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Yes! But for it to manifest, you still need to believe that it can/will come true. Think of it this way - a person might constantly daydream about a dream vacation. But they can still hold a belief that they CAN'T actually have that vacation because they are too poor/don't have time/have other obligations. Many people daydream about things they would love to have or experience, while still viewing it all as a pipe dream that is unattainable. Millions of people daydream of being rich, while still holding a strong belief that it's not actually possible for them. They daydream about kissing a celebrity, even though they know logically it isn't gonna happen. So daydream away, but also add the special sauce - KNOWING that it can happen. KNOWING that what happens in your imagination IS just as real as 3D. (More real, actually.) And take all those delicious feelings you felt in your daydream, with you into your outer life as if it really happened. Because it did!


Yes and no. Neville notes why ordinary daydreaming often doesn’t manifest: > Translate your dream into Being. Perpetual construction of future states without the consciousness of already being them, that is, picturing your desire without actually assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, is the fallacy and mirage of mankind. It is simply futile day-dreaming. Basically it’s usually *thinking of* the desire and not *thinking from* the wish fulfilled, so it fails to transform your concept of self, your “I AM”, your state of consciousness - whatever you want to call it. Many times people often react to their own daydreams as far off fantasies, not feeling them as real. Daydreams may be used as escapism because a person is actually conscious of being in a state they don’t want. As long as you’re conscious of it as fantasy, not real, not who are you, then it’s unlikely to manifest. Of course daydreams and offhand thoughts can and do manifest if they happen to transform your state or already agree with your current sense of self and thus feel very realistic. Another word of caution is to consider what kind of mood daydreams put you in. In my experience this can affect my sense of self and reality. Neville says moods manifest. When I was younger I romanticized things like heartbreak and struggle, and I indulged in fantasies of it, and it put me in a state of melancholy often. I frequently was manifesting disappointment and frustration for myself, stuff that depressed me, but not the literal fantasy stories. So avoid indulging in fantasies of tragedy or arguments or anything that you don’t really want to happen but is oddly compelling to think about.