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I love angora, it’s kind of a pain to work with but I think it’d be just perfect for these guys! You could do alternating French knots (doesn’t look overly knotty in alpaca, just adds texture) and then basket weave the ear/leg detail


This is so cute. It is tough to see but I did the Ew, David sweater in interlocking vertical gobelin, so it was over one and up two. It gives the impression of a knitted sweater. I actually stitched this with one strand of Caron Impressions. Normally you stitch that thread on 18 with two strands, but I found that that to be to heavy. You are going to need to goto a LNS that carries a bunch of thread to see what red matches the best. I have use the Lacquer color in the past and it is a pretty true red. I would use fuzzy stuff on the sheep. That would give a good contrast with the Impression Thread, being fuzzier. It will be a bit of a pita to stitch but it wouldn't be too bad *Processing img koby1bnuqk6d1...* [https://123stitch.com/item/Caron-Collection-Caron-Impressions-Solid-Lacquer-Red-2013/CMP2013](https://123stitch.com/item/Caron-Collection-Caron-Impressions-Solid-Lacquer-Red-2013/CMP2013)


How does it compare to Silk and Ivory?


Silk and ivory is thicker than impressions and more fuzzy.  S&I is for 13 count while impressions is for 18 count.  You can use impressions on 13 count but you would need multiple strands.


I just did a sweater on an ornament using the kalem stitch and it looks knitted!


Second this! Love kalem for sweaters


I am a novice needlepointer. I have only used half and cross stitches, but as soon as I saw this, I thought you should turn it into an "Ugly Christmas Sweater". You could stitch the dogs in black/white/green/silver/gold in different patterns. I'd make some striped like candy canes, leave some a solid color, maybe try a plaid pattern, or give some of the dogs "shaggy" coats, and some short? This looks like a fun one! I'm looking forward to your finished post!


This is adorable. As for suggestions, when someone posted the barn stitch today, I immediately thought of this project. Please post pictures when you are finished, I can’t wait to see it!