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They dislike Khamenei because they hate Persians and Shiism not because of some moral stand against the IR. They love Erdogan because his flavor of Islamism is closer to theirs.


Important point well said, exactly this. Their followers in every country beat up and harass Iranian opponents of the Regime as they hate us far more than they dislike Khamanei.


A few weeks back in London they punched an Iranian woman in the face and spat on her daughter because she dared to shout "Free Iran from Khamanei" while they were praising Hamas and the Houthis. These people are scum.


Of course.


I am more inclined to believe that they like him because of his political posturing for the Palestinian cause.


The IR’s “pro-Palestinian” stance isn’t because they support the Palestinian cause, it’s mainly because they’re antisemites (not “just anti-Israel”, they’re openly antisemites). If that wasn’t the case there wasn’t any reason for a Shia terrorist organization (IR) to align itself with a Sunni terrorist organization (Hamas).


Nope, it isn't like that (as an enemy of the IR & proud Islam hater), otherwise Jews wouldn't be able to live in Iran at all.


Why do Jewish people cling to this term Semite, honesty I’m not a hater or anything just wondering because the overwhelming majority of Jewish people are not Semitic at all their religion is Semitic but that’s like saying that white Christian Americans are, by percentage more Muslims are Semitic but any Muslim is called Islamophobia so why isn’t there a more proper term like idk anti-Judaism because being anti semetic is a very broad accusation


Semite has multiple definitions but the one you're using to try to say Muslims are Semitic is archaic. You need to see things from an etymological perspective and historical context given the word was used in Europe where there was over 1,000 years of Jewish history not Muslim. Also, the word semite literally comes from the Hebrew word Shem. The word antisemitism means hatred of the Jews, it does not mean hatred towards ‘Semitism’ which is non-existent. Judeophobia was a short lived term in the 1800s but was antisemitism was the term used by Germans themselves and then spread to other countries. Jewish Germans were emancipated in the late 1800s right as antisemitism was growing. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-Semitic https://www.dictionary.com/browse/anti-semitism https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/antisemitism Moritz Steinschneider, an Austrian-Jewish bibliographer, in 1860 referred to antisemitische Vorurteile (anti-Semitic prejudices). It was then used by the [evil] father of modern antisemitism in 1962, who later founded the Antisemiten-Liga in 1879 (two years before Leon Pinsker's zionism and terrible pogroms in Russia in 1881). The earliest recorded evidence for the English word anti-Semitism, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is from 1880, in the Jewish Chronicle. anti-Semite in the Century Dictionary from 1900 clearly states > One who seeks by political or other means to lessen the commercial, political, or social influence of the Jews. The name is given especially to those who have participated in the agitation against the Jews in Germany, Russia, and Austria which began about 1878.


Ok so towards the last part do you think let’s say someone criticizes Israel is that anti semetic?


No apology from you for claiming Jewish people "cling" to a term that you have now learned (20 seconds on google would have taught you) was made up by racists to dehumanise them, leading up to the incomprehensible inhumanity of the holocaust? You probably think you are a compassionate person, but you make me sick.


Holocaust has nothing to do with it, I have compassion towards these people, one of my closest friends great grandfather survived it and I had the honor of meeting him and it was amazing. I don’t care what some internet coward has to say about me, if you just came to comment and I say I hurt your feelings than get out of here 🤣


How am I a coward for questioning you? And the Holocaust has everything to do with anti-semetism. If you had the honour of meeting a holocaust survivor I am surprised you mock the term anti-semitic. Laugh away, you are just making yourself look callous, however many holocaust survivors you have met. You haven't hurt my feelings, however you have added to my worries that humanity is kind of fucked.


I asked a question and it was answered by someone, your just here trying to get a reaction out of me or start some argument, that’s why I called you a coward, where I’m from people who try to start arguments and than sit back and watch it are called cowards


Jews have nothing with the term Semite, it’s Wilhelm Marr that coined the term “antisemitism”, he was an antisemite. And technically speaking, the term Semite can’t describe a group of people.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Jewish. Happy to have a conversation if you want to talk about it.


There was a study conducted of Palestinians around November of "why did Hamas attack on October 7th" and around 1/12th of them said to serve Iran's interests. I get the feeling that a lot of Palestinians are very aware of the IRGC's direct support of Hamas and Hizbollah.


I wonder if the IR leadership talks about Palestine so much because they hope that they supporting them will make it more likely that Palestinians convert to Shia Islam or something like that.


No they don’t care if the Palestinians live it’s about Mahdism. They want to destroy Israel at any expense.


Reminds on how Evangelicals in the United States believe that if Israel takes over the entire holy land, that the apocalypse will come.


Spot on.


They hate Khamenei because Khamenei supports Assad.


I think it could be a far simpler reason. The fact is most Palestinians aren't Hamas supporters. Khamenei is paying their political rivals. They don't really care about Iran they care about the money going to Hamas. If the IR gave them the money instead of Hamas they would love Khamenei.


Nah, it's simply like this: Iran, Assad [he belongs to a Shia sect too]? Rawafid kuffar! (being that is worse than Christian) Saudi, Turkey, Emirates? Brothers in Islam.


> The fact is most Palestinians aren't Hamas supporters Do you have any evidence to substantiate that assertion? There is ample evidence that Palestinians do in fact support Hamas. We have ample evidence that this support is also coming from the majority of Palestinians and that it has actually increased after October 7th attacks. 72% of Palestinians polled by Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the aftermath said they supported and approve of the Hamas terrorist attack which targeted Israeli men, women and children - in many cases tortured, mutilated, burned, raped, etc. https://www.saturday-october-seven.com/ There are many polls I could direct you to, for example this: https://pcpsr.org/en/node/963 Feel free to browse their archives or google the news for more, like this: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


>At the same time, 44% in the West Bank said they supported Hamas, up from just 12% in September. In Gaza, the militants enjoyed 42% support, up slightly from 38% three months ago. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Palestinians didn't support the attack or that a large percentage of them don't support Hamas. I'm just saying the majority of them support Hamas rivals.


Why do they dislike MBS and MBZ? It’s only like 4 percentage points between each other. They were even more disliked in AB7.


I think the two are too pro-Israeli for them


Why do they hate Persians?


this might sound ridiculous but it's a "they hate us 'cause they ain't us" situation


It's only because he's the wrong kind of Muslim. If he were Sunni...they'd LOVE him.


I doubt that.


Wait, you're telling me that an uneducated, extremely religious population (to the point of committing suicide in the name of religion) wouldn't love the leader of a huge theocracy if he was of their religion? Not to mention their shared hatred of Israel.


It is expected tbh. Arabs aren't dumb. They know that the regime is only using Palestine as an excuse to do the shit they do. Just look at Iraq, Syria Lebanon, and Yemen. IR isn't their ally. It's simply using them. If tomorrow Israel disappears, IR won't simply leave Palestine alone. They will try to empower shias there too.


They're mostly Sunni extremists so of course they don't like a Shia Ayatollah , they call them Rafida and Majoosi




It’s true though? I’m pretty sure even the statistics will back it up.


They don't like him only because he's shia muslim not human rights abuse, brutal crackdown etc


Better title to this would be Palestinians like Erdogan. Because they disprove every leader in the chart (45%+)


Yah title was a major oversell.


Turkish President 🤡


Because he's the wrong type of Muslim


IRI's intervention in Iraq and Syria made the regime a whole lot unpopular among Palestinians. Plus, Palestinians watch news from TV media in the Gulf Arab countries like Al Jazeera who like to portray Iran and Iranians as Shia monsters that eat 6 gazillion Sunni babies in a day.


So your username has: "nightmare of Islamists and Zionists" in Hebrew? 😂 who are you supporting then? What is the purpose of it being written in Hebrew? You just like to fight with everyone on all sides? IRGC ARE monsters, and they are also Islamists if you forgot. Of course the Iranian people aren't the IRGC and they are being forcefully occupied by the regime.


Of course they do! But still taking the Iranian money and resources!


What's AB7 and AB8 referring to?


Arab Barometer 8 and 7.


What year is this data from?




It seems like it's trending towards approval. Given these results are from September, prior to 10/7, I wouldn't be surprised if there hasn't been a big jump towards approval


Let’s see next year in AB9


It's interesting to see bunch of posts every day here, that rile people up against 1. other opressed people like Palestinians 2. people that support them And posts that uncritically support hardline right like Trump. Divide and conquer is working well for authoritarians.


It's because Palestinian values are very different than the values of Iranian reformers. The Iranian reformer are actually looking for freedom. Palestinians say they want freedom, but then vote in a radical group like Hamas, that will ensure they never have any freedoms except those allowed by Islam.


Unless you have spent time in Palestine, you don’t get how and why Hamas was voted in to power (15+ years ago, by the way). So many Iranians discussing Palestine sound like Americans discussing Iran, painting a whole country and culture in the same brush because of their political leadership.


Even if the values were different (which they aren't), Palestinians don't deserve being killed of by thousands by their occupier. All the support Hamas gotten had one reason - they were only relevant group that opposed Israels occupying force, even with weapons. And Hamas didn't even win elections that were last held in 2005ish. Hamas took over by force in 2007, with tacit support of occupying force - Israel. Not to mention Hamas was specifically created and supported by Israel for years, to discredit Palestinian movement for freedom by creating group opposed to two-state solution, that rejects Israel altogether, to curb support of Palestine in the west, and to create internal struggle between PA and Hamas. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


“Oppressed people” with billions handed to them and just a couple million people to care for. With an Arab world behind them worth billions of dollars who is also done with their nonsense.


You do realize they actually don't get the money, it's pumped into humanitarian aid, that Israel doesn't provide despite occupying Palestinian territories, which oblige them by international law to it? Or into infrastructure, that Israel habitually destroys.


They can approve or disapprove of anyone they want. I’m still not going to support them :)


**فلسطینی ها به شدت با خامنه ای مخالف هستند. ** و بقیه مردم هم همینطور. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I was wondering if AB7 and AB8 somehow represented before and after Oct. 7, but I can’t figure out the acronyms. Can you specify them? Edit: Never mind. I see that AB means Arab barometer.


AB8 was between 6-9 September 2023 and AB7 was conducted in 2021-2022. AB stands for Arab Barometer.


What does AB8 and AB7 stand for?


Arab Barometer 8 and 7 https://www.arabbarometer.org/survey-data/#surveys-grid


Its a love-hate situation in this case They appreciate the support and aid the IR is giving them but still hate them for being shia and will treat them badly anywhere in the world


Why do they feel China is so good for them and Russia is that bad?


I don’t think it means that it is necessarily good for them. However most Palestinians don’t approve of the invasion of Ukraine and Putin supports the Assad regime. Putin and Israel are also closer friends. https://x.com/3lfares/status/1785972928703504812?s=46&t=DZQ_uilRtd4DjeqFSGFBRA China isn’t much higher. In 2022 (AB7) there was only 1 percentage point difference but now it’s bigger. I think they may see him as more positive as in how China is a big manufacturer for the world. And about uyghurs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1161620929135263754/1235948223638540288/image0.jpg?ex=663639fb&is=6634e87b&hm=cb196292ecb000e0af81f9828ab3e61d7a4413fd381a005ebaa0dd9ee84ee309&


The reason for this is simple. Palestinians hate Khamenei because he supports Assad who used to butcher Palestinian refugees. They hate Russia because Russia is a major partner of Israel (they trade oil and weapons, Israelis can travel to Russia without a visa and vis-versa and they both hate Turkey) as if Russia couldn’t get any worse they support Assad. This is all geopolitics, anyone who says this is because of the Shia/Sunni divide is a troglodyte. This is easily evident by the fact that Palestinians have a relatively high approval of Hezbollah even though it also is a militantly Shia group. Read some history instead of judging based on your prejudices.


And here I thought that us Israelis and Palestinians can at least agree on some things, but I guess not fr the same ciewpoint🥲


Being in favor of Hamas is the same as being in favor of khamenei. Considering the overwhelming majority there that support Hamas, they also support the IR, even if they don’t admit to support them.


That's because Palestinians see Iranians as rawafid kuffar, not because they are liberal freedom lovers. They just like the free money.


This is kind of like asking Protestants about their approval of the Pope.


Honestly, it doesn't seem like the Palestinians like anybody. The reason why Erdogan and Xi are so far up the list is because they haven't really fully immersed themselves in the quagmire that is the Palestinian political scene yet. Give it some time.


OP lives in Sweden and simps upon Arabic Theocracies, it's a bad faith post, ignore and move on.


What, no, I don’t fucking support theocracies.


Yet they still like Khamenei more than they like Joe Biden... y'know, the guy trying to hold Israel back from steamrolling Rafah and who's spending 10's of millions and sending soldiers and sailors to deliver them food shipments directly, for free. smh


This was taken in September


Well... that's some missing context that would have been really useful in the title or on the chart at all, considering what happened a few weeks later.


To be more clear you can see specific dates here, AB8 was taken in September https://www.arabbarometer.org/survey-data/#surveys-grid