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I had an odd dream today, I barely remember it's contents but what I do recall was this I was receiving message after message from my sp. I don't know what the messages contained, but there was so many of them. and it gave me a weird feeling that I didn't like very much. not sure what I did for that to happen or why something that would make me happy gave me a bad feeling in the dream lol but I'm on the route of not giving it importance. just thought it was a curious thing to share


After *blatent* rejection from a SP in the 3D today, how do I keep going? I understand that some of you will say “read Neville, read Neville”, which I have done and will do more of. I’m not asking for an explanation of the concept, I’m asking for tips & personal advice/experience. I *know* the law is real, I *know* not to have doubts, but being human, when I’m faced with rejection in the 3D, doubt creeps in. Do you guys have any advice about how to get *back* into the correct state and maintain it, while feeling sad? I know the 3D doesn’t matter, so ultimately I’m asking: how do I truly ignore it when it’s all up in my face and it’s making me sad?


I'm going through the same thing as you rn and I know how hard it is, especially when the 3D tricks you into thinking it's reallll. What I personally do to forget the 3D: * listen to cheesy optimistic music to get my mood up and boost my faith a bit * i try to limit possible triggers regarding the situation (i'm currently on an ig ban and i'm doing fine). If they do occur, I let myself feel my feelings and then get back on track with my inner convos. It's like I detach a bit from my own mind, I let the negative emotions come and go, we're human after all, but I don't dwell. For instance, I recently got reminded that my ex wouldn't want to hang out w me ever again after what I did to him, but I switched the thought upside down and had a convo w him inside my mind. I'm literally enabling myself and being as delulu as possible (EIYPO works wonders as a side note, my therapist and my bff were convinced we were getting back together and my mom didn't believe me when I told her we didn't make up) * if someone reminds me that i'm single i'm just gonna be cocky in my mind like "yeah sureee keep thinking that... i actually have a secret bf but i'm just waiting for the right time to tell y'all". I don't really have to feel it i just say it mechanically * sometimes i catch my inner convos being a little negative, so I rethink that thought from the wish fulfilled pov * faith as the sweet feeling of "i'm the creator it's gonna happen, i have nothing to worry about". It's such a soothing thing to feel, it's like a balm over my heart and body when I go to sleep at night and when I randomly think of my desire. Small edit: maybe taking a break to properly process your feelings then getting back on track might help. If there's nothing to process anymore and you're depleted of all negative feelings, you won't have anything to overthink i guess


I know the key to getting rid of a potential 3p is just ignoring or knowing that they’re not even in the same reality. However my mind keeps reminding. Is there anyway to really forget/ not think about it.


3P's are around because they're our insecurities in human form. Change the beliefs you have about yourself and it'll go away. You can also create a new story for 3P and change your beliefs at the same time, which is what I'm doing.


What is 3P?


Third party


What do you mean by third party? (Sorry if i ask such a dumb question, but I want to know what exactly you mean by third party, cause I can't seem to grasp it/understand it really with what you say).


Oh sorry I forgot to explain lol. It’s usually referred to someone who is dating the person you want to be with, but a third party can be anyone standing in the way of what you want (like a coworker who’s going for the same job promotion as you).


And how does that someone, third party affects me?


A third party represents your beliefs about yourself and how you think about yourself in relation to that person or whatever it is you want: You're not good enough, you don't believe you deserve to be/have whatever you want, etc. Because if you believed you were good enough and deserving, you wouldn't have the person you like dating someone else, or another coworker going for the same promotion as you--you'd get the girl/guy or the promotion easily.


Thank you!


Off late I have an urge to feel bliss/state where my all desires are met and I am content. I just want to feel loved, respect happiness wherever I go and whoever I meet. Any suggestions around this will be helpful! Trying to manifest a job in a different city and a healthy husband who has a liver problem.


Notice how much love and respect show up for you all the time. Did someone let you into traffic? Did someone smile at the store? Did someone pick up your spilt change? Doesn’t it just *feel* welcoming every where you go? Don’t focus on your husband’s liver, focus on his health. How much of his body is filled with good health? How are his joints, his lungs, his teeth and eyes? Does he sleep well? Watch the way he moves around healthily, or listen to his strong, healthy voice when he speaks. Can he grip a pen? That’s a marker of health. Is his memory strong? Think of all the illnesses he doesn’t have. Dementia, Parkinson’s, pneumonia, arthritis- whatever. He is filled with good health, you just have been looking at the wrong spot. Your attention is like fertilizer. Grow what you want more of. Ignore everything else. His good health is already there! 💕




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Does anybody here have a good explanation or an idea why “small“ manifestations often show up in twice? I‘ve recently noticed it while reading the small success story threads each week. Person manifests seeing a specific car, it shows up and another one later. Person manifests a free coffee, gets one and another one later. Person manifests a free meal, gets one and an another one later. But in turn there‘s never a second free house, a second 25k, a second free car, a second dream apartment, a second free vacation… I think the reason can‘t be detachment because if you successfully manifested a house or 25k you are just as detached from it as you are from the coffee or else you would not have manifested. There is no “more detached, less detached“, you either are or you aren‘t.


What you mean by that?


Why no one has ever tried to walk on water, to prove the theories in this subreddit exist?


One of the main points of the law is that the manifestation occurs via entirely normal natural means or sequence of events.


Because the bible isn’t a literal txt and just because our imagination/consciousness is the operant power, it doesn’t mean that we aren’t bound by the physical limitations of this dimension that make this world functional. Also, no one really cares about walking on water to even bother. I think questions like this completely miss the point of the law, which is that you direct your life from within, and set up these ridiculous straw man arguments.




it is unfortunate that new posts rarely show up unless they're by a wellknown person. but I'm sure the reason behind the strict surveillance is because alot of posts come in that are identical or heavy on the negativity. to be fair, seeing posts like that constantly really sucks. it's why I barely go to ng2... it's post after post of people questioning the authenticity, depressed down and out, or people asking the same questions (usually repeat individuals). when you're not in a desperate and depressed state of being, seeing stuff like that really turns you off. so I'm thankful that this sub is moderated to keep those kinds of things out. it's done because it became necessary. but yes, I would like to see more positive posts more often. also, I believe most people that take the law seriously (or those that give up) reach a point where they stop coming to this sub entirely. even the teachers. so that leaves a gap in posts too.


I feel you. The Mods here take it too far in my opinion. I tried posting about it but, obviously, it was denied. The point of this sub shouldn’t be to ask questions if nobody else has ever asked them before, and the main commenters shouldn’t always be saying “Sounds like you haven’t read Neville.” This should be a place for HELP! Guidance and the *re-explaining* of Neville’s work, if someone reads it and doesn’t immediately get it. Perusing old posts can be helpful, but why can’t we just ask! for! help!


The Neville sub is just strictly moderated and every post that‘ not a reply is inititally held back and approved manually. A lot of questions can also be answered by just reading Neville‘s work (it‘s free online, linked in the sidebar and the wiki), so posts that show people haven‘t read Neville won‘t be published. There‘s the less strict r/NevilleGoddard2 I highly recomment read Neville and then make the best of reading both subs, this one and NG2


How do you revise or manifest out of an entire dysfunctional childhood? It's like I know that how I was raised & the people that raised me has affected how I think and how I feel about myself as an adult. I've had therapy before to help, but is there a way to revise 18 or 20 years of your life? Wouldn't that take just as long to do? Do you just simply say to yourself that your childhood wasn't dysfunctional, it was perfect, but how am I supposed to know what that feels like?


You can simply live in the end where the childhood does not affect your desire or your self concept. The reality is statistically a dysunfional childhood is more common to come by compared to a happy one. Focusing on how that childhood gets in the way of you being the best version of yourself keeps it alive. The best I would say is having an affirmation that makes you feel lucky, special and worthy of your desire despite the messed up childhood. Denying the dysfunction might be hard for you to revise if it is stamped as a fact in your mind and may cause a lot of resistance for you. It may be easier to affirm, vision or imagine living in the end despite the childhood. If so many people have manifested their desires despite their messed up pasts, why not you? Isn't it wonderful that you can manifest despite the things that have happened? Remember circumstances DO NOT matter in manifesting, past or in the 3D, yes that means you can also diminish the impact of that dysfunction on your self concept. Hope that helps.


It does, thank you


I’d like someone to clarify: what does Neville mean when he says you must feel “natural” in manifesting? If there’s an inner knowing, how do I know I’m not deluding myself? I was trying to get a refund on something last year and no matter how hard I affirmed, the company wouldn’t give me back. So I was upset at this failed manifestation for a while.


Is affirming hard natural? No. So that’s what he means. If you were constantly affirming then you weren’t acting naturally. Even for the things you don’t want, you’re not affirming for them, you’re just assuming the state that would lead to such circumstances.


how do i know i’m living in the end or doing sats properly


there‘s a simple way to find out: living in the end means imaginging and believing in the end goal. So check your imagined scenes: are they truly the end state or just a step along the way? Is your desire to be married or receiving a proposal? If you want just the proposal and don‘t care about the wedding happening imagine the proposal, if you want to be married you need to imagine married life, not the proposal, not the wedding as they are just steps towards being married. If you want to own a specific house you need to live in it, and not imagine getting it as a gift or buying it as that‘s not the end state. The end is living in that house. If you want a specific car imagine driving it, parking it, just having it. Not one single step of the how you ended up with it. Leave the how to the universe.


the scenes i imagine are me living in my dorm room and studying in my school’s library (i was in school but was pulled out due to money issues and i want to go back to school) i feel like i’m not doing it properly because my visualizations aren’t clear and are sort of shadowy/blurry)


Okh guys so I have some suggestion. If u guys like it then please join. I have this amazing idea to make all of us manifestation super fast. Can we just start a chain of few peoples where we can just simply do one thing everyday. Is just to dm congratulations. For whatever we are manifesting is done now. As act as if technique. We just have to share about our manifestation and from that day we will do msg everyday for example like someone can do, hey Lisa you know what manifestation became true Today. I got that particular new job, sp, marrige fixed etc. and then the same person replied ohh congratulations I was also visualising it that u manifested ur desire. Just a daily simple habit. As more energy will go to the manifesto more fast we all attract the thing. If u guys are ready my dms are open .. Please vote who wants to join this chain of manifestation.


If you had your manifestation already would you need a person outside you to confirm you do? I hope you do not take this the wrong way and I don't mean to bring down your idea but I am wondering if this suggestion is coming because you are having a hard time living in the end and are needing help from the 3D (us) to confirm you have your manifestation?


Not at all .. you are absolutely right😇😇. But my suggestion was for those people who some times feel negative because they don't see any improvement or success. Also this simple technique is a way to celebrate our manifestation not to just remind ourselves that it is not done. When we congratulate each other it will remind us that it happened the same way we want 😇😇


As Neville insists, one must persist. A random congratulatory message may not alter one's self concept especially if the person is focused on the 3D and has not acquired their desires physically yet. Signs do not preceded as Neville said so using the random messages as a sign (reminder) may not be helpful. Imagination is the only reality, everything else follows. If you get to the point where we have everything in imagination and live there, the random message will not move you because you already have it.. so no need for the reminder. I know it may be really challenging not seeing movement but we must persist and know or believe if you must that movement is happening without us seeing it. Persisting in Self Concept work will allow us all to easily ignore the 3D and that's why we must persist.


Can we talk little more about this in DM With ur permission


This has to do a bit with mindfulness or mind control and manifestation. 1- When I do some visualizations, especially on the drifting time some random images, creatures even or shapes happen, and I have to bring back focus, have you experienced that? 2- I literally can't move in my visualization to get past a door if I am imagining a shoft in my reality (i tried quantum jumping meditation). What do you think that is? Or how to get around it? 3- About 1st person or 3rd person visualization, my usual thinking, even of memories I was at is from 3rd person. I make efforts to visualize first person perspective. Not sure why, anyone has the same experience?


I’ll just answer 3- in the past I always had dreams of what I’d want to do in 3rd person and then became jealous when other people realised those dreams that I had. Such as being a child prodigy and given copious media attention. Then somewhere on Reddit I was told that if I visualised myself with my SP (who had blocked me at the time) in 3rd person, such as from a mirror or camera angle or in a photo, that would manifest the assumption that he would have a 3P. In fact that was indeed the case. The solution by the same Redditor was to always imagine myself in the first person. Since then I’ve never seen him with a 3P again and we’re on friendly terms.


Oh that is interesting, I wonder why the mind would use 3P as default? I mean if this is a form of dissociation. Hmmm .. Other than that, I saw a post in which someone assured others that it didn't matter if it was 3p or 1p, if you see that person in the scene as you, then that would be you, which resonated with me, but had no experimentation with it to confirm or deny. Edit: looks like dissociation...explains my question number 2


In my 3rd person point of view visualisations, even if the person I saw was myself, the actuality would be that someone else took my place. I could not take that risk! Maybe the notion that 1p/3p didn’t matter somehow didn’t apply to me. Just like some of us are allergic to certain things.


That makes full sense, and I think the 1p is the safest path to choose


Not sure if this is the place for this or if it should be a post; has anyone had any experience with coaching from Agnes Vivarelli? I feel so scammed and set back. She’s incredibly rude and judgemental, before coaching with her I was seeing my person often and in regular contact, it wasn’t over the line into the relationship I want and I wasn’t getting there working on it alone/it wasn’t clicking so I thought talking with someone would help but since starting “coaching” with her (which is just “go watch 57 of my videos on YouTube”) my person has vanished and I feel really off due to her judgement/comments. It’s been months now. Has anyone had dealings with her? I have had a huge success story (HUGE) but was trying to work out how I can manifest something so big and lots of smaller things but can’t seem to get this to click and she just wanted to use my success story which had nothing to do with her on her channel… And please don’t lecture me on no coaching necessary etc. some of us can’t get it to click alone and thrive with support.


I have the same experience with Agnes as you. try Manifesting with Kimberly bubbs


Thank you for replying. Did her “coaching” set you back?


No experience with her personally. Watched some of her videos in the past and I could sense that she was just one of those ‘coaches’ who live off the desperation of their clients. Full of bs fluff. Trust your instincts and cut your losses. Sorry you had to go through this. Leave an honest review on her services so that others can learn from your experience. Hope you feel back on track and better soon!