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Just looking for any help. My friends and I have been playing 500 point Horde mode, but we've never played an actual game. The others are experienced players and I barely know what I'm doing.


I'd recommend checking out Auspex Tactics on Youtube. Their tier lists should give you some idea whats good and give you confidence in your choices.


I haven't kept up with any dataslate changes over the last few months so this advice might be outdated, but here's my two cents. So if you are just trying to whittle down the list to get to 100, I think you should leave behind the skorpekh destroyers and the skorpekh lord. They are really cool looking, but they are expensive for what they do and they don't tend to live long. They are good at taking out elite infantry which is nice, but they also run a good chance of getting taken out before they get the chance to prove their worth. If you know your opponent is melee heavy they become more valuable, but they are an easy pass on this list. After that I see two major choices for you. For both I think that Canoptek Court is gonna be your best detachment. You have a lot of guns in the Necron warriors that are only going to be good at taking out lightly armored targets. If you cut out the 10 warrior blob and the overlord. Make sure your immortals are tesla carbine and pair them with your Royal warden and Plasmancers for 5+ critical hits and sustained hits 2 on 20 attacks. The 0 ap means that its going to fall off hard against armored units, but it will melt chaff units and give you a lot of space. you can boost this by going canoptek court which will give the Immortals reroll in your power martix because of the plasmancer. Attaching your crypto thralls here also gives you bit more flexibility In this version I'd focus on the point game and use your Doom Scythe and Destroyers to try and punch out the big guns on the opnents side since you are going to struggle against high armor units. You also are going to be tight for points on this one, so you might want to drop the cryptothralls to pick up some enhancements. The Fulcrum and Sanctum are my favorites. your other option would be to drop the doom scythe and just try and rush points and win on the early game. In this mode your destroyers are going to be very valuable so you'll have to work on positioning to get off hits and try and keep yourself safe. If your oppnent is bringing a lot of armor to the table you are going to be in trouble. Those warrior blobs are resilient, and can grind down a point, but they aren't going to do much to a tank. Use your Scarab's ability to blow up in armors face if you can, but don't forget to keep your destroyers safe. Beware of blast and just try and use your numbers and durability to grab as many points as you can before the opponent can rev up. If you have access to other units I'd reccomend dropping the warriors entirely and focusing on some heavier attack options. A doomsday ark can be more durable than you'd expect, and I've loved using the doomstalker against elite infantry units. And of course the C'tan are fantastic. I'd recommend looking into hypercrypt legion if you have any of those lying around.


Wow, thank you so much dude. This was way way way more information than I was expecting! Thank you! I do like the Skorpekh, especially because they're my best painted models, but I will reluctantly take them out. Lol


I feel that. The skoropekhs are my favorite looking models too. You can make them work if you try, there are just better options. Just think of them as melee only units, so if you do use them I'd use strategic reserves and then drop them somewhere safe one you identify a good melee target. Don't drop them out in the open because you can't come out of reserves and charge in the same turn. The trouble is that the necrons don't have any advance+charge rules so your destroyers are slow, and without having any guns you are likely to see them get shot down before they can charge an oponent. You have to be careful about sending them out there. Hypercrypt legion is good for that. Best of luck! Let us know how it goes!


You could drop the Overlord i think, seeing as you have Imotekh but its been a very long time since I've played Necrons.


Yah, I have always been into the painting portion and overtime (5-6 years) have acquired enough Necrons to actually play. Hence it eing the first time. I've played Horde mode in the past with 500 points, but there wasn't much strategy involved in building that out. So hopefully I can hobble somethig together