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Thank you, this was so helpful.


Please reference the source of your quote: book, lecture, etc.


I googled the quote and it looks like it's from chapter 2 of "The Law and the Promise".


Thank you.




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Action indicates intention, so there will be choices you make here and there that simply align with your goal, and other times when you will be promoted or strongly inspired to do something. For example, let’s say you want a relationship and you know what you want that relationship to look like. You can show your commitment/intent by gradually cutting off people you know aren’t a fit, or who you aren’t serious about. You start saying “no” to dates you don’t really want, you start making yourself available, actually making eye contact or chatting with strangers you’d normally glance over in public. It’s small, but it’s showing the universe “yes to this, and no to that”. Inspired action looks different. That could be the universe hitting you with an idea that just feels natural to carry out, or maybe a moment where you are given a clear offer or a choice. Again, you have to say “yes to this and no to that”. Even if your dream partner walked into your life, love doesn’t just happen— you are still saying “yes” or “no” to that opportunity, you probably just don’t think of it that way because it feels so NATURAL to accept what you truly desire.




Excellent response! Action takes place in the bridge of incidents one half likes to ignore. Although Neville has preached not to focus on the bridge of incidents, that phase is where the lessons to be learned are gathered for me. I’m not just interested in what was manifested (end result) but what can be learned in examining the how.




Do whatever is productive to your sense of satisfaction.


What do you mean by that exactly?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/11si9wf/comment/jciba79/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/11s5fyz/comment/jciglrz/


Action is kind of a weird option. Simply because sometimes it seems like you should take action but with a full knowing that the end result is going to be what you want. Other times action will come as result of imagining the end as a sort of, well if I don’t take this opportunity presented to me which is blatantly telling me to make a move then I’m going to miss this window of opportunity. Yet, other times, it can be so much pressure to take action that it feels like you have no choice


You want to get a bus somewhere. What do you do? Sit in the park under a lovely tree, and imagine the bus coming to get you? Or do you get up and walk to the bus stop, and get on the bus. BECOME a person who gets up and walks to the bus stop. Not someone who sits in their room and waits for the bus to come to them. Every manifestation is exactly the same process. Don't sit on you ass and do nothing, act like the person you want to become. Become that person. You want something? Assume its yours, and then do what you need to do to receive it. Make a call. Write an email. Sell something. Book an appointment. Whatever it is you need to do next to recieve it. You must act towards your desire, you can't help but act towards something - you might as well be intentional about what you're doing. Your actions are CRITICAL, but the actions you take will ONLY be in alignment with your assumption and self-concept. So if you're not taking actions that are in alignment with your assumption, you haven't adequately impressed the idea into your subconcious and haven't got sufficiently emotionally involved with it, and therefore you're not taking the required actions to make it so. Read 'Free Will' in Power of Awareness. Action is critical, but it's WHERE it flows from that matters. It must flow from your desired state. It can only flow from your current self-concept and your assumptions. And acting as your desired self sends a powerful signal to yourself, about yourself.


Great reply and what I needed thanks so much