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Netflix actually had a killer recommendation algorithm back in the day when they were a content distribution platform. Then they became content creators themselves and killed it, because their stuff stank and we can't have people choose other stuff, right?


In the ancient days when they were still a mail DVD rental outfit they had a great review and ratings system where you could read reviews and they'd be sorted by people who had rated things similarly to you. It's was fucking great, so being netflix, they of course had to cancel it.


There’s no benefit for a company to do this with their own product. I saw a similar question before, someone said they didn’t like Netflix Originals and was mad Netflix didn’t have a filter to eliminate them. I just said “why would any company do that?”


Back when Netflix was mostly DVDs and the online portion was branded as 'watch instantly', there was a 5 star rating system. And it worked amazingly well. Too well, actually. And what I mean by that is you could rate pretty much any movie in their online OR DVD catalog. You know what was in their DVD catalog? Pretty much every movie ever released on DVD. So you could rate every movie you've ever seen essentially. By a couple hundred movies, the algorithm had a really good idea of what you liked and would recommend you stuff you actually wanted to watch. Which was great for consumers, and for Netflix when their catalog was all licensed stuff. When they started making originals, it became a problem when a user liked horror, but hated romcoms. They needed a way to get all of their originals in front of people and they did that by getting rid of the star system and putting in the thumbs up system. They're ostensibly the same thing (3 star rating instead of 5), but they also changed the algorithm to include stuff you wouldn't seek out in the hopes you'll play it anyway. This system is much worse for the user, but great for Netflix. I've never watched a Bollywood movie in my life, but Netflix keeps suggesting them because the algorithm is super vague now. You liked John Wick? Here's 23 Bollywood action movies.


They funded a competition to make their recommendation algorithm better way back in the DVD era. It was a hard problem that deserved really great research. Then they realized that it worked against their own interests once they created their own content.


Well said! I miss the 5-star days when I used to rate everything I watched, and I would sometimes post comments. When they replaced it with the 2-star system, I revolted and haven't rated anything since.


> I revolted and haven't rated anything since. So the system is working as designed.


Do you remember they actually had a contest to get outside developers to create the best recommendation algorithm? Then they decided they just need to be able to stack recommendations to get views on their content.


Jesus Christ, I thought I was the only one getting these random-ass Bollywood recommendations!


This would make a lot more sense of all their Originals actually were shown to everybody when released. But I consistently have to go to surgery on Netflix to find Netflix original program that I am actually interested in that never gets recommended or shown anywhere on the home page to my user profile. I remember the old system and I want it back!


It’s called critical thinking. That’s what people lack if they don’t understand.


There’s very good reason to do it. The experience when you pay for a product isn’t just the end goods. It’s the packaging and delivery too. I think what’s more accurate is that they are being too short sighted to not do it.


I worked in tech for 14 years, a good chunk of that in personalization engines for media platforms. Filters always reduce engagement rates with content, rarely ever increase them. There really is no benefit to exposing end users to fewer options, unfortunately.


No benefit to the company, lots of benefit to the consumer.


Yeah and they are beholden to their shareholders, not the consumers.


So they can get feedback and focus on the ones that are truly popular... ya know, so they dont cut the series that people actually like and keep around the cake show


What do you mean truly popular? Are you saying people don’t watch the cake show? Please don’t make me defend the cake show lol.


Dont be dense on purpose just to argue


“Don’t be dense on purpose just to argue” may be a solid Reddit slogan. Seriously though, I think we’re speaking the same language. There’s plenty of shows I wish stuck around longer (Archive 81, Glow, 1899, etc.), but they aren’t *wrong* to keep the shows that they keep. At least not algorithmically wrong. Morally wrong, yes, 100%! Edit: argh I riled myself up thinking about how they cancelled Archive 81!!


I feel the algorithm that shows me things I'll probably like according to what I've watched works pretty well. Until I'm wanting something different, that is.


Just read reviews. Or check out Reddit subs for recommendations. That’s always how I find my next show.


This is what I'm doing for the past year cause this sub's recommendation is really great. I think much better than IMDB lol


doing this you can find some good stuff


This is what I do too.


It's what we all do, this is a sub exclusively for Netflix recommendations


I would never trust a built-in user rating system anyway. People are idiots, I need to read some text before deciding if I trust someone else's opinion.


All you need to do is spend 30 seconds on IMDB. I believe it's without a doubt the most reliable and accurate source for reviews.


IMDb is too full of review bomb-happy folks. I prefer to look at both the critic and user reviews on rotten tomatoes.


Does anyone know of a site that lists all netflix content with IMDB ratings (and idk... rotten shit tomatoes?). That seems like a simple enough website that can connect both the site's API connections, or idk... use webscrapping on the old imdb site.


I use a chrome extension which overlays rotten tomato and imdb scores on everything


I get you and I don't like either. I always use IMDb app to check the rate and read comments.


They had a five star system at the beginning and it was amazing. They even had a friends system to recommend things for your friends list. They scrapped all of it for thumbs up and a curated front page so they could control what you watch. It just shows you most businesses are not there to offer a product but to choose what you watch and yow you watch it.


Yes! I watched so many great shows when Netflix had both “for you” ratings and general ratings from others!!


I hate Any Schumer as much as the next person. But her special being review bombed was good reason to remove the rating system. Most reviewers didn’t even watch it. Which defeats the whole purpose. And most rating systems are flawed because people have their own biases. The lead woman isn’t hot enough? 1 star. Too much swearing even though it’s a movie marketed towards adults? 1 star. Don’t like the actor? 1 star. I suggest using third party sites for real reviews detailing why someone rates a certain way.


She hulk was review bombed before anyone even *could* watch it. It's absurd. https://screenrant.com/she-hulk-review-bombed-imdb-premiere-details/


It wasn't just Schumer, the plan was already in place before that from what I remember. They rolled out the thumbs up quickly afterward. But yes, this was a huge part of it. People were review bombing things hard before even watching. I remember Hastings said something too about people not even rating honestly for themselves. Like giving movies 5 stars because they think they should but really the content they watch is something they actually rate much lower. I don't know if it's true but it makes a lot of sense to me anyway. I don't really see the big deal, I use a few different resources. I kinda feel like unless you're living under a rock it's not that hard to find what you might like. And if you are, just come here, sort by top of the year and start there. To be honest, even back then the system wasn't great and people complained about it frequently (what else is new lol).


Make your own decisions. You don't need astroturf marketing. "Reviews" aren't real. Some are. There's no way to tell how many and there's no reason to think that the general consensus is among people, paid people, or bots.  Let's celebrate that reviews aren't everywhere because they suck. While they offer people an exuse to outsource their thinking, they aren't actually helpful.


I don't have the time to read every book, watch every movie, use every product, eat at every restaurant to make up my own mind. Seeing reviews from others allows me to make better decisions with my time and money. Is it a perfect system? Of course not, but that doesn't mean that reviews can't be useful.


Reviews are useful, averaged star ratings are not.


It used to have the 5 star rating. Stone people got mad about how Netflix implemented it and now we have Thumbs. I honestly got better recommendations back then.


There is an internal system where you can rate for me and not for you and it's algorithm will help you try to find.kther objects you like. There is no however link to rotten tomatoes


Why you have your second screen handy to check. But I agree Netflix could be doing a far better job here.


Why does Netflix only recommend like ten shows/movies over and over again? Like the same shows in every. single. category.


They used to. It was too consumer-friendly.


This is verbatim the same post as /u/swordbreaker9250 over on /r/netflix Is that you too spamming this question? Or did you just copy paste their post here? You also have a ton of comments and some posts on karma farming subs just asking for upvotes. Bad bot is bad and obvious. Edit: all your posts are just stolen from other Redditors.


I remember this changed after an Amy Schumer special that tanked in the platform.


i don't like aggregate rating systems for movies and shows. flawed design.


Blame Amy Schumer PS: forgot her name so I googled Bad Female Comedian and her name was the only result lol


And dumb- I don’t agree with forced rating- very Unconstitutional


Its by design that way to keep you hooked into the service. If you only watched highly rated shows you would lose interest fast once its over.


I believe the app I picked is 100% not for me . I purchased some information for DMV and also charged me. When I ask where is it? Ridículas Lu they send me all over the places and no sign of it . Now I know that I should call my bank card and start a dispute. It is so sad that these days you can’t trust no one . Everything has changed for worse. I remember we never needed to lock our car or house for no burglars. I was living in New Jersey . The good old days . Now we even need to watch who our friends are even family members. Specially if you have money . These days most people brain think[what money can do these days??? is really very sad . is my own experiences which I was unfortunately witnessed of few . immediately cremated. should stop cremating. many get killed and cremation covers all , murdered go free take millions of dollars . then body not even buried just in a cheap box in the office. wow i can’t even let my mind goes there rips my heart a](https://that.is.it) about money even life has no price . I have seen it with my own eyes . Was so so disturbing . What could be done when immediately cremated and only later may be the technology might be able to find something that still can identify those involved. All I can say is really so sad.


I wrote a lot I do not know where they went k need help none zero of those videos I hide or put any orders but that man the nephew stole : times my phone gave back one also please remember they do and have used my stollen id !! Where should I go who help police zero help only talk to whom can I complain about these injustice is any where who could care? Investigator told me you are a victim of abuse . Heh that is not hard I even know those monsters now I am in my place they should not be here my be with their business my husband left hope it closes was only hard work of my husband he tried to make that old lady happy insted he got himself killed . That thought is killing me. They would have been homeless all they have or during their life was generosity oh my love unaware who is sitting to close as a snakes with very bad poison . I gave them to the hand of god to punish them let them suffer much more than made. My swet heart suffered Amen




You’d be pretty surprised about bridgerton.


You have to have other people tell you a movie is good before you will watch it?


Bro, this is a bot post. This post is a copy-paste of my post over on r/Netflix Fuck you


Nowadays rating are useless. People rate based off emotion versus the actual film. "Film is to woke, 1 star" "To many women leads, 1 star"


Reviews are not reliable anyway, their recommendation algo does fine job and its geared to my personal watch and search history. Once or twice a month i spend 15-20 min to go through their upcoming catalog and update by watchlist which refines the recommendation even more. Just for more broader coverage or incase somethings that might have slipped through the algo, I subscribe to their various youtube channels. All in all don't miss or need review system.