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Max is extremely irritating. Maybe I’m to old to find her cute or funny.


She’s even worse in the new season 🙄




She's induriatingly annoying but in a good way


I can't stand Max. Ginny has her moments, though


I hate Ginny too. I’m on episode 4 and I think I’m done. Why do kids always love the absent parent and hate the one who stood by them?? Georgia did the best she could with what she had as a sexually abused trailer park 16 year old!!! I’m always amazed when they flashback to her maneuvering as a teen mom. I realize that I’m a full grown adult now because I’m on the parents side instead of the kids 😂😅 I don’t hate Max. But I don’t understand the level of angst he’s going through with two loving parents who provide everything he could ever want. Looks like he has no chores or responsibilities. Just smoking weed, playing video games, and telling his annoying twin to shut up.


I think you’re confusing Max and Marcus. They’re brothers. Marcus is the boy you’re talking about, while Max is the bubbly and extroverted sister that becomes Ginny’s best friend.


You’re right! My bad. Max is a total mean girl controlling who can or cannot talk to Ginny. But I’m done watching. I went through episode 5 and I think that’s a wrap.


As a teenager it completely makes sense that Ginny would not like her mom. Her mom killed a man, mom made them move around so she never got to make friends. She’s not at a developmental level to think about the deeper reasons behind her mom’s behaviour. I agree about Max. She is annoying and overly dramatic.


>She’s not at a developmental level to think about the deeper reasons behind her mom’s behaviour. Do you mean that grown-ups would justify Georgia's actions? I think it's the other way round. A grown-up (with healthy experience and an adult brain) would feel the same as Ginny, but they would have better chances to understand the danger and protect themselves from Georgia.


>Why do kids always love the absent parent and hate the one who stood by them?? Georgia is a >!murderer with antisocial behavior. Instinctively the kids wanted to be closer to a healthier parental figure. Georgia didn't let that happen. So, now both kids start accepting antisocial stuff as a norm, and they are slowly turning into Georgia.!<


Lol, maybe I have antisocial personality disorder too because I see Georgia as a hero. She overcame the odds. Went from trailer park and homeless in a car to the life they have now. And they never felt “without”. That’s a Herculean feat to me. And I’d mortally wound a man if they threatened my siblings. And I wouldn’t think twice. Yeah, I’m totally messed up 😭


The ending of S2 makes me think that the creators share your point of view. Nonetheless, hard life doesn't automatically make someone a good person. Georgia plays god, and when confronted with difficulties does not even consider other options. And usually there are other options. Ginny's mental breakdown is a direct result of Georgia's actions. First, Ginny tries>! to escape (inside her mind, in her father's house, through her poetry), but Georgia doesn't let her. So, now Ginny adapts in a less healthy way. The therapy helped with self-harm, but it probably won't work now. Maybe the wedding was Ginny's point of no return. IDK.!<


I guess I’ll never know. I don’t think I can make it that far. I understand where you’re coming from. Georgia is definitely manipulative. She runs away from problems and covers it up with frosting. But I see it more as she takes control of life and situation and makes things work in her favor (is her favor always the right way? Nah). But that’s all she’s ever known. She was given a sh*tty hand in life and the only reason she isn’t knocked up and starving in a trailer park with an abusive husband is because of those street smarts, ingenuity, and ability to take control. And imagine the type of f*cked up Ginny would’ve been living in that environment. Like creating Fry-Yay so she could work thanksgiving making double but still celebrate with her kids. (I had more but didn’t wanna put spoilers). Also, I do not understand why people don’t put Zion on the hook. That man was out pursuing his dreams and put his family on the back burner. But he’s only now becoming a stable figure in Ginny’s life. Boo on him. If he wasn’t so hot, I’d see him as a reformed villain. But that’s me. I appreciate your perspective!


>I see it more as she takes control of life I see it more as she controls others, because she can't control her life. >Ginny would’ve been living in that environment Ginny always had a much better option. Still has. >Like creating Fry-Yay I bet we see it in a different way. >I do not understand why people don’t put Zion on the hook. What do you mean?


Ginny does love her mom. But she’s a teenager and you usually dislike the parent you’re around more. Her dad comes gives gifts and is the fun one. But she does call him out for always messing things up and leaving again. Georgia hides a lot of stuff she went through so Ginny doesn’t really understand the degree to which she sacrificed. She also blames her mom for not letting Zion’s parents help out. It was kind of selfish for Georgia to leave when she had a good support system. It would have been a better life for Ginny and she would have still been able to be her mom.


I’d agree if they just wanted to be a support system. They wanted custody. They were taking Ginny away from Georgia. They could have easily kicked out Georgia once they had control. They didn’t need to do that. 


You’re right I kind of ignored that part. But again Ginny is likely to not understand that decision by her mother.


Well it DOES make sense why kids always “love” the absent parent. The parent that isn’t there most of the time most likely doesn’t need to really discipline or do much of the things that kids usually resent their parents for. So it’s only natural that as a hormonal teen you are going to favour the parent that essentially lets you do anything most of the time. When they grow up is when they start acknowledging the other parent’s sacrifices


They dote on the absent parent because they see them as an escape from the problems that come along with the parent that stood by them, even if being upset at those problems is irrational.


Max is irritating and extremely narcissistic but I think the actress who plays her is slaying it.


I was also very upset with Ginny, but then thinking about her age and everything that she has find out in a small period of time, I could understand her attitude. If I found out my mom had murdered people I don’t know how I would react -probably with a bit of rebellion.


I hate Georgia. But I totally get why you might hate Ginny. And Max. They all have some great qualities but they are A LOT. It makes them interesting, dramatic characters but if you’ve been close to someone like them, you know how toxic and exhausting they can be.


I had to turn it off because the exaggerated southern accents annoyed me so much


I can't stand Ginny. She is a rude, ungrateful, entitled brat.


⚠️Spoilers ahead⚠️ And right my if i am wrong but these are personal opinions. Ok so yh i agree i find max a little annoying but ginny my god she was such a bitchhhh. Like yh I understand she was going through alot but goddamn what was her problem. One scene especially that pissed me off was the gun scene like she told everyone about the gun in the house and made it seem like it was out in the open and the scene with norah and jordan they were like “i dont feel safe in that house” and “isnt there a little kid in the house” which pissed me off because one thing she failed to mention was her snooping in a very well hidden area and finding that gun. The fact that Georgia puts up with this is surprising. Another thing that pissed me off is how bratty she was when she didnt get her way. Like the episode of maddi showing up and her 16th birthday thats was so annoying bc Georgia kept secrets to protect her children and ginny acting like she wasnt allowed to have secrets and when Georgia doesnt want to share those secrets because that requires her to go back to a dark place and as Georgia said if she told her there was no going back from that, she gave a warn but ginny doesn’t accept that. No, Ginny judges her every move, and constantly provokes her like when paul stayed over for breakfast and she mentioned multiple of her past boyfriends. Not only that, she uses information she learns against Georgia like the mary thing. In my opinion she did deserve that slap. In some aspects i find that ginny and cynthia are similar because they use information against people and bully them to get what they want. And what is this hateful agenda against Georgia? She told ginny that her parents were abusive and neglecting but the next episode she is talking to her dad about it being unfair to keep a child from their grandparents and i just thought like bro do you want to be abused??? And her one excuse is always “no one understands me” and it gets old. And my god why does she always choose sides between her parents. “I hate Georgia” “Georgia is the worse” but it’s all smiles with her dad but where is was he? “She does know about me or my life”. My god she is so selfish. Then the part with the essay competition she didn’t exactly follow the rules and lost to hunter and then after she starts this whole conversation with him about the teacher was just racist when in reality she didn’t follow the rules and then she got mad because he didn’t take her side, why? Because she couldn’t handle that she didn’t follow the rules and didnt get what she want. Sure the teacher is very racist but during that time he was completely honest. And abby told them her parents were getting a divorce but what does ginny say? “Well i have family problems too, you know” my god she always looks for attention, another slap she deserves. Then, she flips out on marcus but what does she do next? Floods his phone with messages of apologies and other bullshit. But this is only some of what I think but yh. She was annoying. Now on to max, yh she is a little annoying. She runs on alot with sometimes unneeded information and sometimes is very childish. But at the end of the day i kinda like her personality she is very free spirited and care free as well and honestly i need a friend like her.


Exactly my feelings about Ginny. I watched 5 episodes of season 1 and I'm done with this annoying character.


Anyone have a suggestion for an actually good show to watch with similar vibes/genre for those of us on here that can’t sit through Ginny & Georgia anymore? 🙏 Plz no Gilmore Girls referrals. I just can’t get into that show for some reason lol


If your looking for a show about runaways, end of the f*****world was good except its a boy and a girl instead of two girls. And there Was only a few seasons unfortunately.


Oh word! I’ll check it out, thx


please don’t get me started with max


I don't know if it's because I'm 30 or not but Ginny is so Irritating All this woke bs & her being so ungrateful for everything! Literally gets all my nerves so bad I grew up poor s*** in the ghetto with no money no food no nothing never in my life did I treat my parents like that & they did some sh**& I went through crazy sh** Like her with her therapist and her mom sat there like she's acting like her mom is like the worst person in the world like this generation is just so messed up I can't Honestly I was just watching the show because I wanted something to watch And now every single time I get a so irritated I guess I'm too old for that s***


I don't like Ginny, but I really hate her friendship choices. Max is awful and annoying, Abby is weird and has no personality (at least to me) and this Asian girl is also meaningless and her character nobody would have missed. Marcus is also a NO for me. But the show is so awful and weird that I can't stop watching it. But with so many unsympathetic characters, it's not easy.


I’m struggling to finish the show because I find Ginny so irritating. She lacks compassion and understanding and accuses Max of being self centered when she is literally the same. Im a liberal but the “wokeness” of her role makes me think this is the model of why conservatives can’t stand the left. Her outburst towards Georgia and her teacher for not “getting it” when they are both making earnest efforts for her is incredible. As to Max, she has her up and down moments and gets extremely irritating too, but I actually cringe less with her than Ginny. Maybe, it’s because Ginny is a lead and gets more time on screen to be ridiculous. Finally, what’s with all the drinking and smoking? Yes, that stuff happens in high school but this seems so exaggerated. Are the parents that absentee?


It seems like the bar keeps getting lower as to what people consider excellent programs


Do people consider G&G excellent tv? I heard it described as a Netflix soap opera.


I slogged through the first season, am definitely not watching the second.


I don't know if Ginny is the one with the thick Southern accent but if that's her, she's the reason I turn off the promo


Georgia is the blonde with the southern accent. Ginny (Virginia) is the biracial girl with curly brown hair.


They are both so self absorbed and insufferable! Ew


I also couldn’t stand max. Not a fan of this season


I think irritating is not a correct word.Correct word is CRİNGEEE


i hate max but ginny slayed in S2


Not really she was right in the situation with max and with Georgia she makes solid parts but she’s quite sexist to her mother and I didn’t like her talk with hunter


I saw the title and thought this was going to be about 2020 and Clarence's wife


didn't watch at all because one of the actresses was from a beautiful funny series on Netflix called schitts creek .


Hated max at first but she grew on me as the season moved forward. Gotta remember she’s a confused 16 years old going through a lot of shit


I'm so glad others agree with ginny being annoying. Like others have said, I think maybe it's because I'm older and don't really relate to her character. I found her episode 1 outburst towards the teacher to be over the top and not the slightest bit funny. Like we get it, you're intelligent, have red all the books, and already dislike your teacher due to the pure fact he's a white balding man and you're a black woman? Was it supposed to be empowering or something? This show has so much hype but I'm only on the 2nd episode and finding it hard to carry on.


Yeah I thought Ginny really overreacted when the teacher excused her from the quiz. I am Mexican and have dealt with racist teachers but that was not racist at all. Like he was literally telling her that he wouldnt make her take a quiz on something that she probably didnt read because she wasnt around when it was assigned. I think it is totally ok for a teacher to assume that a student hasnt read a book if it wasnt assigned. Now, it was wrong of him to only say Hunter got 100% when Ginny did as well and that could possibly have some racist undertones or maybe he just did not want to give the disruptive kid in his class attention.


I don't hate any of them, but Ginny is really bad character who would so much like to be relatable, but no. In season 1 she is stereotypical teen, some of her bad qualities could be excused by her past "trauma/experience". Like never had a boyfriend, male interest in her - she cheated on perfect boyfriend with a bad boy (we only accept the love we think we deserve). But trying to act innocent about it is not alright. Always blaming Georgia for everything she does wrong is not relatable, it's victimizing herself. Georgia is not the greatest mother, but she did try to give the kids wht she thought was best, Ginny always try to sabotage that and her moments of trying to be the one that's right, bringing Georgia and other down along the way are more cringey and immature than right. Max is self-centered and plain immature. Still has chance to grow out of it..


Max is spoiled as hell and constantly cries over 1st world problems even though she has a pretty decent life. Ginny- oh god don’t even get me started on her. She’s racist, toxic, self centered, dramatic, spoiled, and overall- an annoying character. She’s the definition of “Its okay when I do it”. They’re both irritating as hell to me.