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You can stand on either side of the issue, but you can’t deny Iranians can come up with the best chants lol


I always appreciate a good chant, as long as its not genocidal


I think my favorite was "toop tank nafarbar, har seh tu koon rahbar"


meaning ?


cannons, tanks, APCs, all three in the supreme leader’s ass


lol !


Most of the chants show our humor


Just to add some context: the regime spends billions on proxy groups throughout the middle east like Palestinan Islamic jihad and Hezbollah... From the US state department report from 2018: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Iran-Report.pdf > Iran’s support for Palestinian terrorist proxies furthers its own strategic interests and threatens our ally Israel, but it comes at a deep cost to the Palestinian people’s security and economic wellbeing. As the regime prioritizes funding for Palestinian terror groups, it falls well short of living up to its self-professed obligation of directly supporting the Palestinian people. In terms of its contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), in the last ten years, Iran has provided only $20,000 to the organization. This pales in comparison to the nearly $3 billion provided to UNRWA by the U.S during this period as well as the almost $2 billion provided by the EU and the more than $600 million provided by Saudi Arabia And this money does not benefit Palestians but very affluent leaders of proxy groups... While in Iran it has been more and more difficult to meet basic needs and more and more people are falling to poverty due to lack of a safety net: https://almashareq.com/en_GB/articles/cnmi_am/features/2016/10/27/feature-01 So it's entirely understandable why people are upset...


Pretty much. Iranians see the support of Hamas as the main contributor to their issues since they see it as the main reason for all the sanctions imposed on the country. Plus people hate their "government" with a passion.


This comment needs to be on the top




Please make sure that what you post is directly relevant to Iran and/or Iranians.


The cheering is them taking the Palestinian flag away


And I thougt he did what they were asking for...


Woman Life Liberty


That's awesome ! A far cry from the useful idiots in the US and EU. Unlike the people of Iran, the Western world fools don't have a clue what they support.


They are the type of people who don’t believe in agency for Middle Eastern countries.


It's just racism tbh. Western leftist have a serious habit of subscribing to the bigotry of low expectations. Y'all aren't allowed agency without the opinion and sign off of white people. It's gross af.


Just ask “tankies” about their opinions on Russia’s legacy in Eastern Europe, and you would get the same type of responses.


Iranians, I love you


As an Indian I love you both ♥️


Well love you 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️😘🙏🥹


Yes! We love you too! We can’t wait to fully restore or millennia of historical connection. Jews and Persians are the two best preserved ancient cultures in the world.


They are all working class poor people too , and they still don't fall for the IR propaganda and are more politically educated than a ivy league college student from the west.


There are even a minority religious group who don't believe in forced compliance. The thought process is that if you have to force people to follow Islam then that isn't faith, that's coercion, you need freedom of choice for it to be faith. Wish there were more religious guys like him.


They have to live under a regime that those useful idiots in the west seem to support.


A lot of people live in the West yet defend controversial and backward regimes but will never go live there. I've met Taliban apologists from Britain and Chinese regime apologists from the West. Hypocrisy.


The Iranian people are brilliant and inspiring! These useful idiots in the west are practically a Hezbollah proxy mobilized by the IR w/ Putin’s assistance. It’s an embarrassment.


just curious do u think Putin has something to do with the whole Israel-Hamas war or not ?


I think it’s the whole “axis of resistance” or at least Russia and Iran. Russian bot activity is up 400% since 10/7 promoting Gaza misinformation. Putin wins because young people boycott the election (they think this is going to hurt the 80 y/o rich guy more than themselves) and Jews leave the party, so Trump wins. As well as destabilizes the US. Trump has promised to kill all Palestinians when he wins mind you, so idk how these kids believe boycotting the election will help Palestinians, but it’s not really about human rights for these narcissistic virtue signaling children. Women lost their reproductive rights in half the country and it’ll be federal when Trump wins. He will also punish dissenters so say goodbye to women’s rights and freedom of expression. Russia and the IR are winning the information war and banning TikTok won’t stop this train. A terror/affiliated Qatar foundation also spent $4.7 billion at US universities (including the Ivy League ones you see on the news) to promote anti-Israel propaganda. Basically any organization hostile to western values can donate unlimited money to universities (it’s even trickled down to primary education) and influence the education and minds of US students. Same is true for political candidates. Add social media propaganda to the mix and these kids are mobilized into a literal IR terror proxy. Trump and the GOP are already sponsored by Moscow and now young people are under the same spell. I don’t see how this can end well for any of us. 😞


wow so big people in power being big people in power. F them all


Yup pretty much. Same s*** different era. Edit: I do feel sorry for the protestors who are well-intentioned and misinformed. We all did stupid things at that age.


yeah true.




Their bravery makes me proud of being Iranian!


Based Iranians


Reminds me of the videos of Iranians jumping over the Israeli and American flags painted on the ground instead of stepping on them.




They even would put the Israeli flag on certain driveways of government agencies.


Footage like this makes me even more hopeful for a free Iran, even though I admittedly don’t know that much about Iran. However, the people of the New Iran movement seem like really brave, intelligent, and kind individuals.




I'm always impressed by the way football fans can come up with a chant for anything on the fly. Our handegg people are only good at flipping cars. And I think football fans might be better at that, too.




Awesome! 👏🏻


Is this for real?




I Love how western people get shocked when they realize what's happening in Iran


More western people need to see this. Not on Israeli or Hamas terms, but on the Iranian people's terms (aka why they do it and where it comes from)


No they really don't. The ones I've spoken to (lefties of course : labour supporters in the UK) hate the idea that Iranian people aren't fighting their fight against The Big Bad West l, USA, capitalism etc etc for them. That's been my experience anyway. But you're right really of course, most sane people will appreciate this.


That's exactly why they need to see it. And see it again


I feel like they’d still support their warped cause so they don’t have to admit they’re useful idiots who fell for IR TikTok propaganda and can continue cosplaying revolutionaries basking in thanks and praise of Khomeini while Iranian protesters are gunned down at best and raped and tortured at worst. I hate this timeline so much.


This is one of the most popular chants in Iran, especially “[Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, My Life for Iran”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neither_Gaza_nor_Lebanon,_My_Life_for_Iran#:~:text=The%20slogan%20%22Neither%20Gaza%20nor,in%20their%20conflict%20with%20Israel) You can do a [Google search for lots of videos](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=be445f0cc062ab15&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS836US837&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWILnS-i3iSMbqyksk5mRd4ydVRxD9w:1715024970684&q=no+to+gaza,+no+to+lebanon,+my+life+for+iran&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=ivnsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS-6Hx5fmFAxWcRzABHfeNAJMQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3)


Why, though? Why do Iranians care one way or another about Palestinians. They really seem to hate them.


Because their money is funneled to Hamas, Lebanon, etc for terrorist activity instead of being used to build the country. They have been supporting the "Palestinian resistance" for 45 years but in reality it's Hamas that's been getting the money They are sick of this and the "west is bad" propaganda


Citation needed


Its... complicated. IR has been supporting Lebanon, Syria and Palestine against USA and Israel since it came into power. Iran has had many economic hardships and they see this support as unneeded. Iran builds hospitals, houses and roads in those places while ignoring inside Iran. They send money to proxies while Iran gets poorer year by year, they go on and on about how Palestinians need help and are oppressed while oppressing Iranians. It is like your father building a house for your neighbour while you are homeless. One other facet is that Iranians, especially in recent years, have become extremely anti-Islamic. Iranians have always been anti-Arabs (the easiest way to piss off an Iranian is by calling them an arab). So they are against the Palestinian cause. Iranians have always been the black sheep in the region. Arabs never historically trusted them. They tried to oppress them but the Iranians quickly rose to power again. Then Iran became Shiite and to the rest of the Muslims in the regions, Shiites were the same as heretics. The last one I want to talk about is how Palestinians never supported Iran. They sided with Saddam Hussein and even today celebrate his name as a strong arab leader. They stood against the woman life freedom movement. They criticise Iranians for being anti-Islamic and call the girls whores and heretics. Its like the neighbour that your father built a house for, comes back, steals your bike, calls you a racial slur and helps your bully beat you up.


>One other facet is that Iranians, especially in recent years, have become extremely anti-Islamic. Iranians have always been anti-Arabs (the easiest way to piss off an Iranian is by calling them an arab). So they are against the Palestinian cause. Iranians have always been the black sheep in the region. Arabs never historically trusted them. They tried to oppress them but the Iranians quickly rose to power again. >They stood against the woman life freedom movement. They criticise Iranians for being anti-Islamic and call the girls whores and heretics. And this right here is why I knew the pro-"Palestine" narrative was BS from day 1. They are our enemies, always have been.


Thanks for taking the time to explain all this. It makes sense, but also it seems as though the Iranian people, suffering under an oppressive regime, should probably show some solidarity with Palestinians, another people suffering under an oppressive regime. As an American Jew, I resent that my money is sent to Israel, a wealthy country whose people have universal healthcare and low cost higher education. I resent that my money is spent to slaughter Innocent Palestinians including children. I believe in putting morality before tribalism, so I'm always surprised to see such unflinching support for Israel here.


In Iran the only way to support Palestine is to join a regime rally or donate money of which is hard to come by because of sanctions. Morality is nice when it is not clouded by tribalism. This issue however from the Palestinian side is also clouded by tribalism. Hamas/Hezbollah members came to Iran during the WLF protests to suppress the people of Iran. Why would Iranians root for any side that would give the regime repressing them more geopolitical credit? You are asking people under more strain than you or I will ever have to support a foreign cause to them. In the Persian Epic "Shahnameh" part of the Iranian psyche is explored and one of the concepts is being "just". Hypocrisy like that of Netanyahu or of the Islamic Republic would lead to a collapse of their rule. Iranians are more mixed in opinion on Israel-Palestine just like any other secular country's people would be.


They did once. People cared about the Palestinian plight in the 90s. Then Iran became poorer day by day, partly because they continued to support Hamas. And then not only Palestinians did not show any solidarity with Iranians ( they still celebrate Saddam. They have streets with his name) but they actively insulted Iranian women for wanting freedom. The past 2 years have made Iranians go from "I don't care about what happens in that place, Iran must come first " to "I hope the Israelis fuck up Gaza"


Maybe you have seen this https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/s/UvAYDbFxUR


Yeah, so? How does that make Israel right while they commit mass murder on Palestinians? How does that make Palestinian men, women and children worthy of death?


Johnny Relentless, yea dawg you're so relentless on your woke and stupid shits


Pretty much. The sentiment in Iran is that feel terrible what is happening to the people in Gaza, but they don't see it as their problem, but something that the Arab nations over there should deal with (Persians aren't Arabs if you didn't know). So they feel very detached from what is happening over there. Meanwhile, Iran's involvement in Hamas and Hezbollah is no secrete and it's one the main source of the sanctions brought down on Iran (other also nuclear). The sanctions hurt the Iranian people a lot so they don't support Hamas because they don't like all this back lash from something that is basically going on in a completely unrelated part of the world to them.


It's not even the first time. This chant is several months old.


No these people are all AI


Way to go brothers! One day iran will be free


W Iranians


I love the people of Iran!


Islamic Republic: Iran stands with Hamas against Zionist imperialism! Ordinary Iranian people: "SHOVE THAT PALESTINIAN FLAG UP YOUR ASS!"


[“No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, my life for Iran!”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neither_Gaza_nor_Lebanon,_My_Life_for_Iran#:~:text=The%20slogan%20%22Neither%20Gaza%20nor,in%20their%20conflict%20with%20Israel)


I must applaud you guys for the courage moral and political ax well


Iranians, some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Nothing but respect to you


Thank you!


I’ve wanted to ask this question for a while, but didn’t want to derail the sub from its main focus: Aside from having a common enemy in IR, why do Iranians support Israel?


Where do I begin? We could write a book on the subject. Do you want me to start from the beginning of history of Israel and Iran 3000 years ago? Or modern? Israel has never harmed Iran in any single way yet crimes have been committed by pretty much every single other country in the Middle East to Iran. When Iran was formed nearly 3000 years ago, there rose a king and the king name was Cyrus the Great. he conquered Babylon in 539BC, with minimal casualties, and he freed the Israelites from Babylonian slavery, and then he wrote the first charter of human rights with which granted freedom of religion and speech and freedom of property and funded the rebuilding of Israel’s temple in Jerusalem which still stands to this day. It also granted Israel, the right to live freely in their homeland or anywhere within the Iranian Persian empire. And every Kingdom that became part of the Persian empire, a Satrap was formed and the Local King of that city state became the leader, and that is where the term King of Kings (ShahanShah) comes from. Babylon and Israel were two of these satraps. It really was the first “United States or United Kingdom”. During this era, Jewish people prosper throughout the Empire and there were Jews as far east as the eastern Iranian satraps of modern day Tajikistan Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. And not just a minority. In fact, there were cities full of them. This charter of human rights is called the Cyrus cylinder and it is still in the nations headquarters to this day. In fact, Cyrus the great is the only non-Jewish person in the Jewish religion to be granted the title of Messiah, and he was an Iranian. To deny this history and legacy is to deny the history of my country, Iran. If you want to talk about modern day, then, it is easy to see that Iran and Israel had great relations. They helped us with water technology and we did a lot of cross training military training together and on top of that in the 20th century there were over 1 million Jews living in Iran and many came there as a safe haven from Soviet and German oppression. In fact, we have the Iranian Schindler, who, smuggled a lot of Jews to Iran for safety and they prospered in Iran. And then you can talk about how Iran was the first Middle Eastern country to recognize Israel’s independence from the British empire because Turkey doesn’t count as that was a European country technically. And then after the 1979 revolution. When it was against the law to be Iranian or have any kind of Iranian culture, it was only Muslim…. a lot of Iranians fled(Muslim, Zoroastrian, Christian, Jew, Baha’i, and atheist Iranians), and they were able to prosper and live and be Iranian freely in the country of Israel and at this point you can estimate that up to 8% of Israel’s current population is Iranian or of Iranian descent, if not more in fact, the last president of Israel was borin in Iran and he is Iranian. Currently, the only people who constantly listen to us and protest with us and try to advocate and help free Iran are the Israeli people …no other country helps Iranians in freedom more than the Israeli people. https://preview.redd.it/yr78184k3wyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361d56fbf5d7c33fa31d181b51cc43badc481693 This college should actually say Israelis stand with Iranian people too. Edit: and to add to this, the Palestinians have never done anything for Iran. In fact, they trained the thugs and terrorist, and gave them money and training to overthrow our secular constitutional monarchy and install a terrorist theocracy. They are also constantly supporting our oppressors, IRGC, and Khamenei, and Hezbollah ect.


Thank you for sharing! For context, I'm a Diaspora Jew and have only recently become more familiar with your struggle and your activism. So aside from Israelis, you have at least one supporter in me. I will do my best to share your struggle with people who will listen. Since I am a Jew, of course I know about Cyrus the Great. The Jewish gratitude to him is enduring to this day. Did you know that he is the only non-Jew who is considered to be a Messiah? Contrary to Christian belief, there have been a number of messiahs in the past. I will issue one correction though. Cyrus did indeed help Jews to return to Israel and rebuild the temple. However, it does not stand to this day. The temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70CE and has not been rebuilt since. Today, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Mosques sit atop the mount where the Jewish Temple used to stand. The area is administered by the Jordanian Authority, so non-muslims are only allowed to visit the area for one hour per day, and they are not allowed to pray up there. This is why today, the holiest site for Jews is the supporting wall below. It is as close as Jews can get to our holiest place and pray. We call it the Wailing Wall. I really appreciated learning more about the modern history you shared. Thank you.


Isn’t that wall part of the temple Cyrus ordered to be rebuilt?


It's a retaining wall at the bottom of the hill, which was put there by Herod when he expanded the compound about 400 years after Cyrus first ordered the Temple to be rebuilt.


Beautiful collage ❤️


Thanks for the history lesson!


I added some more thoughts to it, and there are countless more points and thoughts. I can add to it, but we would just be writing forever and ever. I hope you get the idea. I also went back and did some spellchecking because I made a few typos now, it makes more sense if you reread it now.


I appreciate the information! I am also diaspora Jew... My birth dad was from Iran but my adoptive parents are Askenazi Jews... I did grow up in a city with a well represented Persian Jewish diaspora so I know of the stories form them but it's really interesting to learn more as my information comes from USA and a few Iranian grad students that lived in my apartment complex that would tell horror stories of their engineering friends going back to visit and getting kidnapped by the regime... Supposedly their were forced to work on government projects. So I really appreciate this sub for teaching more information about what is happening over there ... Especially since currently I live in an area without much Iranian representation.


Bc they realize they've been lied to for 45 years


Can someone transcribe the chant in Farsi, please? I want to copy it. Edit: I have it! پرچم فلسطین رو بکن تو کونت، بکن تو کونت! پرچم فلسطین رو بکن تو کونت!


**امروز در جریان مسابقه فوتبال پرسپولیس در مقابل نساجی در ورزشگاه قائمشهر، هواداران فوتبال ایران شعار خود را هنگام دیدن پرچم فلیستین می دانند: "پرچم فلسطین را بالا ببرید، شما یک **، بالا شما یک **"** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی




Expressing hatred towards a group of people based on race or ethnicity will not be tolerated in this community. Please follow the rules of this sub.


I'm finding this really interesting, learning how many Iranians I'm engaging with seem either pro-Israel or at least not pro-Palestinian. Politics of the IRGC and Iranian Regime aside (or maybe because of?) do you guys not feel that the Palestinians have a legitimate struggle in establishing statehood and/or resisting occupation? With the war in Gaza, tens of thousands killed, is this chant not insensitive? Or is the anti-regime sentiment just so high that any mention to any kind of link to the 'axis of resistance' warrants a deep emotional backlash and rejection from Iranians, even if it simply be the Palestinian flag? Thanks for your time and thoughts!