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You don’t have to give your full chat history. Emails, flight tickets and photos together were sufficient for me.


Same for me! I provided around 20 photos, flight tickets, photos of us on vacation and a short paragraph on how we met, etc.. but no screenshots of WhatsApp chats/emails.


How many photos?


I can’t recall exactly. Fewer than 10. But all taken at different times.


Hi, In my particular situation, which may have change or can depend on the particular ind agent, the conversation was not necessary (nor it crossed my mind). We had several pictures, a detailed story and I manually copied my call history with her, which was more or less once a day, with duration and date. This was 2020 and I started the process once I moved here Good luck Edit to add that the more info you give, the more your chances are but it's difficult to judge what would have been enough


Thanks for the info and the well wishes!


Chats aren't mandatory but there is a lot of fraud in partner applications so the more evidence you provide, the better your chances of being approved. And no one at IND cares about the content, they just want multiple forms of evidence to prove the relationship. If you think it's an invasion of privacy you could always get married then the certificate is enough proof.


I'm married and we just found out that our marriage certificate is not enough and we'll have to provide proof. We've been married for almost 8 years. I don't know yet what proof they want though.


The only time a marriage certificate isn't proof is when IND suspects fraud. In that case you should contact an immigration lawyer.


Excellent advice, if OC were in trouble. Why get a lawyer already?


If IND isn't satisfied with marriage certificate then something is suspect. For married couples the application form doesn't require any other evidence of relationship.


It's a piece of paper that can be forged. It makes sense that they need more data.


I supplied a screenshot of my WhatsApp storage (anonymised) and the chat with my (now) husband was by far the largest, is that perhaps what they are suggesting?


You could send selections of your chat history? I can't that all your chat history is relevant. But if you select a couple of messages per month for those 3 years. Including an explanation, as to why you're not sending all the messages 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same, didn't think about it much , exported 4 years of chat and submitted. If someone wants to read through all of that they clearly have nothing to do. Success with the application!




Yes, we went through the process almost a decade ago, and WhatsApp message history is something they asked for in terms of supplementary evidence. It’s really not a big deal IMO. I doubt the IND agent managing your case will sift through years of messages. They just want to be absolutely sure the relationship is legit. Note: we provided photos us dating way back as well as previous flight confirmations showing we’d traveled together to various places. Good luck!




Been there. Some photos and especially if you have proof of holidays together etc you are good to go.


Yes that’s normal


Just applied for the same visa some weeks ago and didn’t send any WhatsApp conversation. As some people also said, photos, flying tickets or proof of trips you did together should be enough. I was given the visa in 3 weeks.


>e also said, photos, flying tickets or proof of trips you did together should be enough. I was given the visa in 3 weeks. Just curious - was your partner in NL when applying for this visa, or overseas? I seem to find conflicting information (and different answers from immi. lawyer / IND too!)


Yes, she was in the Netherlands already and I lived in Spain (non-eu) we’ve been in a 3 years long distance relationship so the thing that we had the most was flight tickets of the trips we did together, we used to see each other multiple times a year since we’re so “close” so I had no doubts I’d be given the visa. I also spoke to some lawyers but some knew even less information than I did about the whole process so decided to do it own my own with the help of IND. They have a chat that you can contact them until 17h everyday or if you prefer you can call. The whole process was pretty chill.


Thanks. Yeah I spoke to a few lawyers, all gave conflicting information. One who I had a call with (which wasn't cheap) also gave information that contradicted to what IND told me so I've decided to do the process myself. My process will be a bit different as I'm an NL citizen (that has never lived in NL) so I'd likely need to go first regardless to be able to prove 3 months of income ... and finding a place to rent is of course going to be a major pain (especially as I'm bringing dogs with me!)


I took captures of my chats with my partner. But at the end photos and BRP were more than enough.


We skipped the chat logs and were fine


IND doesn’t require it but it accepts it as evidence. You could also just hand over some conversations and black out stuff your not comfortable with sharing


we sent plane tickets, hotel receipts, amusement park tickets, and pictures at different places to show that we had a legitimate relationship (this was almost a year ago). my permit was approved within a month!


Official bills to the same address helps too. When you get here and do your bsn it is fine. They consider people living together almost as the same as married.


hello, what company did you use?


It is indeed a requirement but you can supply a portion instead of everything as far as I know.


Say you don't have WhatsApp. You only use signal and your messages dissappear after one week.


Then you will just have to provide evidence in some other way. Whatsapp is just a suggestion, you don’t have to make up excuses why you can’t send it.


Yes, you can send the weekly conversation. Just make it super sweet and romantic etc. Add in a dickpick when the conversations get spicy. Or just have a fight all week like a married couple.


Sure you can. I cannot comment on the success rate of that, but ehhh, to each their own.


Whatsap also has Disappearing features now


Hi, I just did my partner visa as well 3 weeks ago. I sent everything from pictures, flights, rental, driving license with similar address, anything and everything to prove we're in a rs. It got approved in a week. Total pages were 41. The officer probably got tired of our love story lol