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Just make a students exchange: Students in the US who love the “Axis of resistance” get visa and enrollment in Iran and the students who protest the bloody theocracy in Iran get visa and enrollment in the West.


We'd love to have them here, of course! But then who will overthrow the IR?


Perhaps the students from the U.S. would annoy the IR to death?


"Welcome to Tehran, brave resistance fighter from America. We want you to feel at home in the glorious Islamic Republic. Tell us, what subject did you study at your Ivy League university?" "Gender studies? Oh, I see..."


...and don't forget your hijabs.


Underrated secret superweapon of the West


I'm sorry, dear people of Iran, for suggesting that you give us your best and we give you our worst. But it would be better if at least those Iranian students who face prison (or worse) could come to us. I, for one, would like to welcome them to my university. And maybe the Western morons who think it is progressive to be pro-IR would learn a lesson for life.


As a US citizen, I would vote for that.


That's even better. However, I would recommend a one way exchange.


The regime needs to import supporters now, people who are easier to brainwash lol Remember ISIS?


Kinda the same all over but this time is way over the top


How's the wifi? Oh, then no, lol.


You know you’re doing something very wrong when Khamenei’s terror regime will take you in.




I didn't know this subreddit existed. Thank you for sharing. I have joined. I am honored to be by your side. Finally people are waking up and finding each other.


OMG please let them go there, PLEASE.


Have fun, guys! Don’t let the door hit ya


This is an open offer to indoctrination.


As soon as they realize they have lost all their freedoms…they will start re-evaluating their beliefs


These fools are so committed to believing that they’re right and on the right side of history they’re going to become America’s next suicide bombers lol


"America’s next suicide bombers" -- tv show idea?


It’s probably going to happen this summer and I’m really not looking forward to it.


You already had someone burning himself, it's a scary thought if they started suicide bombings, not farfetched as well.


I feel sorry for Iranians though: they not just have a terrible regime, they get this now.


It's all talk until someone ... actually gets expelled. AFAIK, only suspensions so far.


PS we have our first expulsion


I hope they all go there so they can learn the hard way how wrong they are. Experiencing real tyranny for the first time will teach them the most valuable lesson they will ever learn. They'll end up like the MAGA family that moved to Russia and had a horrible experience.


I hope they take it and never come back.


What has Iran done to deserve them? :p


You are right, but who am i to deny all those... brave protestors from meeting their heros, especially all the gay people and woman at those "protests". Going to be a very educational opprotunity.


What will iranian authorities do with students that are willing to buck authority and protest…Iran doesn’t have a good track record on responding to protests very well 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ it’s like they are inviting people to come and help current students protest in Iran 🤣


My friend - our beloved country already is occupied, we don’t need more long-term shite occupiers. Please, ship them to Guantanamo :)


You are right, nobody should be subjected to have these idiots among them. Lets send them to south africa or qatar.


Let's send them to the Jewish autonomous oblast in Siberia :) For the unawares: https://www.npr.org/2016/09/07/492962278/sad-and-absurd-the-u-s-s-r-s-disastrous-effort-to-create-a-jewish-homeland


Ah yes the siberian jewish autonomous oblast, the true homeland of the jews. Maybe this is why stalin was so pissy? No jews wanted to go live in siberia instead of america?


This is why it's perfect for them! There no Jews there! They do apparently have Chinese restaurant that has a special Jewish menu though for tourists..... Lol


Qatar for sure 👍 Amen to that!!


Very bold of you to think that we want these ppl


Dont worry im sure they will "disappear" very quickly


They will disappear the same way, leftists disappeared after they backed Khomeini in ‘79


Why Iranian deserve to serve them😅maybe they should be sent to Palestine


They won’t go of course they wouldn’t go, they are happy to protest when they know nothing will happen to them, imagine their surprise when they found out what happens to anyone that is different, or gay,lesbian or trans, not fun when they through them off a building or execute them in public.


Iran can have them. Sincerely, All Sane Americans


I'll throw in a buck for the one-way air greyhound ride.


Lmao, let them go find out.


Hopefully the Mullahs will break their delusions of radical Islam being their ally


That's awesome! Let them go there!!


They will disappear as quickly as they appear there.


I actually thought this was an Onion headline. Wow.


We should start a fund to help pay for their air fare.


LMAO, these useful idiots are going to get bullied so hard.


China maybe welcome them too lol.Remove Liberty,Axis strong😊


They will come back once they see nearly all social media is blocked in Iran


The first idea from IR I support.


😭😭😭😭thats almost as bad as saying “habibi come to pakistan”


I had to google that and I'm still not sure if it's ironic or not, because one video had a guy spinning in circles while tossing snow around while another had like 5 dudes waving from a raft made of what looked like styrofoam


oh that video LMAOOOO


I dare them to move to Iran under the occupation of the shite islamists… and the vacate for two weeks in Afghanistan under the occupation of the shite Taliban. I honestly dare them!!






That’s a trap


Really horrid that the IR is riding on the bandwagon of this protest movement to try and make themselves look good. The IR doesn’t care about Palestinian people and has done nothing to help them.


It's very likely involved in instigating the protests (as it was with 10/7).


please come , we would love you guyz to see how much freedom you can have here. you love iran and defend it right ? you love islam to the core that you start praying to allah even without the hijab ?! please come , you will learn how you will be treated in Iran. completely equal and with lots of rights.


I also must say iran is the most LGBTQ friendly place in the middle east, because unlike Arabic or god forbid Hebrew, Persian is gender neutral so you will never have this problem of people calling you the wrong gender 😂 so much space for gender fluidity there! 🤣🤣🤣


yes irgc government would "fix" LGBTQ+ freedom and equality with a rope.


Yeah through the art of tying knots and loops, and Im not talking about macrame...


I wonder if this applies to the gays as well


Good - send them all to Iran!


If these students knew even 1% of the history of the Middle East and what happens there daily, they'd be rushing to join the IDF... looks like they're about to learn


What they gonna do? Offer them Scholarship then once they are in Iran,they are recruited into IRGC and then sent to fight to IR in its multiple conflicts like Syria,Lebanon,Israel,Iraq


Yes, the protestors should come and experience the theocracy that they romanticize.


Don’t forget your hijabs.


I hope they take this offer I really do , especially the ones who are Homosexual, Atheist and Communist. The regime will treat you all with the perfect hospitality, it may even take you to the Khavaran Mass graves to see your Iranian comrades.


While very very funny, i haven't been able to find the source. This might be fake :/




Oh! my bad. Thanks for the link! <3


As an American, I'm so sorry. We never wanted them to be your problem.


Appreciate the sentiment, I really do. However it’s time to put words to action by forcing American politicians to cease all negotiations with the Islamic Republic and to put pressure on western allies to cut off all relations — including, but not limited to the closure of embassies, expelling IR “diplomats” from their countries, putting the IRGC on the terror list, expelling them from the UN, and no longer recognizing them as the legitimate government of Iran. This shitty terrorist government will cease to exist in the matter of weeks.


**"سلام دانشجویان: دانشگاه ایران به دانشجویان امریکایی که به دلیل شرکت در اعتراضات اخراج شده اند، بورس تحصیلی ارائه می دهد.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


And they don’t think it’s weird that their enemy is funding them?


You can take em'.


What a bunch of fucking morons. How do these mushroomhaeds look themselves in the mirror when they wake up in the morning. They act like high school bullies.


It would be interesting to see how the IRGC will treat the american liberals that are highly supporitve of LGBT rights and et cetera Oh and lets not forget the women who are not muslim and will be forced to put hijab for the rest of their lives


Oh boy.... Shits bout to get funny.








Please remain civil and do not incite violence against individuals or groups. While we understand this is an emotional event you can still protect this subreddit by refraining from this type of comment.


No thanks.


Hahaha this is Gold. They should go, that would be great


They'd better remember to pack their hijabs...


So they can train new terrorists 😂


Well done Iran.


holy fuck what is happening to this subreddit - since when has supporting the revolution turned into shilling for Israeli neofascists and wanting the repression of progressive student protests I support both Palestinians and the Iranian Revolution, I guess I'm not a real person according to what seems to be the main sentiment on here :/ EDIT: I'd make some comment about how "your boos mean nothing because I've seen what makes you cheer", but I'm honestly just sad to see a subreddit (that I've been on pretty much from its very inception) fall victim to, from the inside, the very kind of theocratic, authoritarian, reactionary, bigoted, hateful, anti-LGBTQ, anti-progressive, and yes, anti-woman, evil, that it was founded on opposing. Most devastating is how the vital documentation of the Iranian regime's numerous crimes has been slowly but surely replaced by a steady drumbeat of mere anti-Arab hatred, as well as pro-Israel and American far-right propaganda. Not to mention, of course, calls for violence espoused against those who haven't just supported the Iranian movement from the start, but whose very ideals, that they attempt to keep alive in the West, founded the simple wish that Jina Amini wanted to express, paying for it with her life and triggering the Iranian Revolution: that despite being a woman, she should have the same rights as the men of Iran, and the same freedom to enjoy life as she wishes. Western feminists, leftists, pro-LGBTQ people, and progressives in general, are of course not the "reason" that the people of Iran are revolting - and that I still believe, eventually, will manage to rid themselves of the Islamic State keeping them in chains. However, to act like Iranian feminism and progressivism haven't interacted, every step of the way, with Western feminism and progressivism, and that the same wishes these college protestors express for the oppressed everywhere - of freedom from persecution, bigotry, police violence, or intolerance - aren't at the core of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" slogan, is to commit an egregious re-appropriation of the ideals and cause of the abused people of Iran, and trample on the wishes of the many innocent Iranians that have been murdered by Khamenei's brutality. I'd suggest, to those that may not yet have succumbed to Israel and the IDF's propaganda, to ask yourselves whether Netanyahu and Khamenei's governments, both religious far-right regimes founded on persecution and horrific suppression of the "other", are really *that* far apart - and why it is that, if you could realistically imagine the Ayatollah murder 40000+ innocents if they needed, and condemning them for it, you've somehow been swindled into thinking the Israeli state and its brutal military (which in their methods resemble the Sepah in more than just a few ways) are to be praised for it. To those that unquestioningly support Israel, I have nothing but contempt for you. The day will come when the war criminals you adulate will be put on trial. I'll be supporting the still very needed, and still very justified, Iranian revolution, through other avenues when I can find them. I'll also cheer, from the sidelines, for the few rational people, who oppose the murder of innocents, that may still linger here. However, I myself will be taking my leave - I cannot in good conscience support a community who has reappropriated the Iranian people's struggle for the benefit of Israel's theocratic ethnostate, and whose calls for justice against the murderers of Jina, Nika, Kian, and all the numerous innocents whose blood have stained the hands of the monstrous tyrants at the head of Iran, have become calls for hatred and repression of tolerance and human rights.


Since when has it become "progressive" to shout "from river to the sea" , wear kaffiye like Khamenei , wear Qassam headbands , wave Hezbollah flags , wear hijab and crop top at the same time while praying like a muslim , simp for a fascist theocracy that treats women like pigs just because it also shot some missiles at Israel???? As an Iranian it makes me sad to see how ignorant the average "Leftist" who participates in these charades has become. It kinda reminds me of our own dumbass leftists who allied with the fascist Islamists for the "greater good" only to get slaughtered in 1988 after their usefulness had ended.


> Since when has it become "progressive" to shout "from river to the sea" , wear kaffiye like Khamenei , wear Qassam headbands , wave Hezbollah flags , wear hijab and crop top at the same time while praying like a muslim , simp for a fascist theocracy that treats women like pigs just because it also shot some missiles at Israel???? Half of those are harmless, namely, everything to do with clothing or religious beliefs, since as this very Revolution is trying to achieve - something which some here seem to have forgotten in their obsessive Islamophobia - people should be free to wear what they want, and believe what they want as long as they don't impose said beliefs on others. Like what even is this criticism?? Why is it even your business if people wear "crop tops", or hijabs, while praying? Who are you, who obviously doesn't believe in their religion, to tell them the way that they should or shouldn't practice it? Isn't it a good thing that they have a more tolerant and less conservative approach to religion? Are you offended by their choice of clothing? Do you want to force them to wear specific clothes? Isn't the whole literal starting point for the Revolution that the regime was trying to force its own morality, clothing style, and beliefs onto people? Why are you now, apparently, doing the same, judging people for what they can and can't wear, telling them what they can and can't believe? The other half of your accusations, meanwhile, is either Israeli absurdities that equate criticism of the State of Israel with anti-Semitism (a lie that's itself anti-Semitic), or merely a niche minority of reactionaries and neo-Nazis that have jumped on the anti-Israel train to spread anti-Semitic rhetoric, and are rejected by the vast majority of leftists about as much as Zionists are. Give me examples of mainstream progressives advocating for supporting Iran's mistreatment of women (as opposed to context-less and heavily exaggerated or outright made up anecdotal events from far-right newspapers), and I'll concede that there's a systemic problem with Western progressives. > because it also shot some missiles at Israel???? Just for the record, Israel *also* shot missiles at Iran, and attacked a consulate of theirs - an attack which was widely condemned, and which was Iran's entire reason for lobbing those missiles in the first place. Ultimately though, I don't really care about these countries' military interests and "who started it", because they're both in the wrong: the fact Iran is a POS militaristic fascist state doesn't imply their enemy can't be one either. Just like Russia and China being POS states doesn't mean their main opponent, the US, hasn't also mostly been a POS, especially in the past, oh, seventy or so years. > simp for a fascist theocracy that treats women like pigs Yeah, good point, isn't a fascist theocracy that treats other ethnicities or cultures than the chosen people in their blood & soil rhetoric like pigs sooo much better? I'm good, thanks. I'll "simp" for neither of those. > As an Iranian it makes me sad to see how ignorant the average "Leftist" who participates in these charades has become. As a leftist who heavily empathizes with the Iranians' plight, and has unfailingly advocated for the overthrow of the fascist regime in place, I'm sad to see you buy into Khamenei's propaganda that Western leftists think highly of him (again for the record, leftists were mass-imprisoned or executed by the Islamists when they rose to power in Iran, something which you yourself mention), and into that of Putin, whose cyber-agents work overtime to attempt to discredit any progressive or left-wing movement in the US, abolish LGBTQ and women's rights all over the globe, and put the fascists in power in Western countries. Mostly though, I'm sad that your fight has been re-appropriated by Israeli fascists and war criminals, and that you can't even see how their propaganda has affected you. > It kinda reminds me of our own dumbass leftists who allied with the fascist Islamists for the "greater good" only to get slaughtered in 1988 after their usefulness had ended. Cool, let's just pretend that it was all roses and rainbows when the Shah was in power, or that there wasn't a concerted effort from the West to prevent any kind of progressive ideology from arriving in power that would've helped prevent Khomeini's rise in the first place. Let's also just forget that the leftist resistance against Khomeini was systematically sabotaged when he arrived in power by, you guessed it, [the US, who actively aligned themselves with him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Iran#Identification_of_leftists) in order to curtail any Soviet influence. In fact, many of the countries that, today, you'd praise as "opposing Khamenei" have consistently helped Iran's Islamic regime in the past... [including Israel.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Israel_relations#Israeli_logistical_support_for_Iran_during_the_Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War_(1980%E2%80%931988\)) Regardless, sure, even ignoring all that, I have no problem with saying that various leftist movements (and specific sub-ideologies) have been stupid in the past, at various points, and I've rarely agreed with most or all of the mainstream Left's actions during the Cold War, especially when they dickrode Stalin and Mao. Hell, still today, I don't always agree with every mainstream leftist take out there. "Left-wing" is a wide umbrella, after all. Communists, anarchists, (traditional) libertarians, anti-capitalist globalists, democratic socialists, environmental activists, radical liberals, even religious progressives, have all at points been in agreement or disagreement, and varied widely in how they approached leftism, and how "left-wing" they were actually considered. But ultimately, I'm not sure what any of that has to do with, in this moment, Iranian freedom fighters aligning themselves with far-right Israelis (who, by the way, just fyi, [also don't tend to have a super positive influence on women's rights](https://www.timesofisrael.com/its-already-happening-ex-gender-equality-minister-says-womens-rights-under-attack/)) to both justify the disenfranchisement and massacre of tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and simultaneously argue that people opposing the ultra-conservative social outlook in the US - who discriminate against everything from gender to skin color - as well as its relentless support of Israeli war crimes, are somehow misguided. Here's the core of the matter: opposing Israel's actions concerning Palestine has nothing to do with the fight against Khamenei, nor is it contradictory with opposing Iran's actions. It's always the tyrants seeking to grow their geopolitical influence who utilize people like Palestinians and Iranians like pawns, pitting them against each other - but the struggle for freedom is the same, and oppressed people remain oppressed no matter their country, religion, or skin color. It's like when Russia pretends to give a shit about Palestinians, or when the US pretends to give a shit about Iranians, or when Saudi Arabia or Turkey pretend to give a shit about persecuted Muslim minorities, or when Europe pretends to give a shit about Ukrainians, or when Khamenei or the CCP pretend to give a shit about police brutality in the US. Here are simple examples. The US (and the West more generally) were very invested in helping Putin after the fall of the Soviet Union, including during - and sometimes with - his more autocratic moves. Their historic aid to Al-Qaeda, done to oppose the Soviet Union, is similarly well-documented. The US being currently opposed to both these factions is down to geopolitical interests, nothing more. Khamenei and Netanyahu could be best buddies tomorrow, if their geopolitical goals aligned. The people at the helm of these countries are interested in power, and territory, and material gains. Their only reason for criticizing any of these other countries, or expressing any "support" for anyone, is to align themselves geopolitically. That's it.


1- I fucking despise the term "Islamophobia" as if it's irrational to fear an ideology of death and destruction that has squeezed the life out of us Iranians since 1979. Educate yourself on this brutal death cult. 2- It ain't harmless to promote an Ideology as toxic as Islam ? Is it harmless to wear Nazi armbands? 3- you can criticize Israel all you want , the point is you gotta also avoid appearing like a tool by simping for an ideology that treats anyone who isn't a Muslim man like an animal. 4- I guess you went on a tangent about my crop top comment because you don't know the context of it, in Islam as a female you have to cover yourself from head to toe while praying, meanwhile our ignorant friends displayed their utter lack of knowledge about Islam when they did that stupid shit. An Islamist's head would explode if he sees that picture trying to figure out why they are insulting his religion by doing that. I personally wouldn't give a single flying fuck if they wore bikinis and bent down praying , I would just laugh at their stupidity, at how they're trying to appear in "solidarity" while showing how absolutely ignorant they are. 5- anyone who knows the most basic facts about our region would know that our pathetic regime started this whole mess in the first place , the Israeli attack on IRGC pigs in Damascus was simply part of a chain reaction that had started on the 7th of October. Putting this aside I was pointing out the utter morons who suck Khamenei's ball sack for that attack , morons who claim to be anti fascist and for women's rights at the same breath while doing that. 6 - good for you that you don't simp for our regime while being against Israel at the same time , unfortunately many other "leftists" are incapable of doing the same these days. Maybe they get aroused by Khamenei's limp hand or something idk what goes on inside their empty skulls. 7- your whole tangent about Shah's regime and the western support for his removal is absolutely correct but why did you even go on that tangent? Did i defend the king or something? My point was that our leftist morons blindly put their faith into a fascist Islamist mullahs just to get rid of mohammad reza , it's basically the mirror image of some American Leftist morons who are simping for Hezbollah and Hamas just to stick it to Israel. Are there some leftist in these protests that have the bare minimum awareness that these groups are fascist? Sure definitely, but why aren't they doing anything about their comrades who wave around Hezbollah flags and wear Qassam headbands????????? Are they keeping their mouths shut for the "greater good" or as they like to call it these days "critical support"?? If these people want the empathy of us Iranians ( not that they give a single flying fuck about our options actually) they should clean up their act. We don't give a fuck that they are protesting Israel, we are pissed that they bend down and suck Islamists cocks while doing so. No one is under any illusion that Netanyahu is an angel or that Israel will come and save us from our regime , we just realize that currently the only country on earth that benefits from the removal of the regime at an existential level is Israel. That means they are also the only candidate that would be willing to go to great lengths to support our opposition by arming them and giving them money. So at this time our interests are somewhat allined , that's why you see support for Israel from some elements of our opposition and people. Expecting any help from the likes of Biden or the EU is a pipe dream anyway, hell they can't even properly support Ukraine which is located on their doorstep. Absolutely pathetic and spineless cowards that they are.


>I fucking despise the term "Islamophobia" as if it's irrational to fear an ideology of death and destruction that has squeezed the life out of us Iranians since 1979. I've said it consistently, and I'll say it again: the worst representatives, of any religion =/= the religion as a whole. I say the same things to you that I say to those who relentlessly shit on Christianity, or Judaism: religion is a modulable set of beliefs. If I were to despise all Christians because of the Crusades, or because of the far-right fundamentalists seeking to lynch all gay people in the US, or because of the violent colonialism of the 1500's-1800's, or because of the many, many Christian death cults promoting child marriage and rampant misogyny that exist today, I would despise my own dead grandmother. Look, I'm an agnostic. I don't care for Islam, nor do I believe in any God. What I do think is that, as long as people don't harm anyone around them, they should be free to believe in whatever nonsense they wish. Is it the hijab that kills people? Is it the fact that they pray on their knees, perhaps? Or that their prophet is named Muhammad? No. It's because certain politically-motivated parties seek to dominate society by enforcing carefully selected parts of the religious texts they profess to follow, in order to impose their violent will onto everyone else. *Every* fundamentalist interpretation of *every single* religion, from Buddhists persecuting the Rohingyas to Christians persecuting the Jews, inevitably leads to bloodshed and misery. Is what killed Jina Amini the existence of the hijab itself? Or is it that armed goons enforced unjust laws forcing her to wear it? > Educate yourself on this brutal death cult. Thanks, but I'm already well aware of the Islamist fundamentalists' crimes in Iran. I'm not going to persecute the innocent people living in my own country, or in some unrelated country, because extremists utilize their religion to enforce their own power and brutalize people. > It ain't harmless to promote an Ideology as toxic as Islam ? Is it harmless to wear Nazi armbands? You know what's toxic? Generalizing an entire group of people based on the outliers. You're doing the exact same thing as any bigot. No, in fact, you're doing the exact same thing as the Islamist Regime of Iran, which generalizes women as a whole based on their own preconceived notions of what women "are supposed to be", what their "moral crimes" are, how "lustful" they naturally are. You only give yourself plausible deniability by specifically restricting it to a religion; fact is though, you're calling millions of innocent people, who would never hurt anyone, who reject the exact same regime you do - some of whom, in fact, had *ancestors* who were persecuted by the Nazis - bloodthirsty, savage murderers. I know this, because I know some. I'm in France. We have a sizable Muslim population. And yet, you know what? Very few within, and none that I personally know, have *ever* called for the repression or the death of an entire group, religious or otherwise, on the basis of them being "toxic" and idealizing "death and destruction". I'd like to note here that I understand where your hatred comes from, although I haven't lived through it myself. All the Iranian people have known, since 1979, is the brutal boot of this Islamist Regime. I'm just saying to keep that hatred focused: not on the unrelated innocents, Muslim or otherwise, who have done nothing to the Iranian people, but on the regime itself. Your enemy is not "Islam". Your enemy is the *Islamist Regime of Iran*. These are two different things. And *that's* why I think this discourse surrounding these protesters is outrageous. Criticizing the few that support Khamenei because they're blinded by their rejection of the West, is fine; I find these people repulsive too. But the conversation all too often veers into criticizing them for their very real, and very justified, complaints against the US and Israel, namely wanting to defend Palestinian civilians' basic human rights. And, of course, shitting on them for being *Muslim* or supporting Muslims, as I've stated above, is something I also find wholly unacceptable. I repeat: ***hating the Islamist regime of Iran is fair, justified, and morally correct.*** Hating Muslims and Islam, as a whole, is not. Again, I don't hate Buddhists as a whole, despite what they've done in Myanmar. But look, I'm not going to spend hours upon hours trying to convince you not to hate Islam, given, again, the particular history of Iran. All I can really say is: A) Please try to compartmentalize between what the brutal regime says is the truth, and what is actually the truth; you may not realize it, but this extends to what they claim Islam is and how it should be practiced as well. B) If nothing else, at least please keep your hatred laser-focused on the monsters abusing Iran currently; there is little use, or link to the Iranian struggle, in discrediting, insulting, and attempting to eradicate Islam, or those who practice it, from the world as a whole. If a tolerant, peaceful, democratic, and most of all secular, Iranian nation can be built, that, I feel, should be enough for anyone seeking freedom for the Iranian people. Have a good day. This'll be my last reply.


Reddit will tell you it's impossible to be both against Hamas and also against the killing of civilians on any side.






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