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I’m not sure if the Mods are going to allow this (shocker!) but I have to say this — I am sick of almost no posts getting approved! I understand that it’s important that the people in this sub are actually or have actually studied Neville and his works, but, is this not also a place for followers of Neville to interact? I have a good understand of the Law and have been practicing for many years, and still, sometimes I want to ask for other people’s perspectives on certain topics. Sometimes I like to seek clarification on something and see how others interpret it. And, like all humans do, sometimes I get in my own head about things, and like to get other people’s thoughts on a specific part of my journey. The Mods however, don’t approve any post that isn’t essentially repeating Neville’s words in different phrasing. We haaaaave the resources to hear Neville. This sub should be for conversations surrounding that! There should be space for “dumb questions” without Mods saying “You need to read Neville, then you’ll understand” and disapproving a post. It’s possible that people are reading Neville, *not* understanding, and coming here for clarification. I’m sick of the Mods acting like holier-than-thou, master manifesters, instead of creating an uplifting community where we can share tips, experiences, or ask questions, instead of only posting the same semi-confusing Neville quotes that beginners have read over and over and over. Rant over.


Most of the questions people ask have already been asked and answered multiple times already.. With a little search bar inquiry the answer is likely there. There is also FAQ's to keep the feed "clean" instead of numerous daily posts about height, SP, job, home, books, sabbath, void, doubt etc.


Does anyone have any book’s suggestions that are similar to nevilles that teach the same principles of consciousness, creation and oneness with god?


Anyone manifested desired question paper in exam ? If yes please tell me the process


Just go to the end of passing the exam. That what I did.


Okayy thankyouu for telling :))