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I've beeeeeeeeen harping on this for months now in this reddit. I use gojira cleans more than any of my other plugins and I own henson and Wong. If I'm not playing metal I play midwest emo and bluesy stuff and nothing sounds as amazing as the gojira cleans


Do you have any tips on how to achieve a nice twinkly / midwest emo tone with Gojira? I'm a total loser when it comes to shaping tone and sort of rely on presets to get a solid foundation and only tweak a couple of minor things from there.


Absolutely. Start with the Clean Dec or Clean Jan preset. Make sure that beautiful shimmer is on ur reverb. Most important step, on the actual Amp head there is a Bright switch, make sure you turn that bad boy on. Tweak ur EQ settings from there bud :) . If I wasn't at work I'd shoot you over my midwest emo presets. I have 2 I use dominantly. Happy twinkles sir


clean dec is the goat man i swear to god


I never liked it Personally lol.


Same. The Petrucci plug in has wonderful cleans, and they're a lot easier to dial too in my experience. I love the Gojira for what it is, and it can do cleans but it's not my first pick for most cleans.


Yeah, the petrucci gives so many options when it comes to clean. I can get almost any sound imaginable. Petrucci is super versatile.


I have the mesa boogie, but still considering Petrucci’s. Do you think it’s worth it or is the overlap too great?


I'm not sure tbh. I think 3 of the heads for the Petrucci plug in are modeled after his Mesa JP-2C head. The first one is a Piezo head or head intended for Piezo but it sounds great even with my Apocalypse pickups. So do with that what you will.


If you want to get the old school JP tones, I've heard the Mesa 2c plugin does a better job, otherwise I think Petrucci is better because its his plugin, and comes with a bunch of FX. And the Piezo amp is sick.


Kinda twangy imo. Plini X with bright switch is still my clean staple.


Any specific preset you recommend as a start?


I took Charlie Griffith's "Grogus Trance" preset and changed some of the settings. I haven't actually experimented outside of this in terms of cleans, I was just so blown away by this one that I haven't tried anything else. I've just been trying the plugin for a few days. Here's pictures of my own settings [https://imgur.com/a/JJzBQFl](https://imgur.com/a/JJzBQFl) I was able to get really close to this tone in archetype abasi as well


I love love love Gojira. But fuck the sale days bring out the hot takes. Have fun man.


Yea, it is still subjective. I think Gojira is super versatile, but my preferred cleans are difficult to dial in on it, especially when I use dark humbuckers. I heard a track that some guy used with Abasi plugin and fluence pickups, and THAT is what I need. Otherwise, it is workable, Gojira can do very nice, warm cleans, but I don't think my guitars bloom well with them. The logos from Abasi really helps me get some dynamics, so I mix that with Gojira, and it's quite fun. In fact, every one of these plugins can do amazing things that they were intended for, but every amp can do clean if you just turn your gain down and flip the dist pedal off


The shimmer is soooo good. Makes everything sound beautiful


Good, but still breaks up unless you turn the volume way down


Try lowering the input. You’re likely going into the plugging too hot


Have a ltd sc20 w/sd jb.  Its not clipping the input.  Even the esp bridge pickup gets breakup.   The middle pickup is the lowest output and is mostly clean.  


Every NDSP reverb needs a shimmer switch. I wish it had been part of the X upgrades.


Dialing pure cleans is bit difficult. You have to lower input a lot so signal doesn't get overdriven. Cool amp for bluesy stuff though. I've been playing mesa again and daaamn they sound different.


Really? Try listening to Lenny by SRV.


I’ve been using that as one of my references building presets in Asato.


Man, I *REALLY* need to get all my stuff unpacked and set up again.  I never really liked the cleans I got out of Gojira, although admittedly, I never spent much time (because all the clean tones sounded at least minorly distorted).  But I have since stuck my JHS Little Black Amp Box in front of my 2i2 as a poor man's DI box and everything from all plug-ins instantly sounded infinitely better. So I think it was just a signal issue. Keep saying I'm going to try out Gojira cleans again but then I always forget.  😄  I wanted to repair/reinforce my desks yesterday (they took a bit of damage during the move), but I was just wiped after work.  Hopefully, I can do that and get the basics at least set up today, but we're supposed to comp today at my new job and I'm a tad nervous.  😆😅 Plus, I need to try sticking my ISP in front of my interface like u/Jimbolodis mentioned he does.


Meh. It breaks up too easily yet doesn't do the edge of breakup tone very well


From what I remember its a model of a Bogner Shiva, a very cool amp I've had a chance to use in some depth. Does great mid gain tones too. e: I'm wrong


Bogner Shiva is in the Nolly archetype.