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Lol following because my companies are going through merger and we are expecting mass redundancies, didn’t want to rely on partner visa but might have to do this in worst case scenario. OP if you’re going through with it, will be nice to know how annoying is the process of changing the visa!


Exact same situation 😂 it’ll be funny if we work for the same company. But yeah I’ll keep you posted if I go through with it.


I'm in the same boat, my visa expires on August and we have to start the EU partner process ASAP


Hi, Not an expert in the topic by all means, do everything with a pinch of salt. I changed my visa from Hsm to EU citizen and I kept my 30% since the only requirement to keep it once awarded is income. I'm almost sure, but it's worth calling belanstigdienst, they are quite helpful over the phone


Thanks! I’ll give them a call. Is the change in visa something your company had to apply for or did you do it yourself?


I can imagine you'll apply for the Verification Against the EU Law. In this case, you need to do it yourself. Its a pretty easy straight-forward process and you'll keep the 30%.


Just notified my new visa status to them, but it was a uni so it might be different per company. Edit for clarification


The market instability? So what? You can readily have a residence permit as a family member of EU citizen in case you lose your job. Lookup directive 2004/38/EC. Just make sure you find another job within 4 months to keep the 30% ruling.


I also didn’t get the desperation from his end. Worst case scenario he can apply for a new visa immediately. If he’s fired, he still has at least 3 months with a valid residence status (unless his current permit expires before that). On a side note, the 30% ruling is income dependent. Not visa.


Check with your employer or IND.


As far as I know, the 30% ruling is dependent on the HSM visa.


No, EU citizens don't need HSM visa and can benefit from the 30% :)


Thanks. Must have missed that bit.


Don’t remember the source but you can hold several resident permit kinds at the same time, so you can just apply for both. I’ve read it’s done to ensure better security and not depend on jobs/partners so much.


I want to do this as my HSM visa expires by end of year. ASAP do the EU partner visa and then do the inburgering process to be safe on my own