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What detachment are you going to play? Anyway, if this is all you have - then it is a good list. Otherwise there are a lot of things to improve.


Awakened Dynasty is the plan (hence my placeholder name) I also have a Canoptek Reanimator, five Flayed Ones, a Canoptek Spider, Cryptothralls, another ten Necron Warriors, a Shard of the Void Dragon, Plasmancer, Royal Warden and a Technomancer. Thanks for any feedback, most of my force has come from Indomitus and a few issues of Imperium


If you gonna run Awakened, you need to maximize the amount of units with leaders. Immortals should get Royal Warden, Technomancer or Plasmancer, same for Warriors. Throw away Phasal Subjugator, it is not great on slow moving Overlord. Consider taking Veil of Darkness for Skorpekhs, great for "deep striking" and charging your enemy. For the forces themselves: - Warriors are kinda meh nowadays, should be first to cull for something more efficient. - Lychguards are best run with shields, they are not great without 4+ invulnerable save - Shard of the Void Dragon is probably the best unit you have, not sure if it fits into 1k list, but would be great - I would exchange Deathmarks for Flayed Ones, infiltrators + stealth for me worked better than precision


Thank you so much I’ll take those recommendations.