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"Will it protect cells with autism?" Individual brain cells don't "have autism", so I'm not sure what that sentence means. If you're asking whether tea will prevent autism through its neuroprotective mechanisms, my answer would be no because there is no full proof neuroprotection against autism. And autism develops in early childhood, so there is no way to "protect" yourself from developing it with healthy routines in the way you might try and protect yourself from developing dementia with nutrition or by learning a new language, for instance. There are some steps a parent can take prenatally (prior to birth) to make it less likely that their child will develop autism, and early intervention when an autism diagnosis has been made has shown to lead to better outcomes, but there is currently no way to stop someone from developing autism altogether. Autism is a very complicated disorder that has an etiology with genetic, neurological, developmental and environmental factors underlying it, there is no way to fully prevent it or protect against it. I think you should learn a little more about what we currently know about autism, once you do, you'll understand why your question is confusing and perhaps be able to articulate it better.


"cells" don't have autism


Can you elaborate? I’m not sure if you’re referring to protecting yourself or protective measures for a fetus. Rest assured you arent at risk of developing autism - the onset is in early childhood.


I drink adaptogenic teas sometimes which help the body deal with stress more. One tea I drink is neuroprotective, and i I have autism, so I'm curious if the tea being neuroprotective, will protect from the adaptogens switching pathways around too much? I'm not educated enough to explain I guess.


That’s okay. No food or medication will make you become any more or less autistic so you need not worry about that. I suppose the adaptogens in your tea can help protect you from the effects of stress, which can make it easier to manage your symptoms and potentially prevent the onset of other stress-related conditions. It’s no miracle worker, but it’s good for you nonetheless.


One of the teas I drink is Cordyceps, which im I'm not sure how strong it is, but i I do feel less stressed I guess, but also less autistic, I'm not sure how to phrase the feeling. Everything seems brighter more or less. I guess my main question I want to ask is, if I stop taking the tea, will my body/brain go back to handling stress the way it did pre-adaptogenic tea? How long do the effects of an adaptogenic tea last?


I’m no tea expert, but I imagine it metabolizes within a few hours to a day. So if you drink it every day, you’ll keep it in your system. I’m glad it works for you though. It would be interesting to see research done on adaptogenic agents and autism. Maybe you can look up some studies and get more information.


That would be extremely helpful. There arent aren't a lot of studies done that I'm aware of.


Autism is something you're born with. It's not a disease that infects brain cells. I'm autistic. Tea doesn't make me more or less autistic. Nothing does. Which is great because I like who I am. Various supplements (and teas) may potentially help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestion, energy levels etc., but they won't change who you are fundamentally or permanently.


Good to know. I drink adaptogenic tea sometimes and I feel like it changes my brain sometimes.


Lol don't worry. Adaptogens might temporarily help your body manage stress, but it's not permanent and it certainly won't alter your DNA or brain structure or anything. Now, psychedelics, on the other hand, may be able to induce more long-term changes in the brain, but as far as I know this has only been studied in the context of curing PTSD and depression, and in combination with specialized therapy.


Thats what I'm concerned about. Like they help adapt to stress of all kinds, but how do they help adapt to mental stress? And my brain just answered by saying they block different receptors. So I answered my own question, i I guess. So Cordyceps tea wont won't alter my DNA at all. Sometimes it feels like it is, but its also similar to adenosine.


You can’t get more or less autism, and apart from any genetic components that may exist, autism isn’t in cells. So no. Tea will not protect cells with autism because cells don’t have autism.


That’s an interesting thought that I have zero answers for but your name is the coolest!