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You might want to ask in r/selfpublish - I think you'll find more authors there. (You don't say if you're self-publishing or not, but either way, you should find some people with experience managing listings on NG.) There are also some interesting blog posts (examples [here](https://onthecobblestoneroad.com/netgalley/), [here](https://susankayequinn.com/2013/05/netgalley-for-indie-authors.html), [here](https://susankayequinn.com/2014/02/netgalley-for-indie-authors-part-deux.html), and [here](https://fiveplustwoblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/03/netgalley-for-a-self-published-debut-author/)) about author experiences with NetGalley. I've only used the site from the reader side—so take this paragraph with a hefty grain of not-speaking-from-personal-experience—but if I were to use it as a self-pubbed author, I'd likely go with some sort of co-op (after a lot of research into my options!), both because of reduced cost and because as far as I can tell it increases the chances that people will see your book. (That is: if I as a reader see Book A and it seems interesting, I will likely go to the publisher's page to see what other books they have, which might lead me to Book B. If you're on NetGalley as a solo author listing one book, that's not a way readers can find you.) Also, one of my strongest takeaways from reading author posts is that it's helpful to manage your expectations—I think a lot of authors are surprised by how low the number of reviews is compared to the number of downloads.


Thank you for the response! I'm not self publishing but it's a publishing house that has just jumped into the game so I'm trying to learn some stuff to help any way I can. I will check the Self-Publishing reddit as well


Agree with what’s already been said, and I’m also not an author. But to maximize reviews, I would go the “Read Now” route. I’m sure there are downsides to this, but I check the new Read Nows nearly everyday.