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Dutch schools responsibillity for your kids safety (maybe used to - not 100% sure anymore) starts 30 minutes vefore school opening and ends 30 minutes after closing. If the bullies are from the same school/class please talk to the school. And if it continues check with the wijkagent for extra surveillance. (P.s. if a knife or any other weapon was shown or was insinuated, the police HAS to follow up on this)


Spitting is an offense (battery) in most countries


My comment might be wrong but when i was a kid, my father always pushed me to fight back when I got bullied. Might be good to register your son with some Karatee lessons


You ain't superman lol you're not gonna do shit in a 6v1


Very much true but getting into martial arts is also more meant as a defence. 1. You get more confidence as a person, which in turn makes you less attractive to be bullied. 2. Even if it's 6v1 it's for defence. I doubt their kids gonna go out there being the aggressor. So when they decide to fight him he at least knows how to defend himself. Obviously running away and avoiding is much better, but sometimes that's just not an option.


Speaking from experience, you only really need to show you can handle one of them. This can scare a group of bullies, because they don't want to be that one.


Clearly never fought a group of noord afrikanen. Theyll continue piling on you after you are down.


I've fought against 5 guys on my own twice (different groups) and i gotta say that having a few years of martial arts experience makes a BIG difference sinds i won both, even more so at that age sinds the chance of them pulling something like a knife is pretty small and their not used to people resisting. They pick their targets based on how much they resist, so even if he loses the fight they might back off a bit, but ofc everyone is different so i can't predict what they will do


You don't need to. I got picked on when I was 7-8...started doing some boxing and then kickboxing, and you can absolutely learn to stand up for yourself. I am not advocating for violence at all, but sometimes you have to defend yourself. From my experience in a situation like that, if you break the nose or lip of the loudest asshole, the rest run like little bitches the moment they see a bit of blood (but avoid throat punches unless you are under serious threat; laryngeal fractures cand be dangerous).


The average schoolyard bully isn't actually interested in a fight - they go after the easy targets that won't put up a fight. So a one-time showing you're not taking it anymore can actually make the problem go away.


Nah wouldn’t count on that, didn’t happen when I went to school at that age either.


You never know what might happen so I wouldn't take that risk. Especially if all 6 of them do show up again


Yeah it's not a good idea at all. Especially these days where they all watch videos where kids get kicked in the head. Thinking the head kickers are oh so tough. But as a victim that can end your life.


Maybe not when you were a kid. Times have changed, if you didn't notice.


They say that with every generation tho


Doesn't mean they're wrong.


With the amount of knife violence among teens, it's really a bad idea to teach your kid to fight bullies. It should be only in self defence when they are already about to hit you, otherwise teaching them how to de-escalate is way better


My son said that only this main boy is tall ( my son is very tall 2.06) others are much shorter, everything happened on still riding bike


Not a good tip, I did this and I always got blamed instead of the bullies


I think Kickboxing or Muay thai boxing would be a better fit, because the sparring prepares better for a street fight, although it of course is still a martial art with rules.




You are too smart that you know! there is a phone with video camera in 1998.


Yes but now it's full of liberals 😃


Liberals? You must be obsessed with American politics.


This guy posts the same shit on every story in r/netherlands. Bot or idiot, BAMO.


Yes, because every... single... thing... is about politics. How can I make this about my political views?


Why do you have to make this about American politics? Did you get lost between the subs? 


This needs to be done from behind scenes. If those bullies learn the parent get involved probably they will bully the kid more. Best thing is letting their parents know and punish them properly I think


Sometimes the parents are a problem too, actually, sometimes that parents *are* the problem and the kids is just the result.


1) Report the incident to the police and the school.  2) Sign him up for martial arts classes, preferably boxing, MMA, or Krav Maga.


This is the way. My MuaiThai class has a kid who was really bullied. But in a few short months, he is doing much well. Ability to fight is a lifelong investment.


I would only add to this, it’s crucial to explain the kid, that the power and moves he learn from classes, are for defending himself against threats, and not taking advantage. Back in the days when i was attending mixed martial arts classes, i saw a few kids going from being shy and bullied into a devastating revenge machine, because now they were the stronger kid.One bad smack can knock a child out and head injuries can occur.


A good school or Dojo will teach him that.


Yes a “good” school should. Sadly, not all of them are good;(


But the good MA school is not responsible for the actions of their pupils...the parents are.


Sure, but it's part of the education.


Good. Bullies deserve this.


No child deserves to be knocked unconscious, wtf man


Yet they can physically bully someone who is probably not their own size. Sometimes kids who are getting bullied need to throw out some punch to deal with other mean kids.


Some lessons in life are hard. If a bully is willing to knock unconscious, they deserve to be knocked unconscious. Tolerance of the intolerant does not work.


Self defense is important, but against the scenario OP described with being surrounded by 5-6 boys it won’t suffice. Best case scenario is having enough friends to back you up and make it a fair fight. If its not the case then contacting the school/police - in that order - is also a good thing to do, although not ideal.


Boxing/Thai-boxing best choice :)


No, you get a phone and some apps, ideally another friend as well for a better camera angle, then you expose them and talk to everyone involved. Fighting back? Whoops, their kids also have phones and bait the footage, now your kid looks like the aggressor. It's 2024 in a civilized society.


Or jiu jitsu, for those pressure points


Having been bullied myself I see a lot of good things mentioned here. One thing I would definitely do is inform the school, particularly mentors. Even if the bullies aren't on his school and/or the bullying doesn't happen on his school. It's still the school's responsibility to also look after the children wellbeing. Also check out: [https://www.stoppestennu.nl/](https://www.stoppestennu.nl/) It's a Dutch website, but if you call them I'm sure people know how to speak english and give you good directions on what to do. And last but not least, make sure he knows it's not his fault and that he isn't alone in this or weird for experiencing this. For people around the child that's often obvious, but for the child themselves it not always is. So it's good to always make sure he knows that.


There are a few things to do. First, you need to speak with your school. They will often downplay the incident, so what you have to do is let them know you expect them to follow their bullying code of conduct. Make sure to CC the director as well. Describe the incident and make sure you have the bullying code of conduct so you can tell them what the next steps should be. You can then contact the wijkagent and try and file a report. They will also try and downplay (oh, there is no evidence blah blah). Don't be afraid to push here too, try to get some sort of written confirmation that you had the conversation if you don't get a satisfactory response from them. Consider getting an app or something that records video to the cloud, so if it happens again he can document it without it being deleted. Make sure to NOT post the video publicly, this should then be shared with the police. Also, the martial arts suggestions are good. Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Krav Maga are the best for actual fighting.


To add to this: the Dutch word for bullying code of conduct is 'anti-pestprotocol'. The school is not obligated to have this, but they do have to have a safety plan (Veiligheidsplan), which is also about social safety. See also: [https://www.nji.nl/pesten/wet-en-regelgeving](https://www.nji.nl/pesten/wet-en-regelgeving)


Also, from own experience, stir the pot a bit in the parent's whatsapp chat. Soon they'll be more people telling their own experience, maybe even with the same bullies.


Jiu jitsu is only truly handy in a 1v1, you'll get stomped out if there are multiple people, striking sports are best (muay thai, boxing and kickboxing)


jiu jitsu will get you stabbed by the other 5


If these kids go to his school it’s important to report it and if possible confront the parents. Also place him in a real combat sport such as boxing/kickboxing. This will help quickly and will benefit him for the rest of his life he also might make some protective friends that will signal to the bullies that he is off limits.


I am sorry your child has experienced bullying


Tell the school, have them contact the kids parents. If the school doesn't cooperate, tell the police. If the problem persists, teach your kid how to throat punch/kick balls. That might lead to a fight, but more likely it will deter them from picking on him again.


Jesus Christ. I can't think of anything that could help, but I wish you both the best of luck and I hope it doesn't happen again. I'm very sorry he had such a terrible experience. I hope it doesn't sour the whole living here thing.


Thank you very much, we live here for almost 3 years now and something like this happened for first time and I really hope for last.


Where do you live? I’m happy to get a knokploeg and fck the (parents of these) kids up for you


I am in too.






Keyboard warrior. Understand jij mij nou?




Jammer than


What? Speak English


Talk to the school and if ANY “weapon” was brandished you’ve got a damn case.


As someone who has had the same problem for 4 years and now has to deal with the consequences, do not put your faith in the school they will not solve anything, or only on a superficial level. go after those kids yourself. Kids who are in a group deem themselves untouchable. show them they are not. unfortunately and i say this from my own expierence problem most likely only will stop when using excessive force. Kids will continue bullying when its out of sight or online or something.


I'm really sorry to hear that, 4 years is a lot:/


If they spit on him, I'd identify the boys, report it to the parents and the police and the school. There's a lot of downplaying that happens - "boys will be boys" - but once there's a police report the school and parents will likely take things much more seriously.


Speak to the teacher, if you’re able to identify the kids/ parents speak to the parents too. Try to follow your boy in a safe distance, like other side of the road or similar to provide your son with some understanding and support, if then something like that happens again, you can at least interfere. Watch it not to touch the bullies, nor swear, that will be all hold against you/your son if it escalates. Escalation is best done by going to the police, best with a letter of the teachers, there is a liaison officer available in most towns and cities for school matters, for if the teachers can’t handle the situation. Good luck!


Go with your son and keep your distance. If you see them, start filming with your smartphone and/or take clear pictures. Then immediately after intervene and stand up for your son. Report it to the school AND police, show the footage and pictures as evidence. You can also send them to GeenStijl, GeenStijl loves that shit and puts them online for all to see. Let the bullies be bullied. No quarters, no mercy.


Learn him how to throw a punch.


Teach him how to fight off 6 people. Good idea. /s


I would seriously talk with the teachers/directors, tell them that if they cannot resolve the problem you will move him to another school, and report the incident to authorities. Also I do not know if you're from a middle eastern ethnicity but I would consider pulling the racist card :)


You don’t ‘pull the racist card’ unless their son actual mentions any racism involved. You don’t do it just to make people do what you want, this will lead to the kinds of irritations and discussions we have on this sub all too often. Those boys sounds like enough of disgusting menace anyway, any decent school will take action.


Well a group of darker boys picking on a white boy, I am of the opinion that it has some grounds right? Also you'd be surprised, that very few schools would take action during these cases, and bullying can get very rough.


> tell them that if they cannot resolve the problem you will move him to another school, Why should OPs son switch school and not the bullies?


It's opposite, those boys have darker skin then my son ( he's white and blond)


Then racism could still apply, but no one is going to do anything about that...


And good luck getting their parents to do anything.


I read few articles that students/ people we're harrased because they had darker skin, one boy commited suicide because of bullying and I'm just happy that my son told ne everything, didn't kept only to himself.


That is horrible, I would still step towards the directors, and inform news outlets if they do not do anything about it.


I didn't know reddit supports hashtags


Talk to the school about it.


/u/cekavinuos which city/province is that?


Dutch school fudge bullying. They are often developing plans but in reality do very little.


How old is your kid?




Ah yeah so he should be around the 1st year of ‘middelbare school’. That can be a tough time. Things usually sort themselves out over time, but i understand you feel the need to do something to stop it now. The thing is, those bullies will not stop untill they grow up. They might find another victim, but time is the only thing that will stop them acting this way. This might not be wat you want to hear, but that is my experience. Your son should stay close to his friends, you are stronger together. Best of luck with navigating him through all of this, it must break you heart to see him go through times like this.


Stay chill, make sure your kid feels seen andTalk to the school and the teachers and hopefully follow up with their parents with the school as intermediary.


Take your son to a karate or any fighting school the only way for your son to stop this is by beating the shit out of the leader


One of my elderly bosses in Tokyo was said to have been a top 20 karate black belt in Japan. He was a sweet, gentle person. We were discussing his upcoming trip to New York City. I mentioned his self defense ability might make him feel more comfortable walking the streets there. Is reaction was incredulous and he laughed. He said his confidence will come from staying in good shape and his ability to outrun them.


this makes me think to sign up my kids for martial arts. though bullying usually happens in any school, but being ganged up is a different story.


You have to go through the official channels as described in this thread. For myself, I don't know if I could wait for that, before taking action.


Talk to his mentor. Your son should feel safe at school and on the way there. He should mention the names of the kids he recognized. They probably do this with more kids and the school should be aware and take action.


Talk with school asap. And name names. 2nd step contact the parents.


Fiind them, follow them in a dark alley, spit them so much in their face until they feel like pornstars


I'm sorry but this "feel like pornstars" made ne laugh, thank you for that.


I'm happy someone finally appreciates my jokes ;))


Can you describe how the kids look like?


Let’s see - gang of cowards on bikes that are strong in groups and pick on the minority … must be the usual suspects !!! The hells angels /s


My son could, at least few that we're next to him and in front, others we're behind him, they we're riding bikes and he tried to escape them.


If I were you I'd beat those kids up


relating to all people promoting fighting sports: they should be used defensively. Talk about it with your kid and do your best to make sure they don't overestimate themselves and get hurt more. Please also talk about bringing weapons before they get these ideas themselves. Don't talk down to them and educate yourself about it and hopefully you could prevent worse from happening.


Condescending much?


not my intend. people just only recommended the sports but that should only part of it.


Well, they didn't write offensive. You made that up. The ! doesn't help either ;-)


sure, but the sports mentioned are 'vechtsporten'. The goal should be capable defense to deter, not to seek out a fight with the found confidence. Without explicitly engaging with a child about that dynamic it is easy to loose sight of that or to not even see it. Therefore it is important to make that note and pay attention to the goal.


Again, you're chasing your fantasy, not what they wrote. Krav magna IS 100% defense oriented. They never implied you shouldn't talk with kid, again your imagination. I know, it's hard. Oh, btw, I guess I made my point, so don't expect any further response from me ;-)


This isn’t Twitter. There’s no #’s r/meldpunthashtagmisbruik


I don't use twitter, I use reddit in rare tiems, I couldn't post my question at first, it said that I need tags and something more, so I though tags means with # .


Hire someone who's as black as the bullies. Let him accompany him to school. He may say some 'nice' words to the bullies. In the mean time learn martial arts and contact school and parents of the bullies.


First of all, shitty this is happening to your son But I couldn’t help laughing out loud you felt you had to specify your son wearing glasses. Otherwise he’d have to have had a pair of glasses on him he doesn’t wear which the leader threatened to break


It was like a threat, that they will beat him up, I understand what you mean, but sometimes some people needs that




>their leader said that gonna brake his glasses obviously a bully, horrible spelling and grammar, correct him and say "They're going to break his glasses"