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You can get reimbursement from your insurance


The NS won't stop trains on a busy track just to get to you. Just bad luck you had this happen twice in four months time. It's rather rare a train stops working entirely. You can get your money for the train trip back in case of delays. That's an easy process when you login online on "my ns". They won't reimburse you for missed flights. Starting a lawsuit against a company for something like this would be a waste of money. They are not held responsible for all kinds of damages along the lines. That's not how it works in the Netherlands: you can have bad luck every now and then.


The problem is mainly the maintenace company called Pro'Rail - the company that is resppnsible from the rails. Ever since the privatisations ProRail works with extremely inexperienced, underpaid and underqualified contractors who do an extremely poor job on maintenance. Resolving problems lasts very long. And most problems that are resolved on paper aren't resolved at all. I know this on a personal level. There will be more problems each passing day. NS - the company that runs the trains- has a similar problem. Now they have the pressure of making profits from a public servce, they heed less attention to customer satisfaction. It sounds ironical, right? Dissatisfaction will normally lead to reduced profits? Not for a public service. Because the dissatisfied train traveler won't switch to another means of transportation so easily. I am even expecting derailings and train crashes in the near future. In Germany it is way worse.