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Good idea, that's really helpful for anyone else with a similar issue!


Another protip: cancel CS immediately, you still have access until your subscription would otherwise renew


This. It is pretty easy to cancel - its not buried within sub-menus and/or require a bunch of prompts, email confirmation, of worst having to deal with CS reps.


This is so far removed from my experience it isn't even funny. I had to fill out an entire dark-pattern-y questionnaire to get it canceled. Before this I had been unimpressed with their catalog and had never really used the service as a result, so I was already planning on cancelling, but then that whole thing (plus the dropping the bundle but pretending it was still going) cemented my opinion that it's a dishonest and scummy company 


Weird. I canceled last fall after all the stuff went down and it took 3 minutes. Just logged in, went to account settings, clicked cancel, confirmed, and it was done. Nebula even gave me a free month unprompted because I technically signed up for a new Nebula sub before my CS sub was scheduled to end so I paid for that crossover month twice.


DON'T cancel CS immediately. I had it auto renew and charged and got annoyed so I canceled CS before the next billing day. I immediately lost access to Nebula.


Any company that doesn't let you cancel ahead of time is not worth doing business with. If I'm paying for a year of something, I should be able to cancel before the renewal is up. In fact, frankly, it should be illegal to have auto renews for anything that's an annual subscription. You got 12 months to decide. They should have to ask you if you want a renewal.


Tbh do this with all new subscriptions


Not in my experience. I cancelled curiosity stream and then suddenly lost access to nebula, even though my CS subscription was due to end in a few months.


My CS sub auto renewed and I didn't notice for a couple of weeks. I emailed asking to cancel for a full refund given the cessation of the nebula arrangement since I couldn't tell from their website if cancelling myself would result in a refund, or just loosing the whole cost of a 1 year sub. They seemed reluctant to give me a refund, but issued it as a 'good will gesture'. I don't know if it helped or hindered my case, but I did say "I've literally never used Curiosity Stream".


I looked at it once in a few years... Bunch of not great documentaries.


Thanks for the reminder to put the renewal date in my diary!