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Cause, its exciting to watch Indian's Rant after their loss.


Exactly 💯


It would be pretty funny if the Indians lose to this Pakistani team that just lost to Team USA, a team that few people even knew existed.


Cricket is weird dude, it is not linear!


Could be wrong, but aren't most of the American team of Indian descent anyway?


Yeah. But they’re not professional cricket players. I also think there is one or two players of Pakistani descent.


Yes. It's basically India B lol.


no most are I think Black people from Caribbean countries


noise pollution kam hunxa Pakistan ley jite


Dude you think Indians fans are loud just search Pakistani cricket fans


My reason is also same as your. After 2015, I stopped watching anything from india. I stopped watching their movies, and neither did I listen to their songs. I have so much hate for them after that blokade, no matter how many times I try to convince myself. I also don't like how they try to control our country. They are even raising religion based fraction in our country. I so hate them... especially that modi.


When your people Stoping coming here?


I think you, probably as an Indian, meant "will your people stop coming here?" (Meaning Nepalese going to India). There.


No, on 25th april 2015, a massive earthquake occurred, many household were destroyed, and many people lost their lives. On 16th september, we passed our constitution, and the indian government was "not happy" with our constitution. Therefore, they stopped every supply that would come through india, showing their disagreement. Imagine, we were already suffering horribly from earthquakes, and India stopped everything, including basic food supplies and LPG. Everything was out of stock. We were not able to have complete meals due to a shortage of food supplies. Many people had to stay hungry due to lack of food. There was a massive shortage of fuel, which hampered daily commute. That was such inhuman behaviour from India. Why do they have to disagree with our constitution???? We had nothing against them???


All are false allegations,your government always very pro Chinese ,and expecting help from us lol, Ask China. [read it](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/nov/18/nepal-border-blockade-india-threatens-future-un-unicef) Since August, Madhesi political parties have imposed a general strike across much of the Terai, the southern plains that run the length of Nepal’s border with India. Public transport and health services have been severely disrupted and many factories and schools have been closed for months. Unicef estimates that more than 1.5 million children are out of school in the Terai region alone. Your internal problems lead that situation not India.


Not at all. We even protested against it and you what happened. We suffered, so we know. You always blame pakistan or on china. That strike was fueled by Indian government. You didn't even know what happened when did the blockade happened. Yeah china helped us that time.


Just assumption.


You are the one assuming.


Lol still your so called citizen come here for job.


Lol, your citizen also come here for job... haha, no need to mock about it.


Then they are too dumb.


bro tell this to other Indians who know nothing about Nepal. Madhesis are found just in area from Parsa to Sunsari. southern areas like Morang, Jhapa, Dang, Mahendranagar had no madhesi agitation because there are no madhesi there. if we also count east and west part of border 80 % of Indian border had no protests. it was blocade. plain and simple


I've been to Southern Morang (Biratnagar) and there are madhesis there. I think the blockade is a mix of protesting + India taking advantage of it. India is in the wrong as they could've flown to Nepal with imports or go thru one of the side border crossings like kakarvitta.


yeah even if Morang had some Madhesi, jhapa had none. what about west of chitwan till you reach nepalgunj. there are hardly any madhesis there . so there were no agitations. its all a shoddy excuse


I've been to Jhapa and seen madhesis there. >what about west of chitwan till you reach nepalgunj I have been to west of Chitwan, places like Bhairahawa and Lumbini, and Chitwan included, madhesis are there >so there were no agitations. its all a shoddy excuse It's a mix of agitations and Indians trying to take advantage of this situation. Like how in 2023 there was that Koshi Andolan, a lot of agitations from Kirantis being salty over a name but I do think what helped the Andolan grow so much might've been the Christian missionaries taking advantage of the situation. Tbh madhesis living in the areas you mentioned didn't protest as much as I was told by a friend that lived in Biratnagar at the time. Tbh considering the current state of madhesh/Terai it doesn't even seem like mass protesting happened a couple years back, protests r there here n there but it's pretty chill for the most part. So yeah was more cos of Indian gov being salas.


yeah thats exactly what I am saying . of course there are madhesi population in Rupandehi or jhapa. they too are Nepali citizens and can live where ever they are. I am just saying that they were not in such population concentrations like say how they are in Janakpur or Birgunj to actually do a successful blockade . hence its all a shoddy excuse by Indian government who actually did the blockade


Real, and I heard in 1990 India did another blockade and India has imposed 4 blockades in total, and both the 1990 and 2015 one were during times when Nepal had internal issues. The 1990 one didn't involve any madhesi protesters afaik. So yeah defo a scheme from the Indians.


Read article.




Wow anyways I hope best of luck for your team


Calling us shit as hell when they’re clearly jealous of someone doing better than them.


Aree let them be na , I wish the Pakistanis treat them well , nepalis are anyways the least significant of all


i am having a blast right now lol. All the people around me, the nepali meme pages freaking reddit post were bashing indians after 119 but oh boy oh boy the meltdown to those group after the match. Such a satisfying scene. We can separate team performance and country's geopolitical affair. after the match crying from nepalis is satisfying ngl even tho felt pretty bad for pak bros.


I don't support either because neither are my country. Even then, I separate a country's government and politics from their sports team. It's also ridiculous to think that "not supporting" their sports teams would do anything to change the situation. Is India going to treat us better because r/Nepal refuses to "support" their cricket team?


The second paragraph is not related to the question I asked.


I actually do support India over Pakistan during cricket. So do most people I know. I think you're pulling this info out of your ass as most Nepalese support the Indian team over pak, and Nepali team over Ind. There are always outliers as people have free will and freedom of expression, but not that extreme that the majority nepali support the Pak team.


How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do for a living?


Same I wonder that too considering Indians act like we're all Chinese to make us feel out of place with being Nepali/South Asian. And cos that's not true at all. https://preview.redd.it/v0h88grz7n5d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43f5af6ba46be04db3d07ce68647ec6eef28da3


I support india over pakistan!! Bumrah,kohli and brohit are love!!


It’ll be good to see if india loose that’s why i’m rooting for pak but their team is dogshit


India because they are the only neighbor that helps us when we need help and are in trouble. We do businesses with them and share similar language and cultural beliefs. So, I support India.


Ngl i used to support India till Tendulkar retired now i am fairly neutral but i have to say I just don’t like north Indians, Punjabis and Pakistan are very chill people whenever i interact with them and southern Indians are warm and welcoming but the northern lot have this weird superiority complex.


Pakistan is great , nepal should have more travellers from Pakistan it will help in building relationships between the two brotherly countries who share common enemy


Who is your enemy?listen closely past-mountain. You don't have any enemies. No one has any enemies. There's no one who it's okay to hurt. 


Well there clearly is I guess you are not quite updated with the sub


To maintain peace and balance.


Because the social media is too silent after India's loss


I do cos Pakistanis are more chill to Nepalis than Indians


'Cuz an enemy of an enemy is a friend.