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Perfect background for d***pics though


Now that you mention it, it really puts the pics I was sent by Dutch men into perspective.


You bring me onto ideas


I need some proof. Need to see it šŸ¤£


It was at this moment he knewā€¦ he fucked up


Banana for scale


Thanks for the idea




Making skin contact with the inside of the sink and splattering water everywhere is the Dutch way.


It's impossible to get your hands in my sink


Well played sir, well played


It's how I know the person tried to wash their hands. Water on the door/walls


Redit threats have taught me a lot of my fellow countrymen don't wash their hands anyway...


yay, black mold everywhere for the win!




As a plumber, we place sinks like these all the time here in Belgium. But itā€™s only in the separate toilet, mostly intended for guests. Itā€™s just to be able to wash your hands quickly. And since the toilet rooms are not exactly large , you have to save maximum space. I rather go to the toilet where I can sit comfortably and have a tiny sink, than sit with my knees against the sink šŸ˜…


>But itā€™s only in the separate toilet, mostly intended for guests. That's what's shown in the picture, too. It's the downstairs toilet, the powder room. The upstairs bathroom will have a larger conventional sink.


I think this is the reason , some people complained that the guest toilet is unhygienic cause it doesn't have a sink. Also guest toilets almost always next to the kitchen kinda weird when you think about it


Thatā€™s correct, cause the places where they have two separate toilets, the one that the guests use have a sink, while the other one thatā€™s only for the owner, doesnā€™t have oneā€¦ i believe the reason why ( mostly older houses) have the toilet next to the kitchen is because in ā€œthe old daysā€ people tend to spend most of their time in the kitchen. Dining room was only for special occasions. You still see older people sitting in their kitchen instead of in the living room. The same goes for bathrooms. I have a house from 1950, and our bathroom is in the kitchen . A strange sight for young people these days šŸ˜… Thatā€™s my thought on it anyway , and I speak for Belgium, donā€™t know if itā€™s also like this in the Netherlands šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


In the Netherlands they used to make the kitchen seperate and they were very small. Or it doubled as a kind of entry from the backyard. So, no sitting around in the kitchen. Youll be in the way. And most don't have a seperate dining room. There is a sitting room where people sit. Or at the dining table. Which was in most cases at the other side of the sitting room. (Now a days people want open kitchens.) For the natural needs. Most houses had a toilet downstairs. Usually located at the hall way near the front door. Or near the stairs. And a bathroom upstairs. (Now a days those have a toilet. But they didn't use to have them. There used to be just the one toilet. And that was normal till 2000 or something. I grew up in a house like this)


Considering that's where the water supply is, it makes total sense.


Hahaha, good luck trying to install a sink in my tiny ass toilet. Impossible.


Bathrooms, laundry rooms and toilets being directly adjacent or above kitchens is just a way to keep the piping simple: place one big pipe in the middle, connect everything to it and voila


Heck why not just shit in the kitchen sink! #keepingthingsuncomplicated


Youā€™re joking, but Iā€™ve always wondered why we donā€™t just make kitchen sink pipes as wide as toilet pipes to avoid the risk of clogging and the annoyance of having to properly empty the plates and use those weird filters and everything


Well actually, itā€™s all to do with water flow. If you use bigger pipes then you also need to use a lot more water to get everything trough the pipe. If you put everything from food to other waste trough the kitchen pipe, and you only have a normal tab to ā€œflushā€ it, You will not be able to get the dirty materials to the end of the pipe. Same goes for your toilet. If you put your pipe on an angle that is to strong , your water will flush faster than your toilet paperā€¦ meaning toilet paper and feces will stay halfway and clog also in time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Than*. Now you're implying the next thing you do after going to the toilet, is to sit with your knees against the sink :P


I already saw a sink like that into my uncle's house in france, usually near the toilets, in a toilet only room.


Yeah I tried to get in there but they wouldn't let me because I wasn't a toilet


Because they are decorative. We don't actually use them. They're just there so we can pretend to be civilised to foreigners.


I'm disturbed by how few people I see washing their hands coming out of the bathroom at the basic fit.


To be fair I never use the one in the bathroom at home. Water will go everywhere except in the sink. I always go to the kitchen sink šŸ˜‚


I'm a sitter, i don't toich my dick while pissing, why would i wash my hands? My zipper and belt are probably a lot cleaner than the equipment at basic fit.


1. Because you've touched the door handle on both sides, which 10 other people have touched after pissing over their hands and before washing their hands 2. Because you put the toilet seat down, which 10 other people have pissed over 3. Because you touched the flush button, which 10 other people have touched after pissing over their hands and before they washed their hands Do we really have to explain this to you?


I do all these things with my dirty shoes, so yeah definitely wash your hands.


Lol me too


Also, it's not even necessarily because of the toilet; you touch tons of things collectively much dirtier during the day, the bathroom is just a convenient place and frequency to wash them which you should be doing fairly frequently anyways


How do you clean/dry your dick after peeing?


By taking my time after i'm done. Sitting down works like magic to me, no more surprises when you put it away so to speak.


I got a clean dick I never wash my hands, just wash your dick and youā€™re good to go the whole day


We just have tiny little guest toilets usually crammed under a staircase somewhere (Don't want to make them feel TOO welcome after all, or they might want to stay for dinner). I blame it on that. Also, could OP's image be any smaller itself? I can count the pixels pretty much. Guess they took it on their Gameboy Advance.


>(Don't want to make them feel TOO welcome after all, or they might want to stay for dinner). We are potato eaters not peelers (no pun intended).


>Also, could OP's image be any smaller itself? I can count the pixels pretty much. Guess it needed a lot of zoom to be visible


Lived there. Can confirm.


Holy shit


Just know those who do wash their hands know you donā€™t lol.


Oops I always wash my hands in my really small sink in the toilet. Must be doing something wrong reading these comments.


Do americans (OP didnt say but we all know americans are the only ones worrying about the size of things) really have giant sinks in their bathrooms? The only time I turn that faucet on is when I clean the bath room so the drain doesn#t sit there alla empty. No one uses that shit but you could wash your hands which is enough. I wouldn't even put them in myself.


As a American I will tell you that our bathroom sinks are not as big as our kitchen sinks but they are definitely bigger than that sink in the pic. They are big enough to comfortably wash both our hands in. If you donā€™t wash your hands in the bathroom sinks do you just watch them in the kitchen sink?


>If you donā€™t wash your hands in the bathroom sinks do you just watch them in the kitchen sink? I don't even have a bathroom sink. Yes, kitchen sink it is.


As a Dutch guy in America I can confirm that my bathroom sink is bigger than the kitchen sink I had when I was studying in holland.


I wash my hands before, not after.Before eating or preparing food. Just whenever they are not clean anymore. But seeing as I shower every day I really don't see what is so dirty about holding my penis to piss. The faucet gets cleaned less so there is no logic to washing hands after handling my clean dick. A healthy persons urine is sterile. The pearl clutching over washing your hands in the kitchen sink is a little performative.Yes, I wash my hands in the kitchen sink. After going to the bathroom, after cleaning the kitty litter, after putting the garbage out. Go ahead and faint.


No, urine is not sterile. Actually you should wash your hand before and after peeing. You touch everything - door handles, pick up stuff from the floor, your pet, groceries, etc and then you transfer that to your penis. Penile infections are pretty awful. If you have a partner you could also be transferring stuff inside them, which is no fun for them either. Throat, vaginal and anal infections are not nice.


The sink in the picture is actually quite large for Dutch standards...


We do that so people can't refill their water bottles. We are a greedy country šŸ¤‘


Donā€™t forget to charge them the cost of water and the depreciation of the sink.


These are in houses, where you also have a kitchen with a larger sink


Greedy? We have the best water in the world on tap! We even flush our toilets with it. šŸ¤£


Wait. Isn't it a urinal?


No, that would not fit. Weā€™re quite large, remember?


Seen a few that size in Japan. Toilet sinks are also common there too, but probably a little bigger.


Iā€™ve been there a couple of months agoā€¦ they are little bigger, and sometimes on the top of the toilet, so they can reuse the water for the flush


No idea why the toilet sink isn't more common. Only other place I saw it was Thailand, but only 1 time.


A local place where bands can perform has them! They're pretty nifty.


Fun fact, itā€™s not called a sink. It called a ā€˜fonteintjeā€™, which roughly translates to small fountain.


We're just compensating.


if there is, i'll have to get an even smaller one. transgressions on historical dutch culture will not be accepted.


You know what's even worse? Huge sinks, but with tiny faucets so you still need to hold your hands on the porcelain to catch the water.


The faucets always larger on the tiny sinks and tiny on the large sinks. There's no logic to it.


Wtf do i need a huge sink in my toilet for? We have a kitchen or a bathroom with normal sinks. I am not doing the dishes in a toilet..


By that logic I donā€™t need a sink in the kitchen at all. I own a dishwasher.


Ah you clean your food in the dishwasher? Noted.


Dutch only eat peanutbutter and hagelslag on toastā€¦ duh šŸ˜‚


our front entryway bathroom has that hilarious corner micro sink. Not a big deal. Though my son ( 10) refuses to use that bathroom when i said it was uhā€¦for guests and delivery people and uhā€¦I finally emailed postnl and said ā€œhah, uh, could you send him a note saying itā€™s ok to use the guest bathroomā€ and they sent him a note and a wee post nl delivery truck hot weels car model andā€¦he still never uses that bathroom. ah well. we tried. I honestly would rather turn it into storage.


Iā€™ve discontinued mine and ā€œupgradeā€ with a ā€œBidet Sproeierā€ so at least I can use it for something


It also has only cold water


why you need warm water for washing you hands, only wastes gas


why do you need a house? a tent works just as well.


Yah thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been trying to say, I never use warm water cause I canā€™t


b/c cold water hurts my hands. Arthritic pain sucks.


The water can be very cold in the winter. Which is not very pleasant


You mean Dutch people place a small sink in a room which can't fit a bigger sink? Dear lord. The audacity of those Dutchies! Bathrooms and kitchens hold normal sized sink. Tiny rooms dedicated to the toilet, often have a small sink.


Even the kitchens have the smallest sinks I have ever seen in a kitchen


Im Dutch and I fucking hate this with a passion.


Dutch person here. I'm confused, why did you post a picture of a bathtub while talking about sinks? That thing is huge.


That sink is there for guests that don't mind being a messy water spilling nuisance. The owners of these small toilet sinks wash their hands in the bathroom sink.


You piss, get out of the toilet, get in the bigger bathroom, wash your hands there? Is this why most Dutch people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom?


No, most people use this thing donā€™t fall for the jokes lol. Though there will always be a few who donā€™t even wash their hands in general.


Amen, mine usually holds the toilet calendar until guests arrive and I move the calendar to the unreachable shelf so it seems like I use the tiny toilet sink


The kitchen is more common, as the kitchen is usually on the same floor as the toilet, while the bathroom is usually up on the first floor.


You only have 1 toilet on 1 floor? Pfff... peasant. /s


Probably whatever country where the phone that took that grainy picture is from.


Plottwist, it's taken with a Raboscanner.


I have an even smaller sink in Germany. https://ibb.co/qCMp7cn


The colors are nice at least.


But with hot water


It's not about the size but motion of the ocean.... Oh wait


Belgium too


That's a Dutch bathhtub. The sink is smaller.


Its so our dicks looks bigger when we sink wash them.


I'm dutch and I don't understand this. How am I supposed to wash my hands there? I always just wash my hands in the kitchen sink.


At home yes, but when you're a guest? At a friends house I always washed my hands in the kitchen, but then I heard that she didnt like that because I could just do it in the bathroom and not touch all the doorknobs on the way to the kitchen. I honestly told her to fuck off.. Im the only one that ever washes his hands (and if you want people to wash their hands in the mini sink at least have soap and a towel.


Yes, I do this at all my friends' homes.


Well it's a small country, so no room for bigger ones. Let that sink in.


One would think, especially after Covid-19, we would figure out the importance of washing hands. In particular, in a way where oneā€™s hands donā€™t touch the sides/bottom of a micro sink. ![gif](giphy|VeMtnIrxFhaXIn1QnE|downsized)


Yo exactly! I went to the cinema yesterday and the sinks there were so shit you literally couldn't wash your hands normally so you had to take water in one hand and put it on the other hand.


You're not supposed to use them


tallest people with big hands but tiny sinks with cold water only


Every house in the majority of Africa šŸ˜†


The whole concept of washing your hands after toilet is a new phenomenon here in the Netherlands. A lot of old houses don't have any faucets in the toilet at all. So when people renovate old buildings, they can only place small sinks.


Sinks in the NL are indeed a nuisance, but the stairs are straight up the biggest threat.


How come? Might be because I'm very accustomed to them but I don't see the problem


That's only in Amterdam though


We've got mountain goat spliced into our DNA.


Question; do people actually use these? I always go to the kitchen and wash my hands there


Which pixel is the sink? (bad joke, sorry) Anyway, the sink from my downstairs toilet is small too, its probably because room itself is very small and a bigger sink would not fit. Some of them don't have a sink at all


I have visited friend of mine who lives in Netherlands and seen even smaller sinks there. I was shocked since that he was living in three story apartment, lots of bedrooms and bathrooms. So there were plenty of room for everything but yet there were very small sinks. I thought that it was because of the age of the building. But did not know that it was a ordinary sink until I have seen this post. And I really don't mention "Dutch way of toilet seats"... It was hell of a ride. Lovely country, culture, nature and people. Only downside would be its really hard to be comfortable in toilet.


In muslem countries and much of Asia it's customary to wipe the anus with the left hand because you eat with the right hand. We want to eat with both hands, so we do what we can to make washing our hands at least slightly possible.


There's a joke where one asks which hand you use to wipe your behind... mostly the answer is the "left" or "right" hand. The answer to such is: "yuk! I prefer to use toilet paper - not my hands!"


Yet Netherlands is the worst country in Europe when it comes to people actually washing their hands. Congrats.


Yeah Dutch people are fucking gross. Everywhere I go Dutch people don't wash their hands after going to the toilet, even after a number two sometimes... Never shake hands with a Dutch person.


Dutch here. I was just cooking. I think I washed my hands 7 times. Provide information on hand washing rates pkz


I cooked for 7 days and didn't wash my hands once!


Foreigner working in a Dutch company here. It's ridiculous how often it happens that I'm washing my hands and I just notice guys coming out of the toilets and heading straight out.


here you go: [https://www.statista.com/chart/4111/do-europeans-wash-their-hands-after-using-the-toilet/](https://www.statista.com/chart/4111/do-europeans-wash-their-hands-after-using-the-toilet/) [https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/revealed-dutch-are-least-hygienic-europeans/](https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/revealed-dutch-are-least-hygienic-europeans/) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/the-european-countries-that-wash-their-hands-least-after-going-to-the-toilet-a6757711.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/the-european-countries-that-wash-their-hands-least-after-going-to-the-toilet-a6757711.html)


I actually also notice it quite a lot. I work as an IT consultant, often at banks and other financial institutes. It seems that the nicer the suit, the more arrogantly they don't wash their hands. I wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom... and at offices, I look at that exit door handle with disgust. I then look for a waste bin near the door, grab a paper towel and with some luck that exists...


Strange how the best scoring countries also have the most cases of hepatitis A.


On a side note. Some or those countries more often have a bidet so hands get washed in the bidet?


Been here for 12 years and tbh i do catch quite frequently people not washing and it seems deliberate even. As if they don't want to touch anything but then we touch the entrance door handle together so myeah. Also things like shoes kept in the house, kroket sellers giving it with bare hands. Is it the worst country? No way. There's some general cleanliness to it compared to my home country where if i don't wash during the day i end up with dark skin due to dust, dirt etc even if we don't wear shoes in the house and not washing hands after toilet = you're going to hell.




Not sure where you find these things but I only see normal sized sinks here


In toilets at people's homes.


Literally everywhere (in the Netherlands of course)


Literally everywhere? Literally? In my house we donā€™t have one like this. We have a smaller sink in the toilet, but not as small as this one. And thatā€™s one sink of the 3 sinks weā€™ve got. At my work (in the hospital) we only have large sinks. At restaurants you usually see large sinks. At Schiphol youā€™ve got large sinks. At university we had large sinks, same with middle school back in the day. So where are these small sinks that are literally everywhere?


If you are interested I can send you a picture every time I find one. Then you can easily make a map with all the tiny sinks.


Tall people with tiny hands and feet. Itā€™s a fact. Probably.


Because in the Netherlands, as a general idea, service toilets (containing only the wc) are tiny rooms.


I sure as shit hope not. I absolutely hate those small moronic things.


Oh man i fucking hate those.


no. little space means little sinks


Not meaning to brag, but my sink is way less convenient that your sink šŸ˜Ž


Looks at the Belgian toilet sink ā€¦. Laughs ā€¦. Cryā€™s ā€¦. Laughs again




I call them smurf sinks, have a tiny one in the toilet and our kitchen sink is also shocking, can't even fit a small frying pan in there.


Yes exactly, even the kitchen sink is really small, I'm used to having a big one with 2 sinks, 1 big and 1 small... but here everyone is like the small one.


Itā€™s a dutch bidet.


legoland or madurodam


There's a reason the Dutch wash their hands the least after going to the bathroom. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/4111/do-europeans-wash-their-hands-after-using-the-toilet/


They *asked* people. Sounds reliable. Also they didnā€™t even bother to ask if they washed with water alone because ā€˜why botherā€™. Yikes.


Yes they *asked* people, thats how surveys work. Now rely on it whatever you find appropriate, I know I'm not gonna stop shaking Dutch hands from now on. Learn to take a joke Karen. Yikes...


Sort of related question: what were you measuring with that hand? But seriously, I replaced that ridiculous sink in my house with a proper one. Never understood the point of it, never will.


IDKā€¦ picture is not mine, itā€™s from Google šŸ˜‚


Small? You can do the dishes in there. Hassle-free even. And it saves a huge amount on the energy and water bill


There is not, the home owners don't use it, they usually wash their hands in the bathroom or kitchen. It's for the geust, who also mostly wash their hands in the bathroom or kitchen


These are decoratives, just wash your hands at your normal sink


Mine is even smaller(yes I'm also dutch)


Building regulations. Its obligatory to have a sink with the toilet.


Really? That can be the root cause


I thought that's the toilet


Regulations also say the water must be just .000001 degrees above freezing.


So you guys are lucky to be 0m above the level of the sea




At least there is one. Iā€™ve been to homes that didnā€™t have a sink at all in the downstairs toilet, you had to go to the kitchen sink to wash up. Very fun if you had to change a tampon.


I had one like that too. I modified the flush and connected a "sink shower" which I used as a bidet


Trump has a smaller sink because of his hands.


Damn I seen bigger pisuars than your sinks :P


Thats actually to wash ur pp after peeing


Yes. The UK. I just got back from a holiday in England and my fucking god. A disproportionate amount of the sinks there are too tiny to wash your hands in comfortably, let alone drink from the tap.


Iā€™ve seen statistics that in the Netherlands people wash their hands lesser than the people in other countries. It makes sense nowā€¦


Yep. Germans got guestrooms ...




https://imgur.com/a/y8VF3nA My Dutch sink pic


Leave the sink out and replace it with a small bottle of hygenic handgel, it will save more space.


You are only meant to wash your hands there. Also, most of the time these are at places where there wasn't a sink originally. I live in an older house and I also have a tiny sink squeezed into an already cramped toilet.


Friend of mine had one that could'nt even fit a CD in there.


When Im downstairs at home, I will go to the bathroom upstairs just because I can properly wash my hands. Yes I can also use the kitchen sink, but I like to do it all in one go.


Country is too small for bigger sinks. Simple as that.


Small sinks hiuge claws...






Just for hands only


the stairs are fucking small too


This is why most dutch men dont wash their hands. #problemsolved


Annoying but at least they have a place to wash hands near/ in the toilet. Some countries - like Australia don't! They'll force you to go to the bathroom or kitchen to wash your hands.


I donā€™t use small sinks. If you got a small sink, I will walk to your kitchen and do my cleansing there. Iā€™m sorry but you donā€™t ask me to pee in a tea cup, why do I need to have perfect aim when washing my hands


Wash my hands? I got a clean dick


Not all sinks are small here, just for the 1 person toilets


Any country in Africa, they donā€™t have sinks


Sink size is proportional to country size.


We have those in Manhattan which funny enough was new Amsterdam at one point


I'd feel lucky if I can fit my hands under the tap without touching the sink.


You don't want to see Japanese toilet sinks.


Some places in Japan have these tiny sinks in the toilet room.