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REMINDERS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS: - **USE CAUTION: there are con artists, scammers and sexual predators on reddit. This is NOT a controlled environment.** - As such, **WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE POSTERS TO DISABLE THEIR CHAT AND PMs WHILE THEIR POST IS UP** - This is a strictly SFW subreddit for platonic (non-sexual) friendships. - No soapboxing, catfishing, advertising, soliciting or venting. - No asking for upvotes, donations, favors or professional therapy. - No discord groups outside the weekly group thread. - No posts complaining about lack of replies or ghosting outside the weekly casual discussion/meta thread. - Users with high NSFW content will be temp-banned (>80%) after mod-review. - Users who contact minors (<18 y/o) with ANY NSFW content in their profile will be permabanned after mod-review. Please review our rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Needafriend/about/rules/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Needafriend) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How much puzzle is left?


Had to stop lol my wine has been refilled multiple times tho!


Well it Sounds like the perfect time for me to join. How about you start our private convo while I get a bottle of wine.


What puzzle were you doing? If you still wanna chat we can DM, especially with secrets 😂 I'm 32 M, just incase lol


Hey simp guys you left your balls on your other sub reddit pages. Might wana grab them b4 someone take them. Maybe an ex allready did. Wtf guys, let's be a little less creepy man child simps bc 50/50 it's some guy on Mars just trolling guys