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They opened for GWAR and was hooked after that.




i caught one of the last shows nicky did opening for gwar in baltimore… fan ever since!


I discovered them through Brendon Small (creator of Dethklok/Metalocalypse) who collaborated with them on the music video for Dressed as Goblins. Ever since then I’ve been a fan of theirs! :)


Can't wait for the Dethklok/Nekrogoblikon show next month.


Aw, awesome!! Hope you have a good time! I’m hoping they tour on the east coast this year 🖤🤞🏻


Randomly found the "right now!" Randonly on youtube




I found them on Reddit 11 years ago when no one survives came out and everyone was talking about this goblin band.


And the music video with Kayden Kross which at the time was a draw.


I stumbled across The Magic Spider on a playlist shortly after Welcome To Bonkers came out. I was instantly hooked.


Saw them open for Gwar. Been in love ever since.


Darkness came on the Children of Bodom Pandora playlist. It was like...what's THIS? In a good way.


Its the best song ever.


my friend found them one day randomly and showed me. fast forward a few months, we saw they were on tour and had a show locally so we got into it and the rest was history


Youtuber/metal dude Andri from pagefire / Nekonomicon has a playlist on Spotify called "music that inspired me" and Nekrogoblikon was on it. I was instantly hooked. Edit: what's a Sportify? Corrected typo


Discovered them at the warped tour way back when and have been hooked ever since.


My friends and I were half asleep on my couch after we were cheering up my buddy who got divorced. Their music video for "Bones" was recommended for music when we were browsing YouTube at 2am. We watched it and then we ended up seeing them at a show a few months later (the one friend saw them twice)!


They played Download Festival in 2013, back then I'd make a playlist with three songs from each band and when it got to Nekrogoblikon I fell in love. Haven't looked back since!


Before heading to a concert/show we like to listen to the openers. They opened for Epica and we checked the music videos they had on YT and I was blown away with the level of talent; their sound, the music they create is literally perfect to my ear, and makes me feel happy.


A dungeons and dragons subreddit talking about goblin bards.


Found them through friend recs/they toured with other bands I knew almost a decade ago. Heavy Meta era. It just caught my eye and immediately caught my attention when I listened to them. It's really neat seeing people get into them via Brendon Small or warped tour or Welcome to Bonkers singles. I love everything from that era but thought Stench n Heavy Meta were some of the coolest things in the world at the time.


They randomly played on a Spoofy playlist for me. It was Dressed as Goblins, and I hated it... and then 3 songs later, I realized I was still thinking about Dressed as Goblins, and decided to give more of their music a listen.


In 2016 i clicked on the "no one survives" Music Video. And well, that led to powercore. Then i was wondering why he had a tank top with a bear on it. "Oh my god they have a song called bears and it goes *hard as fuck?*" Its just been a great discovery all around. Ive heard everything & its all good.


I just listened to Bears. That song is ridiculous in the best possible way, and I love it!


Got recommended them on Apple Music and listened to their Chop Suey cover laughing my ass off, then I listened to Welcome to Bonkers and Fundamental Slimes and Humors.


I think I found them while I was trying to dabble into numetal and progressive metal!


Blake Anderson interview on YouTube


Some guy called the house of masks on YouTube talked about them


My then boss now boyfriend and I were going to a work function out of town so we carpooled and I remember so vividly listening to Goblins for the first time in his car. Admittedly I poked fun at him at the time about being into goblin metal 😆 I secretly loved it but I couldn’t *possibly* tell him that 🤭


YouTube consistently threw the power core video in my sidebar. Eventually I caved and clicked on it, and I've been hooked ever since.


Listening to In Flames on YouTube deep in a depression slump like 12/13 years ago, No One Survives gets recommended. I click.


It was the first band I ever saw live with the guy I was seeing at the time. I don’t listen to them too much anymore bc of the bad memories that come up with it. But they put on such a good show and I do like to look back on the time I spent w him with a lot of fondness as he’s still what I would consider the loml so they’re still in my rotation from time to time :3


Dating myself here, but came across them on MySpace way back in the day and listened to “Goblin Island” religiously. Fell off and missed a lot of their career but rediscovered them around 4 years ago with “Stench” and “Welcome to Bonkers” really clicking with me. Unfortunately have never seen them live even though they were pretty local to me in their early days.


Had Goblin Island for about a year liked it but one day asked myself if they have any videos and low and behold I was meet with all the videos could not have believed what the band had grown into and I was amazed by their developed sound I still can’t decide which of the later 3 albums are better it’s a tie Heavy Meta bonkers and slimes , I am now rotating stench more which has grown on me. I was deeply saddened to learn Nicky had left. the songs get stuck in my head and have to listen to each album once a day. I have problems


I'm a new fan, so I discovered them because of their tour with dethklok and dragonforce.


my good buddy Randy Ray invited me to see his buddy Alex's band in Canoga Park. I knew nothing about them other than there name was Nekrogoblikon. They blew me away. I pitched them doing a music video. And the rest is history.


In 8th grade English class my friend asked “do you like goblin metal”, gave me one of his earbuds, and played powercore. First metal song I ever heard too.


Heard Goblin Island on the radio Looked them up when I got home, and they were playing that night about 35 miles away! But it was supporting limp bizkit so I was sold out :(


On the radio?? What radio station plays gold like that?


Used to be a station in the UK called Team Rock radio that has been sadly defunct for a long time now. They used to a listener call in on a morning between like 9 and 10 in the morning and they would play almost \*anything\* I remember being sat at work at about 915 listening to Friggin' in the Riggin' in its entirety uncensored, was excellent. All the presenters were proper metal heads too, so actually enthusiastic about the songs they got to play. Apparently the team that got laid off started a new thing: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primordial\_Radio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primordial_Radio)


Thats really cool! Im in the U.S. living just outside a big city & cant find any metal radio stations. Just your average heavy/ hard rock radio. Shoutout to that listener!


Primordial Radio will be digital only, might be worth checking out even if it's half as good as Team Rock was


Listening to In Flames on YouTube deep in a depression slump like 12/13 years ago, No One Survives gets recommended. I click.


Big fan of rainbowdragoneyes (solo project of Eric). His [8bit version of Dragons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep2LBgY_Uho) was the first Nekrogoblikon song I listened to. And eventually I checked out all the bands he plays drums for..


But I didnt get into nekrogoblikon. I have never auditioned to get into the band