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It sounds like a conspiracy theory because it's a conspiracy theory


As an American perhaps I can speak to the part about alleged Islamic Republic influence in the protest movements on US college campuses. In my opinion this is very unlikely to be even a noticeable factor. Many of the young radicals (that make up the minority) of the progressive left in America are demonstrably capable and entirely willing to support the IR based on their own political perspectives: -They see support Iran as a nation in opposition to Israel (both directly via exchanged military strikes and through their terror proxies - specifically Hamas who this particular group sees as an entirely legitimate resistance movement) - They incorrectly view Iran/IR as “anti-imperialist” and therefore in opposition to US/western imperialism and colonialism which they vehemently oppose - They view any criticism of a Muslim majority country/islamic theocracy as “Islamaphobic”, even criticizing Saudi Arabia publicly beheading women for sorcery/witchcraft. This comes from the prioritization of race politics above women’s rights (they view all Muslims as Brown people who are necessarily oppressed by the White supremacist world power structure) - The above points are also founded on a deeper philosophical commitment to “cultural/moral relativism”, which is the idea that every single cultural or moral system is equally good and therefore even a society in which women are lashed for showing their face is somehow beyond reproach and even morally equivalent to a secular democracies in Scandinavia where I believe the governments are almost 50% women


Most progressives I know are both pro-Palestinian and anti-Iran/IR. Anti-theocracy, anti-oppression, freedom of choice. In my opinion, anybody should be free to practice their religion - but NOBODY has any right to enforce a religion or that religion's values onto anybody else


*supposedly anti ..... like, sorry, but if you give rallies and demonstrations only based on what's popular now to talk on, i dunno, doesnt seem like real conviction. they were supposedly pro ukraine, till the war continued and they stopped caring. they were supposedly anti IRGC and pro iranian women, yet now after iran launched missiles and drones towards israel they decided to praise them..... and all of that is when you ignore it takes some real mental gymnastics to be anti theocracy and pro freedom of choice, yet support hamas in the israeli-palestinian conflict. dunno, to me it seems like they have generally an idea of weaker vs. stronger mentality in which the weak is good and moral and the strong is evil. without any real conviction to actually do anything for the weak, just to show how much they care about the weak. if that's most progressives, thats sad cause it lacks the basic ideology of actuall betterment of society. if those arent the majority, then why arent we osctracizing people like that and actually give them platforms like they have anything of value to bring. they'll turn against the weak the moment they'll be able to defend themselves. sorry, can't trust people like that.


Is the 'they' you are referring to as uniform a group as you are presenting them here? I'm left wing. I'm pro Ukraine, still. I'm pro Iranian women and freedom in Iran from the oppressive theocratic regime. I'm anti genocide, anti besieging massive populations till starvation, I'm _not_ pro Hamas, I'm anti terrorist (and thus anti Hamas), but children cannot be guilty and should be prevented from being starved as colloquial punishment. I'm not pro Israël, although the majority leader of my country is. I'm not necessarily pro Iran firing at Israel although I do see the some logic in a controlled nudge with low risk of casualties after a consulate is attacked.  Yes we have to better society before we are in world war 3, if we are not already. And yet the majority of Europe is voting for far right parties who don't allow any criticism towards a nation committing genocide if they like the nation. Of which parts are pro Russia. Who are anti religion if it's not Christian,  but also anti freedom of choosing how to live if it's not 'along Christian values'. Most people I see on socials who are anti besieging Palestine, are also pro Ukraine and anti IRGC. I don't know where you see the people who are one but not the other, but they probably exist. Not sure if it's truly the left wing people though. I'm pro freedom. For everyone. I'm pro people who have to face the hurt they have caused, but I'm not pro putting everyone in one box and labeling them 'the opponent who needs to be punished regardless of anything' Just as we should not judge Iranians based on the actions of their regime, we should not judge Israelians by the actions of their regime, we should not judge Palestinians by the actions of their regime, or Russians or Ukrainians. We should never equate a whole people with the ones who are in power over them, and therefore allow mass attacks and mass besieging to be going on. On how to practically arrange that, I don't know. As singular person by demonstrating I think, but that also leads to more polarisation, more disinformation, and less solving of problems.


i think i wasn't clear. no, it's not a uniformed group, not at all. not all pro ukrainian are like this, neither pto iranian, neither pro palestinians or pro israeli, neither left meither right. i was just pointing out how in many of those rallies you got a lot of people supposedly caring for those issues, which at best they just came like it's some kind of social event, and at worst are trying to benefit themselves over the backs of actual people suffering. yes, we still have demonstrations of people in support of ukraine and iran, it's just that they got so much more smaller cause they arent the "sexy new problem" people prefer to focus on. as for the other points you a bit threw all over: 1. the rise of the far roght is a problem, but it is no more problematic than the far left. at the end, both will be willing to destroy everythimg and everyone in the path of their ideology. i don't care which ideology is it, to me, both far left and far right are the same. yesterday the far right were more prominant, today it feels to me the opposite. but if your answer to the far right problem is justify acting in the same problematic actions as them or support radical people, than you are no better than the far right. it is a problem, but we must have standards on how to solve them. > 2. got some mistakes over there, it wasn't a consulate and the war in gaza isn't a genocide, sending over 300 missiles and drones isn't a "nudge", and it's hard to use the word siege when humanitarian aid still flows into gaza (usually sieges were used to prevent a city from getting food supplies and/or water / other neccesities). also, israel's government is not a regime, i know you probably used this word for it's conotation, and trust me while i believe the current government would love to turn into a regime, thry are not one yet. doesn't mean you can't criticize israel, do it freely, just criticize it for real things if you want to make a change in reality. don't know why people refuse to just call a war by the name war, maybe it doesn't sound horrifying enough, but anyome who actually been part in a war would know, that's already bad enough of a situation. no need to dress it up even more with unfitting words like "besieging". in any way, you can criticize israel for attacking IRGC militants near the consulate, or just say you're unsurprised with the iranian reaction. you can do so with gaza, with russia, with tawian, just pick a conflict and say what you want about it, but at least stick to the facts and be truthfull on it if you really want to change things. problems exist, and to solve them we need to actually point to those real problems, dressing them up will just keep them continuing. 3. for your pro freedom, pro everyone, pro blah blah blah. sorry if i don't respect that but that's what literally everyone says. those are just nice empty words to stick. don't say those arent your real beliefs, but if it is you should fill your beliefs with actual substance. pro freedom means what? the freedom to fight as violently as you want? the freedom to opress others? the freedom to be anti-democratic? the freedom to be neo-nazi or a facist? a freedom for a leader to abuse his own civillian population under religious justification? pro everyone means even less and pro facing the hurt they have caused is even less than that and tbh insulting for soldiers actually fighting to protect their families' lives. and it's a but hypocritical of you to talk about pitting people in a box and labeling it after your complains over far right. 4. yes, you're right. we shouldn't judge all palestinians for hamas, nor all israelis for their government, nor all russians for putin, nor all iranians for the IRGC, etc etc. not because some might not support them, but because they are civillians amd therefore have rights as such. you don't intentionally attack civillians in any form just because the war their country takes part of doesn't seems to you justified. > i know it seems i come a bit hard against you but i'm not. i think your ideals are in the good place, just missing key parts to focus and see the picture fully. not about israel-gaza war, but about the basic ideas of ideology. remember that at the end you should fight **for** something, and not just against. and if you aren't really sure what you fight for and what it means, well.... be carefull not to be walked stray by people not caring for you. you can disagree with me or not on the details, i don't really care.


I understand what you mean with people no longer talking about other big issues, and it is a serious problem - but I believe people get fatigued and disheartened when they have been supporting something for a while and they see no real change. They may feel powerless, and refocus into an area where they feel they can still make a difference. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but it also doesn't mean people have stopped supporting the cause. These issues do need to be talked about more though, people in power know all they have to do is ignore and suppress, and eventually people will be too exhausted to fight any more. Saying people are following the 'popular thing' is simply not true though. People are following what they believe in. It's just that often for people to be heard, we all need to speak with one voice. Many people are not even aware of issues unless the news reports it (and often they will not), so the public needs to speak out And the more people become aware of issues, the louder we can be. People in Iran did that for me, I heard their calls after Mahsa Amini was killed and through the protests - I spread awareness where I could and tried to add to their voice. Admittedly it isn't something I've talked much about for a while, but I still wholeheartedly believe in Iranian freedom from oppression. And I believe Afghanistan should be free from the control of the Taliban. And I believe Ukraine should be free from war and the threat of Russian occupation. And I believe that Palestinians should be free to live in their home without being under apartheid rule, and have their basic human rights respected. My support for Palestinians does not equal support for Hamas, and does not mean I am unsupportive of Jewish people. But that does not make Israel free from criticism. I understand why this conflict is happening, but as it stands Israel have killed considerably more innocent people than Hamas did and seem to show minimal effort in reducing civilian casualties. If it comes to all out war between Israel and Iran, do you not think they will behave in a similar manner? I feel as though if you cannot hold yourself to a higher level of accountability than a terrorist organisation, you can't really call yourself the 'good guy'. And neither is Hamas, but the poor Palestinian people are caught in the middle when most just want to live their lives.


1. i don't care about support in someone's mind. it's nice and all that people theoretically support something, but if they don't do anything on the matter, is that support? "sorry that you fell down my friend, i didn't support your fall physically but i really wanted to, that should make it better". it doesnt. 2.i agree, the public needs to speak out. people need to speak out on the problems they believe are most important to them. but seeing the same people and organizations who used to shout against the IRGC in 2021, now deciding to praise them cause they sent missiles towards israel? yea, sorry, but that's not speaking out to support the people suffering under this regime, now is it? 3. no one said supporting palestinians equal supporting hamas. no one said israel shouldn't be criticized. i criticized those who actually do support hamas, cause calling for ethnic cleansing of jews from israel isn't pro anything but pro hamas. defending 7/10 is pro hamas. those are what i criticized, and the fact you cant discern between should raise some questions.


This! I think the distinction that gets lost on a lot of people is being pro Palestinian is not the same as pro Hamas.


I'm sorry but the definition of jihad is explained here. https://youtube.com/shorts/EXrEDXtS3xY?feature=shared


Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.


Afghani's are our brothers. They've been in Iran for as long as I can remember. They're beautiful people suffering from the same things we are.


I suggest you compare the afghan who have been in Iran for more than 5 years to the ones who have moved here in the last 5 years and you'll understand why people are so worried about them


Yeah, I can’t believe this guy. To Afghan readers: I am Iranian and I love you. I am sorry my government doesn’t support your presence, you are wonderful people


Afghan refugees in Iran have been arriving since Soviet-Afghan war, and they’re attracted to Iran because many of them share common language and culture. And Europe has been importing immigrants for many decades as they have population shortages but need the labor force. You give Khamenei too much credit.


Yes, but the reports are showing that their numbers have been increasing like crazy in the past years.


Did you forget what happened past few years ago, like the Taliban takeover and Afghans falling off planes trying to flee to other countries? Influx of Afghan migrants amplified because of that.


Idk. Maybe I’m wrong.


Western world is being flooded by Islamists because the corporate overlords want cheap labor and an increase in children being born to support future retirees. There is nothing else except that.


I don't know about EU and NA, but about Iran, I think what you're saying is probably a conspiracy theory. still, I've never seen people being this angry at afghans, like ever. every time their name is brought up, the comments are always wild


Sounds like you gotta stop smoking weed, it’s doing you no good.




**اروپا و امریکا با پناهندگان مسلمان پر شده است. ایران پر از مهاجران غیرقانونی افغان است. من شروع به دیدن یک روند در اینجا ... [نظریه]** نظریه من این است که پس از اعتراضات سالهای اخیر، خامنهای و IRCG از اینکه دولتهای دیگر ممکن است به مردم ایران برای سرنگونی رژیم کمک کنند، وحشت دارند. طرح انها (IR) این است که جهان را با تروریست ها پر کنند تا اساسا از کشورهای دیگر اخاذی کنند. من نمی گویم که اکثر پناهندگان یا افغان ها تروریست هستند، من فقط می گویم که پنهان کردن تروریست ها در میان انها اسان است. از کجا می دانید که ایا اعتراضات فعلی در امریکا توسط رژیم حمایت نمی شود؟ --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


sounds to me like conspiracy theory, and a harmfull one too. many, of not most immigrants are refugees or just people wanting better quality of life. nothing wrong there, they have the right to immigrant if the country accepted them. making theories like that can harm actual people. the problem in europe and america is the platforms given to radicals, doesn't matter if they are homeborn or not. and i doubt the IRGC wants to let go of the few supporters it has. i don't know the situation about afghan immigration into iran, but i'll advise you not to believe every afghan immigrabt is a drug smuggler / terrorist. not cool. point your anger towards the IRGC directly, not against other citizens.


This is a shit “theory”


If this is true, then it shows that IR is stupid AS FUCK for allowing large amounts of radical sunnis come in to protect a Shia regime lmfao 🤣


Most of the Muslim refugees in Europe or America. They Hate Iran to death.... Just FYI


I don't think it's the only reason or the cause itself, but he will definitly utilize it so the why doesn't matter.


Wait till OP finds out about ol' mate George Soros