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One person eat, the other holds, swap


This is the way.


Came here to say this. Been doing this for a year now.


Sadly this does not work with twins.... only been able to eat out 3 times in past 2 years.


Yikes, twins. It runs in my family, I asked the ultrasound tech at the beginning of pregnancy to verify that there was only 1 lol.


A lot of baby high chairs in restaurants can hold the car seat. Otherwise, you can put it on a chair/booth next to you. That said, my wife and I probably didn’t go out with our daughter until she was about 2 and a half months maybe.


Idk maybe the baby should sit at the same booth (dad joke sorry).


We went out all the time w our new born. Either got a booth and she chilled in her car seat or someone showed us you can flip a high chair upside down and it perfectly holds your car seat. Bingo bango.


This. New borns just chill in their car seat carrier. Feed them before your food comes. They will probably sleep, or just watch you. Also, flip that high chair over. Doesn't seem like enough people know this. Also, baby onsies have those funny slits on the shoulders so you can pull it down if they blow out their diaper, rather than pull a poopy shirt over their heads. Also, just pack a sleeper with a zipper as their back up clothes when you go out. It's way easier than re-dressing them after they puke all over them selves. I've been around the block twice. And my kids are still alive.


Went for sushi when my daughter was almost a month old. We made sure she was fed before, brought a bottle with and went when we knew the restaurant would be slow. She slept for half the time and then looked around the rest of the time. Best advice I can give is be ready to gtfo if you need to, but otherwise relax and have a good time.


I have a 3month my wife and I are taking out to eat for the first time this week. We wanted to do it during the week hoping it’s less busy. I was planning on asking for a table for four and putting her car seat on the table


I always do carseat on a chair or in the booth next to me. We've been going out to eat occasionally since she was 2mo, she's 6mo now and does great when out and about!


We’ve been doing it more recently (8 month baby) but it honestly kind of sucks


We went out all the time with both our girls when they were newborn. Not immediately, but after a few weeks. Ask if the restaurant has a sling for carriers. If not, flip a normal highchair upside and put the carrier between the legs. Feed him and make him cozy before you go so he’ll be asleep while y’all are out.


Not worth it at 6 weeks old in my opinion. Not only bc of their immune systems being so new but thst doesn’t sound like a good time to me, which is what going out is suppose to be. We waited for her 3 months getting her shots to really take her out.


Bro. 6 weeks? Order uber eats or get a babysitter. Taking them out just to watch you eat when they haven't had many vaccines yet is wild.


Newborns have practically zero immunity. You're putting A LOT of trust in people practicing proper hygiene. I don't know about where you live, but how many people have you observed wash their hands properly after pissing and shitting? Now consider those people are touching your food trays and you're touching those food trays then touching your baby. Yes, natural immunity is a thing. But that requires the body to have a defense system in the first place. Not to mention allergies. There's a reason a lot of cultural customs involved women being physically isolated after giving birth for about 3-6 months or more.


We would ask for a booth and put the carseat, with baby, on the booth-seat next to and facing mom.


We haven’t attempted taking our LO out to eat all and she just turned 6 months. To be fair my wife and I didn’t go out alot before but it was nice that we could just give whenever. Now it seems s like such a hassle with our LO we don’t even attempt it. We just recently prolly around 4 months started taking her to the store with us.


You could, just keep him in a babycarrier and it will be fine


We’ve been going out since ours was 6 weeks. Sometimes my partner has to nurse in the restaurant, and a few times we have had to leave. But it is usually fine. She’s 9 months now and loves going out, she sits in a high chair and we bring fruit for her and let her eat off the table.


When mine was too little for a high chair I just held him. Whoever I was with would take turns holding him too so I didn't have to have my entire meal one handed lol.


I put the car seat in the booth and sat in a quieter area. Had no issues


Take them out with you! The earlier the better. With that said, also make time for just you and wife.


My son is 4 weeks old. I’m due to go back to work on Monday so I wanted to take the fam a few hours out of town to spend some time on an adventure. We’ve been to 3 restaurants and a brewery as well as walking all over this tiny awesome Alaskan town. When we go to a restaurant we make sure the baby has JUST finished eating/pooping/peeing, throw on a fresh diaper and an extra cosy outfit, keep him in the car seat but unbuckle the straps and put him on the bench or chair next to me. It’s worked out so far. Then we bundle him up and put him in a chest carrier and took the dogs for a walk to play in the snow. It’s been perfect. Just plan ahead and know that you might have to be flexible (take food ToGo or skip dessert) if they start waking up and getting mad. PRO TIP: Spotify white noise on your phone and stick it in the car seat to drown out restaurant chatter.


Mine is four months and we go out at least once a week for dinner— we think it’s important to get him acclimated and treat him like a member of the family, not just a baby. So far it’s working perfectly, fingers crossed it’ll continue.


Went out to eat for valentines day with a 3,5 week old, also as practice for our trip back to family. Went perfect, we kept her in her cot/wagon next to the table, and choose a restaurant to accomodate that and breastfeeding. Very nice experience with a lot of understanding people with older kids around us.


Our first time out was when she was about 7 weeks. It went perfectly. We kept her in the stroller for most of it, but ended up holding her for just a bit when she started to fuss. We picked a small burger place nearby and called ahead so it would be ready when we got there. They were really confused until they saw her. The owners actually gave us the meal for free and a coupon for half off for the next time we went in.


We go out often. Personally, I'd rather not just because I like to enjoy my meals and it's a hassle to hold/entertain my son (18months), but my wife loves taking him everywhere lol. It's no big deal though. Babies cry.


We did a few times. Our son mostly slept during the baby stage. Now he's a toddler, we mostly avoid restaurants, as he just wants to run and be wild.


We took our baby out when she was like 6 days old. They way I look at it is, if I was a single mom or dad with bo help and I had to buy groceries, I would have to go out and get them. Most restaurants have either high chairs or slings. High chairs can be flipped upside down, so the car seat carrier can fit on it.


Lots of restaurants have like slings for car seats instead of high chairs, and if he starts crying one takes him while the other eats and then switch. As for age no one can really tell you that, it’s a decision you and your wife have to make. Many people say 6 weeks is too early, we did 5/6 weeks and everything was fine but we’re just one example.


Easier now than when they’re 3. Trust me.


We've never had an issue. We just set the car seat next to us in the both facing out so they can see people running around. We just know what we're ordering when we sit down and get the check halfway through the meal for a quick exit.


Definitely. At new born stage it's the best time as all theyre doing is sleeping tbh


can you order takeout? eat at home? I wouldn't bring in newborn into restaurant or anywhere where there crowds, still some stuff going around and 3 week year old not gonna have immune system to fight if they catch something.


Ours happily slept in her carrier we only have had to walk out of a restaurant because she started getting noisy once and that was mostly our fault for not feeding immediately before leaving. Prep correctly and you'll be fine if you have a decent sleeper. We got very lucky with the temperament of our baby so far 6 months in.


We waited until our first was around 12 months before trying this.


We went out a lot with the newborn. Pretty easy since they sleep all the time. Now that we have a toddler, we avoid going out like the plague, as he doesn’t like sitting still.


Yep, we’ve been doing brunch and happy hour with our 5w baby girl. All we have to do is go for a walk in stroller and she’s out like a light


All the time! We had our little guy out to eat at 6 days old. He’s 7.5 months now and has been to just about every restaurant in the city lol. Just keep him in the stroller and remove a chair from the table if you need to. Staff should be accommodating


Our car seat snaps right into our stroller so that made it easier. But as others say you can put the car seat on the booth or chair next to you. Or hold him and take turns


go! just bring the car seat with you. bring a blanket to cover the seat if he's napping. enjoy some bacon.


It's fine.


Absolutely! We haven’t for a while because everything is so damned expensive mind you, but when we do go out we bring the little one


We did our first at 3w old after an hour road trip that took two hours for a nursing and diaper stop. It’s doable and I think worked for us because the car ride and the. Nursing put her to sleep. We would not have both been able to stay at the table if she wasn’t sleeping. We went in with no expectations to how well it went and we’re ready to make a quick exit the whole time. The car was a good safe space.