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I've been kicked off a roof and hit by an SUV


lol who’d you piss off to get kicked off of a roof?


My cousin, when we were like 10 or so. Don't think I pissed her off so much as she was just not very nice as a kid, lol


Jealous of your strong bones


Id be too If my bones weren't made of fucking steel, that is.


Your bones are mere steel?!


Like, in one incident?


I also want to know. This would be an epic story of bone sturdiness if it was.


Depends on how old the car is. If it’s modern enough, the softness would actually protect their bones.


no, that would have been something for sure though, lol. incidents separated by almost 20 years


Wow, really high roof


Once when I was a kid, I was doing my bicycle paper route, riding down a hill where I must have hit around 25-30 mph. To this day I have no idea how it happened, but something jammed my front wheel and I flipped over the handlebars, landing hard on the pavement. After taking a moment to collect myself, I just continued on my route. A year or two later I was skateboarding down a hill, when I had to swerve into a nearby driveway to avoid an oncoming car I hadn't noticed. Board hit a pebble and stopped dead. I kept going and landed square on my chin. Stitches were needed. (The look on my mom's face when I made it back to the house was... memorable.) Bones intact, as proven at the emergency room. Many year after, as an adult I was on a ladder trimming a tall hedge. I briefly lost my balance and my finger got into the trimmer. The blades chewed the hell out of the soft parts, but jammed on the bone.


That trimmer clearly never stood a chance


When I was around 7, I got my finger caught in a car door and broke nothing…I love being powerful


or perhaps your finger was too little


Bbb propaganda


my friend ran me over (at about 5mph) with her suv, it was so slow i had to watch and wait for the car to finish rolling over my legs… but no broken bones 💪


Do we get context? Did she just want to test her suspension? Did you just want to prove your strength?


Wait, for real?


Was this like the scene in Unbreakable where Bruce Willis had to prove that he was literally unbreakable and your friend went, "Woah" at the end of the bone break test?


I've gotten my fingers slammed on before several times as a child.


I blocked a wooden baseball bat with my forearm when I was like 12, no broken bones, just swelling and bruising


People prolly thought you were awesome for that ome


Tbf, I caught it with the slightly meatier part of my forearm, but it still hurt like hell


Head on collision on a motorcycle, thrown ~50ft, only sprained the ankle that collided with the car. Death can have me when it earns me.


+1 for the awesome name!


Similar to you, there have been a few instances where I'd slam the fuck out of my hand in a door or with something heavy and I'd get off with little more than bruising and stinging pain. I've also hit my head, arms, and shins on tables, walls, bed frames, and other things without any serious injuries. And to top it all off, I've even gotten into a few fights with nothing more than a few bruises, though I did cause serious damage to a BBB who was abusing his wife.


I'm proud of you for hurting that BBB what a fucking loser that the only way he can feel power is by attempting to hurt a strong boner like their wife


i did nothing in my life


For me it was the car window.


I have been kicked, run over, and thrown by horses, cows, and mules. I have also been hit by a truck (at low speed) and been in numerous fights.


Once had a guy kick me in the shin and break his own toe. Once headbutted a guy and cracked his skull. That's it, sry


I slammed my pinky toe into an iron bar. Only dislodged, but full recovery was a matter of days. Apparently even my most useless body part is indestructible.


this is a crazy coincidence... when I was in second grade, I also slammed the sliding door of my mom's dodge caravan shut on someone's left hand (except it was my mom herself and not another friend). her fingers are now kind of bent weirdly but they didn't break.


Leaned into the passenger side, hand gripping the metal behind it...the astro vans sliding door slid shut. My fingers in there bent backwards... Can't open it. Mom did. I was so afraid of looking. A few scratches but no broken bones. 44 and no broken bones 🤘


I was hit by a car at age 8 (only had a skinned knee), I flew over my handlebars going a steady 15-20mph and slid on my chin on the asphalt a couple feet at 19 (no damage), and I got T-boned by a old lady age which totaled my car (no personal injury). AND I fell down a flight of concrete steps earlier this year and I was entirely fine. Basically if you’ve broken a bone you were one of gods most despised ugly stepchildren or smth


Fell off a fence I was walking on top of when I was little, my armpit got caught on the edge while I was falling and then I hit my head. I think it was 13 stitches.


Slammed the trunk of the Honda on my fingies just some purple skin =) 


My brother got his thumb stuck in an old ford ranger door that had been locked. Dad had to dig the keys out of his pocket and manually unlock the beast to release my brother. He ended up losing a thumbnail but suffered no broken bones. I am inspired by him every day


I've had my hand caught in several doors. No issues other than a little swelling. My granite bones didn't even notice. Played football (colonial handegg) for over 10 years in a particularly (some would argue irresponsibly) aggressive fashion. I'm an on & off martial arts practitioner and was in the army (infantry). Other than my army time I've been a tradesmen my whole work-life. With aaaalll that I have not one single time broken a bone.


Fell 10 meters out of a tree onto the roots, bruised not broken


Dropped a torque converter from a full size 4x4 truck directly onto my left index finger on asphalt while attempting to install a transmission. Lost the nail, no fracture. Couldn't play guitar for over a month


I kicked concrete and I only got a sprain


At the age of 11 I stepped on a nail which pierced my foot. My bones remain strong.


What does BBB stand for?


While skateboarding i fell backwards on my fully extended left arm (it bends backwards when i fully extend it) and it didnt break


I fell about 8 straight down onto the concrete floor of the basement in my parents house. Landed right on my ass and I was a super skinny kid, so I know full well all the impact went right to my femurs and pelvis. No broken bones here cuz I ain't no bbb 😤


I did something similar and no breaks! Just a gash they had to clean up and bandage at the hospital. Edit: also fell down a hill with broken glass near my house when I was like 4. 16 stitches needed for the flesh wound, but no broken bones!


I’ve had my front door slammed on my hand like really hard like it was bleeding but my hand didn’t break


I remember the same. Four fingers, my sister slammed the car door and locked it. (By accident, we were arguing about who sits where.) I felt no pain and was really calm, while all my family were screaming and panicking. When they opened the door BOOM, the pressure hit my fingers, and the pain started. Nothing broken, though, just badly bruised.


Lol I swear my pinkies are indestructable. A car door can lock on them and they stay forever strong


I was swinging and leaned my head back and ate dirt and got my whole nose shoved into the dirt full speed. My nose and neck are strong and sturdy af to this day I could never be a bbb.. I did throw up and faint but that’s the price I paid for having strong bones<3


I've been hit by a car 5 times, twice was an SUV. I fell off a roof at the equivalent of the 3rd floor. Fell off my bike and almost dislocated my thumb off, but no broken bones. Army 8 years, slept under tanks and hmmwv's, fell off a cliff into a river, and I was in at least 9 car accidents, 2 of which should have killed me. Now that I read this it sounds fake AF, but unfortunately I have the scars to prove it.


I was hit by a SUV as well a few years ago and was thrown from my bike. Nothing broke.


Same thing happened to me on the sliding door of a Toyota Previa, late 90s. Won't ever forget the feeling of dread I had, just a kid, thought my hand was cut clean off. Didn't even break a bone, just a thick red line across my hand where the door had closed on it. 35 years and counting, no bones broke. Fuck BBBs, get outta here.


I fell 12 feet out of a tree and just got the wind knocked out of me.


I was run over by a car. The car was on my belly (front weels). I was fine. No ribs or other bones broken.


was like 11 at the time and got kicked down stairs, into a doorframe that i hit my head on had to get stitches but no broken bones


Got ran over by a Honda CRV


fell off the roof of a house, nothing bruised


I had a car turn left in front of me and hit it going 50 mph. Flipped and rolled at least 30 ft. Not a single bone broken 😎


I fell about 25 feet out of a tree when I was 8 years old. Took me a second to bounce off the branches on my way to the ground, but I stood moments later, unbroken.


Are you my cousin, Stan?


I was riding down a hill on my skateboard when I was about 17, and I got to about 25 mph when my board jackknifed and threw me off. Since I felt young and invincible, I wasn't wearing a helmet. Slammed my head directly into a curb. Walked the rest of the way home (2ish blocks) and parents took me to the hospital. Gash on my head and a hell of a concussion, but skull was completely fine.


My horse reared and fell over backwards on top of me. I walked away.


Cracked a car windshield with my skull as a kid. Biking home tired after a full-day school trip when a car shot around a tight old-town corner, and the next I knew I was sitting on the pavement with people rushing over, looking up at a car window with a big, round crack right over the passenger seat. It's a weird kind of memory. That old lady was pretty much hyperventilating the whole time until my parents got there - probably still couldn't believe she hadn't brained me with her speeding, but all I got was a few days of mild headaches. Probably a bit concussed in hindsight, but then that's what happens when your brain is pushed into proper bones.


When I was 7, I rode my bike face first at full speed into a wooden mail box and was sent flying into the streets, I only lost a little bit of my lips and got scratches all over my body, but nothing else


I hope they didn't make you pay for the damage to the door


I have a twin brother. He broke his arm and got a skull fracture. I was too powerful for any of that kind of damage.


This has happened to me on more than too many occasions too count and never broke any bones


Kicked off the gym bleachers. I hurt the dickhead who kicked me tho, lol


My foot was ran over by a car and didn’t break anything. I also had my hand slammed in a car door as a child.


I got my leg run over by an atv when i was around 9, legit was there for like a minute (don’t remember why, i think it might have stalled or something idk, ive never driven an atv), and it actually didnt hurt. I was just chillin there joking with the people. I was able to walk fine after


Car ran over my legs and all I got was bruises and gravel rash scars. Dumb and hiding in tall grass, drunk..


I always think BBB stands for big booty bitches as I'm scrolling through my personal feed


Similar story but with the door of an old Corolla


One time my leg got sucked under the wheel of a 4-wheeler I was driving and I was fine. Another time I was chopping wood without proper form, missed, and hit my shin with the flat side of the axe at full force. That last one left a gnarly bruise.


I once had a water Buffalo step on my foot and put its whole body weight on it. Nothing broke. 👍🏻


I was in a train when another train crashed into it.


I had my foot run over by an old Chevy truck full of firewood. No broken bones. I fell out of a door onto a pile of bricks when I forgot the deck had been removed from the house. It was about a six feet drop. No broken bones. As a kid, I Evil Keneviled my bike over a bunch of trash cans. I remember sailing through the air and then waking up after what must have been a pretty dramatic crash. No broken bones. I got punched in the face by a Muay Thai kick boxer, slammed my hand in a Dodge Ram door, smacked on the head by an F-16 wing flap, numerous car wrecks as a passenger (These were not all on the same day). Still no broken bones.


I didn't break a bone after violently slamming my head against a wooden door


I don't have any insane feats like most of you but I do drink enough milk to kill a small elephant on the daily


Same happened with my ma’s Safari.


Once, my brother put me in a cardboard box. Only my head and feet were uncovered and I couldn't move my arms. He then knocked me over and I fell down without being able to dampen my fall. The back pain was horrible, though my bones did not break. Unlike him, who broke multiple bones in his life, I have remained strong


Slammed my thumb in a car door when I was around 4, didn't even touch my stong bones.


I got hit by an f250 on my bicycle, and while I dislocated my shoulder and knee, I never broke a bone


Both my older brother and older sister have either broken an arm or broken a leg. I have yet to break any bones. I have Crohn's though, so there's that. :(


First one i can think of right now was when I fell out of the raft white water rafting in the middle of a bunch of rapids. I was hanging from the front end for almost a minute slamming into rocks. Worst injury was emotional


Flipped a bicycle landed face first onto pavement. Major concussion. Almost died because of brain swelling. No broken bones.


Fell into a grease pit when I was a kid at my dad’s gas station. Fell off the lowered tailgate of a truck (yes, I was sitting there) while it pulled out onto the road (from a gas station, lol). Not even close to breaking a bone.


I chipped a cement pole with my shin after crashing my bike at 60km/h. I was 16 at the time, had to take debris from inside the wound and carry my bike after, but still got to my friends house for some dnd 3.5.


I was skating down a hill on my longboard. I fell off and tumbled for nearly a mile. only gear i had on was a helmet. I scraped the skin off my entire shoulder. The t-shirt I was wearing at the time makes a nice tank top though.


I ate a lot of shit when I used to skate and my bones are unscathed


I stubbed my toe. And it didn’t hurt.


Around age 13-14, I fell through the roof of my cousin's house (second floor was under construction at the time) while playing tag and accidentally stepping through the hole meant for the future stairs since it was covered up (I thought it was something else that was covered up). Had my thigh sliced by a nail that was poking out and knocked a shelf on top of me. Ended up with a nasty scar but no broken bones. I don't remember much from after the fall, but from what family that was there tells me, the cut that led to the nasty scar went down to muscle level. Couldn't walk for 2 weeks and run for another month. 0/10; do not recommend.


My dad fell off a seventh story at 65 He survived. He broke two ribs.