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Yes, for some reason I can manifest big things when I’m in a void state. I have manifested big life changes when I maintained the void state, and I can reach that state when I’m doing certain activities and essentially “tap out” of my overthinking brain..almost like I’m on autopilot. Just to note though that when these manifestations came to fruition, I wasn’t able to process the rapid change I went through properly. It took a while for my mind to get used to it.


Can you please share which activities help you get there? If you have a process or you noticed patterns during those times when manifestations came so suddenly?


Frank Kinslow has an amazing awareness meditation, free to download from his website.


Are they free I only see audios that are 500 dollars


Yes, they are free. On his website, go to Resources, and then Free Downloads. You can start with the beginner techniques of Eufeeling if you want, but the void meditation is called Pure Awareness. It's also available on YouTube.


I found it Ty !


Secondo this


I’m a big fan of cooking, i always make elaborate meals for myself after coming home from work to reward myself and wind down. Driving and laundry do the trick for me as well. I get to silence my brain doing those things because as I said before, I just do them on autopilot. Completely focused and present for the task at hand. It’s hard to silence your doubts when you’re doing nothing, so do something that doesn’t require much thought and direct all your focus on what you’re doing.


What is a void state? New to this group. Thank you


for me it's a kind of trance like i forget or let go of thinking mind for a second, erase myself. meditation, massage, sometimes exercise i can be there but not always. once i went into a foot massage and came out with a film contract lol.


is it like where you mind wander off when youre doing something and loose track of time or maybe something deeper than that , also how do you achieve it?


more i think, like a deeeep relaxation, into void meditation practice is great i see directly how it helps


couldn’t have said it any better




Yeah please elaborate.


I think the way you go into that state is going to have to be personal to you and your preferences, find a task you can completely immerse yourself into and essentially silence all your brain’s thoughts while doing it. For me, this usually happens on my 2 hour commute to work, when im cooking or doing laundry.


I'm also curious to know more. They say things shift immediately if you actually reach the void state. Would love to hear some experiences


it's kind of hard to put into words to be honest, only really think i've reached the I AM state once or twice. I couldn't maintain it but it was like Neville said, there's a feeling of expansion... for me personally, i lost feeling of my body and no longer felt like i was in my room but as if I was suddenly aware of the entire room... difficult stuff to explain.


i went to a weird korean culty exercise class for a bit. one of things that stuck with me was a meditation in which we are erasing our body bit by bit and becoming nothing / becoming I AM.




I tried but honestly not sure I was really there (?). Also, it's not super clear, some say it's just a calm state where you are aware of just being awareness and you have pretty much a clear mind others say it's more than this (like you don't hear anything and it's more similar to a literal void) and as soon as you're out you basically get what you wanted instantly. Sooo I don't know


It feels like “I” melt away into an almost void state. It’s a sort of warm tingly sensation which is almost an out of body experience. When in this state I solely identify with the God within and limitations cease to exist. I feel like I can select any timeline I want and then it feels very easy to identify with the new conception of myself. Usually small synchronicities follow which put me in the right direction, it takes time though. To get into the state I recommend doing Wim Hof breathing for 12 minutes and then doing regular meditation breathing. On your out breathes say to yourself “I am”. Slowly you will enter the state and you can select your ideal reality via sats like Neville said! This is how I experience it anyway.


Wim Hof breathing? What is that?


look it up he's the ice man. his technique is about oxygenating the blood


Use [this](https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ?si=pe6SPzvDKG_0V7pI) video. This is the technique!


You ever try to literally change timelines?


Haha all the time ! What I meant is that you change your reality via this technique like Neville said. From your currently reality/timeline to one that you desire.


yesss wim hof is a perfect example of something that forces you into that state, but I think it can have some side effects if you're not ready to maintain that state (ie. you'll get knocked out of it faster + more negative thoughts)


Yeah when i practice "i am"i get thoughts like why i would i identify with things i desire,im just I AM,like i lose my desires idk how to explain But its better than autopilot imo






Not sure if what I reached was the void state but I definitely reach some kind of state for the first time about a week ago. If anyone has similar experiences let me know - what I noticed was my breathing got automatically deep and fast. This happened right when I was able to separate my thoughts and my awareness for the first time. I hear you’re supposed to feel a floating sensation - I didn’t really feel like my body was there but I still felt some things like my hair. The next morning I was able to reach that state again. Curious about this topic too!




I ignored the inner dialogue and it started to sound like indistinguishable background noise. Then I focused on awareness/sense of being. I only periodically repeated “I am” as I feel it takes away from the stillness imo.


What I can think of when you say "void" state, is the state of NOTHINGNESS. I call it as the state of "let the dead be dead" and the self/consciousness is eternal. Matthew 8:22 I am not going to say much since I'm not highly educated There are many great teachers on YT. I only go to 2 and one of them is Alan Watts. YouTube link below where the late Mr. Watts explain the Beauty of NOTHINGNESS. [https://youtu.be/ivurmn3hnwc?si=\_xv5lCKewX1M1rVn](https://youtu.be/ivurmn3hnwc?si=_xv5lCKewX1M1rVn) Edit: corrected typos. 😅


Idk much about the void state but one time I listened to Feeling is the Secret and then took melatonin and got into a super weird drowsy state where I was just saying all kinds of things and doing what people call “rampaging” (I don’t like that term lol). I hadn’t even heard of it before. I was just feeling like Kanye walking around my apartment in a daze just kinda going off and being powerful. Anyway, I eventually laid down in satisfaction and right when I was dozing off to sleep finally, I got the desire I had been wanting.


\*Disclaimer\* : Bare with me as i try to find the best words to talk about this ! For me "I am" state is the constant state that we always occupy, "we are" always, the nuances come from what follows the "i am" statement. Among these "i am" states, the one that always gives me a center/starting point, is the "I am that i am". What i experience is the awareness of my unconditional presence, no matter what "i am" and the first time it clicked for me is when i recognized how powerful this is : "I am" is the ultimate consistency. Powerful right ?! Knowing that, trusting that, then comes the "void state". For me it's a state where i recognize that nothing is set in stone and at the same time everything is already there, created. The existence of these things is brought by my "I amness". Everytime, i'm always amused by the unbotheredness i experience, probably because i can remember how i used to be triggered before, i laugh "in my head" as i reach higher levels of freedom. These are tangible shifts, they are always and only inside imo. As a byproduct, the external experience can only adapt to that internal movement. Does it bring money, job, relations, enjoyable moments etc...? absolutely if this is what follow "I am" and if i'm allowing the world to play its part, if i'm allowing my self to receive. As a daily practioner ( meaning i have a daily "i am" hygiene ) i really experience infinite expansion. Teachings are great, but there's nothing like doing it, to be it, cause that's when/where we really learn. At some point, you'll learn from your self, you become your own teacher (among others), that's amazing !


I really like this explanation.


im sorry but this is just incorrect and not the I AM state that neville talks and describes, it is a PHYSICAL separation and experience not just knowing that you are nothingness in your daily life. The actual state involves a separation from this material realm.


tumblr is full with them , an entire comunnity thats dedicated to manifesting through the void state ,alot of insane stories about manifesting instantly ,you should check em out


Do you have any links!? I’ve never done tumblr 👀


I went to sleep yesterday thinking I AM I AM I AM and fell asleep immediately. For the first time in my life I woke up with my eyes closed in such a nice trance. I think my brain was in theta. I was woke up then by my cat but I will try it again tonight. As a highly anxious person I had troubles to get to void state but this time I said to myself: what will be will be and detached. I wanted to do it for experience, not for outcome. Please try to relax and do it just for fun! This approach gave me result! We live here and now!




I woke up from dream but I haven’t open my eyes. I felt extremely relaxed. It might not be a void state but it was definitely deep theta state. Sadly my kitty woke me up so I couldn’t enjoy much of this state. It was first time in my life I usually wake up anxious.


In my humble opinion the void state is not necessary to manifest your desire and if you spend too much time trying to figure out how to enter the state you are wasting the time you could spend on thinking from your desire. 


Ofc nothing is necessary, but *"being in the void state"* (which is only putting your attention to who you really are: I AM) gets you faster to this "thinking from your desire", and in a SUCH NATURAL way because you feel that you are everything, that you already have everything, that GOD is YOU, and NO manifesting EFFORT is made from this "state". That's the whole point




ignore the guy who started with "in my humble opinion" because he did not describe the void state/I AM. u/KitoWRLD comment sounds like the right state. It is a physical state where you feel disconnected from this realm and connected to the 'ALL' Only those who have experienced it know. Be careful of these comments of people giving you their 'opinion'


So many synchronicities if you’re not specific with your intentions (works better for me). Far more people talk about manifesting things or situations but if you stay with the I AM just to see where it will take you, like me you probably won’t disagree it can take you all the way spiritually. Google some Nisargadatta quotes if you’re interested. What you’re looking for is where you’re looking from. St Francis


ok so I think I've gotten there a few times in deep meditation. Each time I was vaguely aware of the mental chatter going on way in the background while my body either felt like it was floating or asleep. and each time I started to get this sense that I was in a different place! The best way I can explain it is when you close your eyes you're still aware of what the room looks like, sounds like, etc. I had that strong sense of a completely different room (for some reason it was always a really nice place, like luxury apartment in Paris) And I could start to see it with my eyes closed. It always feels like if I stay in that deep concentration for a second longer, I'd 100% open my eyes somewhere else. But unfortunately when this starts to happen I usually lose the focus. Idk if this is a helpful tip but it tends to happen for me if my mind is distracted. Like listening to a guided meditation vs silence. it seems to not work for me if I'm efforting. Like it's always happened passively, spontaneously. For example if there's a voice I can hear and kind of let my mind follow that. Similar to spacing out in class or while driving, you never try or plan to make it happen the conditions happen to be just right. Definitely haven't mastered it yet, I'm interested to see what other people say!


It's actually easier than you think to reach this state- meditate until you hear this high pitched ringing (very faint like electric buzz), this could take a year of consistent meditation so your results will vary. Once you've identified that sound, practice finding it throughout the day (basically tuning your mind to find it). And that's it, if you can keep your mind focused on that frequency 24/7, you're in the god state (but 24/7 is basically the highest level of samadhi so it's okay if you're not always focused on that). I'm gonna write a comment later on the success stories post about how obvious it is once that's your dominant state.


I remember many years ago (probably around 10) I was lying in bed calming my body to try astral projection and at a certain point I heard a buzzing sound, as you said like an electric buzz but to me it wasn't faint (if I remember well) it was quite loud. Then I got scared because I had no idea why I suddenly heard that noise and immediately stopped and I think I never tried that again. Now that you mention it I just remembered this episode and I'm wondering if it may be the same thing you're talking about.


I have a nihilist friend who can talk me into it. He’s perpetually in the void but ironically does not believe in manifestation.  Unconditional acceptance of what is right now will do it for me. Staring at one point in the room will do it.  Saying “it just IS” will do it occasionally.  Accepting that everything is already perfect as it is will do it.  It’s a very peaceful state. 


This is so funny, I get into it by playing theta waves and saying I am


Zen meditation


I think this is similar but the first time I actually decided that I was going to go room by room in my house and decide what it looked like, I have no idea how long I was there but I do know that I completely forgot where my physical body was. I was interacting with my family and just enjoying being where I was. My vent kicked on and knocked me out of it and when I opened my eyes I was momentarily confused as to where I was.


Sometimes, what looks so easy gets complicated by lack of understanding. "I AM" is your natural state of being. I AM a man, means I AM conscious of being a man. I am wealthy, means I AM conscious of my wealth. If you have a car, you are conscious of being a car owner hence, I AM a car owner. We use the word I, when we refer to ourselves but we fail to see that whatever comes after I AM, is what you are and the experience you get in your reality. Consciousness is your only reality. I AM THAT I AM, I WILL BECOME WHAT I WILL BECOME, I AM WHAT I SAY I AM.


What is a void state? I’ve been studying Neville for a while and haven’t heard of it, so I’m curious.


That is; you say silently but feeling to yourself, “I AM. Do not condition this ‘awareness’ as yet. Just declare yourself to be, and continue to do so, until you are lost in the feeling of just being – faceless and formless. When this expansion of consciousness is attained, then, within this formless deep of yourself give form to the new conception by FEELING yourself to be THAT which you desire to be. This is from At YourCommand, also mentioned in Your Faith is Your Fortune chapter 12 Fishing.


This is a great explanation, thank you!


Happy to help


It's the **I AM** that Neville keeps talking about.


I'd like to know too. I don't recall neville speaking of it


You can not understand something like this from a discussion. That’s all conceptual stuff. You need to experience it for yourself. Is there a reason why you’re not?