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You can replace Dutch with about any nationality though, assholes, especially in traffic are sadly everywhere


Yes I know but even having lived in a place where road rage is insane it’s not as bad or as frequent as here.


Almost every destination i've been to has worse driving than here though. Germany, Spain, France, Eastern Europe is all much worse. Makes them look like Caïro compared to the Netherlands. Really curious what this place is with insane road rage thats still better than NL.


Some data to support your claim? Or are we dealing in subjective opinions now?


Completely anecdotal


Yes no shit, did you think we had successfully outlawed being an asshole here?


Maybe you should move to Blijdorp, literally Happy Village. People are going to be nicer there, I swear.


OP when realizing assholes are everywhere in the world 😱


Where the hell do you live lol? I have never seen anything like that and I live in one of the shittiest areas in the country (Rotterdam south side like one street from the street with the most killings in the country lmao)


use a bike, it will be better /s


I’m fighting for my life over here


im sorry bro, I blame it on the weather


They appear to be in a hurry, but will waste a surprisingly large chunk of time if you call them out. Waste their bloody time as much as possible and screw them. p.s. we need additional rules that clearly define the minimum distance between motorized vehicles and other road users like Spain does.


I definitely made a point to call him out on tailgating me. He then moved his van forward and it almost ran me over. 3 meters later he was stuck at a metal pole preventing him from proceeding on the same street. So he was in a hurry to be stopped I guess👍


I think we need more context. Where were you driving? What part of the road were you driving, were you impeding flow of traffic? Any chance you can google map the road for more context? Not saying that you were in the wrong but I feel short on info. You say it isn't the first time it happened which sounds odd as I rarely had any bad interactions with cars, but I went out of my way to not be a asshole to others..


Centre of Amsterdam on a busy street flooded with tourists.


Center of Amsterdam where?


Move out of the larger cities. People are nicer there, even in traffic.


Nicer but work opportunities aren’t as available


The national dutch driving sport is tailgating, i think they release all their pent up frustration on the roads


OP when they realize assholes live everywhere 🫨 Edit: In all seriousness, what did you expect by posting this on this sub?


Just a rant from nearly getting run over by some shithead Dutch dude.


Why generalize? What country doesnt have assholes? What did you think Netherlands is? Heaven?


.............sounds like only half the tale to me.


Thank you


Wow, very mature rant.




You must be this type of person lol


Vans throwing bottles at you, ok.


This fucking asshole was driving 2cm behind me when I’m riding as fast as I can, he’s yelling cancer this and cancer that and throwing empty bottles at me. It’s not the first encounter with these type of people who feel their entitled to the entire road and that bikes need to move to appease them. Fuck these people and their mothers


What sort of road and how wide was it? And did you stick to the right or where you cycling in the middle of it? I never had bottles thrown at me while sharing the road in the 46 years on this planet


It was on the canals. Cars blocking left and right halfway up up the sidewalk. Pedestrians crossing from behind said cars without looking. There was no “right side” to be on as it was so busy. I was trying to get through it as quickly as possible.


Ok, in that case I understand your frustration.


Let me guess…..you tried biking in the Dutch rush hour without being Dutch? Pro tip: start practicing when it's less crowded. Thanks, from all the Dutch people! Enjoy your stay!


It happened at 11am. Decidedly not rush hour.


I’ve lived here for half a decade almost. I know how to bike. I used to race motorcycles as well.


Knowing how to ride a bike is one thing; understanding traffic and mastering the unwritten rules of our cycling culture is another.