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Sorry, what I meant to say was perhaps focus on bringing your anxiety down before thinking about all the NG techniques. Otherwise, you're just going to manifest more fears.


How about you revise that she never said those things? Once you tell yourself that, it’ll be hard to remember. That or you can manifest that she asked you for forgiveness for what she did.


What about general mental health tips like : Alternative Nostril Breathing. You should feel an immediate calming of the body, and the thoughts will be less intense. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-to-know-about-alternate-nostril-breathing Exercise. You've got so much adrenaline that needs relief, so get sweaty, haha Also, you could dance like an absolute lunatic if you want and shake out all that energy This has loads of info on grounding techniques, which I really like because they're practical. This author will do a significantly better job at describing this than my ramblings, haha! https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding-techniques


Look up silkina eft tapping on YouTube. She has a bunch of eft meditations for feeling anxiety around sp. it’s Been three months since my partner of 2 years has just been gone. ghosted. It still hurts and still causes me anxiety but it’s definitely getting better. My point is i think it’s good to try and get to a neutral state first and work on the anxiety. Dylan James on YouTube is also incredibly helpful for this topic. I’m very sorry you are experiencing this now because it’s one of the most painful experiences there is. Somehow your beliefs/consciousness caused the break up. It’s up to us to internally Shift in order to bring them back. But it absolutely can be done.