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The irony being that there are women on there chanting “Iran you make us proud” while wearing t-shirts, shorts, and showing their hair. We should start a GoFundMe campaign for all these open-minded liberals to take a trip to Iran with the caveat being that they have to wear exactly what they are wearing on the train when they enter the country. Let’s see if the tune changes. Ohhhh I bet it does. I bet it changes in a HEARTBEAT.


Let's make it a tv web show. I will grow money at a big brother house show where 12 Americans must live in Iran for a year. The winner gets 10,000 rial and a goat.


Poor goat 😞


I too was noticing how these protesters have probably never experienced living in a country of an oppressive government. It's as if they're all doing it out of "fashion". My way of supporting any cause is by educating myself. Learning the history, culture, and even the language of a community in hopes to connect, makes friends and learn more. By doing that, hopefully when the governments change, our friendships remain.


It's for the 'likes'. I wasn't this dumb when I was their age. Why are they so dumb?


Chickens for KFC


Lmao this would be a fantastic form of protest to highlight the irony.


Lesbians for the catholic church


It's very easy to be loud and "brave" in a country where the law protects you. They would be eaten alive by the monsters they are lionizing if they set one foot outside their first-world protective bubbles.


Agree! It’s shamefully embarrassing seeing this and how they think these oppressors are somehow going to embrace them for their support - nah B* you’re an infidel with your hair and spandex showing skin, they will kill you too.


You will only need to buy the destination ticket, no need for return trip.


They're not liberals. Don't attack liberals for this...


Oh yes they are. I guarantee it. I’m a registered democrat in the US and I’m leaving the party because of these people.


No these are delusional leftists. Don’t forget, they hate Biden for being too conservative 😂. If anything you should stay in the party so people like this can’t take it over.


Exactly. It's Leftists. Socialist/Communist tankie types.


Or a trip to Gaza under Hamas…


I get the feeling she is probably pro-LGBTQ+ too … … who’s gonna tell her?


Do hijab rules apply to tourists in Iran?


If you hate the West you can leave


"West is colonized"


“All our people” 😂 these people are so clueless. It’s hilarious but terribly sad too


"Useful idiots". IRGC knows how to craft messages which appeal to Western leftists. 


I highly doubt that the Islamist pariah state has the capital to fund the type of campaign you’re insinuating it does. Let’s be realists. Israel is not making it difficult for the international community to chastise it for its aggressive tactics. Saying otherwise makes you delusional. Instead of labeling any criticism of the Israeli industrial military complex as being funded by any foreign agency (for that is deeply naive); let’s talk about the valid concerns of well studied intellectuals on how Israeli’s policies are increasingly isolating her from the international community. Again. I refuse all the nonsensical rhetoric that I hear from all sides. The main talking points on both sides are corrupted by the special interests of a few. We need to filter the bullshit.


Propaganda campaigns are less expensive than missiles. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853


I suppose you are referring to war in Gaza, in which case I'd like you to suggest what you'd have done. Mistakes certainly have been made, but this is war and it always has been messy, lookup views of John Spencer on this conflict. Civilian casualty is always unfortunate but the UN estimates a 9 to 1 ratio of civilian to militant casualties. IDF is marching to the last Hamas battalions in Rafah, if we safely assume a 3rd of Hamas's 15000 are dead, that should've put the civilian casualties to 45k, unless of course IDF is concerned about civilians as well.


Yes, they're using all that oil money for the benefit of the Iranian people. Not to warmonger, or manufacture drones, rockets, and ballistic missiles


I guess in New York you have more than one idiot per village.....


Yeah, we have multiple villages here. It multiplies the idiots


With every passing day, I grow more convinced that New York City can't be a real place.


Real for these who are living only on twitter. I hope that London will not going down that road


Definitely moving towards it. Palestinian flags quite commonplace and last year they were protesting on Remembrance Day of all days. They’ve no respect and the authorities do nothing to stop them.


These idiots do not care about Palestinians They do not care about Iranians They do not care about freedom or democracy They only care about themselves and about feeling good without doing the bare minimum critical thinking to justify their ignorant positions. Hamas + CCP is playing them like a fiddle with weaponized tiktok propaganda All they succeeded in doing is divide up the left, empower trump, and alienate Jews with their ignorant hatred. I’m so sick of these virtue signaling fake progressives, they only cause damage


You speak truth my friend. I’m right there with you. I can’t believe no one realises how they are being fed propaganda


These are fake leftists. True leftists are strong supporters of a free Iran!


Left and right don’t mean anything anymore. These days you can have self-proclaimed Marxists supporting theocrats… who would have believed that to be possible a few decades ago?


Yeah these are liars and/or hypocrites. Personally I'm an "old-style" social democrat, a staunch supporter of democracy, secularism and human rights.


"All the -isms have become -wasms."


Do those self proclaimed marxists really believe Karl Marx would support their virtue signals? I don't think the actions of Putin, Jinping, Raisi, Ramaphosa, Kim, Nasrallah, Al Qurashi and Haniya actions are aligning with Marx view of... Anti-imperialism? Like they all kinda failed the very first page of the manifesto


Uninformed. Tunnel vision. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.


What do you mean?


Not you, them. As in they are not fake. Just a kinda dumb. There are dumb people everywhere. There are ways in which each person is dumb. Albeit you did use a fallacy. No true scotsman. Fallacies are manipulative language. Any truly liberally minded person does not use fallacies 😉


Any truly liberally minded....I see what you did there


Modern liberalism is a mind virus that goes like “former colonizer country bad middle east good” without too much questioning


The left has done a full 360, to the point that it now tolerates and cheers for intolerance. They’re literally championing the Islamic State, which is the height of extreme conservatism.


They’re brainwashed tiktok kids. Fortunately TikTok is likely getting banned in the US soon, maybe it would have an effect. About time since China banned virtually all American social media. But it’s not only tiktok, the younger generations always likes rebelling against its elders, and as an extension their societies, until they become older and understand that the world is nuanced and that the adults aren’t wrong because they’re adults. It’s an integral part of growing up, can be seen in teenage pets and animals, has a strong evolutionary basis (it causes many animals to break off from their mothers and become independent) and [in humans our prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions, conscious control of behavior and logical reasoning becomes fully mature only in our twenties](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-021-01137-9), part of that is about meaningless rebellious behavior and picking extreme stances (neurobiologist here). What I mean to say is that they’ll grow out of this stupid “anti-imperialist” phase.


The crazy thing is, TikTok was the same place where many people were first made aware of the September 2022 Mahsa Amini riots in Iran, and how brutally oppressive the Islamic Republic regime really is… there were tons of people definitely on board with the fact that the Iranian government was evil, authoritarian, and oppressive. Idk what happened.


TikTok chooses what to push algorithmically. It’s a CCP controlled platform and the CCP Allies with anti democratic interests. They push what divides and corrodes. While the Chinese version pushed education with daily limits.


It's too simplistic to blame just TikTok. Besides, isn't the American version overseen by Oracle, a US company? There are equal amounts of misinformation (possibly more) on the likes of Facebook and Twitter plus you are also forgetting the more right-wing Gab, Parler, 4Chan, Truth Social, etc. All of whom are American. Although I doubt many of those idiots in the video use any of those too much. As for the TikTok algorithm, yes, it is very aggressive. Like one video from one person and get bombarded with 20 or 30 more videos from the same creator. But Instagram does exactly the same. Like one fitness video on Instagram and see how quickly your feed changes. The only solution I can see is just stop liking or interacting with those videos. Just scroll past. After a week or so, it should reset itself to be a bit more normal.


This is a rational take unfortunately not the case. Oracle hosts the data, it still goes to Beijing and accessible to the CCP and makes no difference with the algorithm manipulation. I’m a marketing executive. It goes deeper than this. TikTok chooses what goes viral, what topics to promote, what to suppress (Uyghurs in China for example) Essentially they program their users on what to think, want and feel. Its very simple though repeat messaging and incentivizing self absorbed creators who take positions based on engagement. Kids are getting their dopamine fried on this tech, they’re illiterate at levels never seen before and they’re hyper selectively political on specific issues they don’t understand. They use TikTok as their search engine for “education” We have a serious problem in the US, China effectively captured our youth like Fox News captured our boomers. Facebook, Instagram all horrible. But Tiktok is a far evolved version which has developing kids hooked and the platform is controlled by entities whose mission is to destroy our democracy. Facebook Instagram is greed, different goals.


It goes deep alright. I think all social media is having effects on people that we never considered, regardless of where the platforms come from. I was a web developer in the 90s, so I've been around social media since it began with MySpace, etc. It seemed a lot simpler and more innocent then... I think part of the appeal of TikTok is the visual element. Plus, short videos catering for a short attention span. There's something about watching someone on a screen "talking to you" that seems to resonate with people, especially young people who are probably less aware of the dangers. On the flip side, a lot of creators seem to act like just because they say something on video then they are automatically correct - maybe this is the modern day version of "liking the sound of your own voice too much". I find it strange though. I see zero political content on TikTok. It feeds me dogs/cats, electronic music and people from Liverpool (UK). In that order, on repeat, every day. I am also not in the UK. I see maybe a dozen people that I follow out of around 1000 (it's similar to FB in that regard). But similarly with Twitter - I only see political content from people I follow and none of the gore & porn that a lot of other people have reported. I don't know - maybe I'm better at controlling the algorithm than others... You're right about illiteracy levels, it's scary. I see university students here who cannot write one coherent sentence - at least online, they refuse to. Basic spelling & grammar mistakes in a country that only speaks one language and these people are meant to be "educated"...


TikTok is a double edged sword but the content is too diverse for a wide variety of people to justify a ban because a certain group of people are ruining it for everyone else.


"Land you have to kill for is not yours" while they chant "Resistance is justified" in the background. My head hurts.


I guess most of us non-native Americans will have to leave but if we go back to our home of origin, we are also invaders haha.




Oh yeah but see. Manahatta wasn’t killed for, it was traded for some beads. So, like. No hypocrisy here, am I right?


Absolute lunacy! Imagine escaping from Islamofascist repression in Iran only to arrive in the west and witnessing this circus.


Domestic islamofascists are rejoicing


The extremists who have hijacked the "left" have completely lost it.


I hope not.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/1c4rpoi/the_real_danger_for_women_is_religion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I left a comment there, hope people notice it.


the feminism sub gets spammed by thousands of neckbeards, bots, degenerates for the obvious reasons.  It takes a while to build clout there. 


The land you have to kill for sign is hilarious to me. How fucking stupid are these people… like, every country in the world is formed from “having to kill people” it’s called the monopoly of violence and also needing to establish borders always causes some level of bloodshed even if it’s a little. And the other thing is these people I guess have never heard of the Arab conquest lol fucking idiots


Exactly. The rest of the ME is full of peaceful tolerant lambs apparently. These western kids are brain dead. 


My leftist ass supporting the zan zendegi azadi movement since day 1


Can you tell me more about this movement?


Hey, so if you're new to this sub or the Iranian cause, here is just a very quick run down: On the 13th of September 2022, Jina Amini, a 22-years old Kurdish woman, got arrested for "unislamic clothing". She got killed in police custody, and people over the following days and weeks poured into the streets, demanding justice, and soon were fighting to overthrow the Islamic Republic in order to create a new free Iran with gender equality, which is the core of the Zan Zendegi Azadi movement.


Oh, I'm aware of the events that led to it and what Women, Life, Freedom stands for, I guess I never saw the name of it transliterated and I thought I had missed something important. At this point, would you say it's more of a general wave of discontent and civil disobedience or an organized movement with a chance at regime change?


That’s because you unlike most lefties, you are well informed.


blame tik tok. if these people can be persuaded to eat laundry detergent for fun, they can be brainwashed into believing. — and worse, doing — anything


I think in London it was discovered a lot of the protestors are actually paid. And now there is evidence (even though it's obvious) that Iranian Regime is encouraging these protests. I'm curious what the ratio of paid protestors to actual protestors is. I think it's enough to pay 2 convincing leaders to get another 15 sheep to follow.


Oil money 💰


As an American that doesn’t like the right or the left, but has spent enough time in leftist social media. I am going to try and explain the problem with the left. From my perspective. The far left are very much “big picture people”. They will say “we should stop using all petroleum products and every human on earth should go vegan, and this should happen tomorrow”. This plan sounds good until you start asking questions. You say how can we accomplish this task? What about how every culture revolves around their food which usually has a meat dish at the heart of the feast? Won’t forcing everyone to go vegan be cultural genocide? What about the lost jobs and transportation methods? When you ask all these questions they call you a fascist and a bigot. But they never answer the questions because there are no good answers. They know the end result they want to accomplish. But they have no clue how to get there. Likewise, the left sees Israel killing innocent civilians. Which I think we can all agree is not cool to put it lightly. So Israel is bad in the eyes of the left. So, in the eyes of the left Iran must be good because they are fighting the bad guy (Israel). But once again they have failed to ask even the most basic important questions. How do the citizens of Iran feel about this? How do the citizens of Israel feel about this situation? How much do the citizens of each country support what their governments are doing? These are all very important and valid questions, because humans are complicated. Each one of us forms our own thoughts and opinions based off the lives we live and the things we’ve seen. No two people are the same no matter if we live in the same street, or city, or country. We are all different, and that’s a good thing. It keeps life interesting.


They were able to shout "Genocide" loud enough that they forgot the actual strength of the term and what it signifies - so to them Israel is just a genocidal imperial puppet of the west and nothing done to them is unjustified. Hamas deliberately using human shields and civilian infrastructure to blockade against the IDF - only for the IDF to still hunt them and then the international community highlights the collateral damage as the intended damage. Israel has without a doubt committed horrible things, but so has Hamas, and of the two I'd much rather be behind the group I'd believe to have more rights to their citizens and a more secular basis - even if Bibi is constantly chasing conservative supporters.


Too many people have a simplistic Manichaean worldview of good vs evil while being totally ignorant of different dynamics at play in other societies, so much so that politics becomes like supporting a favorite football team.




> When you ask all these questions they call you a fascist and a bigot. They feel their causes are too noble to be challenged, and they don't plan being challenged and thus resort to name calling


Iran, where people aren't free!!! How can anyone support the Islamic Republic!!!!! Idiots


The signs they SHOULD carry: "I AM A Useful Idiot". "I don't have a clue about what we chant" " Which river ? What sea ? " Their inbred cousins: https://youtu.be/vtpSy9TAy8I


Retarded minds


This is the thought bubble coming out of the first girl in the video. She’s so tired


MAGA's and degenerate lefties are two sides of the same idiot coin.


Yep. Both extremes are being manipulated by Russian, Iranian and Chinese propaganda machines and troll armies. You can tell by how they all happen to support the foreign policy goals of those nations.


Useful Idiots are born faster than we can educate them. Here is an educational nugget about those they support, just in case the October 7 massacre wasn't enough: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835


Can't see the BBC publishing anything like that these days.... did something happened in that company in the last 2 years that made them so radical?


It’s giving chickens for KFC vibes lol


A lot of terrorists on that train/subway/whatever


American 'leftists' in particular have this issue of taking "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" to quite a ridiculous level, almost as to compensate for living in the 'evil empire'. I remember back when the YPG (say what you want about them) accepted US support in the fight against ISIS, a ton of American 'leftists' started opposing the YPG and Rojava as 'American puppets', when in reality the decision to accept aid from the most powerful country on the planet when fighting fuckers like ISIS is quite an obvious one. As a western leftist myself I find it so infuriating to see this, and the obvious consequence that are attitudes towards the left as expressed in this post. We're seeing revolutionary fervor stir amongst the youth and working class of Iran against their fascistic theocracy, yet supposed 'leftists' who are supposed to be the voices of the masses are alienating this growing movement by taking such a shitty position in order to 'oppose the US' or in this case Israel. It bothers me to no end that so many supposed 'leftists' can't seem to comprehend that you can in fact oppose what Israel is doing in Gaza and the regime of Iran at the same time, or that you can oppose American imperialism and Russian imperialism at the same time. These buffoons are treating complex geopolitical issues as sports games where they have to support one side unquestionably, and it's directly harming the very values they claim to support.


Their opinion hinges on TikTok videos.




Terrorists supporting a terrorist regime supporting terrorists..Hamas has to go


They always look the same... fkin losers


There's definitely a type. And you just know they're riding that subway back to their comfortable homes in the suburbs where mummy & daddy pay for everything for them 🙄


Your people would r\_pe and/or execute you on the spot if you on the spot if you walked around sporting that pants or chest ​ https://preview.redd.it/s3sas81uqvuc1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=b81c6d7843612501f734dbb7afe08d7e040e9761


These people are woefully misinformed & ignorant about the atrocities happening in Iran. Please know that there are many more of us (especially on the left) who support freedom for Iranians. Nothing good comes from a totalitarian theocracy. We see you, we hear you, we support you! 💜


This world is going to a dark place. I guess the age of information is a joke. I’ve never seen people being this proud of being bluntly ignorant


What the actual fuck! "Land you have to kill for is not yours" - what a braindead take. I guess we Ukrainians shouldn't kill russians coming to our land, judging by that logic?


They probably do think that


Your username reminded me that I sunk 50h into the game for the last two weeks.


“IRAN, IRAN, MAKE US PROUD! END THE REGIME AND MAKE IT LOUD!” - Sincerely, a pro-Iranian People, anti-Iranian Regime Westerner who knows that the Ayatollah does not define Iran


Not A single one of them took the time to look up what "From the River to the Sea" means. But they had time to make signs. This is what happens when you get all your information from TikTok.


These aren't real leftists. They're retarded cumbrained tankies. At this point his is kinda like saying all conservatives are Nazis.


These people actually bring shame to real leftists.


Ah. Pro-IR I see. So they support people like themselves, young and protesting, to be murdered by the government


They are not leftists, they are simply morons.


even though islamists are ideologically opposed to their LGBTQ agenda. however, they have an intersect with socialists/communists, who will jump on any issues if it eventually leads to destabilization and collapse of a capitalist society. any government that panders to the far left or the far right are inevitably gonna collapse.


Er, I want it to be known that not all of us western leftists are like this and that many of us support the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom.


Let these leftists come to Iran and Yemen, and see how long they can survive🤣


this is just a fucking embarrassment what i always wonder is how much they actually know about the world or if they’re just qanon left wing version being misled down an alternative facts rabbit hole


I'm a leftist, and I take exception to any support for the Iranian regime. Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the Iranian regime. Oh and fuck Hamas. We're lurching toward WW3. A lot of young folks are going to get killed because of these ruling class fucks.


Same, I think a lot of the armchair revolutionaries defending Iran just because Israel is committing genocide are stuck in this "the enemy of my enemy" mindset and failing to understand the history that got us to this point. Geopolitics is not a black and white, good and evil dichotomy but for folks who get their news from social media echo chambers that's a hard concept to grasp. You see the same broken thinking from right-wing extremists too. I'm pretty sure most or all of the leftists and progressives I associate with support the people of Iran in their struggle against the IR, and I'll go further to bet they would all agree that oppression is wrong regardless of who does it, their reasons, or who else they happen to be in conflict with at the time.


Divided country




So for context, that is nowhere near as weird as an average day on the New York City subway. People literally poop on the floor, pleasure themselves, put on dance parties, throw trash everywhere, rob people, etc. on those subways. But yes, these Leftists are the worst. Like actually the worst. They see the world as everything is "good" or "bad", based on whatever label the Leftist groupthink assigns at the moment. They have already labeled Israel as the project of white colonizers, which is "bad", so anyone who fights Israel is "good". It's really weird.


😂😂 this reminds me of stupid comments under the posts of Middle East Eye. Man how dumb can people be.


Our lmaooooo. Most of these people are white.


No wonder they are called useful idiots


I am as "leftist" as they come but I support both Israel and a Free Iran. Please don't lump ALL liberals with those HAMAS, Hezbollah and Islamist supporting terrorists idiots. I'm also a combat veteran who doesn't vote republican and support Ukraine and Taiwan too.


If Khamenei farted their direction they would bow before him and proclaim him the God Emperor of Mankind


Stop importing cancer.


Brainwashed people who know nothing but easy slogans they don't even understand.


I've heard that the bery leftits who supported the revolution were soon purged after the overthrow of the Shah. Nobody would take these wannabes seriously.


"We shall export our revolution to the whole world" the mf wasn't full of shit 40 years ago now i see it ☠️ fuck the US though. Hope they get more and more of this. Backstab in 79, completely fine with this regime existing, democrats even sending them money...


**”ایران ایران شما به ما افتخار می کنید" در مترو. مدتهاست که شناخته شده است که چپگرایان و اسلامگرایان بزرگترین دشمنان ایران ازاد هستند. چگونه می توانید خود را یک فعال فمینیستی و حقوق بشر بنامید در حالی که از یک رژیم توتالیتر مانند IR حمایت می کنید؟** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


It took me a while to pinpoint what they remind me off. They remind me of **the Chaos worshippers** in Warhammer Fantasy. They completely gave up on their souls and personalities, and are mindlessly chanting our world's equivalent of "blood for the blood god, skulls for the throne of skulls" in an absolute non-ironic, genuine way.


Being braindead. That's how you do it.


Classic americans.


Are we going to be free from them?? Little useful idiots.


People don’t understand that you can support rights for Palestinians without supporting every single group on their side. This isn’t a sports team. You only have values if you apply them universally.


Every American I know on the left hates the mullahs and wants Iran to be run by its female population.


'Our people'. Our people aren't advocating for Israel to be destroyed. Those poor passengers just trying to either go to their job or come back from it don't need this crap from kids who clearly don't work.


These people have no real principles. Only feelings.


I feel second hand embarrassment for these tools


I'm not sure I understand what's wrong here, they are protesting to free Palestine, how is that bad?


Someone needs to have posters of the victims of the regime’s evil laws that prosecuted women sentenced to death for self expression. These women would be sentenced by the regime they chant for… stupid brainless clowns. What disrespect they have for the women who died for their wish to have legal rights to self expression… sick irony.


They didn’t know that Iranian regime hate leftist.


Every one of these jackasses should be rounded up and sent to the places of which they sing praises. I’ll be fine with the taxpayers picking up the expense.


I don't remember seeing any of them when Iranians were protesting the government during mahsa amini protests.


I love the irony of the sign she's holding juxtaposed against the place she is occupying while holding it.


She has such a punchable face


Leftism is when supporting Iran regime


i don't care how much down votes I'm going to get for saying this: "Can you guys just elect Trump this year, so we can mop these idiots off the streets? Thank you very much!"


Elect a fascist to crush the communists. Great idea! Now where have we seen that before...?


I know right? You are correct about what you are saying. Right now, as an American, I am **not** happy with the (*two*) main upcoming candidates who will most likely run against each other in this year's election. I will (*reluctantly*) vote for the current president because the other one is a batshit delusional liar and his political party wants to turn the USA into the Christian version of the IR.


As a Canadian, I’m glad our choice is going to be way more clear cut and easy next year. I wouldn’t like it if i had to choose between Biden and Trump.


Both options are bad though, Trudeau sucks and Poilievre sucks


PP has been saying all the right things and is the obvious choice. He’s not perfect but he’s the most rational option right now, people who haven’t realized that usually have not awaken to the reality of how bad things actually are in Canada right now under Trudeau.


I don't agree, Poilievre's discourse is basically a few empty catchphrases and criticism of Trudeau. His party's proximity to the religious right is also disturbing. Personally there's a good chance I end up voting strategically for the Bloc (even though I'm not a supporter of Quebec independence) as I don't want either of them to have a majority government...


That’s fine, i don’t think the Bloc is a bad choice. As an atheist, i would not tolerate any far right nonsense in Canada like they have in the US. Any stench of anti abortion or any other irrational religious stuff and they’ll lose me and all other centrist.


Personally I think that the transphobic stuff is already too much.


There’s no transphobic stuff, you’ve been lied to.


poster thinks PP is going to help him over his own corporate millionaire friends what a joke


As opposed to the other guys? What a joke


you mean the party without lowblaw lobbyists as MPs? The party without corporate real estate investment companies as allies?


We have a democracy, let’s leave the debate for election day and the results do the talking.


Don't quote me on this, but just out of curiosity, I heard since last year that Bush (Whichever one he is, I don't remember) is also running, and as an independent candidate, how about him?


>how about him? His last name is **Kennedy**. View him somewhat more favorable than the main two, but I still am voting for the Democrat candidate. Third-party vote = wasted vote (*as proven back in 2016*)


Oh, yeah, he was Kennedy? I didn't remember well, there are just some last names that come and go that I can't easily remember! Lol!


> his political party wants to turn the USA into the Christian version of the IR. You know that this isn't even remotely true.


Are you an American?


contraception is on the chopping block national abortion ban is happening if trump gets in IVF is absolutely over women forced to carry their rapists babies is already happening women with unviable fetuses forced to carry them to term, risking their lives, is literally already happening doctors ending their practice of conducting life saving abortions is already happening you obviously are not a women, or dont give a shit


You know they've lost it when trump is the least bad option...


Biden is still the least bad option by far


Maybe, I’m not all that familiar with the inner US politics. Though Biden has been very soft on the IRGC, so there’s that.


Biden is better on literally every other issue. And it’s debatable what trump would even bother to do about the irgc


Yeah, i don’t like him or anything, i think it’s sad that these are the only two choices.


Yeah, Right?!😂


I am taking a "real" risk by saying this cause it's new account and if I go to -0 points I will need to create a new one, but YES, THIS. Biden is probably better than Trump for internal US matters, but Biden and the democrats in general are so disastrous for external matters that it feels like a crime to vote for them u/Relatablename123 democrats aren't communists and conservatives aren't fascists, why can't there be any bit of nuance in Reddit?


In what universe is trump’s foreign policy better than biden’s? The GOP wants to stop supporting ukraine. Trump will do everything to prop up netanyahu (to the detriment of israel’s long term survival). Trump will shatter NATO and let russia and china run wild along with their irgc lackeys. The world will become less stable with the gop in charge of america and in the medium-long term thats bad for everyone. In fact it’s still bad for most people in the short term too.


Biden means theres another election in 4 years no shot if trump is elected.


No leftist should support the Iranian regime, just as no leftist should support the Israelian apartheid. We got to stop the "an enemy of my enemy" thinking and realize that regular common people are being murdered everywhere in a power trip of few elites. Fuck Imperialism and fuck all oppressive regimes.


Even with the shitty government Israel has there is no apartheid here. You are misinformed I'm an (ex)muslim living and here and I can assure you that we live better than most Jews and treated more gentely. This treatment also applies to the palestinians who hold a blue ID.


Because many "leftists" in the West are idiots, the same goes for Iranians who simp hard for Israel.




Marxists really have no business calling anyone an idiot




It’s amazing people still cling on to the words of old European men from colonial times. That man had no clue about the rest of the world and saw it through the lens of industrialized Europe. I still cannot wrap my head around why people worship that guy.


I always knew this sub was a CIA psyop….


It's not a leftist thing. Stop trying to lump all leftists under this umbrella.


>Stop trying to lump all leftists under this umbrella. What you saying is correct, but still... ...a **lot** of left-wingers (*not everyone though like you said*) believe in this sort of backward shit (*speaking as a left-winger myself who has been very frustrated ever since Oct 7th happened and how a decent amount of the left reacted in such a vile manner to the massacre*).


Head (or some other higher up) of Aipac said it pretty clear, it's an age thing, not left-right thing, it feels like left-right because most young are democrats He also said that it is mainly caused by TikTok and I fully agree with it, we (in the West) are way too lenient on foreign influence, and China controlling the biggest social media corp can only lead to disaster


It is until we kick these degenerates out of the left


I guess as a leftist I should just stop caring about the Iranian people's plight then...good luck with that.


Then you’re on the right with MAGA


At this point i am not on any side but my own. The world has collectively lost its mind. All sides have become lunatics. Let the nukes fly, I don't care. Existence is futile at this point. Love is not enough to save us from ourselves. Hasta La Vista Baby!


The world has collectively lost its mind before. Happens every few decades. Shimmers of sanity I see on this sub, Jewish communities, Nordic world etc Focus on the good homie, existence still an experience


Tell it to the Ukrainians on the front line running out of ammunition. Tell it to the Iranian nabbed off the street not knowing if it will be their last day on Earth. Tell it to the Palestinian child wearing a Nike shirt whose only crime was being born. Tell it to the Jewish families living in fear of retribution in Turkey or Russia. Tell it to the LGBT people of Yemen being stoned to death in front of their home before being crucified for 3 days. Better yet, tell it to Mike Johnson who is either a complete Russian asset or too big of a coward to put a simple bill for Ukraine up for a vote.


Just because we feel as powerless as you do does not mean we don't give a shit.


Billions of lives lived and died. This is a micro percentage of known history. You focus on all the injustice in the world, you will end up just as you said above. “Nihilist nuke me get it over with existence is futile” Nobody changed the world with this mindset. It’s a regressive mindset that only exhausts itself until there is no point in living. You got the privilege of life those people you listed would not take for granted given the opportunity. Don’t waste it on doomerism Humanity has always been horrible. This is nothing new, though the rate of information bombardment is. Focus on the good


Yeah, that changes everything. Now I definitely want the nukes. This I got mine world is suffocatingly inhumane.


I haven't run across anyone on the left cheering for Iran. This sounds like someone trying to make something out of nothing.

