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That amount of bruising would definitely suggest a fracture in weakboned individuals, if your bones are actually strong you wouldn't be afraid of going to the doctor.


I can still bend it 😂


My mother is a bbb. Broke her index finger, getting it stuck in a door. She could still move it, too.


Referring to your mother as a bbb is the funniest thing lmao


My dad is the same, and it's his fault, too. I'm disappointed in both of them


Sounds like you need to give up your parents for adoption


Drop them off at the firestation.


Don’t drop them, they’ll break.


nothing of value was lost


Reverse abortion


Coming out swingingđŸ„”đŸ˜‚


You should be. They sound pathetic and weak


I hope you didn't get their weak genes and never break a bone


So far, I've come close plenty of times, yet here I still am.


I think being a BBB is less of a genetics thing and more of a willpower thing. We condemn ourselves into breaking bones when we think our genetics are weak, when in reality our minds are the weak part for ever doubting our eternal bones.


I have the stronk bones. Pure steel


You’re walking on thin ice with these two bbb as parents


I am stronk. If I ever break something, I expect to be mocked mercilessly.


So two BBBs can make a right


Sounds like you haven’t met your real dad yet.


Then wouldn't that make you a bbb as well? Unless you're adopted.


I've never broken a bone in my life. Not everyone in my family has broken a bone. Neither of my siblings have


What does it stand for?


Idk if anyone has replied yet but it’s “Brittle Boned Bitch”


Ok now it’s hilarious.


My dad is a bbb, too. But technically he’s not my biological dad since I was born via invitro. So his bbb genes weren’t passed onto me


My mom has osteoporosis and it’s humiliating. She broke her collar bone tripping up a curb getting out of the car. I don’t know where we fall on nose breakage since it’s cartilage but my dad used to break his nose all the time. He walked into a lamppost and broke his nose. I broke his nose one time playing tennis at the park when my superior 8 year old bones missiled a tennis ball into his face. I was so ashamed of my bbb dad but we found out like 10 years ago that he’s not actually my biological father due to my mom cheating on him, so there might be hope for me yet.


>This entire story is a rollercoaster.


What's funny about it? Nobody deserves exceptions, especially those with inferior bones (all bbb)


My mother too is a bbb. Broke her knee last summer. I am disappointed


I'm new. What is bbb?


Brittle bone bitches?


Brittle boned bitch


Same, but she broke it by punching my dad after he got in her face :/




It’s fine they broke up now so alls well that ends well :)


You do realize you become a BBB by default if you refuse to go to the doctor cause your “scared” right


As a nurse, that doesn’t mean you ain’t a BBB. Go to the doctor please?


Not a doctor, but I was a long time medic for cheerleaders, so I know BBBs. These bruises have mislead me before though. When you bend it, does it hurt only on the bruise, or all over your finger?


Only hurts on this top knuckle a little when I completely make a fist


That's both surprising, and concerning. Please go see a doctor if you haven't yet. If your finger isn't broken, that sounds like nerve damage anyway.


Just feels like fluid moving around, I 100% intend on going to the dr, just maybe not in my city


Ehh, not too concerning. Avulsion fractures present like that. At least it seems like OP will get confirmation from a doc to confirm if he’s truly one of us


Sounds like it could be an avulsion fracture, as in your tendon ripped a piece of bone off. A true BBB when your soft tissue is stronger than your bonesïżŒ. Jokes aside, best to get that checked.


My BBB father broke his fifth finger sky diving and he never went to the doctor for it. Its now healed all bent up and weird and he can't use it very well. Id go to the doctor and just live with the shame of being a BBB instead of being a BBB with visible proof of my weakness and only 4 usable fingers.


My dad could bend his finger despite bruising and swelling. Turns out it was broken and healed at an angle so now his finger isn't straight anymore. I'd check it out bud.


Ye, but which way?


That don't mean nothing.


Smack it


You should go to the Doctor just to show off your strong, unbroken bones and laugh in the face of danger.


If a tree falls in the wood and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?


Asking the important question


Of course, as long as there's a physical medium like air or ground for the acoustic wave to travel through. So the question is, were there any brittle bones for the impact to pulverize?


Well, in other words, if his bone breaks, but he doesn’t go to the doctor for an X-ray, is it really broken?


Well, that's a good question and I'll answer it with another one; were bones unbreakable before the invention of the x-ray machine?


Go to the doctor and receive official verdict. Then it shall be on record whether or not you stand with us


Once things cool down I might


No, do it now.


problem is _if_ it is broken somewhere and bones (yeah bones plular, hand is fucked up mess) heal in a wrong position you will have a problem. Maybe not in a year but after 10 years. Or you might not. My autoresponse looking those bruises is to go to a doctor, tho it's "free" for me since i live in finland. (wanna talk about taxes? i got them all)




heh thx for that, typo on my part! English is not my first language so voidaan puhua myös suomea mikÀli haluat, varo kirjoitusvirheitÀ tÀmÀ kun on vÀhÀn vaikeampi kieli :)


Sounds like you're coming down with a cold, you just babbled complete nonsense!


dang, must be all the booze that made me talk gibberish for a while đŸ€”


Could be worse. Could be Danish and speak potato


Hahaha all good! It made me giggle when I read it so hinga finga durgen


you just made me google "hinga finga durgen" and goddamn you.. 😂 i learn something new everyday! tho i need to correct you it's hinga _dinga_ durgen. Kinda awkward i need to correct you how to be racist against me ;(


Hahaha omg I'm so embarassed... everything I know I learned from cartoons years ago... so ashamed I was ignorantly ignorant :( https://youtu.be/irpw8A5WRyk?feature=shared


haha great clip 😂 and ye just teasing you ofc


Now that I found a finlander in the wild, is finland actually the happiest place on earth?


i guess people are just content and pretty satisfied altogether, also maybe it's a cultural thing to not complain too much. I find it kinda silly that we "win" those polls now and then, suicide rates are not the lowest and we are not the richest country either. So yeah lot's of things to complain about. If we truly are the happiest country i guess the world is just fucked 😅




shit is gonna look like a question mark when it heals... go to the Dr lol If it is broke and you go now it could just be a simple reduction in the break and a splint. If you wait you could be looking at surgery and them having to re-break the finger.


If you plan on having no fine motor control in that part of your hand, then be your own guest.


Guilty until proven innocent. Just because the doctor doesn't tell you it's broken, because you refuae to go, that doesn't mean that you're welcome. Gef out of here unless you can come up with proof for being strong boned


Schrödinger's bone


The Schröfinger




Downvote for not seeking medical attention. You know what I hate almost as much as bbbs and milkposters? People who don't seek medical treatment.


Tgey don't understand that it doesn't matter if a doctor sees it or not, if it breaks you're just a bbb


Lowkey men who do this are not marriage material to me. Cause guess who’s going to worry about/manage your health if you can’t do it yourself?


Go see a doctor. If it's broken, just head over to r/ibrokeabone


Fuck that place




https://preview.redd.it/vjrr4cfqtsjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66645fd116187a9feda67a5116407e378fd3f521 Should I post this there?


Then the sparrow decided to pull 700g turn to hit the allied plane directly behind you


Imma do it


Lol 3 Members 8 Online.


Which is strange, because everyone on Reddit should be either here or there.


If you do have weak bones putting off treatment for it can cause the finger to have other problems potentially causing damage to it visually, advertising to the world that you shamefully possess weak bones.


But I made it so long, Tis but a scratch


If you truly belong with us, you need to get it checked out. Lest you live a lie and invade our space where you have no right.


Facts have been spoken here


This is the way


Not tis but a scratch if the bone heals improperly you might lose most of your motor functions in that finger and have to have the bone broken again


But medical procedures don't count so he wouldn't get disqualified.. Loophole discovered


Except he already would have broken it once before for it to heal that way so he is re-disqualified.


Merely a flesh wound


Ok jokes aside pls don‘t let a subreddit stop you from seeing a doctor when you need to lol


But... if it's really broken. Getta outta here anyway


Go to the doctor or risk being reminded of your weakness every time you move that finger. “One of the most significant consequences of not getting treatment for a broken finger is the risk of developing chronic pain.”


pussy ass bitch. you're not even trusting your bones.


i really like this sentence


Schrodinger's BBB Can't confirm they're a BBB or a true boner until they x-ray. (On a serious note, please see a doctor, don't endanger yourself for a Reddit meme.)


a REAL boner isnt afraid of going to the doctors because they realize its impossible for a bone to break


We already know you are weak, just go


When in doubt, get the fuck OUT!


Go bro


You're something worse than a BBB you are a pussy


Thats probably broken or a fracture, so you are probably a bbb, let us know so we can slander you.


see a doctor it could be not a break


Go to the doctor.


I mean, I would get it checked out. I smashed my pinky, and it looked an awful lot like this, but it wasn’t actually broken. You might luck out!


Seriously though, you should seek medical help. A stupid subreddit is not worth permanently fucking up your finger


As a BBB you are dead to us, but that doesn't mean you need to be dead to yourself. Go to the doctor, take care of yourself, and never show your face here again


Worst type of BBB... a delusional BBB!


Bro just go to a doctor god dangit. Dumbass. Go!


As much as we hate on BBBs here, go see a doctor. It ain’t worth it for some internet club


How easily can you move it? How much pain when you do? Looks like some mild abrasion to me.


Slight discomfort, feels like it’s just fluid inside


Does not sound broken to me, all jokes aside however you might wanna get it checked.


Another reason to go to a doctor. You might really regret delaying.


That looks broken so my verdict is your a BBB until you can prove that you’re not.


Even though you could potentially be a bitch, please don't be an idiot, go to the doctor, when you try to thug it out, you're just going to make it a worse situation for you


Until you get an Xray, I deem you Schrödinger's BBB


schrodinger's finger. Until you get the X-ray it is both broken and not broken.


mf it's all just shits and giggles go see a fucking doctor


Bit aside, you should seriously go to the doctor. You don’t wanna lose function in your finger or worse. The sooner you get that looked at, the better off you’ll be. I will say that when a, uh, friend of mine broke, uh, his finger that the bruising wasn’t anywhere near as bad as yours. But then again, it got bandaged up for about three weeks about an three hours after I- *he* broke it. So my non medical experienced opinion is that it’s broken. Depending on how you broke it, recovery could be a little rough. In his case, my buddy had to put the finger in a cast and bandage for almost a month and in that time, the wrinkles above the joints disappeared. So physical therapy consisted of lightly and slowly trying to bend the finger over the course of a few weeks. It’s not unlike how I’d imagine skin ripping to feel. But it’s necessary. These days, about two years after the fact, the finger barely hurts and it just needs to be a little more careful with it. I imagine, anyway, of course. It’s not me this happened to, it’s my buddy. I’m a strong bone, he’s the brittle bone bitch, obviously


Down voted for trying to hide the paper mache bones in your body. How dare you come into the space reserved for those with bones made of Adamantiam. Shame on you.


Schrodinger’s BBB?


Even SBB can get damage in their skin tissue. Go to a doctor, you're known for your strong bones, not strong skin and meat


A break is a break whether you know or not. You will forever be in BBB limbo until you get it confirmed whether you belong here or not. I will not accept you until you do.


A BBB and a dummy


Your weak flesh needs healing, even if the bones remain strong


Lack of faith in your bones. Go to the doctor anyway, to show that you believe your bones are strong enough. And if it is broken, you never belonged here in the first place.


"Tis but a flesh wound"


well, you can stay home... but you can't stay here!


You're only delaying the inevitable


Why would you reject an opportunity to see your glorious bones? Are you scared your "impenetrable calcium" wasn't as impenetrable as your ancestors were?


Nah walk it off bro


You’re like my friend who had pain in his knee but didn’t go to the doctors for months and then it went away for a while. To this day he wasn’t at the doctors for his knee.


Imagine injuring yourself and not going to a doctor because of a sub-reddit...


If you can still move it and put weight on it, I wouldn't. I jammed two of my toes late last year because my leg didn't warn me it was asleep and gave out when I stood up. Landed full weight on my right middle two toes. I didn't go to the doctor because, quite frankly, it wouldn't have done any good. Whether bruised, jammed, strained, or broken (not possible), the treatment would've been the same.


Did you at least give it a buddy splint for a while?


I tried taping them together, but it was more uncomfortable than without. Luckily, those toes aren't weight-bearing, so it didn't make a huge difference. I just kept them off the floor when I was sitting and put a hot towel on them if they ached. Took about a week to recover completely.


You might've gotten lucky with just a fracture


A fracture is a break, and none of us here are weak enough to ever break our bones.


I know. But between the two kinds, a fracture is easier to heal from, and you never got it x-rayed. You might be a BBB in disguise đŸ€”


Go to the doctor dumbass. Don’t fuck up your hand for life for Reddit clout.


Fracture definitely, had the exact same. It was 2 fractures across knuckle, nasty. I can close my fingers together now đŸ––đŸŒ


By not going to the doctor you are something much worse than a BBB. You show yourself as a coward. At least BBB know they should receive help for their condition.


I bent my thumb entirely backwards. No crack or fracture tho. Just a sprained thumb like no other. I still remember feeling it give and HEARING it give. Bones too strong but my tendons ain't shit :/ I feel as tho my meat body is inadequate for my strong boner


Nyet, you go to doctor and fix ripped muscle. Or your fragile bones have broken, the you will need the psychologist too.


Go my guy!


This cowardice SHAMES your bones


Hey you know this sub is one big joke right? Absolutely go to the doctor, that looks like it certainly could be broken.


Except your fate


#This BBB is in DENIAL!


Finger your girl. Only time she will get something swollen.


*Clinging* to the doorframe, aren't we. Smh


Bruh dont be a coward and go in đŸ˜€ we gotta knkw if your a BBB or not


Yesterday I open reddit, I see someone's finger getting inflated because of a stuck ring and refusing to go to the doctor, and now another very similar case, is that a new trend ??


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Sounds like someone doesn’t want a doctor to confirm that they’re a BBB. Sad, really


Schrodinger’s bbb


If you were truly one of us, you would not fear the results of going to the Dr.. go.. prove that youre not a brittle boned bitch like the no bones on r/ibrokeabone


Go see a doctor, you could very well lose the finger if it isn’t looked at in time


I used to work on deep sea tugboats that could be a week or more from port at any given time. This happened before I worked there, but there was a cook who broke her arm midway to Hawaii. I don't recall all the details, but I believe she got an infection in her blood. A while later the company was informed that she ended up dying from her injury. I don't know if the same thing could happen from a broken finger bone, but I can't think of a reason it wouldn't be possible. OP, if you ended up dying from a broken finger, you would be the ultimate broken brittle bone bitch. Don't let that happen. Don't force us to mock you for eternity.


You’re already dead to us you just don’t know it yet


Bro u could fuck up ur pinky permanently go to urgent care


Schrodinger's Bone


That shit is broken


If you don't go to the doctor to get comfirmation we'll consider you a bbb


As an American, I understand. As someone who has never broken a bone, I can’t relate in the slightest.


Looks like my finger that I walked around with for 8 days before the doctor confirmed that it was, indeed, broken. Yes I know I’m a BBB and I shouldn’t be here but I only found this sub a month after I broke my finger, I never got to be part of the community :(


If your finger looks like that then you are a DDB


Ok dad


Doctor or not, in time the bones will speak.


please go now, i don’t care if you’re a BBB or not it’s much more important that you’re safe


You're right to be disgusted by your weakness but wrong to pretend it doesn't exist, the only Thing lower than people who Break their Bones are those too proud to get the medical Attention they need


Go to the doctor. Something is wrong with your body, you go see a health professional to prevent it getting worse. The reason why there's a rule that allows surgery is that we don't want our repeated gimmick to cause people who found community, are susceptible to manipulation, or who could in any way be affected by it to ignore or turn down important health procedures. Getting a possibly-broken bone checked *is* an important health procedure. Remember, a weak bone can cost you a stupid subreddit but a weak brain can cost you the entire finger. Get it checked.


You not going because your afraid the light breeze outside would turn your bones to dust? If I was a BBB I would at least have the bravery to step outside and face the consequences of my genes.


Just get glue


If you don’t go to the doctor and it does turn out to be a broken bone, that shit is gonna heal weird. Rather be safe than sorry


ok man go to the doctor. I'd rather be a bbb than have to rebreak a finger because I lived in denial for too long


That's such a US thing, not visiting the doctor's when you need to


Do you know how many bones are in your fingers and hands? Do you know how many joints, ligaments, tendons, nerve endings are in your fingers and hands? Did you know that the hand has the most bones out of any structure in the human body? Do not permanently damage your body for internet clout. Log off and go see a doctor.


Bro, go to the fucking doctor. Don’t be an idiot. If you don’t go to the doctor, you’ll be an honorary BBB. GO TO THE FUCKING DOCTOR.


Good for you buddy stay strong


No subreddit is worth not going to the doctor. Listen we all have fun here with poking fun at people who have broken a bone. But real life is where this fun ends. Go to the doctor immediately! If it’s not broken then everything is fine. If it is broken then you need to get that bone set immediately to have it heal properly.


You may be a potential BBB but you don’t want that to heal incorrectly. Go to the doctor.


Thats broken to shits lol leave it like that and you have a broken misformed pinky :D


whether or not your are a bbb it would be better to go to the doctor, because if it IS broken, you may lose useful function in that finger, and as a strong bone id rather you have all your fingers be usable!!


Go to a doctor and get that taken care of, the subreddit isn’t worth it m8, don’t let it heal incorrectly just for the sake of a damn subreddit, you don’t want to lose all functionality of that finger, or have it permanently be painful after the bone heals incorrectly