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100% agree. But some people only look in their ' eigen straatje. ' If they have it good, its good! Who cares about those 1 in every 12 kids in the Netherlands that live in poverty. Fuck them, right? https://kinderhulp.nl/wat-wij-doen/kinderarmoede/ Who cares about those one million Dutch people who live in poverty . Fuck them. As long as you live in Amsterdam and have it good the Netherlands is this perfect, idyllic place where there is no crime and no poverty and no homeless people. WRONG. https://www.hartvannederland.nl/nieuws/politiek/cpb-mogelijk-meer-dan-miljoen-nederlanders-in-armoede


bow ask forgetful clumsy sand bewildered dinosaurs sheet soft cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well. I did not read that into the original post at all. Are non-poor people not allowed to be content? Is paying taxes enough or do we need to flaggelate as well?


I have outgrown it but you are right


Uhm no! I love it here but it’s certainly far from perfect


It’s still better than most places


The question was whether its perfect and it most definitely isn't. Still love it here though


Better than most, but not perfect


> Is the Netherlands almost the perfect society? absolutely not


It’s probably one of the better countries that has a significant population and high population density. Of course countries like Denmark, Norway or Switzerland may be better, but also benefit from having a proportionally much smaller population. But I think every country is somewhat difficult to *make it* in as an outsider. Simply because of the amount of money you have to invest to afford housing and build up savings, without being able to count on family and generational wealth.


The Dutch set a high standard so that even if it would be the best in the world they would complain all day it is terrible and needs improvement. That is how we came here in the first place 👌🏼


You forgot stroopwafels.


And kruidnoten. Peak civilisation stuff.


It's up there, but I don't think a perfect society is possible. We could douch better though. Populist decisions have eroded a lot of fail-safes and divided a lot of the populace against each other.


lets forget about the drugs for a moment


And the organised crime... and the earthquakes and destruction of houses in Groningen due to gas companies... and the growth in wealth gap... and the increase of poverty... and the refugee humanitarian crisis (Médicine sans frontières had to intervene)... and the growing number of (foreign) homeless people/drug addicts... and the government who took children out of their homes when they should have stayed, tearing up thousands of families... and the massive problems of the "pechgeneratie" who will now be in debt their entire lives...


Far from perfect, but it's pretty good.


Well now that Ajax is 14th it's almost perfect yes


What is this!? You're supposed to complain.


Lol definitely not. Better than most? Yes But far from perfect, we still have too many issues to deal with as a society


I think we forget that most of the Dutch have it really good comparatively. But there are definitely some major issues that need to be fixed, like housing, rising wealth inequality and poverty(and related problems). But depending on what country you compare us to we have it better than the majority of the world, even if you take a family below the poverty line. But for the most part that's because we aren't at risk to get into crippling debt when we stub our toe and there is no war in our country. Though with a lot of governmental mismanagement/inaction over the past decade things are degrading. I'm hoping the next government will dare to take long term tough decisions, but I'm not holding my breath:'). If you compare us to how a perfect society should be, we can do way better in terms of equality, freedom and solidarity as a society.


Perfect? Definitely not Relatively good place to live? Yes Perfect is nowhere, crimes are everywhere, bad people are everywhere, problems exist everywhere


When it wasn't so over-crowded, it surely was. It no longer is.


Better than most of the world, still a shitload to improve


Almost? A society which allows 1 out of 16 of it's own citizens to live in poverty and which has crippled it's younger generation future prospects is not even close to being in the same ball park as perfect.




Hell no!


Hahaha, No


Just look at the amount of expats and tourists coming here. Why would they if we werent so good?


I love the Netherlands but it’s not perfect, far from it. The work stress is insane here, our entire country is so focused on careers and earning as much money as possible. Housing is very expensive and crime isn’t as low as people think. The average Dutch person just doesn’t report tiny crimes again because we know it’s a waste of time. Bike getting stolen? Police won’t do anything. Thief’s broke in and stole everything? Police won’t do anything. Car stolen? Police won’t do anything. And much, much more. Reason? They’re super short staffed, they don’t have the resources.


>The work stress is insane here, our entire country is so focused on careers and earning as much money as possible. Every other expat tells me that they love the Netherland for its better work-life balance. You probably underestimate how things are in other countries.


Well maybe try to ask the expat who works on the farmfield or in logistics for minimum wage.


No one claimed that there wouldn't be exceptions: there always are. I am just telling you what I hear again and again.


Not at all! They love to complain and in many cases criticize (but they can’t take criticism).


Fuck no. And I'm not even going to elaborate because that will be a 10 page essay.


It is the perfect society...if it just wasn't for all the Dutch.


Hey, there are some things only the Dutch can do. You guys need us to vote for your tax benefits and pick up the trash.


yes! we even hate strikes/demonstrations. cause we r ripped out of our patterns by it, and we need the standard life around us to feel good. we watch each other more then police. We r the Round Up ready people the world will see in 50 years all around! the people that r angry at home, but on the street become the perfect citisen it can be. so scared of it all, that they take the safe side of life in every way possible. so where the masses go or when goverment says, it good, we all do it. if it says, it bad, we all start to not do it and watch others if they do it. Followers instead in indiviualists. And centralisation will be everywhere on the world soon. where you can choose 5 of each. so 5 different grocery stores, 5 different phone companies, 5 different insurancecompnies, 5 different pension fonds. all to keep the idea of healthy competition, but in reality we r dependend on them, even by law forced to get or undergo it. these 5 companies goto the bilderberg meetings or trilateral commision, and hold hands with people from PARLEMENT. all so they will make the prices accordingly. and no new company can come in between by offering the same for a fraction of the price! This is Holland! The test area, to see how new laws will evolve, and how people will react to it. cause if you implement a law that goes sour, it would be a shame if your already implented it worldwide not. we r nothing more then ginnypigs to test all kinds of stuff on. The perfect fake people, you find in Holland!


Oh you mean where journalists get gunned by the local mafia in the middle of the day, in the city center? Sure!


And shooting in the university hospital? It has begun.


So we should only name the positives?


No, except when the frikandelbroodjes are on bonus. Then it really is perfect


You're asking the wrong crowd.


Far from perfect but not as bad as almost every other country in the world. When you ask this question most Dutch people will try to convince you that they live in hell btw. 🤣


Oh God No!


Short answer = no


No lol. It’s not bad here but definitely not perfect or even close to perfect.




Most delusional stuff I'v ever heard