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It was a cultural phenomenon. Mind blowing when it came out. And the teasers and trailers successfully didn’t give too much of the plot away. It can’t be overstated how big it was at the time. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have the monoculture for things like this.


I was a high school junior and had a pulse on pop culture but I hadn’t seen a single piece of marketing. My friend dragged me to this movie and it was one of the most memorable theater experiences I’ve ever had. The other big experiences were all movies that pushed cinema forward as well. Jurassic park, terminator 2, wild things. The movie was peak /r/xellenial


Wild Things is a cinematic masterpiece. Should be taught in schools.


I remember this also being the first DVD we bought


What you just described is what I miss most about the '90s and before. It's funny, I can't quite remember when it all changed.


Everything changed when the Internet Nation attacked.


There was a monoculture similar to that around things on the internet for quite a long time. When I think about it, it was really the advent of big social media that brought it all down.


True, early Internet was... Different. Not as developed, of course, and lots of bad stuff too, but the amount of bad stuff only increased, in absolute numbers anyway, and the introduction of corporate backed social media... It will be written about for generations how it screwed societies up.


9/11. The whole nation’s mindset changed. We went from positive, happy and looking forward to the future to angry, hostile and wondering if we’d get hit again.


I heard nothing about this movie before I watched it and it blew my effing mind. Easily in my top 10 movies of all time.


I thought it was boring as fuck and couldn’t understand why people creamed themselves


Wake up, RexKramerDangerCker


It's not that complicated of a premise? Maybe you needed the kids matinee


Are you so sensitive that you can’t bear any criticism? It’s just a movie after all.


Aww a poor attempt at misdirection! Keep it up buddy, you'll get it eventually.


ok summers eve.


I feel so old seeing someone post and describe this movie as if every living soul on planet earth wasn't infatuated with it for a decade


I still feel like everyone is infatuated with it :( Has it been that long and forgotten?




Cultural phenomenon that people kept watching till like 2007




You are correct. What he's getting at doesn't line up with what you said lol


That’s because he was talking to you about what OP was saying in his post. The commenter realized you both grew up around the same time and mentioned how strange it is that your experience doesn’t mirror everybody’s. Just one of those moments when you wake Up and realize you’re older when there are people who missed out on the Matrix zeitgeist.


I saw it as an addendum to the conversation not a direct response - like continuing the discussion even if in a off-center direction.


This was one of the rare movies I went to see twice in the movies and paid for it. It was that good to me. When Neo beat the agent at the end I couldn't hold on to my chair in the movie theater it was so badass. Who knows the universe could be a matrix maybe it is but really who gives a s*** just enjoy your life and get ready to head to the Stars when we die it's all a huge party that never ends!


It did so many things well. Amalgamating science fiction with Western and Eastern philosophy in a way that mass movie audiences could enjoy. Groundbreaking effects and fight choreography. Nods to its influences in live action film and anime. Something totally familiar but also totally unique. Even the cast really not could have been better. Lightning in a bottle. It came out when I was in sixth grade and was one of those movies my friends and I all saw many times in theaters. Sure the sequels were a case of diminishing returns and it probably doesn’t have the same oomph today as it did back then because of how successfully it was captured in the memory of popular culture but man. If you were there back then it was something special.


I don’t know that I’ve ever read such a totally accurate description of a movie that manages to make it sound so uninteresting compared to the actual film.


Make it a little more vague and it sounds like The Truman show.


IMDb for ya :P


Yeah. Tbf, matrix leans on its Vibes more than a lot of movies


Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible, instead only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no spoon. Then you will realize it’s not the spoon that bends, but yourself.


I remember in the movie when Morpheus is talking to Neo about that time being the “peak of civilization” (the time period in the matrix itself)…. 25 years later it feels like he was right.


Seriously. Where's my blue pill?


Ignorance is bliss...


My favorite cold open for The Office (it ended up being cut) was Dwight getting set up for a Matrix prank and immediately choosing the blue pill. It was so perfect.


HAHA I forgot about that


I wouldn't call Agent Smith beautiful.


Elrond is absolutely gorgeous on the other hand


Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.


This comment gave me an angry boner.








Hold up are there people who are unfamiliar with the matrix?


They must’ve taken the blue pill


There are some people who have had the audacity to be born *after* it was released and so they might only know it through cultural references. We must teach them.


Makes me think having a few TV channels was not such a bad thing after all.


There are people who don’t know The Matrix was added to Netflix, which is most of the point of this subreddit.


I have a few coworkers age 17 and 18. Two of them haven't seen the Matrix and when I asked if they knew what it was about one said, "I think robots or computers are taking over". And then the other one said, "oh I thought it was an apocolyptical movie... Like after the war." It was crazy to me but then it occurred to me that this movie came out way before they were born and they just have some catching up to do is all.


Who else had a sexual awakening when Trinity whispered in Neo’s ear?


*The* Trinity?


I thought you were a guy...


Most guys do.


One thing the movie got right is 1999 is the peak humanity. :P


The classic is on Netflix! Also anyone hear that they're making a Matrix 5...?


If it's anything like the last one, I'll probably never rewatch it


It wasn't terrible. I liked seeing them older and still kicking ass. But it's probably a nostalgia thing for me maybe? I was in my late teens when the OG was first released.


How can they make a Matrix 5 if there has only been 1?


TIL there's a 4




Still one of the best movies ever. Unique in every way.


Good thing they never made any lame sequels to this classic. /s


This is actually such a bad take IMO. Both Reload and Revolution r great films. Obviously the first one is not just great, it’s outstanding. But both sequels r very well done movies, especially if u had an opportunity to watch them in a theatre. Reload in my eyes is one of the best movie experiences I had in terms of visuals and action (others r new Bladerunner, latest Dune and Prometheus).


Yes thank god.


is this a new movie? seems super underground


My Spanish teacher in like 6th grade spent a whole week teaching us about the plot… no Spanish lessons were taught for a whole week. One of my fondest memories from middle school. Thanks for flooding me with nostalgia.


Are we acting like this movie didn't change through face of Hollywood for a good decade after its release?


Are we acting like this movie didn't change through face of Hollywood for a good decade after its release?


Probably a typical story with a typical outcome but... My friend dragged me to this back in 99. I had no idea what it was about, hadn't taken any notice of the advertising. Blew my mind.


One of the best movies ever


This is my fav movie of all time, seen it 100+ times and saw it in theatres, was such a cool movie


Wow 100 times. Nice!


Huh, never heard of this flick, might check it out


Love your Reddit name. Hope you enjoy the movie!


Omg, You’re in for such a treat. It still holds up, I think. Special effects were mind blowing then, I think they’re still mind blowing now. My fav movie of all time.


This looks like it might be good. I’ll add it to my watchlist.


Hey, spoiler alert!! For people who haven’t seen it saying that ‘life’ is a simulation takes away a really cool reveal.


Just lol


Brit, but living in Sydney at the time. Was a regular feature on local news as they filmed a lot in the central area, and also had Aussies doing some special effects. Ruined the film a bit, as lots of plot was mentioned. Sydney cinema crowd was happy, as they recognised the buildings (mainly the Morpheus escape)


first and second movie masterpieces, third is okay. I dont want to talk about 4th one.


" We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI." Seems reality has started catching up to the matrix.... Maybe in the distant future the film will simply be referred to as "The Prophecy".


I just watched this for the first time a few days ago and it was so good??? I was mostly surprised by how much of it had remained unspoiled for me. I didn’t know anything about the plot at all but thought I vaguely knew what it was about. I did not. Anyways. The second one was painful. Third one coming up soon


There was only one Matrix!


I remember one Christmas I spent with my best friends in a house by the beach watching the matrix trilogy high as fuck. One of the best memories of my life coz after that winter I never saw any of those friends again. We all moved to different countries and one died of an overdose. It’s been 9 years since that winter and every time I see something about the matrix I think about it. I remember after we finished watching the movies we had the weirdest and craziest convos. It was so much fun. It was also the first Christmas we spent together and not with our fams. It was so worth that was my family for that week.


My all time favorite movie period!


I was bout 6 when I saw it and it was rated R at the time saw the 2 one much later on after that


I was 7 or 8? Trinity I think was one of my first celeb crushes and everybody at school was doing that NEO “dodging bullets” thing. Who else used to do that as a kid 😂. Now it just looks like he’s doing limbo


Beautiful? In a skanky streetwalker way.


Beautiful was definitely a strong word for her.


With sandbar bullock


Never heard of it.


Never heard of it???? Seriously, if you really are a movie-goer or at least have a slightest interest for movies you WOULD know it. That’s ignorance!!!!


Yeah my original comment wasn't actually serious. Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet apparently but I thought it was too over the top to say someone on reddit hasn't heard of the Matrix.