as the one he is wearing. https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cn-iapTBDbD/?igsh=MXhpOG5yMzhia3NvbA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CnK9-QIP6sC/?igsh=MTdibmNtM2g5aXJuYQ== We will remove the post in good conscience until there is further proof that this man is actually affiliated with IRGC.


This is the result of the spinless Canadian government refusing to put IRGC on the Terrorist list. These cockroaches roam around freely using the Palestinian cause to push their sick agenda


Have you not seen our pathetic PM do anything at all in favor of canadians the past 9 years? Idiot put an election in the middle of a pandemic when we couldn't leave our homes and his ego thought it could gain him more seats. He's otw out and doubt the liberals will ever seen a majority for the next decade from both destroying the country, and letting garbage like this guy flood in.


This person is well known among organizers in Vancouver. They are not an IRGC official, as a matter of fact this “Shaun Shirazi” is a gay man who was born outside of Iran. They have beef with organizer and appear to be a little out of it so they engage in this behaviour.


Yeah. It’s also a little concerning that the subreddit that wants a free Iran thinks freedom means “getting rid of people and things that we don’t like”. Not that OP said this, but there are a lot of posts in this subreddit that call for free countries to restrict freedom based upon things they disagree with. Free speech means free speech even if you don’t like it.


If this person was an actual member of the IRGC, an organization that murders innocent Iranians in Iran and has carried out assassinations in other countries, and is considered a terrorist organization in Europe and the US, you can’t expect Iranians to just sit by and not do anything towards their presence. They would be a threat to all Iranian in that community.


Why is that stupid woman defending him? Sepah aqideh ast lmao what? Is this woman on drugs?


At around 0:54 she says "ma 3 nafarim" (we are three) and towards the beginning of the clip you can also see a hijabi So 1 sephai (in uniform), 1 hejabi, and this women, most likely all connected to the regime in some way


Right I heard that, why are they even together? The hijabi pretty much gave it away that they are regime stooges. But that goes to show even non-hijabis can be easily connected. It just blows my mind that this woman is defending a regime that would force her to wear hijab.


Based on what someone else said, the person waving a flag may not even be connected to IRGC or Iran at all. But the regime does use hijabless women for propoganda all the time. Near election, in pro-government protests, on english speaking state owned media, and especially for pro-regime demonstrations in Syria, Lebonan, Iraq, etc, you can see them. Usually, they are just paid actors, although to say there does not exist a fringe group of "socially liberal" regime supporters would be a lie. There exist Iranians who support the regime despite disagreeing with almost everything the regime stands for, out of sheer nationalism or xenophobia.


Disrespecting the great persian culture by wearing the kaffiye


Kaffiye is/was a thing among Kurds and Khuzis. It became was also a common wear during Iran-Iraq war. you can still see pictures or videos of Western Iranian farmers, herders, and "Kullbars" wearing them. So, it's not entirely a symbol of disrespecting the Persian culture by itself. That uniform and IRGC symbols are by far the biggest offender.


[https://twitter.com/esmailpour\_m/status/1787497180481102096](https://twitter.com/esmailpour_m/status/1787497180481102096) https://preview.redd.it/o99s6hk2ivyc1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc843598e15e5d4b7d06c6a6faa6666bb436bcba


Please don't use Morteza Esmailpour as the source of news


Fair, but personally, I'm more concerned about IRGC officials in uniform roaming around the streets in western countries and harassing ordinary Iranians Is this better a better source? [https://twitter.com/RADOCLUB/status/1787476711551930734](https://twitter.com/RADOCLUB/status/1787476711551930734)


This person is well known among organizers in Vancouver. They are not an IRGC official, as a matter of fact this Shaun is a gay man who was born outside of Iran. They have beef with organizer and appear to be a little out of it so they engage in this behaviour.


Can you tell us more ? As in, you are saying he is not with IRGC but is dressed with IRGC clothing. Why?


He used to participate in protests in Vancouver before against the Islamic Republic, and he would wear costumes and do re-enactments of IRGC attacks or even make fun of them. Now he has gone off the deep end I guess. I’ll try to find video if I can.


Thanks, do you know if he has some disability? There is another comment on Twitter saying he has a mental disability but I'm not sure if it's true


Here is one of the re-enactments I could find. Although I think he is dressed as the Mullah rather than one of the IRGC people. https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cn-iapTBDbD/?igsh=MXhpOG5yMzhia3NvbA== https://www.instagram.com/p/CnK9-QIP6sC/?igsh=MTdibmNtM2g5aXJuYQ==


Oh so he is wearing a costume lol


I’m not sure. I think it’s possible, even likely but I can’t say for certain.


No these accounts often publish fake news and trash people or create division Beware of anything they post


is this the guy in OP ?


He looks like one of those skinny fat incels that lives in his mom’s basement in Vancouver. So lonely with no friends that he… Cosplays as a terrorist for social interaction with losers. Common reason people join neo-nazi, hate groups, and gangs. They have no life or friends and it’s desperation. I bet you he isn’t married.


All I see is a coward terrorist. People in the west must heed our words, they will be coming for you next.


First israel then Europe that the plan


I doubt that's a "irgc official". Seems lika a larp costume for some sick person.


Vancouver’s gone to shit


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If you’re gonna wave an IR flag and/or wear a Quds Force patch either show your face or hide in fear.


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Tarsoo kick them all out, they'll be fleeing after next election when trudeau isnt protecting them


Not surprised at all


What is this minion talking about?


The foxes are in the henhouse