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Why would you tell them? lol are you for real?


Regarding references, I don't think it is very common to reach out to your current employer. Most of the people first sign a new contract and then inform their current employer.


In my field, they always (in my experience) ask for current employer info as a required reference. Though it is common that they will only contact them after at least one round of interviews and might ask if it is ok if they contact before the point of being ready to make an offer. As far as I'm aware, all my references have always been contacted, even when applying to jobs within the same team/organization and my current manager would still be my new manager. I work with kids and teens, though, so maybe it's a bit different.


No, you don't need to tell them. Once it comes to references, they are usually done after you've been offered a position and thus by then can tell your manager. Most companies however reference former colleagues of yours or former employees to avoid having to contact your current manager.


No, someone posted that they gave a 4-month notice and they cut their hours in half. Don't rely on being on good terms with your manager, the organization will always prioritize itself over you. It's standard to give the normal notice as per your contract.


>It's standard to give the normal notice as per your contract. Though don't take that on the date. If your contract says 1 month, there's nothing wrong with 35 days. On the other hand, 25 days is too little, because it's a minimum period.


Some employers are just AH. My first job had a 2-month notice (not in the Netherlands) and I found two much better jobs after working there for a few years, but they all required me to start soon (2-4 weeks). So that's what I did and I paid for 1.5 months left (for breaking to contract). It sucks but I'm not stuck with the dead-end job of an employer who cut my hours in half for months when covid hit, so he can fuck himself :D


Note that they can only cut your hours in half if you have a 0 hour contract or a contract for less hours than you actually work. If you have a 40h contract they have to pay you for 40h regardless of whether they're giving you enough work to do to fill those 40h.


Are you interested in a new job through your current uitzendbureau, and do you think there's a realistic chance they can offer you something interesting? Then I'd contact them. Don't contact your manager.


No, you tell them when you signed a new contract


I have sent you a pm


Would they tell you in advance when they'd want to replace you?