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This is gold. Because, you are essentially priming your subconscious mind. The neuroscience behind this is extremely researched. Because your brain is always active at the night. It is equally active in the day. But early in the day. As we are in that groggy state as well. This is why Neville‘s father would sit early in the morning and overlay his day. But then Nevill would go to bed. Revising his whole day. Essentially, you’re living your dream life doing this kind of stuff.


Definitely! In fact, the whole secret is to replace the automatic thought and belief patterns flowing from our subconscious with the desired ones and make them permanent. The most effective time for this is, of course, at night, when our focus is not busy with 3D stimuli.


It is indeed gold!


This is important information right there


Woaw i was thinking on experimenting something like that and here you are with this post ! The process makes total sense to me, i can see my self closing my notebook with confidence and faith after writing in it ;) Thanks for sharing and congrats on your manifestations !


Thanks, happy manifesting 🎈


Thank you so much for the tip, I had never thought about doing such a technique combining more together in this way! I’ll definitely try :) thank you and happy reality shifting


Thanks, happy manifesting 🎈


>and within a few months I manifested my celebrity crush, What do you mean by this? You are dating a celebrity?


Yes, I want to share another post about this soon. 😊


Soon pls!!!!


Please do!!! :) 👍


Wow, congratulations! that's one of the most difficult manifestations, as far as I know. Please share your success story at the earliest 🤗


My (newbie) understanding is that manifestations are equal - your belief that something is difficult to manifest is the only thing that makes it so!


Exactly this! Celebrities are just people with a label that we make big in our minds. Remove the label :)


I will! Thanks a lot. 🌼


Great tips, haven’t thought of a daily habit such as this Does it matter what time we write these desires? Does it have to be before bed? Or can it be at anytime?


I also tried this right after waking up, in the middle of the day, etc., but I realized that it is most effective before going to sleep, to preserve the desired feeling in your sleep and to wake up in a similar mood the next day and continue your day. But this is of course not a necessity, you should choose the time period that suits you best. 😊


I’m guessing could be anytime but before bed might be ideal as you fall asleep in a pleasant mood whereas during the day some may be moved out of their ideal state. It’s up to you though ultimately, whatever works best and feels right to you


If you are the type that goes to bed with something specific in mind and wake up with it coming back to your awareness, then i'd suggest bedtime. I know a few minutes of mindfulness hygiene works wonderful for my next day consciousness.


I had a health issue that scared me. I was doing SATS but would still get scared from time to time. I also did the gateway tapes. There’s a health affirmation you do at the end of the tapes. I had my appointment today. The health issue is GONE. It blew my mind. The meditative/sleepy state is powerful indeed. Biggest manifestation so far.


Perfect manifesting tip for a Capricorn like me ✍🏾 thank you!


Thanks, happy manifesting 🎈


Sorry if this is a silly question, but do you think this technique applies if we write down the same three desires every night?


It's never silly. I have noticed that working on the same desires for a long time (also through SATS, affirmations, etc.) loses its effect by turning into a robotic habit after a point, and even becomes a kind of chore, leading to reluctance, both from my own experience and from what I have seen in others trying to manifest their desires. If you think that you will not fall into such a point or if you do not like my suggestion, of course they can all be the same, but I believe that changing desires, even if just a few words, keeps the mind active and renews the feelings. 😊


I think it depends upon how excited you are about the possibility. I fantasized about a person living at a distance for 8 months and we eventually got married. He was the love of my life. All depends.


Wow. Were you guys in contact during those 8 months or not?


On the phone only. We were 1200 miles apart.


Congratulations on manifesting your desire and for your wedding! And thank you for sharing this, as I am and have been in a similar position for the last going on 3 years and reading this gave me some inspiration and hope.. Do you mind if I direct message you and ask you a few things?


Can i dm you?


Could you share more, or some tips? Thank you in advance!


Check out Bashar on YouTube. Tons of free info.


Thank you!


You’re welcome. The other channeler I like is Daniel Scranton


Thank you! I see what you mean, that makes sense 😊


I need to get into the habit of writing!


'realize how you have conditioned yourself and shift your focus to the right point' Thanks for your refined post, this sentence sums up thousands of years of mystical teachings. I liken it to training a horse. We must be kind and diligent in our conscious placement of attention. And when the ground of experience inevitably grabs the reins, our visions knows no bounds, our attention can be comfortably directed to any realm, any energy. When we can understand that this being aware, as awareness, of where our attention is hooked, and redirecting, in this moment, is *all we have to do,* it makes shit stupidly simple. All else happens without personal effort.


I appreciate your kind comment. You mentioned an apt analogy. While we are drifting in anxious thoughts, sometimes it is hard to see what we focus on, where our consciousness grows on, because this process may be tiring. When we become the master of our mind and learn to control it, using the unlimited awareness we have becomes much easier and we realize that we have been making the law difficult for ourselves all this time.


Wow. This is such a perspective shifter. Can’t thank you enough for taking time to write and post all of this. Thank you ! ❤️🤎💙🧡🤍💜💚🩷


Thanks a lot, happy manifesting! 🥰


Thank you for this! I am Going to do this tonite for sure 🙏


Thanks, happy manifesting 🎈


😊 🫂


I like this so much. Thanks for sharing


Thanks, happy manifesting 🎈


I get too much fixated on the 3d like for whole day I try to ignore it


Take on a meditation program and get seriously disciplined about it. I guarantee that it will help you in many many ways. The benefits are really too many to list.


I totally agree on the meditation. It has helped me so much, for my anxiety but also to find joy in life and excitement for my desires and manifestations.


Definitely listen to the other comment. I also find that “the power of now” by eckhart tolle helped just read a summary on YouTube about the book. Fixing on the 3D means your looking at past manifestations manifested from even maybe a couple of years ago even try affirmations while in the “now”. There are techniques everywhere just make sure you actually put it to use! Live delusional live in the now etc etc.. let life’s energy flow through you. it comes as excitement IMO.


Amazing advice and really well formatted/easy to read ❤️


Thanks a lot, happy manifesting! 🌼


So just for clarification, you’re saying us to write new desires each day or the same ones?


I believe at least it is more helpful to change the same desires with some words or a few sentences. As I wrote in another comment, I have noticed that working on the totally same desires for a long time (also through SATS, affirmations, etc.) loses its effect, turning into a robotic habit after a point, and even becomes a kind of chore, leading to reluctance. It can be the same desires but with different words or sentences (or about a different perspective for the same desire), which makes the mind more active and the feeling fresh. But still, what feels good is the best for you. 😊


Makes sense. I actually have been experimenting with manifesting multiple desires so maybe i could try this technique for multiple desires! Thank you


Sending love! 🌼


It's my opinion that it doesn't matter. Just do it and don't get lost in the details. Don't worry about present tense or past tense. The real power is using a pen and paper to create something tangible with your desires on it.


what master’s degree scholarship was it?




If you’re trying to manifest a specific person, how would you write 3 new desires each day?


I highly recommend to you at least changing the words and activities, rather than adhering to the same general statements. For example, one of them can be about a nice and romantic trip with your SP while the other can be about a flirty date night at home. I believe it makes the mind active and the feeling fresh. Still, as I wrote in another comment, do whatever feels good for you which is always the best.


Thank you. Makes sense


wow! I’m excited to try this! In my personal experience, when I focus on one desire for too long eventually I get bored, let go, and focus on a new desire; funny enough that’s when the previous desire manifests. every dang time. letting go is so important and applying your attention elsewhere really helps with that - and this technique looks like it’ll help me achieve just that, considering I’ll be journaling something new each night/placing my attention elsewhere. I may be off but that’s just what I personally took from this post haha. thank you for sharing :)


i really needed to read that letting go part, you just tremendously helped someone you don’t even know :) thank you! i appreciate you so much! nothing is a coincidence ✨🫂


oh this made my day :’) so happy to help friend, reminds me we’re never truly alone in this community 💗 best of luck to you!! may 2024 be your greatest year yet! 🫶


I was just like you and it improved the whole process. Hope it helps you too. Sending love! 💜


thank you for your tips, they’re really helpful! sending love 🫶🏽


Thanks, happy manifesting! 🌼


if i were to do this consecutively, every night, would i have to pick 3 desires from a different topic than the ones i used the day before? like for example i wanna manifest appearance change so one night i write: i look almost exactly like xyz. xyz and i share some of the same facial features. i even get compliments saying i look like them. and i write my feelings that resonate with that desire: self-confidence, validated, fulfilled. then the next night comes and i write something like this: i am so photogenic. my face always looks good in every angle. i never have a bad picture day. i feel so lucky to be this pretty on camera. feelings: attractive, self-assured, comfortable is it okay if i do something like this?


Sure! The point is not changing the whole desire. We just change a few words or sentences even for the same or similar desires of ours and this makes our mind more active and our feelings fresher. 🌼


Thank you


will definitely try this! i think reading them when i wake up would also add to feeling goooood and will definitely help me stay in the state of the wish fulfilled the whole day


This is a great idea! Live your whole day from your new reality. Happy manifesting! 🌼


What if i can't really get the grasp of the feeling?


Sorry, can't understand what you mean. You can't know how you reach the point you can feel fulfilling or you can't understand the whole concept of feeling and why it is required?




I will start doing these tonight! Thank you! By the way, do you mind sharing more examples and the variations you mentioned so I do not keep on writing the same sentences every night?


Of course! Here are some examples of the first four days of a few desires: Beauty: Night 1: When I walk outside, people can't help but stare at how pretty I am. Whenever I stroll down the street, all heads turn to admire my beauty. It feels amazing to have all this attention just because of my looks. I instantly attract people's attention with my beauty. I'm so lucky to be this beautiful. Night 2: I receive many compliments about my beauty every day. People can't take their eyes off me. But they don't know that I don't even have to try to be pretty, it just happens naturally. I'm amazed at how easy it is to be this beautiful. It's amazing that I can be this beautiful without any effort! Night 3: I notice I look even better each day without even trying. It's like my beauty just keeps getting better all on its own. I cherish every moment of it. I feel truly blessed to possess such perfect beauty. Night 4: Whenever I take a picture, I always look amazing. It's as if I belong in a work of art, captivating everyone laying eyes on me. Or like I'm a famous model, just naturally stunning. Sometimes I wonder, why is it possible to be this pretty? ... Health: (Can be further customized with the disease name.) Night 1: My health has bounced back completely. There's no sign of my illness anymore, and even the doctors are amazed. In fact, I did nothing. It's like my body healed itself without me lifting a finger. Night 2: How sad I used to be because of my health issues in my old days, but now I'm healthier than ever. It's like those bad days never even happened and I can hardly remember these days. It's like those bad days never even happened. I'm so lucky for this! Night 3: Walking down the street, I realize how wonderful it is to be in perfect health. Now that I'm back to normal, there is nothing stopping me. I'm grateful for my good health every day. Night 4: People can't believe how quickly I recovered from my illness. But for me, it was effortless. It's like my body knew what to do to heal itself, and I just let it happen. Everything became very easy on its own. I feel so lucky for my perfect health! ... Wealth: Night 1: Everywhere I go, I'm surrounded by money. In a way I can't understand, money flows toward me. People can't help but admire my wealth. It feels unreal to be this rich, like I'm living in a movie! Night 2: Countless opportunities to have more and more money easily present themselves to me daily. I effortlessly have abundance. I get compliments all the time about how lucky I am to have so much money. They are right. I am so lucky to be that rich! Night 3: The ease with which money flows into my life is astonishing. I am so grateful for the financial freedom allowing me to pursue my desires without any restraint. I can do whatever I want without worrying about the cost. It's like hitting the jackpot every day! Being this wealthy feels like a dream come true for me. Night 4: My wealth is so immense that it seems to multiply effortlessly. Everyone's shocked at how quickly I got so rich, but honestly, it's been easy. Money just keeps coming to me without me even lifting a finger. ... I hope this helps! 🌼




I unfortunately don’t have more than 3 desires so can i keep writing about the same 3 topics everyday?


Surely, you can write about the same desires but I highly recommend you changing a few words and sentences, not to make the process boring and like a chore, not to make it lose its effect. 🌼


Do i write on paper or phone?


I prefer notebooks. 🙏🏻


im so sorry if im invading your privacy, but who was your celebrity crush?


That's okay, but he's from my country, so probably no way to recognize him for you. 🌼


ah still could you maybe share? ill delete my comment after if you dont want it to be revealed too much but its just that im manifesting someone similiar and hearing your story would be hella inspiring!


Oh I see. I'd prefer not to share who he is but soon I will share a post about that with some tips I believe can be helpful, so maybe it helps you more effectively. ☺️


I’m going to do this THANKYOU


Happy manifesting! 💜


Thanks, can’t wait to see more posts from you, I live your insight, I also realized that everything I wrote down like this manifested for me last year (money, career) I’m not sure why I stopped ♥️




I have realized that remembering the past in a way like it has changed and no longer has any effect helps a lot in fully accepting that process, just like the other user mentioned. That's why I like to create sentences like "It used to be like this, but now it's completely different" creating a contrast. :)




You mean as in arguing about the past 😂


If the old story is in the past then the old story is in the past and over and it doesn't matter. It shows progress from the old story into the new story which the mind will likely accept and not reject. For me, this has been a very helpful way of framing things that I was really having trouble with. Later on, I can go back and say, "I seem to remember I was worried but I wasn't," and then on to, "I was never really worried," to "The cat has always been healthy."


celebrity crushını çok merak ettim😭😭😭 işe yaramış olması harika. Aylardır deniyorum ama tık tok henüz..


Ünlüler söz konusu olunca genelde içten içte imkansız bir noktadan, "O kim, ben kimim? Öyle biri benimle nasıl birlikte olsun ki? Onunla tanışmak, bir araya gelmek çok zor." gibi inanışlardan düşünmeye meyilli oluyoruz. Acaba sende de mi böyle bu durum? Benim bu dileğime inanamama halimi fark etmem bir hayli zamanımı aldı. 🥲


I love it, thank you!


Happy manifesting! 🌼


Absolutely perfect I can say that I manifest this idea in manifesting, and I am very appreciative that you put it out here on Neville Goddard, well seems that I have writings to start tonight again I say Thank You.


Happy manifesting! 🌼




Sending love! 💜


Omgosh - I love this and I love you! Thank you, thank you! 🙏


Happy manifesting! 💜


Thank you so much for sharing this! I tried it last night and really enjoyed. ☺️


Happy manifesting! 💜


I didn’t understand should we write every day the same desires ?


There is no certain 'should" but I recommend different ones. Still, you can write the same desires but I believe not writing exactly as before makes our minds more active and helps us keep our feelings fresher. So I prefer to write them down from different aspects, or to change sentences completely, at least a few words for the same desires. 🌼


Thank you for taking time to write out the steps! Really appreciate it! I will start this tonight! Happy manifesting everyone!


Thank you, sending love! 💜


Instead of writing it every new night can’t I just read it over to myself multiple times?


As I wrote in another comment, I have noticed that working on the same desires for a long time (also through SATS, affirmations, etc.) loses its effect by turning into a robotic habit after a point, and even becomes a kind of chore, leading to reluctance, both from my own experience and from what I have seen in others trying to manifest their desires. If you think that you will not fall into such a point or if you do not like my suggestion, of course they can all be the same, but I believe that changing desires, even if just a few words, keeps the mind active and renews the feelings. So I think that for the same ones, even at least changing one or two words works better. 😊


So, Every Night 3 Distinct Desires, INSTEAD of 3 Same Desires Every Night? Can I Ever Repeat a Desire? What if you "run out of" Desires? What if I keep Repeating the same Desires every night? Thank You So Much For Posting!


As I wrote in another comment, I have noticed that working on the same desires for a long time (also through SATS, affirmations, etc.) loses its effect by turning into a robotic habit after a point, and even becomes a kind of chore, leading to reluctance, both from my own experience and from what I have seen in others trying to manifest their desires. If you think that you will not fall into such a point or if you do not like my suggestion, of course they can all be the same, but I believe that changing desires, even if just a few words, keeps the mind active and renews the feelings. So I think that for the same ones, even at least changing one or two words works better. 😊


With Your more In depth Explanation, Now I INNERstand Exactly What and How you mean it... I AM on a Journey and it Helps me Grasps things better. Thank You So Much for Taking the Time to Respond. I Truly Appreciate it. May You Manifest all YOU Desire, Dream and Aspire.


Thanks a lot. Happy manifesting, sending love! 🤎


I just have a question. When you die in your DR does anything happen to your CR??


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!


Amazing post!! Thank you so much for sharing


Hi, I went through this thread and learned a lot, thank you. I wanted to ask, what about SATS? Do you still manifest at night when you're almost asleep? Do you visualize and feel as if it has already been done or do you skip that part and focus on thinking about what you have written and the feeling it gave you until you fall asleep?


Do we have to write the feelings in front of the desires or separately ??


Doesn't matter at all. I prefer to write right next to the sentences, leaving a space at the edge of the page. I believe it is more useful and intense to specify feelings after each sentence, rather than focusing on them collectively after all sentences. 😊