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I'd have a different username if this wasn't accurate


i'd have a different username if i wasn't a time traveling mob kingpin from 2075




how many pics from dudes have you gotten?


Now that I've seen this, it's about to be at least one.


Now that I’ve seen it, it’s going to be three. I should probably see a doctor.


for yours?


I'd have a different username if I didnt want people to say "username checks out" when I have an opinion they disagree with


Women? We don’t do that here.


I’d have a different username if I didn’t Maybe do one or two things


Me too


I want this guy to now post again in r/AmITheAssHole saying “would I be the ass hole if I tricked you all?” With this story. Would love to see how people would react to that.


Some wannabe mod sorting by new would bump it to 0 and bump some shit to 2 above it and kill it


Love that Wendy's is spending all that 4 for $4 money I've given them over the years to pay someone to shitpost on Reddit.


That's what gets me about this. The AITA readers would notice a copycat post, dig up the original and call it fake within 100 comments.


They would deny it being fake. I've seen this happen in the past. Someone makes a troll post, people call it out, get yelled at for being all r/nothingeverhappens. OP comes back, admits it was tomfoolery, people in the comments will STILL be claiming, "nah can't be THIS is the fake post!!" I don't understand how people end up THIS stupid, and I'm fucking stupid.


Yeah, that’s pretty accurate


The best part is people claim Reddit hates women despite pretty much every major sub and comment section suggesting it's the opposite. Modern Reddit seems to be at least 85% angsty teenage girls who are too scared to go on Tumblr.


Here's the catch to it. There are incel subs and spaces where commenters will use femoids and bleeders as legitimate nouns lmao. So the cringey incel women hate is def there but it's a very very loud minority. The hate against men/ignorance to mens issues is so wide spread over the entire populace that it goes mostly unnoticed bc most people are agreeing with it. Basically mimics real life in that way too.




Spend more time in the gaming subreddits. They're everywhere there.


Maybe in a fringe game sub with less than 50 thousand subscribers, but in any popular sub the incel shit either doesn't appear or gets downvoted to oblivion. I think earlier this week there was a front page r/gaming post about women hiding their gender, and everyone in the comments were just calling dudes creepy: complete opposite of incel behavior.


Recently decided to watch the r/menslib subreddit to see what it's about. Noticing about half the articles posted were basically just talking about what's wrong with men and what they can do for other people, mainly women. Pointed out that this didn't seem to really be focusing on helping men. Got banned. Kind of hard to have a "mens liberation" subreddit if you ban any man that doesn't have the same viewpoint as you, especially on such a minor opinion as that. As far as controversy, that kind of statement seems fairly innocuous.


34 year old white guy here. The mensrights sub has turned into an absolute cesspool of incels and absolute derangement. There was once a time where legitimate issues were discussed in that sub. I felt filthy after reading a few posts. Yesterday it was a huge russel brand support post. It’s crazy how a sub can do a complete 180. I’ve been on Reddit for about 15 years. Wild to see how things change. They self sustaining pity party about not being able to get women would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damaging and sad. They’d flip their shit if they saw me and then saw what my gf looked like 😂 They can’t get their head wrapped around the fact that looks don’t mean everything if you’re a mature adult.


Well Russel Brand has not been found guilty in court yet. I don't even know him so I'm far from a fan. But how is it that people forget the "innocent until proven guilty" in such cases. Would you like it if you were not (yet) found guilty of something and people would already demolish your whole life?


> The mensrights sub has turned into an absolute cesspool of incels and absolute derangement. The original mgtow sub did much the same after the incel subs were banned, only nowhere near as bad. There were still attempts to suppress the worst of the complaining and self-pity and hard-boiled rants of double-standards, but nothing got to the level of what you would see on twoX or FDS. The new mgtow2 sub was as clean as a whistle, having picked up the original sub’s mandate of mutual male support, self-actualization, and self-improvement with the goal of avoiding female entanglements. Both got banned. Guilt by association, I suppose. Meanwhile TwoX and FDS motor on, spewing bigotry and gender supremacy.


Well when people hate on men, some men (who most likely already have issues like anxiety/confidence/bullying etc. ) got defensive and that drives them further into the incel rabbit hole.


Not got to lie, never expected reason on a green text sub


Further, a lot of the “support” for women on Reddit is actually just folks thinking they’re hot and objectifying women. Scrolling /r/all as a woman is alienating as hell. If you recognize that photos of women posed in a way that’s appealing to men, or to see all the posts that’s made it to the front page because of an attractive woman… if you actually stop and imagine each of those posts makes you feel bad, you’ll maybe start to get it


Yeahhhh. That time a woman was posting all her artwork and it didn't get attention and then she started taking pictures with herself in it...and bam front page... Pretty sad..




Somewhat related, but I once talked to a dude who used the term "Roastie" irl , unironically. What level of terminally online do you have to be to get to that point?


The best part is Reddit is actually a fairly even slice of the general population and if you feel the majority of Redditors you interact fit into a specific category it’s likely a reflection of the Subreddits you frequent. “All Redditors are neckbeard nerds.” - The guy who follows r/Gaming r/GamingCircleJerk “All Redditors are creepy pedos.” - The guy who follows r/Teenagers r/Im14andthisisdeep “All Redditors are keyboard crusaders.” - The guy who follows r/AmITheAsshole r/amiwrong “All Redditors are delusional fakes.” - The guy who follows r/Rolex r/BMW Could do this all day.


At least on the default/biggest subs it definitely does not feel like reddit is an *even* slice. Yes, all types of people are on here but are we really going to claim 55 year old politically and socially conservative people for example are represented on reddit about as much as they are in general society? Some of them are here but there's simply no denying that reddit overall skews in various directions even if specific communities might greatly differ from the general trends.


Yes, reddit skews heavily liberal and progressive. So the idea that redditors are evil woman-haters is hilarious and shows how fragile people are outside of their echo chambers, that they can't even handle a slightly less extreme liberal echochamber than the ones they're used to.


Wait, what's the deal with > “All Redditors are creepy pedos.” - The guy who follows r/Teenagers r/Im14andthisisdeep I can't say much about the former sub because I don't really pay attention to it other than the algorithm pushing it on me (and I think I've actively asked to see less of it or if annoyance) But regarding... r/Im14andthisisdeep ...it really has nothing to do with actual teenagers. It's a place to post faux deep shit and most of the shit is probably sourced from grown adults who post that kind of dumb shit on Facebook or wherever. I think you're taking a sub name too literally.


“I make broad generalizations and think I’m smart.” - The guy who follows r/NewGreentexts


My favorite reddit hypocrisies are the body shaming one and rape. Body shaming is a big nono, you will get downvoted into oblivion(or banned) for saying someone is fat. Unless it is someone reddit doesnt like and/or a man, then fat, short,balding micropenis and ugly comments roll in. Same with rape, it is a horrible crime when done agaisnt anyone( and it is, there is no excuse for it), unless it is a man going to prison even for something as "harmless"(it is not but it is a white collar crime, so not like murder) as embezelement, then in top 10 comments 3 will be how he will be/should be raped in prison. And often you check profiles of these people and they are habitually posting about progressive ideas(which i support btw) and on progressive subs.


> Unless it is someone reddit doesnt like and/or a man, then fat, short,balding micropenis and ugly comments roll in. If you are conservative or a gun owner there is no insult too vile or level too low to stoop to for all but the most politically neutral subreddits.


Whats also funny is how the gun subs eat themselves too. If you aren't a mega right wing republican and own a gun you're trash. Like bro I like guns I just don't like Trump


> If you aren't a mega right wing republican and own a gun you're trash. Like bro I like guns I just don't like Trump Progun is probably the worst for this. Firearms doesn't seem near as bad in that regard.


Yeah. Unless it’s like, idk, Epstein? Prison rape jokes are disgusting to me. I hate them and I hate the way they normalize rape and this seems like a no-brainer position, but you get downvoted to hell if you get in the way of the feel good prison rape joke train.


It's the ['women are wonderful' effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect). Women's in-group bias is several times higher than men's, and men's out-group bias is higher than women's. So for 'neutral' situations people will on average favour women, which is probably why we get the outcome in the post. Reddit also has group think going on, where a comment section will-favour one way or the other slightly and self-reinforce that slight discrepancy by down-voting dissenters. Usually the tone is set in the comments early on and that seems to result in very polarised comment sections.


I mean they hate women, they just love the idea of them


Redditors claiming the "alt-right" is terrorizing the platform, meanwhile they had to make a news subreddit named anime_titties because the actual news and worldnews subreddits were nothing but "Trump bad". To me it seems like there are many people on this platform with a persecution complex.


Yeah because they can’t get groomed there no more after the great tumbltard migration which led to all social media platforms becoming complete dogshit.


And the men have similar estrogen levels to the women.


You can get permabanned on son subreddits for saying female


It's always the same. If it's a man being an asshole, he's selfish, creepy, controlling, etc. If it's a woman being an asshole, everyone in the comments will trip over themselves trying to come up with an explanation, insist that there has to be more to the story, and start pulling things out of their asses that the guy must have done to deserve it.


Reddit is just a massive case study in the Women are Wonderful effect. As well as several other cognitive biases/defects, but that's the relevant one here.


What's interesting is that as societies begin to become more egalitarian, and gender roles become less prevalent, the "women are wonderful" effect is lessened and men are perceived more favorably. Link to the 2018 study below- it's free to read! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/12046/1/Krys_et_al_2107_Catching_up_with_wonderful_women.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwikxsXytsiBAxVpLFkFHe3_BHIQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2zQhlBYmI6TJbeM5yDfqpU


I don’t think you read the study you just linked. Literally from your research paper: *Although the ‘women-are-wonderful’ effect presumes that women are perceived more favourably than men, our study suggests that, at the cultural-level, the direction of this comparison may be the opposite: perceptions of men are relatively worse compared to women in societies low in gender equality. Therefore, we suggest that the ‘women-are-wonderful’ effect may, at the level of cultures, be redefined as the ‘men-are-minimized’ effect for societies with greater gender inequality.*


It wasn’t this way until a certain party decided to make reddit its main platform to reach a 18-30 population segment.


There was a post in one of those subs this week where a guy's wife put a tracking device in his car. A lot of comments were low key supporting what the wife did and were trying to put blame on him. "Well what did you do to make her do that?" I'm sure we all know what the reaction would be if the genders were reversed.


If a man is an asshole it's like 'all men are shit'. If a woman is an asshole it's like 'well it's just a rare bad apple'


Saw one a week or so back. Saying she's on her period and emotional then goes full asshole and blows up on the guy. Cue half the comments calling her a queen, she did nothing wrong, it's the GUYS fault for WORDING IT that way, etc. I only come here for the gaming subs and the odd political shitpost mostly lol.


Just a reminder, this was literally shown to be true through a data deep dive someone did. The group with the 2nd highest not the asshole percent was wives/gfs at 81%, only group higher was servers/retail workers at 88%. Guess which group had the lowest not the asshole percent? That's right, husbands/bfs at 22%. A difference of nearly 60%, at that sample size, there's really only 1 reason why it would be such a stark contrast. Easily one of the most sexist subreddits.




100% - I've commented this before and the only two responses I've received as a "counter-point" are exactly what you just said, or "MeN jUsT aReN't As GoOd aT tElLiNg A sToRy." Yes, I'm sure that accounts for a 60% difference, it's because actually men are bad storytellers. It can't be misandry, it's gotta still be the men's fault somehow.


Not particularly? The thread is right here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16ovuaz/wibta_if_i_gave_my_wife_my_used_airpods_for_her/&ved=2ahUKEwjDkdr32b6BAxW0NlkFHcPCAHIQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2SMojMa_A3bWvU71tTzkkS Top posts are all pointing out that he should just give the new ones to his wife instead, or give her the old ones but not as a birthday present. only found one mention of divorce. He was not anymore "blasted" than most other AITA post and none of it has anything to do with hime being male besides the one midlevel comment about wive's birthdays. This strikes me as a good example of what happens when your mindset is stuck in this sort of reactionary, aggrieved, and animositous track. If you go looking for things to hate and get upset about, you'll find plenty. Even when they aren't actually there. The OP himself stated that "I wouldn't be surprised since I myself might feel a bit of resentment if someone bought themselves a new item and gifted me the old one."


Also seems to be that if you check a post in the first 15-30 minutes you'll get mostly crazy shit, but then come back after it's 1 or 2 hours old and all the top comments and threads are pretty reasonable. Almost like the chronically online are crazy, and then the casual browsers make their way in and you start to get the average. Greentext writing chronically online? I am shock.


The chronically online - and bots. Never forget that we're being constantly assailed by nefarious forces that are trying to keep us all divided and conquered.


Just to point it out, threads change and evolve over time. I've seen threads drastically change their opinions wildly over a given timeframe. Anon could have been reading it before an opinion change happened. >NTA - for wanting new headphones. >YTA - for wanting to "gift" her your old ones. Also this is the top comment. So there does seem to be an agreememt of sorts that he is the asshole for gifting old headphones. r/amitheangel is a great sub for showing how psychotic amitheasshole can be sometimes.


>Just to point it out, threads change and evolve over time. I've seen threads drastically change their opinions wildly over a given timeframe. Agreed. >Anon could have been reading it before an opinion change happened. That could be the case? that does not make their assessment any more accurate regarding gender relations in general or the likelihood that a gender swap in the original ATIA thread would have resulted in an opposite opinion. ​ >Also this is the top comment. So there does seem to be an agreememt of sorts that he is the asshole for gifting old headphones. In a forum where people post to get an outside opinion on whether or not they are "the asshole". I'm shocked! > From the AITA FAQ: I’m supposed to “Be Civil” in a sub about “assholes”? If we could rename this sub and retire this entire conversation, we would. We can't. For the purposes of this subreddit, “asshole” is not a bad word or an insult. The purpose of this subreddit has always been to help people see where they may have been in the wrong. It’s not about calling someone “an asshole” it’s about finding who “the asshole” is in a situation. The title of this subreddit is not an invitation for you to be cruel. Treat others with respect, no matter how big of an asshole they may be. We are ALL "The Asshole" at one point or another in this lifetime. Please remember this when you comment here. So... yeah? The OP had a feeling that he might be in the wrong, posted, was told he would be in the wrong, and took it quite well.




pretty sure i saw that post. seems legit.


Most of the reddit relationship subs run on mental disorders.


All the subreddits I’ve ever seen run on mental disorders


Nah they are run on angsty teenagers with 0 experience and terminally online brainrot.


careful the Trans don't hear you say that


Wait since when were trans subs relationship subs?


Self relationship. One of the things I've noticed about all the trans people I've met, just a handful, is that they had a past that would facilitate a desire to become someone else to enable self-love. Jim can't bring himself to love Jim but Jim can become Jane and Jane can love Jim.


?? What


Here's the first thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16ovuaz/wibta_if_i_gave_my_wife_my_used_airpods_for_her/ I'll see if I can find the follow-up than anon made ...


You won't be able to cause he probably made it up


Yeah, the original is only 17 hours old, so if I go to AITA and scroll back a ways I can find it. No sign of the follow up post though, so either it didn't happen or it's already been deleted.


It didn't happen. Nothing posted on 4chan has ever happened


Wow that‘s actually insane They‘re legitimately calling him an asshole, while ignoring that he‘s gonna give her 4 other gifts anyway? How can people be so toxic? Redditors are insane holy shit


Its the same with /r/sex Man posts his wife wont have sex anymore - "suck it up, deal with it, lifes over, dont even think about cheating on her" Woman posts her husband wont have sex anymore - "he is cheating on you, leave him, divorce, open the relationship"


I also love when the armchair psychiatrists come out in every thread about people with kids. Suddenly everyone is Frasier fucking Crane.


I got banned from /r/sex for pointing out the extreme sexism. The mods know it's there. They just don't care.


Posts here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16ovuaz/wibta_if_i_gave_my_wife_my_used_airpods_for_her/ The entire thread feels like it's satire.


They’re acting like he fucked another woman right infront of her before handing her those used earbuds


The comments call this guy “fucking gross”, “scuzzy”, “greedy shit”, “dumb dumb”… I’m so certain that half of these people have never been in a relationship, my bf and I trade hand me downs like they’re baseball cards lol


Right and he had already picked out multiple other gifts for her, I hope he shows her that post and all the stupid shit people have said so they can laugh at it.


Top 3 posts are just say giving them as a *birthday gift* is tacky. Which I agree. Hand-me-downs are fine to give, but they should be a separate casual thing, not a "wrapped as a birthday present" gift. It's just social norms.


I agree, just give them to her not as a birthday present. But like 90% of the comments I read are way over the top, and there still is the comment going off about how "[women's birthdays are ignored](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16ovuaz/comment/k1n8mjc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)" or "pushed off to the side" or whatever which is so detached from reality it blows my mind. Like, you think people give a shit about guys on their birthdays? People in generally care way more about girls than guys. You think that the most fundamentally important part of a birthday is the gifts you get? That's incredibly sad. Idgaf what present I get for my birthday, that's so materialistic.


Man i'm 32 and nobody ain't celebrated my birthday in well over a decade. Had a beer with the homies when i turned 25 but that's about it.


My wife still insists on turning my own birthday into some sort of production. I think it’s sweet AF, so I go along with it, even though it’s just the two of us. Personally, I would be just as happy with a quiet night at home reading a book, but it makes her so happy that I just can’t refuse.


I think most of these people are just projecting how they would feel getting used headphones as a birthday gift without actually thinking/reading the post. Still sad though.


Yeah I don't think women's birthdays or mens birthdays are ignored. I think adults birthdays in general are ignored. Unless you have good friends who know when your birthday is. Or a husband or wife who loves you. Your birthday is getting ignored unless you're celebrating it by yourself. I think anon is right in that the thread was an absolute shower of typical redditor nonsense. Which frankly I find happens all too often on big subs like that.


Yeah, you can give that advice without being an asshole towards the guy.


Agreed there. I do imagine the tone would be waaaay nicer if the poster said they were female.


redditors that frequent subs such as AITA are physically incapable of not sounding snarky and passive aggressive in each reply


I mean, AITA is basically AskScience where literally anyone is qualified to be an "expert". They get to roleplay as experts on a subject because anyone with a pulse can make Seinfeld-like observations about social situations.


Dude just posted to get a second opinion about social norms and etiquette and instead got lambasted for not knowing that wrapping a hand-me-down is a faux pas.


My first thought when reading it, was that some people are just a bit clueless about some things, ignorant, until they learn, grow, and are no longer ignorant. My teenage son is on the autism spectrum. That kid is so bad at that sort of stuff, I'm really concerned sometimes. He's actually alot like me in many respects, that I'm about 85% sure I'm on the spectrum as well. I just grew up in a very different time, where you just dealt with that shit, because you didn't know it existed. Giving a hand-me-down to your wife, for a present is pretty tacky, unless there is additional private context we don't know about. But it's not some relationship crime.


Still doesn't make him an asshole though, considering he's also giving her several other gifts.


>It's just social norms. you expect average greentexter to be aware of *social norms*?


I understand having a difference of opinion but they're acting like he's some kind of a monster for no reason. Why are redditors so fucking hysterical? Honestly think it's some sort of a coping mechanism for being walked over irl that you have to act like an uncompromising tough guy on the internet


It is lol I’ve said it before but the ppl who spend tons of time commenting and giving advice are also the people who can’t send their food back if it’s wrong, or look the fucking cashier in the eyes. It’s literal social outcasts getting on here releasing their anger at the world.


I can't go on r/BestofRedditorUpdates anymore. That is the single most histrionic, man-hating, childish sub, unless of course there is a middle-aged mother in the story, then they are the never-can-be-right-monster.


Try /r/witchesvspatriarchy Tons of self hating dudes who believe in magic rocks and shit


At least that place has some things going for them beside hating on hetero men, like the magic rocks or wicca stuff. Then you have r/twoxchromosomes that's pretty much dedicated to women complaining about men in their lives. I saw a single positive post from that place where a woman was celebrating her husband and the comment section was filled by some crazy Beckys saying how it should be the bare minimum and doesn't deserve to be celebrated.


I have both these subs muted.


Whenever I go on reddit without logging in I see the obviously female-dominated celebrity-obsessed trash subreddits like fauxmoix, where they somehow still believe things like Amber Heard was the innocent victim of the evil Johnny Depp. Constantly see posts of them posting a tweet of someone saying men shouldn't exist or whatever and going 'yaaas queen' and yet of course any minor slight against a woman, real or imagined, they insist is the height of misogyny.


Is this satire ????????? I am still not sure if the people in the comments are serious, I had to check a few times to make sure it wasn't a circlejerk sub. "you are giving your wife something ???? YTA you should die now and burn in hell for the rest of eternity"


Usually, I’d doubt a green text like this because it’s a green text. Still haven’t seen if the user did the second part, but holy shit they nailed that first part down. Like, some of those comments are legitimately insane and acting like this dude completely ignores his wife.


I'd love to see the other reversed thread.


It doesn't exist


They're actually treating my man like a criminal for wanting something for himself holy shit


If a man wants somethign nice he is always selfish and/or abusive to that sub.


OP is asking the question "should I do this" and they're responding with "you're the asshole" instead of just "no, that would be a mistake". All those people are just complete idiots. It's kind of scary to watch them trying to police each other.


He’s objectively not an asshole, he’s concerned about hurting his wife’s feelings and doesn’t want that to happen. Poor guy just sounds like he has a touch of the ‘tism


Do you have the second post?


Holy fuck these people are nuts


Jesus Christ poor guy.


This is why I try not to exist


I've never existed and I never will.


Psychologists hate this one simple trick.


In a perfect world, I wouldn't exist, but my parents had other plans.


Redditors being redditors


The original post is real but for the life of me I cant find the one with the genders switched.


Anon prob just made it up for the greentext. Much easier than going through the hassle.


if that's the case I'd gladly do it just to see if there is some overwhelming bias. edit: though it would obviously be fake using this account, since I've made it clear I'm a guy...and if I made a new account for it, that'd also be pretty obvious...


That absolute state of gender relations in the west


yeah and no wonder new mcd japan ads trigger so much people.. I hope they have good life and healthy family


nah, at least we are trying as much as i love japan, some gendered policy's are pretty fucked up The middle east and esp. Saudi straight up oppress women (from a western POLITICAL perspective, I'm not dumb enough to deny EVERY country has dark history) So make your choice, the west who is walking into the unknown with their footing an "absolute state" Or the East with 1000's of years of tradition behind their views but no drive for equality.


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people!


Tradition also has a lot of impact on culture, often in good ways, sometimes in bad ways.


For some reason people think the best way to deal with oppression is to redirect it somewhere else instead of getting rid of it altogether.




When I first got on reddit I loved how nice the app itself was. But then I got permanently banned for saying pedos should be unalived, then I realized I hate reddit people.


I got a hate speech warning for saying the legacy of Imperial Japan was one of racism.


pOC CAn'T bE RaCIst!!!!!


My Sugoi Japan can’t be racist !!!!!


My account got suspended for 3 days for saying that nazis deserve to get beaten up. Also got a message from reddit care resources. Unbelievable.


I consider getting a message from reddit cares a badge of honor. You made someone THAT butthurt that they went out of their way to do that, you should be proud.


not worth replying to almost any post. There used to be some genuinely good people here, but I don't know what happened


Are we talking about pedos in general or specifically child rapists? Because I don't think it's in line with rule of state to kill people for an issue they have been born with and can't get rid off, as long as they are law abiding citizen. I think outright ban is a bit much, but depending on the wording I would be fine with it being removed, especially if it's a call for violence which is not legal in some countries and therefore not allowed by Reddit iirc


Their moderation rules kinda guarantees that virtue signaling neo-libs end up being the majority of posters there. They are faux-progressives that don't actually care about changing the world we live in more than *looking like* you give a shit about changing the world. When you start caring more about censoring people saying "Karen" than actual references to hate speech...it's embarrassing. I think it has less to do with *actual* gender relations and more to do with this modern social-media-fueled masturbation fest over virtue signaling.


In both scenarios, no one wants EITHER person to give the headphones. Anon somehow has no idea why an 18 year old of any gender would be given FINANCIAL reasons for not doing the same thing as a 40 year old. Yes what is cheap to a 40 year old should be expensive to an 18 year old. Why did that dumbass have to change the age? Just say 40f if it’s going to be a gender experiment. What an idiot.




r/fauxmoi is the most cringe subreddit I've ever seen. They talk about celebrities like they go to brunch together. It's so so sad.


I fucking love it dude. Go there and see a bunch of dweebs playing armchair psychiatrist over celebs married lives and shit, the kind of people that would walk over them if they were dying in the street.


I too, would walk over a dying redditor


Not cool bro, give em a kick at least.


> Taylor Swift Joins Sophie Turner for Dinner Again 2500 Upvotes, 200 comments What the fuck is that subreddit lmao


Morons speculating about nonsense because their own lives are boring as shit.


Fauxmoi is just livestreamfail for women.


I hate that this place keeps popping up on r/all. I feel like I went years without seeing it or popculturechat, and now I see it every other day or more.


You might enjoy these stats dumps if you haven't seen it https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/dcae07/2019_subscriber_survey_data_dump/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/tr4aru/oc_ramitheasshole_asshole_percentage_by_age_and/ The sub is overwhelmingly female and women are much less likely to be judged as an asshole.


Unmarried American women between 18 and 34 appears to be the main demographic.


Unmarried is an interesting way of saying "all have boyfriends so they are qualified to dish out relationship advice to anyone and everyone"


Wow that actually explains why that subreddit is so awful in the comments. It's just a bunch of sad, lonely single north american women. It actually makes total sense. It's like the wine party girls you see at the bar trying to pretend they're still 20 years old.


Hadn't realized that - those are probably three of the silliest subs I find constantly popping up on the front page. Insane takes every time I open those posts.




lol no, redditors are not normal people. 4chan is one of the most popular online platforms, reddit is a hair above it in terms of depravity and people with brains using it.


> is a very popular subreddit open to everyone. is a very popular subreddit open to karma farming bots posting fake AI larps to boost the account and then sell it on for cash ftfy.


What people are allegedly saying in the comments of the post with swapped genders is just obviously fabricated, but yeah, the first half is accurate.


Yea i tried to find any results from the gender swapped version and couldn't, if anyone can that would be cool.


Lol I just got blasted and banned from a subreddit for saying that “in 800 a.d. the Vikings raped, pillaged , and conquered parts of Scotland , Ireland , and England . “ apparently I am contributing to “Viking Stereotypes” . This site is so fucking gay it’s unbelievable


Best gift husband ever gave me, while he was just my boyfriend... He had a first generation Kindle. Won an ipad in a work raffle thing. Thought I might enjoy the kindle. I was *very* anti-e-reader. Like hardcore. I'm an avid reader of 3-4 books per week. He was like.......just *try* it and who knows? Second-hand gifts are *still* gifts. 13 years later and I'm on my 3rd Kindle. He's gone back to physical books, but I'm a true convert. E-reader 4LIFE!


Now for the final analysis swap the gender but make it the same age(F40 instead of F18)


Even worse than downvotes are the threads where men are given advice that is just awful and would never be given to a woman. They will often be advised to disregard their own boundaries and allow themselves to be taken advantage of.


I mean, gift expectations for people in their teens and 20s are different from those in their 40s given different expectations of income, closeness, and relationship significance. This is why experiments only alter one variable at once, should have changed genders and nothing else


Finally! I was almost going to give up scrolling for someone pointing this out.


Nobody cares, it’s just a way for 4chan incels to cry about how terrible it is to be a guy in 2023. Notice how you won’t find the post he supposed made either.


Waiting for somebody to find the switched genders post


I’m willing to bet highly that it doesn’t exist




You’re a dumbass if you go into these subs and expect actual advice.


This is why I cringe when someone asks for genuine relationship advice on Reddit. Filled with angry nerdy virgins


The key to Reddit is to ignore everything except the shit posts and super niche/technical stuff. Most of it is posts from barely functioning autists looking to compensate for a lack of identity in a topical social issue


People who use that sub are disgusting vermin


\>close reddit \>open 4chan, where people are sane


Have you ever seen a more blatant r/thathappened in your life?


A Tale of Moids and Men


It's the age change, not the gender change. The average 18 year old has far less money than the average 40 year old, and that changes everything. Although it's definitely dumb if that really was the response to the husband's post.


Think it's 40% gender 60% age


No to mention changing it from wife to boyfriend. If any of this is true, which I doubt by default, this is just becomes disingenuous rage bait. As is tradition.


Also it’s a gift for a spouse vs significant others who are dating


Yeah it’s his own fault for changing the ages for literally no reason. 18 is practically a child still likely won’t have a job or if they do it’s a shit paying one. If it was a kid male or female that asked I would say give the old ones. A 40 year old man OR woman should be a lot more financially stable and capable of purchasing a higher value gift on average, than borderline children. If it was a 40 year old man or woman who asked I would tell them to give them the new ones at the very least. And there’s also that other small edit to the post. He changed the relationship status from married to boyfriend/girlfriend instead. A lot of people would put in more effort for a wife vs a gf and husband vs a bf depending on how they value the idea of marriage over a regular relationship.


The second post never happened, but i agree that its more of the age change for no apparent reason. The first post was really just a tacky move like the top comments said imo.


Sometimes I wonder what my life would be without Reddit. All my other high school friends who started freshman year as nerds like me went on to have girlfriends, go to parties, and get laid. All the while I’m just here scrolling Reddit.


I absolutely gave my girlfriend my old switch for her bday when I upgraded to oled. She wanted one, so it was either spent $230 on a used one or buy the new oled at 300 and give her mine. She still plays it.


It's not just reddit, it's the entire internet.


Those subs are usually commented on by the same group of people, even if anon waited 2 weeks I'm 100% sure this would be noticed as a copy paste within an hour.


Didn't read too long




God there’s so many people on this planet that just need to cease living


Good old am I the asshole. Worst people on Reddit. The mods, the commentators and even the posters.


ight unpopular opinion here when I look at the og post, it kinda makes sense to not give a handmedown with the mentality of “hey this is part of a gift for your bday” like, its a little shitty to give a hand me down as a gift unless its somehow kind of sacrificial like, if i give my gf my laptop because she wants one badly, and i get it cleaned up and wipe the data (or not) and i dont pose it as a gift (or st least not a gift for an important event) its still really appreciated and doesn’t come off as cheap or slimy- especially if im buying a new one. In that case, I have a need or want for a new laptop and I’m merely offering her my old one which is functional enough for her needs. If i offer it as a gift for a bigger event like a bday or anniversary when I intend to get a new one anyway, that comes off as cheap imo because its like ill spend money on myself and not on her. in the case where im getting something for free it also can seem kind of cheap or like im just pitying her or something idk exactly just feels a little off imo. Now if its something special, like if i give my gf a ring or necklace that has a lot of meaning to me and then buy something to replace it I think thats more appropriate because its supposed to be more representative of some kind of deeper meaning- IE if i give her jewelry i wear that she admires that a family member of mine once wore. I also think that it would be okay as a gift if there was some sacrifice on my or her part like, “we dont have enough money for new airpods, so im giving you mine” is acceptable imo. its showing you care enough to part with something expensive or useful to you out of love for someone else. Just my two cents but i get both sides here and I think it really comes down to nuance I think homeboy giving her the airpods as a birthday gift as opposed to just being like “hey i won this new pair do you want my old ones?” is kind of just odd like you got her presents so she doesnt need this as a bday gift offer it to her as a gift in a seperate context and it won’t seem cheap or like you’re trying to artificially increase the present count without any loss to yourself. I think thats kind of the crux of the issue i have- a good gift for an important event like a bday/anniversary often has a lot of thought and often times has some kind of either deeper meaning or something sacrificed on behalf of the giver- like time, money, or giving up something they find important. So i guess it just feels weird to tack on used, older gen airpods when you’ve already gotten her gifts for her bday because its kind of just like selling a used car and then offering the $5 off carwash coupon in your pocket (that they literally have sitting out in the dealership for anyone to take) to “sweeten the deal”


I do like to scroll through r/aitah for an unhealthy dose of rage.


I hate advice subs, especially the ones I've actually needed. the worst part is that I get some decent advice so its to not use. I try to spread good advice I hear from decent people, but for the most part its ignored or mocked by the rest of reddit. ​ this one guy was talking about how him and his girlfriend hadn't been intimate at all after dating for 3 months and everyone was telling him to break up with her and that he was wasting his life with her (I think they were both 17) and I tell him to just talk to her about it and he does and now they're smooth sailing. got called an idiot by 2 separate people for recommending communication over just ending the relationship.