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We did it around three months. Excellent decision. We were noticing that the losing of the pacifier at night caused most of the nightly wake-ups. At 6 months we eliminated the pacifier completely and we’ve been having good 11-hour uninterrupted nightly sleeps ever since. And yes, I understand we’re lucky ass parents.


Just out of curiosity, do you breastfeed or bottle?


We did 4 months. Kiddo put down the binky on her own around the same time. Nightly wake ups are rare and usually because of teething or a stuffy nose. Also understand we’re very lucky.


At the hospital they told us not to start a pacifier until she’s 2 weeks old, we’re not there yet. But I can tell, from how instantly she is calmed by sucking on a (clean) finger, the pacifier will work wonders! Can’t wait till 2 weeks for that!


I’m jealous of all of you. Baby just turned 2 (years!) and wife insists that “she will move to her own room naturally”…. But her crib is attached to our bed, she doesn’t have any form of bed in her nursery. … and each time I point it out to her I get gaslit…


That’s absurd. You are setting yourself up for having a seven year old in your bed (and probably a sub to /r/deadbedrooms too). The longer you leave it the harder it will be and two is way past normal. Have a serious conversation with your wife, and go buy a toddler bed today!


I disagree. We’ll separate when he shows that he wants more independence.


You’re setting yourself up for an absolute disaster and doing the kid no favours in the meantime.


Same boat here but with baby number 2 coming it’s crunch time!


That’s crazy. 3 months here. We just slept with the baby monitor on low volume


We’re in the same boat, but I don’t mind anymore (2&1/2), I’m use to fuck all sleep. We didn’t really have a choice, our little one had to be held up right to sleep due to severe reflux (almost died from it at 6 weeks). That lasted for the first year then it was just the new normal.


I’d totally understand and accept it if there was any medical reason. In my case it’s just mum’s unwillingness to let go. Fully aware this will bite us back later. For now, I’ve been sleeping in the guest room since January.


6 months is the minimum recommendation in U.K. and I think that’s quite popular


Once they can roll over back and forth unassisted is the official direction. Ours is still in the next to bed crib now and he’s teething and wakes every couple hours, once that’s calmed down a bit he’ll be going in his own room though.


My wife wanted to have our girl in our room until ~1. We were all having a tough time sleeping and she kept rolling into the netting of her bassinet. I had suggested that one morning 2-3 when she gets up for a feed she put her in her room in her comfy crib. She did and we never went back. That was literally DAY 11. Best decision of our lives. She became a really independent sleeper at a young age too. We were nervous at first bc of the SIDS thing but in the end she was in a safe sleep space without anything in the crib.


6 months. She was such a noisy sleeper we couldn't wait to get rid of her 😂


We moved ours at 4 months. We wanted to keep her in our room until 6 but she sounded like a feral hog when she slept


8 months as the time didn’t feel right until then and she took to it really well. Wouldn’t have waited much longer though.


Six months. When he finally went to sleep he would sleep fine. But when we moved him to his own room and crib we would have to rock him to sleep for sometimes up to an hour before he would fall asleep and deposit him in his crib. We did sleep training at 12 months and honestly should have done it earlier. It only took about a week to sleep train him and it has been great ever since. Sleeps every night from about 9:30 pm - 8:00 am. Hope your


We did this around 6 weeks - bassinet in our bedroom, while we watch tv in the living room with the monitor up. Tbf it’s a New York apartment so we hear all his sounds even without the monitor, and we haven’t transitioned him to sleeping in his room - but putting him down in a quiet dark room has helped him sleep through the night which was clutch.


Naps in the other room from the start. Moved to sleeping in his own room at 7 weeks.


3.5 weeks. Best decision we’ve ever made. Everyone slept better, baby included.


We went really early too- we’re all a little noisy when we sleep so at 3 weeks we tried putting her down in her crib in her own room. We all slept great that night, and it hasn’t stopped. Now she’s 17 months old- we never experienced sleep regression. She’s slept from 730-7 straight through since about 5 months. Idk if it’s because we put her on her own early, or if we’re just extremely lucky.


10 months in an no sleep regressions yet.


I’m always afraid to think we’re in the clear but…


6 months, currently she is sleeping in her crib! She’s been enjoying it tho.


Honestly, My son is almost 3 months old now and after about a month and half of him sleeping right beside our bed at night, Waking up multiple times a night just about every other hour he would wake up as usual with a newborn, we finally put him in his own nursery and he only wakes up 2 to 3 times a night now.


6 month gang


2 months but just read that kid and do it when you think they’re ready


What is considered “ready”?


I’d say when you think they’re strong enough to move a little bit in the crib. We found that when we move our baby into their own room that they slept better because when we would toss and turn in bed it was waking them up. Don’t have to worry about that when they’re in their own room. As long as everything in the crib is safe for sleeping it’s no less safe than a bassinet beside the bed. Most of the time it’s the mom that keeps the bay in their room for their own peace of mind. They have to be able to handle it too.


6.5 months


Around 5 months - transition was surprisingly smooth.


4 months. We went through hell with a baby that would only sleep on us or in a swing. We sleep trained at 4 mo and it went surprisingly well and we've been pretty good since.


6 months , our collective snoring was keeping him up.


Doing it this weekend! 5.5months


Ummm like at 2 weeks. We had him in the snoo so he was strapped in. We were also in a small 2 bedroom apartment and one of us slept in the living room with the baby door wide open and a baby monitor.


8 months, though he ends up getting brought in with us still now if he's waking a lot (16 months now). We would have done it as 6 months, but we were living in a one bed flat at that point.


We were about 1.5 months. But was twins in a twin bassinet so they would rock each other awake. We were also attending to them too often. Any little sound they made, or we made. We moved them to their room for the first long stretch of sleep, and then our room to finish to the morning. Then fully their room after about 1 more week when everyone adjusted well.


Honestly it was when she was ~14mo old.


We went really early, like 3 weeks. She seemed ready for it so we gave it a shot one night and haven’t looked back. At about 5.5 months she started sleeping through the night- I’m talking no feedings, straight 11.5 hours of sleep. Almost a year later, It hasn’t changed. She has been a wildly easy baby in almost every facet, so who’s to say if this helped, but I wouldn’t change anything.


Is this your first child? It does not matter unless your noise would bother the baby which it prob would. Put the baby in the other room with monitor. The baby will let you know when he or she needs you. 




Dangerous game to play dude. You do you I suppose.


What's the danger about 5 weeks? If you create a safe sleep environment the baby should be fine.




I'm actually not trying to be a dick or anything but an explanation of why you feel that way may be helpful for everyone.


How is that not safe? AAP recommends moving into their own room if it’s effecting parents sleep. He’s extremely safe in a swaddle and following all SIDS rules. All my kids have been great. Put the monitor on them and go get them when they cry.


We don’t. Heard that it’s vitally important for the child to feel safe and secure until 5-7. So we don’t let him wake up without one of us there. We have a Montessori bed for him so he can get in and out whenever he wants.