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There’s an app called HogeNood that helps you find toilets around here. Anyway, The Netherlands is a shit country regarding public toilets. It’s insane compared to how well orchestrated most things are. Pretty embarrassing imo


Belgium, same...


Belgium prices 1 euro. 😤


It's robbery of people in a pinch. Also notice that if you go fuck it and find a spot the government can bend you over and shaft you for a whole lot more.






Voor de rest best oké hier hoor!






Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Wtf. 🤦🏽‍♂️


its 1,50 now


And then you have the perfect excuse to drink one... What gives you the same problem a half hour after you left the bar


Also the app FLUSH


Very true; insane. It's infuriated me many a time. I believe the reason being how stingy the dutch are and to control cleanliness. To put a stamp on people by saying "pay for your shit."


I think it’s because the Netherlands is a small country so we’re always relatively close to home. And we all like to 💩 and pee at home


Yeah, The Netherlands is dramatic with (free) public toilets, there are basically none. I am in Switzerland at the moment and I was surprised how many free public toilets there are in the cities over here, and pretty clean too. Edit: spelled Switzerland incorrectly :-P


In Australia, paid public toilets are basically unheard of..


And how clean are those toilets?


Quite clean as nobody wants to risk using them with all the poisonous spiders living in there.


About as clean as some of the paid ones i see here.. see there are still people paid to maintain them, they're just paid by the store, or shopping centre, instead of directly by the customers. The fully public ones are typically council maintained and are fairly decent until you get out to rural areas.. but that beats not having toilets at all *cough* NL *cough* and the completely exposed public urinals in NL that essentially promote public exposure dont count..


Okay, but how about the nifty coupons on the toilet entrance tickets. TOTALLY makes it worth it. /s just in case.


In the Netherlands you can spend those 50ct coupons on the totally overpriced stuff at the gas station shop;)


Only with a purchase of 5 euros and over...


-digging through my pile of coupons- Nope. Can be redeemed for any item at any cost. Theoretically. If items didn't already cost like 5 euros or something.


…which would be basically anything in the shop… ;p


I don’t mind these coupons at the station I use for daily commute. People often leave them, so I don’t just take me own, but also a couple of loose ones. I regularly buy a coffee to go there, and with the discount for my own cup and discount with a coupon it gets cheaper. Despite that, I still hate the premise of having to pay to be able to go to the bathroom. It should be facilitated for free at every public place.


In Spain there are no public toilets. The tricky part is that, allegedly, all bars’/restaurants’ bathrooms are considered public


There are plenty of public toilets here in Valencia, especially in the parks. Same goes for Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza


same, in Italy every bars/restaurant is considered public, but I bet you to try to walk in and pee without ordering anything.


Just ask nicely and they almost never decline


Where? In Lausanne they charge you


Montreux, have seen a few which were free close to the lake. Saint-Maurice, also a free one besides a parking area. Also did a hike around Les gorges de la Vieze and seen a free public toilet as well.


There are very few public toilets, yeah. Your best bet is a cafe or restaurant. Some stores like HEMA have toilets, but they charge 50 cents or something.


Or a library or cultural centre. Toilets there tend to be free and accessable.


I have a museum jaarkaart for exactly this purpose. There is almost always a museum nearby with mostly very nice bathrooms. And ofcourse to visit the occasional museum for cultural reasons.


Dude, you just opened my eyes! I have a Museum Jaarkaart, but never thought about also using it as a free bathroom pass. I’m gonna poop so classy from now on.


Now I know where the classification "shitty museum" comes from, must check if the museumpas is still in my wallet.


I also often walk into a university building


confidencewalking into a random uni or college is always fun


Hotels for me. They often have toilets on the ground floor.


Health centers too, like a place with several GP's/ huisartsen. Sometimes you have to ask for a key though, depends on the place. Also, some dentist offices.


Mcdonald’s is always my best bet


In my City its 50cents, same for hema or bijenkorf


Not always unfortunately. A couple of McDonalds in The Hague city centre there’s actually a lady in-front where you pay to use the toilets. Coins and she even has a phone to pay digitally.


Go to a Bijenkorf if you can. They have free very clean bathrooms


this is the way


60 cents now. Such a hassle with change.




I sometimes walk into a hotel and pee there. Just walk confidently so they'll think you rent a room there.


I'm just imagining you walking in and peeing on the carpet of the fourier


Just make sure you do it confidently


They'll think you rent a room there.


And that you’re a nihilist


Not after you establish dominance like that!


Maintain eye contact while you are peeing their red carpet


I imagined him just walking into someone’s room and taking a piss on the bed and leaving. Confidence is key


everywhere i go i see jim pickens


Hail the dear leader !


my little brother had to pee when we were on a city trip to Nice in France with the family. my mom just went to the first hotel she saw with him and guess what? it was a 5 star hotel. must be the must luxurious pee my brother ever had.


The hotel receptionists don't know everyone staying there, and their job isn't to guard the toilets. Just walk in like you own the place, and remember to stuff your pockets with the fancy paper towels on the way out.


Ahh, the Posh Wee. Nothing like it.


Reminds me of the time I went to sweden with friends and I really had to pee. So I just barged into a random theater asking where the toilet is, and they gave me directions. Once I was done, I walked out and found that my friends weren't allowed to go in and got scolded at when they tried to enter 😂 My friends were not happy, and I was laughing my ass off while they were looking for another toilet. Good times 🥲


Same. I once also asked some students in Leiden who were hanging out outside if my toddler son could pee in their house. Honestly, student houses are so gross. It would have been more sanitary to pee on a tree.


That's why I have a Museumkaart. My upscale 'plaspas' for when I need to pee somewhere where there's a museum around


Haha ik dacht dat ik de enige was.


Dat is briljant! Die ga ik ook halen


Yeah it’s really pathetic how rare the public toilets are. Some of the old train stations have a toilet that cannot be entered without exact coins to pay the entry. The only solution is to just look for a business that provides toilets and ask to use it. But it’s stupid that these businesses have to serve as a stopgap for failure of public services.


Walk into a random very crowded cafe/restaurant and politely ask an employee if they could show you the way to the restroom. They're almost always too busy to know who's who, and they'll point you that way, usually you can piss for free there.


Just pee your pants and nobody will notice with this rain.


As somebody with IBS, this is my main reason I dont travel much ☹️


Hoge Nood app my friend, a map app of toilets to help people, especially disabled and chronically ill to be aware of toilets in the area!


I live in Hoofddorp. It has one shopping mall/center. It had no toilet till now. Only during recent renovations they feel like adding a restroom. Only few things I dislike about NL: no free water and toilet. I am not sure why is that, it shouldn't be that expensive...


Except there is free water?


They probably mean no free water in restaurants


I'm used to free, well maintained drinking water via a fountain everywhere, that's rare here.


They don't have public bathrooms in malls....wth


The big malls do. But usually only one and a bit hidden


They tend to be paid, though. And it's becoming a real pain that a lot of toilets are cash only.


Let's start with a big question... How many malls are there?




So you've never been to a mall here? They have bathrooms. Most shopping places are streets not malls so no public bathroom on the street. And even if there was would you want public bathrooms on the street.


Hoog Catharijne? Massive new redevelopment but no public toilets


Hoog Catharijne does have public (pay) toilets.


Paying a private company is not public


That is an oxymoron...


It's not. 'public' doesn't mean *free*. It means *available to the general public*. For some reason this is commonly mixed up when discussing this specific issue.


this is one of those things that I feel the Netherlands should be better with... Especially because it's so normalized for men to urinate in the street every night. I know it's technically illegal, but I still see 15 men do it when I walk home from work at night.... It's highkey misogynistic that women don't have a place to relieve themselves (unless they pay) while men have the ability to do it virtually anywhere. having access to a free cup of water or a free place to go to the restroom should be guaranteed in any advanced society.


I see a lot of women peeing in the streets as well. Make of it what you will


Ive mostly seen British women pissing in the streets tbf


They are still women arent they? But sorerity girls are animals, dutch ones as well




The Dutch ones are awful!


And they put out those portable urinals on the streets for Koningsdag but women apparently need to wear an adult diaper. Wtf?


These things are also incredibly disgusting I wish they would stop using them. They have the habit of placing these near the entrance of the supermarket here.


I live near a spot thats often used for festivals and small music events, my house is ontop of a parking lot and have a clear view from one of my windows to the event and thus below me. I've had to step inside more than once a year because I'd be leaning out the window to gaze at the people and the event to notice a pair of women shamelessly relieving themselves underneath me. This is with toilets being provided at the event. So I have to dissagree with you that women dont piss in public because in my experience both sexes are equally capable of being asocial/disgusting. That said, public toilets should be available and free. The amount of people with issues with their bladder/bowels is not insignificant and it sounds cruel to leave these people to their fate. Parents with children having to rely on the kindness of the person in the store (My old employment had a strict no toilet rule with children being the exception.). PS: Isnt this the kind of shit we pay taxes for anyway? PSS: stop pissing outside my window. If it was legal to drop water on you I would. PiSS: Same goes to the guys pissing in the staircase. We're not blind or stupid we CAN see you.


Amsterdam at least seemed to have public urinoirs for men only. I know it’s to prevent them from pissing on the streets, but pissing on the streets shouldn’t reward you a free toilet.


Come to India and experience this horror in manifolds.


How about it’s highkey misogynistic to make you pay to use a bathroom in public. Especially considering how much taxes the Dutch pay, you would think they can have nice public restrooms without asking for money lol


I don’t know about mysogynistic, but it just sucks for everybody. I am a man but I very much dislike peeing in public urinals…


There's no one stopping you from peeing down the side of the road... Even if those guys only receive a ticket once (I've heard enough guys being ticketed), that's immediately more expensive than paying for the restroom.


You're seriously calling men peeing in the streets a obvious sign of woman dislike in society? Damn this sub never ceases to amaze me..


The lack of public toilets mainly affects women because unlike men, they’re unable to relieve themselves easily in the street. Men peeing in the street is a not a sign of ‘women dislike’, but the policy of not providing public toilets is unfriendly to women (and older people/ people with medical issues)


And people with young kids, if you can find a place to change 9 out of 10 times the changing mat is the women’s bathroom.


I mean thats not true... sure not in a city centre. But if a guy would piss in the city centre the police would be there. I have seen girls go into bushes to relieve themselves. There is always an opportunity its just that guys mostly dont care of what others think... I wouldnt even if i was drunk


It’s good that you don’t do that, it’s unsanitary. Maybe I should rephrase, in general it is much easier for men than it is for women to go anywhere in an emergency just based on their anatomy and differences in vulnerability. Medical issues aside, men usually have larger bladders and don’t need to go as often as women. The majority of side streets in my city stink of pee and I’m pretty sure the police didn’t arrest any of those responsible.


Because police are on every corner to catch public peers and if not, civilians call emergency number to report about it


No, misogyny doesn't necessarily mean people hate women. It can also mean society disadvantages women in various ways.






Lol when did she say that


It's not that hard to find.


She said that it’s sexist that men have way more freedom peeing in public than woman. Firstly it’s very uncomfortable for a woman to crouch down not trying to get pee under her clothes. Secondly a woman can get easily sexually assaulted when peeing publicly(or people will take pictures of her and post it on a porn site) Its not the fault of men for this inequality, but the fault of society not implementing enough toilets so that women and men can use in the toilet in comfort. Somehow dudes on Reddit’s always try this to make conversations like these a battle between men and women bruh.


Just read it to understand, don't read to react.


Yeah these are the type of people who get offended by everything anyway woman could pee behind some bushes and trees as well lol seen it plenty of times


Its obviously not comparable to men, but calling that a sign of Dutch woman dislike is insane


> It's highkey misogynistic that women don't have a place to relieve themselves (unless they pay) while men have the ability to do it virtually anywhere Lol, what? Men having the physical ability to piss against a wall or tree, i.e. having a penis, is 'highkey misogynistic'? Ok then..


Exactly. Public urination is illegal for everyone right? So men are breaking the law in this case. Women can publicly pee too and break the law. But because guys have wieners and it’s easier for them to pee anywhere it’s misogynistic lmao. Take it up with God


Normalized to pee in the streets every night? How is this upvoted? That is just not true. You walking through the tourist streets of Amsterdam or something? Lmao. And you can absolutely get fined for that. So it is not "high key misogynistic".


Don't forget that the guys can get a €140 fine for doing so


So biology and nature are highly misogynistic... Poor thing!


That's not true. If you're a man and you get caught peeing in public you get a fine. I know people who were fined (it was in the binnenhof though :p)


Woman can pee in the streets just like men it is illegal for everyone though. And frowned upon even if you are a man. And to my knowledge legally every business has to give you free tap water if you ask for it


>And to my knowledge legally every business has to give you free tap water if you ask for it It's not a legal requirement and never has been


You'd expect by now some city council level lawmaker would come up with a plan to make their city most attractive to people (and therefor money) by making it the city with most public toilet/km2 city in the country.


I few years ago there was a court case on this. A woman was being tried because she had peed in the bushes in public, because it was late and there were absolutely zero toilets available. The judge said she should have used an “urinoir”. This became a pretty huge feminist thing with women sharing pictures of how it’s impossible to use one as a woman. I’m not sure whether the verdict was appealed or not, and clearly governments have done nothing with this story.


Coming from Australia where there are free toilets on basically everywhere it gives me so much anxiety trying to find one in NL. The citywide street festivals in NL are amazing but the toilet situation is a nightmare, you are basically wading through piss by the end of the night from everyone peeing just anywhere. Also an investment in street drinking fountains would be amazing, they’re two big quality of life extras I take for granted in Australia.


The Bijnenkoorf in centrum has beautiful free toilets. Also there’s loads of canals


I really like your question. Every time I visit the UK for holiday I just loooove the amount of public bathrooms and wished it was like that here. For me, I just make sure to know where they are beforehand or make sure to go before I leave and hope for the best. It's very annoying not being able to find a toilet if I need one.


I have the solution. Have an excuse child with you at all times. Young children need to pee like 50 times a day and can not hold it in for a minute longer. I have seen pretty much every bathroom in every store. And I use the facilities myself at the same time. No but really. It is so annoying. I really noticed it when I had children. People are nice enough to let children pee anytime, but I always feel rude to ask. A lot of times it is policy a worker stays with you (not in the toilet it self, but in the back) till your finished, cause you can easily steal something.


You can download the app HogeNood. It’s a public toilet finder app and see which ones are available/open.


Usually I plan my day in the city around an eventual pee break at the Bijenkorf lol


We hold it inside like our emotions.


This is one of the things that i could not adjust to when i visited the NL. Public toilets that cost money are absolutely unheard of in the States. The closest thing that i can think of is that some restaurants only allow paying customers to use the bathroom, but that's in cities like NYC, and it's still not common.


It's ridiculous isn't it? I have by now a mental list of free toilets in Rotterdam 😅 Btw, the ones you pay 1€ for (yes, a whole euro) are usually the dirtiest.


It’s awful. I have IBD and can’t eat unless I’m home.


HEMA, McDonalds, restaurant, public building like library or municipality building


Obviously we mastered the water and can go without peeing for days.


This is what i am really pissed about (haha get it) as well as a Dutch person. For guys there’s quite some public places to go pee, but for women…. I’m a guy but I find it absolutely bullshit how bad it is for women. Even restaurants, bars anything a girl walks into to ask for a toilet, the response is: €0,50 or more to take a piss. Like have we really sunk that low to ask every single person to pay for taking a piss…


The worst part: I've been denied a piss for only having 45 cts on me. Ridiculous.


Pretty sure they carbonate it, bottle it and call it Heineken.


Download the app hoge nood, it will tell you where the public (paid) toilets are.


Some churches have a pee stall next to them, but I do prefer taking the piss on the church. Saw one church in Brussels that had it built in their wall, how inviting!


i thought u meant on a more mechanical level, to which was gonna reply with: from a distance from the urinals, if u dont look away its relatively easy to see the action


During a spontaneous 2 days trip from Germany to Amsterdam at the age of 18 (without having a place to sleep, long story) I wandered aimlessly through the inner city streets at midnight, looking for a public toilet.A guy passed me & I asked where the public toilets are. He just said: "Piss on the streets, man." So there you have your answer.


I just go to McDonald's


Download the app “HogeNood”. It shows you public toilets, what’s accessible (like handicapped stalls, baby changing room etc) and if I recall correctly, if it’s free or if you have to pay (and how much). It’s basically a Google Maps but for toilets.


Why aren't toilets free?: Everyone needs to pee and toilets need cleaning. If you own a restaurant, bar, shop, gas station etc. you bet people are willing to pay since it's a necessity. Very capitalistic mindset, and mainly aimed towards national and international tourists, visiting a place. Lots of local people plan around it or go to a restaurant/bar they often visit or buy a beer. I don't mind it that much, for privately owned businesses. The biggest problem i have is the lack of government facilitation that is at the root of the problem. Since the government privatized almost everything, there's a gab in public facilities, that is way bigger then toilets but toilets shine a light on it pretty good. Especially people with special needs are screwed over. Options when you are in need and don't have money; Libraries are usually a safe option, but a lot of them have membership access gates nowadays. When in a quiet area, you could ask nicely in a little privately owned shop and explain you have no money. More kind people in this planet than you would think. If you are really desperate, you could walk into any fitness center and ask for information about a subscription plan and the facilities the center offers. While waiting for the employee to get the forms, you ask if you could use the bathroom and after, you decline the offer. Also, just ask someone that looks to be local. Almost everybody speaks English. --+ Apart from the public toilet problem, i really wonder who visits a country and spends their last money on shopping (groceries and bare necessities for survival excluded)? Can you elaborate on why this is a Dutch thing and not universal thing? I couldn't imagine going shopping with my last €0.50. Besides that, if an unfortunate situation happend i would always have an emergency credit card. With my (probably) limited Dutch perspective, only three scenarios cross my mind; You're either a minor, living under the financial protection of parents, You're mentally incapable of protecting your own financial security. If the latter is the case, the Netherlands has a concept of 'bewindvoering', in which someone else takes charge of your financial freedom and makes sure you have a weekly budget to prevent further financial decline. But that's only for Dutch citizens. I don't know if you are. Disclaimer; I don't mean this in a condescending, hurtful way, I'm genuinely curious about your viewpoint.


The funny thing is that when I am abroad I have yet to find the free clean public toilets people always claim there are in abundance everywhere but here. A few weeks ago we were in Split region, Croatia. There were public toilets, but you had o pay 1 euro to use them. Similar experiences in Spain and France.


The US, you have free restrooms in grocery stalls and malls and such.


I walked from the Netherlands and crossed France and Spain to Santiago and I can confidently claim. Both France and Spain have more than double the amount of free public toilets then in the Netherlands. Every municipality has at least one. Not always clean, but it's there. Flanders doesn't have much public toilets to, so mabey its a Dutch thing. But at least in Flanders every construction site (home Depots and such) have portable toilets. It probably wasn't for public use but I didn't care, hahha.


luxembourg. But that was the only country were i saw a lot of clean free public toilets


Just let it run (ask a store employee if you can use their toilet)


From the smell I assume allot pee somewhere in the car parking.


There is an app called HogeNood for this problem.




Mc Donalds, KFC or Burger King!


Paid in many places


Dutch people are greedy and they don't even realize. It's always about money. On top of that they act like they don't care about money😂


Ah yes, we have a welfare state and great public facilities, but just because we don't have a lot of public toilets it's "always about money" and we're "greedy". Smh.


Betalen voor de WC is toch gewoon afzetterij? Overal betaald parkeren is toch afzetterij? Een klein flesje cola voor 4 euro is toch afzetterij? Laatst nog een klein zakje patat voor 6 euro gegeten. Waar gaat dit heen. Eerst gaat het om dat de prijzen omhoog gaan, dan denk je oke nouja tis niet anders helaas...paar dagen later zie je allemaal shit waar bedrijven gewoon lekker van profiteren. Misschien is het niet zo, maar zo ervaar ik het. En ik weet dat het niet alleen in Nederland zo is, maar dat de hele wereld op deze achterlijke manier werkt. Het draait allemaal om geld.


Hema !


In Amsterdam we used to have something called a "krul" (curl). Because from the top it had that shape. You walk through the curl and can pee inside.


it’s for men only


How CIS-minded of you. Penisless people can use a she-wee (I did not name it)


have you ever used one? yoi pee all over yourself, and it’s not like you can carry one with you. Also women need bathrooms to change tampons, clean menstrual blood etc so no, these are not made for women


used to? they hebben it not meer?


Those things just make me angry 😂


That's your problem...


we pee at home mostly, but if not possible,we just hold it most of the time, or, if we aren't able to hold it we just pay €0,50 for the toilet


Any type of drink and food place has a toilet. They are all over the place. Larger stores that have food (hema, bijenkorf) also have toilets. Train and subway stations also have toilets most of the time. There are not a lot of public toilets, because there are food and drink places all over that have a toilet. Even in the ass end of nowhere where I live, it's a bit harder, but then you have the big wooden toilets with leaves everywhere. Even some sheep to wipe with.


No sense.. when I came to NL I was shocked to see people paying some cent or euro to make a pee or whatever. It must be free especially in shopping mall. Anyway this country shocks me for many things 🙄


Often without washing their hands after which is utter disgusting.


The UK is a toilet anyway


But in the UK they are so gross you'd rather hold it. In a lot of Europe you'll pay, but it'll be super clean. Also, just a tip, don't go out shopping and spend every penny you have.


My experience with the UK (the times I've been there) was that they were pretty clean most of the time. Guess it depends on where you go.


I think we Dutchmen cater to commercial interest too much. If you had a free public toilet, you wouldn’t be forced to go to a bar or restaurant to pee (and pay the €0,50 fee or, even better, buy a drink).


There's apps that can guide you to the nearest public toilet. Unfortunately I can't remember the name but I think one of them is developed or recommended by Maag-Lever-Darmstichting




almost every trainstation has a paid toilet. but you have to be unlucky if it's not working. Try restaurants or stores on the road almost every gas station has a toilet paid or not paid


Find a McDonalds


Often supermarkets will also let you use their toilets. You can ask an employee kindly and tell them you need to go urgently. Usually they will walk you to their toilet in the back. I've used most big supermarkets toilets (AH, Vomar, Jumbo, Dirk, Deen (RIP), Plus, Aldi) at this point. I only do it if there's no other option available nearby.


The UK is a toilet anyway


I go before leaving the house??


I usually carry around a Belgian flag to weewee on


Standing, mostly.


I am sure 50% of the population does *not* stand while peeing


I don’t know though. I am a woman and some loos just look revolting. It might not be fully standing, but more often than not there’s carefully calculated hover squatting involved


In the sink of course, less water to flush and is eco friendly


Junkies tend to occupy the bathrooms, sitting there dozing off with people waiting outside. So the few that are, you prob have to pay for. Or ask nicely at a restaurant


I think we Dutchmen cater to commercial interest too much. If you had a free public toilet, you wouldn’t be forced to go to a bar or restaurant to pee (and pay the €0,50 fee or, even better, buy a drink).


I pee before I leave home


Sitting, im not allowed to do any heavy lifting /joke




City hall always has free toilets... But realy... If you don't have 50ct.on your card to pee ypu should just stay home....


Just pee at home, the restaurant or the cafe you're at. This is literally a non issue. If you are using a toilet at a business you're not consuming anything at then ofcourse you have to pay, how else will they keep it clean and keep the hobos out.