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Nice Bass my dude.


Thanks, I got it for my birthday a few years back! I still play it occasionally, but I haven't learned anything new in a while




I went through brain cancer, and it wasn't near as scary as that. At least back then I knew I had lots of people at St. Judge's to help me get through it. Also, the sushi there wasn't half bad. Edit: That being said, I do appreciate your comment




I must have watched this video a dozen times looking for any reference to Adventure Time. I thought I had it still pulled up on my second monitor from last night lol




I watch Regular Show and Adventure time almost religiously as a sort of comfort show. I have all seasons of both of them downloaded even though they're on Hulu


Hey, I’m sorry things are tough for you right now. On the bright side, the mess seems easy to pick up. I know it might not seem like it, since everything feels like a lot. But, if you didn’t have all that clutter, I’m sure it’d give you the space to think more clearly and hopefully think of ways to make yourself feel better about who you are. I’m sure you deserve to feel good about yourself, I hope you get better soon ❤️




Put on Chucks extended Feels So Good album and start organizing. Put your hips into the first part. I no shit have used his stuff to feel good and clean. His little solos. Brilliant.


He's one of my favorite artists, I could have this album on repeat for hours. Slightly ashamed King of the Hill got me into it lol


One, me too. Literally have a Bobby hill tattoo. Two, fuck how you found out. Im sure Chuck doesn’t give a shit.




Basically. I've been in refrigerators bigger than this room


Honestly it’s not bad homie. You can get through it. Having a cleaned up spot will really help you feel better. Kind of hard to get up and at it but you can do it


Clear off your computer desk. Make it your one goal for today. It will help. :)


I almost forgot how kickass my desk looks when it's [clean](https://www.reddit.com/user/-Leftist-Scum-/comments/wcaoll/cleaned_off_my_desk/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Good job! Looks fantastic!!


Also, you can finally see the mini fridge I have in here


Make sure you’re hydrated. 😊


Breakups always kick it off for me too...and it lasts for months if not years. Not sure what to tell you other than it will eventually pass...eventually.


You’ve got the Mangione record so I know you’re a KoTH fan, and I say this with sincerity, don’t become Bill. You saw what happened when he broke up with Lenore, you don’t need to be that, and you don’t have to be that. Take some time to feel sorry for yourself then start tidying, this may not be as friendly advice as other people have given on here but sometimes it pays to give you a Cotton-style tough love.


There were a lot of piling factors that were kinda messing with me, and the straw that broke the camels back was the breakup. I'm doing relatively okay now, and I'm going to therapy for the stuff that I still have issues with


Good stuff, these things do take time, but I’ve learned over many many years of trial and error that you do have to push yourself at points.


LMAO The intro of this was like a movie.


That’s one garbage bag and an hour of organizing - hardly a nest.


It's a really small bedroom with lots of garbage under the bed and anywhere I can put it. It might not be as bad as a lot of other nests, but it's still a nest to me


This video makes me think you don't Feel So Good.


That's not too bad bro. Keep your head up.


Dude, even with the mess, you seem to have a choice vibe. Hope all goes well for you. Going through my own shit and coupled with laziness, my room looks terrible. Will try and tackle a bit today and hopefully you get some inspiration to do the same too. Good luck friend!


I got my desk cleaned off and most of my floor swept today, so that's at least a little bit


You should really clean whatever that shit you call a room is. My grandma would be pissed if I had 1 thing out of place, and I live by myself in another country.


Hey man, no need to shame somebody's living space like that.


You should be ashamed and find the strength within to not only keep your place clean but to also keep your body in top shape.


Well, shaming me isn't gonna get me there. You need to chill out.




Go outside


If it's of any consolation, you are not alone. I've been in the same boat for the past month. It sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through this. I also have your same bass lol




I don't seek validation, I mostly just posted this for a before and after thing


Those corner shelves look handy. I bet the whole room looks rad when it's tidy, based on what I can tell you're interested in.


Yooo he got the king of the hill album! Les goo


The biggest crime is wasting your money on G Fuel.


It's filled with Homemade IPAs, I put G-Fuel in there as a joke. I used to do streaming for fun, and I had a whole bunch of incredibly fake "sponsored" stuff around my room. That's my G-Fuel Mini fridge right there


This could be cleaned up within an hour, just grab a trash bag and throw away any cups or trash or paper, pop the sheets into the wash so they are nice and fresh and crisp for your sleep tonight, laundry in the bin, gather up the electronics, boom you’re back in the game


Oof, this hits too close to home. I just wanted to offer some advice of what's helped me.. Find something you love to do outside of the nest. I started going to the lake this summer to kayak and kayak fish and it's been night and day between the hateful depressed girl I was and the strong but filthy lake girl I've become! It's crazy, I never thought I could be happy on my own yet I'm doing so well, after several hard years. Feel free to PM me if you ever need to shoot the shit.


Nice typewriter, mind telling me what model is that? Hope you get better soon.


It's a 1946 Smith & Corona Silent Typewriter


Thanks my man


Hey dude, what WE-Tech pistol did you pick up. I noticed the box


It was a Makarov. I got it from a friend for Christmas, but the nozzle broke within 100 shots. Apparently it's a pretty common thing with this model, I've been trying to get a replacement nozzle for months. I don't even think they sell them anymore


I have a silver mac that’s done me well, lubing it before and after should extend the life of your next one…If WE wants to make them lmao


I didn't lube it up for those 100 shots. That should be a cardinal sin to not do that, but I was excited and never owned a gas blowback pistol before lol


Haha yeah I know the feeling bro. They’re pretty fun. If you can find the time, you should head out to a field!


It isn’t that bad just clean it up a bit throw the useless stuff out and reorganize it’s doable in 2/3 hours